Friday, October 31, 2014

So I Am An Idiot...!!

When I woke up today, I realized I was wrong about what day it was.  Duh!  I think  I was just in a hurry to get rid of the Beast for the day.  I didn't even get rid of him last night because of the special meeting they are having on Saturday.  Forgive me for being an idiot about it being the end of the normal work week.

My poor sister, Bee, has been kind of stuck with all the problems with our brother, David.  I only hope her kids have been supportive since the rest of us are too far away to be helpful.  All we can do is wait for her emails about what is going on and the problems with trying to get him taken care of.  Love you, Bee.

I finally got my salmon patties made up and they were delicious.  They tasted a bit different than normal because the Beast bought Italian flavored bread crumbs instead of plain.  But, no matter.  They were wonderful with scalloped potatoes and peas.  I made way too much (of course!) but we are going to have them again tonight only this time with three/five cheese potatoes.  The Beast has gotten bold with the things he buys to try out....LOL!  I'm sure they will be tasty, too.  At least they are fast to make with a quick stint in the oven.  

I actually had a normal day today.  I was up during the day; I watched TV, folded some clothes, talked to my son, Mustachio and discovered I had lost the email that had my brother's phone number at the hospital where he is staying right now along with his room number.  Mustachio told me he had tried to call but got no answer so he figured his uncle was either sound asleep or out of his room for some reason.  He had misplaced the paper with the number on it (which is why I was looking for it) but he's going to talk to Bee and get that information from her himself.

It's cold here and I had to turn on my heat in my computer room.  I also had a sweatshirt on with my blue jeans, even with the heat on.  It barely hit 58 for our high.  Brrr!  We have a freeze warning on that lasts until 9am.  It's down to 41 here but very humid.  This morning it was so foggy, we could barely make out the house across the street!  When the Beast left in the car, I told him to be very careful.  Fog that thick tells you how humid it is.  It makes the cold weather feel even colder than it is.

Love you all.  NOW have a great Friday.  Drive carefully.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Plans Oft Go Astray.....

Today ended up being a hibernation day for me.  I spent a lot of time sleeping.  I have no idea why I have trouble sleeping some nights but find myself dropping off during the day.  I had plans on making salmon patties for dinner but fell asleep during the afternoon and woke up too late to really do it.  Especially since the Beast had gotten some decent hamburger buns and was willing to eat his leftover sloppy joes.  I then fell asleep after dinner...LOL.  But that's a full stomach for you!

I promised that I would definitely make the salmon patties tomorrow plus we have to pack up the lunch for the Beast's trip to Birmingham on Saturday.  I still want to make my split pea soup but will have to go to the store for some ham for it after the Beast leaves.  It is to be a surprise for him.  He will call me when he is on his way home so I can throw some rolls in the oven to enjoy with the soup then.  I like yeast rolls so they are nice and crispy on the outside when they come out of the oven.  Yum!

It's cold out tonight so I had to turn the heater on in my computer room.  The temperature outside is just 44 degrees F.  It is only supposed to go up to 60 degrees tomorrow and even colder (48F.) on Saturday.  The Beast will have to take his coat and gloves with him.  I will have to make sure he puts them in the car.  The place he is going is open to the elements where he will have to eat his lunch.  At least it was the last time he was there.  They may actually have doors to close off that area during the winter or cold weather.  I can only hope so or he will be complaining for days!

Love you all.  Hope you have a great Friday.  For many, the end of the work week.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Beast And His Rash....

Of course, the Beast has no real patience unless he thinks it will get him some kind of personal gain.  So his little shopping spree today to buy some special creams and things for his rash didn't surprise me.  He has only been wearing the t-shirts and underwear that were washed without having used the fabric softener for two days.  Did I mention that he has no rash in his *private* area?  I asked him why he thought he didn' t have a rash down there if he was allergic to the softener.  He just shrugged and said, *I don't know!*

So he goes up to the store, looking thru the drug store section for something he can use on the rash (because it itches).  He has some first aid spray and some medicated powder he's been using but he's running out of patience (as I said).    So what does he come home with?  Eczema creme, an antifungal cream and a big bottle of germ killer like you use on your hands to de-germ them.  LOL!

I asked him why in  the hell he would need eczema creme and did he actually know what it  was?  He said it was the only thing that came close to treating a topical problem and it was supposed to relieve itching and that was what he wanted.  He swears that if it doesn't help, he's going to buy some of that athlete's foot spray since that is the only other thing he can think of that might help.  I told him that going to a dermatologist would be smarter because they have access to things that are meant for skin problems that are NOT eczema...LOL.  But, like I said, he will resist that until he's exhausted all his *ideas*.

The Beast made us some of his sloppy joe today but the buns really killed the taste.  They were normal hamburger buns but they were actually *too* fresh.  They mooshed down into almost a dough-like texture.  I ended up scraping off the meat and eating it with tortilla  Those chips are good for a lot of different things.  I like to keep them in the house.

The Beast is going to Birmingham on Saturday for a one day preachathon there for his church.  They have them on occasion.  He's picking up this 70 year old woman from his church because her car isn't in good enough shape to make that trip.   He wants to pack a lunch and some refreshments to take with him so we planned what he needs to get from the store  tomorrow.  It means I will have the better part of Saturday  to myself......well, except Baron will be here.  *Sigh*  He's always a pain when the Beast is gone.  He mopes around the house, sighing and plopping down here and there.  It gets old after a bit.  I ignore him because he is only doing it for extra treats.

It looks like Dennis and Diane will be moving into their house this weekend.  They should be getting their certificate of occupancy either tomorrow or Friday.  I am so glad that all the building is over now.  Dennis almost look like he's been beat up.  I think it's taken a toll on his alread fragile health.  He keeps making jokes about being glad he got it done before he died so Diane didn't have to worry about it.  It makes me wonder how he is really feeling these days.

The weatherman originally predicted that we were going to have some nice warm days thru mid-week but, if mid-week is Wednesday, he was wrong.  Our high tomorrow is only going to be in the mid-60's.  And it goes downhill from there with the possibility of rain this weekend.  I'm thinking of making some split pea soup on Saturday while the Beast is gone so it will be ready for him when he gets home.  

He started talking about us going down to one car and I pitched a fit.  With the way he goes here and there, no, no, no.  I want my own car.  I told him that, too.  When he started talking about it reducing what we spent on insurance, I told him we will be fine if HE stops shopping like there's no end to his wish list!  He just gave me a look and ignored me.  Typical.

Love you all.  Have a great Hump Day.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Wow....We Get A Warm Spell !

For whatever reason, we have a nice warm spell going here.  It's supposed to last for a couple days.  Nice cool nights (in the 50's) and days in the mid-80's.  I'll take it!

The Princess and Gunner were here for a while today.  I fell asleep so I missed when Chewlee was here.  I know she was because I had to put her bike away.  I'm amazed she didn't try to wake me up.  She usually does.  

The family had been out camping with some friends at some place that was having an event of some sort nearby so they enjoyed the warm weather by swimming in the pool as well as the camping out part.  Even Gunner although the Princess told us all about her fight to find a way that Gunner would go to sleep.  He finally decided he wanted to be the Princess' scarf.  LOL!  Yes, he slept across her throat, which was not really comfortable for the Princess.  It's a good thing he is as small as he is!

It will get better when he is a bit older and can expend some energy.  By the time good camping weather comes around again, he should be walking, if not running!  LOL.  My kids were always tired after a day camping out.  They found a lot to do and lots to explore.  By the time we settled down after dark, everyone was tired out.  They were glad to climb into their sleeping bags and go to sleep for the night.  

Of course, most of the places we camped had lots to do and some also had swimming pools.  That was a guaranteed way to tire them out.  We had a lot of fun and there are times I miss that.  But then sanity returns and my idea of camping out is a nice motel with lots of restaurants nearby.....ROFL!

I went outside for a bit with Baron.  He had made me believe he wanted to relieve himself but he plopped down in the sun and had no intention of going any further than that spot.  So I sat outside with him for a bit and then we went back into the house to await the Beast to return from church.

He brought us back some McD's for our late lunch.  I was going to make some lasagne but put it back in the freezer and that will be our lunch tomorrow.  I had a salad for my dinner since I wasn't very hungry.  At least it didn't put me to sleep afterward.  I need to start taking my blood sugar level more than the once a day the doctor said.  I swear my BS is low after I eat and that is why I am napping as much as my staying up late to earn gems to play on my game site.  Sheesh.

The Beast has a really bad rash on his chest and under his arms.  He's had it since before we got our new washer and changed our soap.  He tried a lot of different things including a spray, some powder, even changed the soap he has been using and nothing seems to help.  I told him it looks like a contact allergy but he is resisting going  to see a dermatologist about it.  I can't force him so I guess he just has to suffer.  He will eventually break down if it doesn't get any better.

Love you all.  Have a wonderful week and I wish you all great weather for a while.  We can't hold off winter but we CAN enjoy the time before it hits us.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Slight WarmUp...And Don't Turn Your Clocks Back!

It's after 1am (prior to turning clocks back) and it's actually 59 degrees outside!  According to my Weatherbug, we should only get about 3 degrees cooler tonight!  Amazing.  My warm jammies should be enough to keep me warm tonight without a heavy comforter!

It was actually a nice day outside today.  Bright and sunny and it got up to 72 degrees, which is enjoyable.  Now if only our next door neighbor hadn't decided it was time to work on all his motor-driven vehicles.  Sheesh!  He scared the hell out of me around 10:30 at night when he started up his ATV.  At first, I thought it was the Beast out in our backyard and I wondered what the hell he was up to.  Then, when I saw he was in bed, I thought someone was stealing the John Deere!  When I turned on the yard lights and looked out back, that is when I realized our neighbor had his ATV out in HIS backyard and was working on it.  I think when he saw me open the screen door and look out, he realized how late it was to be making all the noise he was so he shut it down within about  5 minutes and it got quiet again.

Bratfink just about gave me a heart attack tonight because she told me it was the night to turn back the clocks.  I told her I was sure the news people said it was NEXT weekend but she said she had Googled it.  Now, you have to understand that Bratfink is the Queen of Googlers and she is almost never wrong.  I only say that because she WAS wrong tonight.  It's next weekend, just like the news people said.  But I have three clocks I have to turn ahead now.  *Sigh*

The Beast told me today that he is feeling a bit better and he plans on going to church tomorrow.  Hurrah!  At least he will be out from under my feet for a couple hours.  The Princess wants to use my sewing machine tomorrow or Monday to hem some pants for Johnnycakes.  I guess I will take it out of my closet and get it ready for her.   I need to make sure she has the right color bobbin.  I should probably call her so I can go ahead and get it's a bit of a pain to thread up right.

Well, love you all.  I wish you a great Sunday and a fantastic week ahead.  Have some fun.  ***Hugs***

Friday, October 24, 2014

Another Cold Day And The Beast Gets His New Camera Lens....

I spent the day huddling in my computer room because it's easy to keep warm with my little heater.  Our high was only 62 even with the sun shining.  It was a bit on the windy side for me although it DOES get much windier here.  I watch the dogwood tree outside my window to tell how windy it is without having to consult my Weatherbug.

I had some Italian bread toast for my breakfast since I wasn't really hungry.  The Beast had bought a fresh load of sliced Italian bread.  I also had just a little bit of apricot jelly on one slice.  My indulgence for the day.

The Beast sent for a new lens for taking scenery pictures and it arrived today.  It's not as good as his old one that he ruined the lens coating on.  He tried to get it fixed but found out that particular lens had been discontinued a couple years ago and there were no longer any parts available for it.  To make up for the money he spent on the new lens, he sent a couple of lenses he never uses but were very expensive when he bought them to a place in New York that said they would buy them.  He found out they were still available.  He won't make anywhere near what they will probably be sold for but it should compensate for what he spent on this new lens.

He put it all together along with a lens filter and a lens shade and then went out to try the lens out.  It turns out it is excellent and very sharp.  You want the lens to be sharp when you are taking pictures of scenery of any sort.  He put it on Photo Shop to check out how sharp it was and was very satisfied.  I'm afraid to look at what he spent for it but we only have one big bill that will not be due until December (property taxes).  

I think I told you that my girlfriend, Carol from California, bought me some new warm pajamas as a surprise.  I love them!  They truly are warm and very comfortable.  She was only guessing at my size but they are perfect.  But, after going through all the pajamas that still fit me (I've lost over 20lbs since last winter), I realized that I need to get a few more.  I will have to check and find out if I can afford to do that when I get up the nerve to check and see how much money we have left in our account....LOL!  

Well, it's down to 46 degrees and the temperature is still dropping.  It's dropped two degrees since I started this blog.  Brrr!  Love you all.  Stay warm and have a great weekend.  ***Hugs***

This Getting Up At 2am Is A Killer....

I play on a site called Vegas World, which is kind of neat.  But, like many sites, they have a way they try to get $$ out of you.  They offer a VIP upgrade (the site is free to all) that brings them cash and then they also have charms that you can buy that give you a certain amount of extra coins as you play.  Many of the charms are cheap as far as that goes's the kicker....they cost gems to buy and/or activate.  

You can buy these gems and the higher the price on the charms, the longer they last.  They also have various *parties* and these also cost gems (unless someone sends you a pass for that particular kind of party).  You can buy gems OR you can earn them for free.  However, this means you have to watch various videos offered by different sponsors.

Bratfink and I found one that pays out 3 gems per video (trust me, that is better than the others).  She has cable, which means she has unlimited access to the internet.  I have satellite.  It offers me 15 GB's per month for 8am until 2am.  Then we get a bonus 15GB's for the time from 2am until 8am.

If I don't do vids, which eat up those GB's, during the day, it's okay.  They actually last the Beast and I for the month.  But, if I do vids to earn gems, WOW!  Does that eat them GB's up!  So, I have had to go to sleep early and wake up late at night in order to earn those damn gems for free so I can go to some of these parties that give me loads of charms.  Some parties are better than others, of course.  You would have to play on VW in order to understand but for each one charm you pay to go to a party, you get 25 back.  They can really add up and that helps you to build a nice coin base.

With that coin base, you can dress up your *avatar* or even send gifts of various costumes to friends.  I've found it to be fun and mostly enjoy using my coins that way when the mood strikes me.  I usually stay up just long enough to earn a little over 100 gems at a time each night.  That takes up around 2 hours for me if I don't push it.  If I had cable, it would go faster for me.  My satellite can suck at times so reloading after each vid can take more time than usual.  Oh well.  At least they are free...LOL.

Last night, instead of doing vids, I went to two parties.  One with Bratfink, another with a different friend a half hour after Bratfink signed off for the night.  Then I lost my internet.  I stayed up for about a half hour (it WAS very overcast but we didn't get any rain) to see if I would get it back and finally faded and went to sleep.  I couldn't do my blog even so that is why I am doing this now.

Love you all.  It's cold out.  It's only 46 degrees and the sun is shining!  I doubt it will get much warmer than 60, watch and see!  Be good.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I Am SO Not Ready For This Weather.....

The title of this blog kind of says it all.  I am walking around the house (with the heat on, mind you!) in warm jammies AND with a warm robe on.  When the house gets toasty, then I put on warm fleece pants and a sweat shirt.  Plus I have a nice thick pair of socks on my feet and my bootie slippers.  I really do NOT like cold weather and this isn't even winter.

Lots of little  pieces of news.  Mustachio is moved into his new apartment finally.  He took his time and moved in slowly until there was only the furniture to move and last minute items from the kitchen and bathroom.  He hired two guys from a halfway house he knows and they moved the big (heavy) stuff for him.  He gave them both $50 for a little over 2 hours work so it was well worth their while.  He was upset though that his fish pretty much died of shock from the move.  Even though he tried hard to make it easy on them with careful planning.  However, he is going to clean the tank and rocks, fill it with water and adjust the pH and other factors and get more fish after the tank sits for a week or so.  Since he really enjoyed having the fish, I'm glad he isn't discouraged.

They moved my brother to the other hospital so he can start  his PT and regain his strength.  I gather he is going to go through the 30 day inpatient rehab program and will then go home.  My sister is checking into programs for aides for him when he does go home since the doctor says he will need supervision.  I'm just glad he only seems to be suffering from short term memory losses and physical weakness.  He could have died on us. 

I found out my other son, Marcus, is in New Orleans.  Apparently, this is job related but he intends to do some damage to himself while enjoying his stay there.  I forget that he has never been there at all.  I was there years ago (pre-Katrina) and really loved the food, the entertainment and, of course, the drinks....LOL!  The Beast got really hammered there and had the worst hangover of his life, I think.  It was the Hurricane punches that did it.  The night club had a two punch limit per person  but there were four of us.  The cousins wife and I had one each and the two guys drank our second ones (so they both had three!).  The cousin was fine but the Beast was not a drinker back then.  He suffered.  ROFLMAO!    He didn't suffer enough to make him quit drinking (dammit!) but that was out of my hands.  I hope my son doesn't run across the Hurricane punches.  Although there are like 5 different liquors in them, they sure don't taste that way...until the next day....and sometimes, on the way home.  LOL!

I spent the day doing wash and folding clothes.   I only took one nap and spent part of the day playing my game again.  That damn game is addicting.  I keep trying to beat my scores.  I HAVE finished the game something like 20 times already.  I really need a new game, I think...LOL.

I woke up a bit ago to go to the bathroom and realized I didn't do my blog for the day.  Hence, this. It's cold outside (40 degrees F.) but the humidity is high (83%).  That makes it feel even colder.  Yuk!  Plus Weatherbug says it is only going to get up to about 63 for our high...IF it doesn't get overcast.  I hope not.  I would like to be able to see the partial sun eclipse right around sundown.  Well, whatever will be, will be.

Love you all.  Hope you have a great day.  ***Hugs***  Back to bed for me now..

Monday, October 20, 2014

Chewlee's Sleepover....

The only problem I have with a sleepover with Chewlee is that she always wants to act like we are camping out.  I build a bed of sorts on the floor for the two of us.  My problem is that the floor and the bed I make up are too hard for these old hips of mine.  I end up in my recliner.  And you can count on it, shortly after I make the move, Chewlee is in it with me, cuddled in my arms.  I love it but it does NOT make for comfortable sleeping...LOL.

When she wakes up, and it's always early, that is when I can finally get some good sleep.  I turn on the TV to something she will watch and try to get enough sleep for me to wake up.  Today the Beast took her and Baron down to the lake so he could take some pictures of her.  He managed to get one that we both liked.  She has just the right smile on her face that it hides the fact that her two front teeth are missing.  She pointed out to me the fact that her new teeth are coming in already.  

When the Princess came to pick up Chewlee, she handed me Gunner, which was fine until he looked around and his mother wasn't there.  Then he started to wail!  He is definitely a momma's boy right now.  I can't blame him.  He is just miserable with teething pain.  But he is still so darn cute.

After they left, I had to take my shower and the Beast made me some oatmeal since I hadn't eaten anything.  There are times that something as simple as oatmeal tastes just wonderful and today was that day!  Later on, we ate some of the Beast's favorite sweet/sour chicken.  I have to admit, he's got that down  well.  It's very good.  Especially since he's remembered it's pineapple tidbits he needs to add....LOL!

I've been watching documentaries about the birth of different islands due to undersea volcanoes.  What totally amazes me is how they end up with trees and all kinds of growth.  And to think it's due to bird's defecating the seeds onto the islands.  Amazing!

I don't know what the weather is like by you but it's been cold here.  Not quite winter yet but, damn!  I am not ready for winter.  Are you?

Love you all.  Stay warm and drive carefully.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chewlee Has A Sleepover!

It was so cool that Chewlee, the Princess and baby Gunner came by this afternoon.  I wasn't expecting them at all and was just relaxing in my recliner, watching TV.  Chewlee came right in, carrying two baskets filled with her stuff and announced she was spending the night!  I just had to laugh but the Princess was right behind her, carrying Gunner, and I said, *No school tomorrow?*  And I guess there is no school for the next two days!  But Chewlee only gets to stay tonight.

Gunner is teething and drooling like a fiend.  But he was so damn cute, even so.  I got to hold him and I tickled him a little.  He laughs so cute.  It's a full-body laugh and sounds so adorable.  The Beast took a picture of him that I am going to share.  Here it is....


Isn't he just the cutest little thing?  Of course, he's happiest when Mommy is holding him but I think he likes my voice.  He gets a big smile on his face when I talk to him.

Chewlee and the Beast took a ride up  to Taco Bell to buy some things to eat for us.  Chewlee wanted a Dorito taco (the shell is made from Dorito's) and she ate every bit of it.  She told me her mother had her try one and she found out she liked them.  The Beast ordered one of his burrittos that he likes and I just had regular tacos.  I actually like them once in a while with hot sauce.  

Chewlee watched a couple cartoon movies that were on TV before I made her fix her bed and lay down.  She fought and fought against going to sleep and even told me that she was used to going to bed at 8pm.  She finally crawled up with me and fell sound asleep within about two minutes!  Go figure.  But it made me think of when she was little and I used to rock her to sleep.

I promised her we would play this one game on Pogo that she likes to play with me...actually, she is better at it than I

Oh, some good  news about my brother.  His mind was clearer today than it has been all week (but still not as good as it needs to be).  He even ordered his own breakfast for a change and told my sister, Bee, that he had a taste for this particular brand of butter pecan ice cream.  The only place she  knew of that had that particular brand was too far away but she decided she would buy him a good brand at the local Kroger.  Lo and behold!  It turned out that Kroger has apparently been carrying that brand and had one pint of the butter pecan.  My brother ate it all!  

He does realize now that he is weaker than he thinks he is and the doctor also made sure he realizes that he will not be able to be at home alone.  He has to go through the 30 day rehab program and also the PT program to regain his strength.  It just makes us all feel so much better that he seems to know what is going on now.  At least, somewhat.  Thank you, Bee.  I know this had to be hard on you.  Wish we could have been there for at least moral support.

Well, I just recovered Chewlee up and I am going to curl up next to her.  Love you all.  Keep warm and try to have a good week.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Don't You Just Hate Power Failures?

Today was not a great day for satellite internet.  Not that we had a lot of was very scattered.  But sometimes the overcast is thick enough it  interferes.  So I played a lot of my Jewel Quest game and took a couple naps when nothing was interesting on TV.

However, it just seemed like we got our internet back when...BOOM!  A power failure.   Thankfully, both the Beast and I had flashlights handy and then he clicked the solar on for the light in the dining area.  I had already lit a candle in my computer room and that was enough.  I tried calling our power company but got a recorded message that the power failure was widespread and the crews were already out and working on the problem.  Oh well.  I laid down for a bit, knowing the lights that had been on would wake me when the power was restored.  

Sure enough, a little over an hour later, that's exactly what happened.  I got up, turned off the lights everywhere but over the sink and returned to my computer room.  The Beast was asleep and was just slightly disturbed when the bedroom light came on.  But I was awake so I decided to get my blog done a.s.a.p.  Poor Bratfink!  We had been talking online when we lost power and, although she knew I  was having internet problems, I knew it would still be a shock that I was gone so quickly.

I have to check tomorrow to see when I can get my flu shot at  Walmart.  The Beast says it won't be until Monday but he never got a time frame.  He just doesn't think at times.  I hope he goes to his church meeting.  First, it will mean he's feeling better and second, it will get him out of my hair for a bit.  

Love you all.  Have a great Sunday.  Eat well.  Drive carefully.  Tell someone you love that you love them.  It may make their day.  *Wink*   ***Hugs***

Friday, October 17, 2014

More News About Brother David....

Poor Sister Bee....she is stuck with all the worry about our brother, David.  He kept trying to get out of bed last night so the hospital had to put him in restraints.  When she woke him so he could eat his breakfast, he was totally puzzled about where he was.  He had no memory of what happened.  The nurse asked him if he knew my sister (he did) and even remembered her name.  However, when my nephew and his wife came by a little while later, Bee was gone for a few minutes.  They asked David if she had been there yet and he said *no*.  So, he is definitely having a bad problem with awareness.  It looks like his short term memory is shot.

The PT guy came in to evaluate him and said they would definitely take him into their program to help him regain strength.  He has a hard time moving around even WITH assistance.  He is very weak.  They have to move him into another hospital (still in the same town) for the PT program.  The doctor thinks he will need a nursing home for a couple months.

Later, my sister got a call at  home that David had, even with restraints, managed to get out of bed and, of course, he fell.  Luckily, he was not injured but they got the doctor to let them get a sitter for him to stay in his room overnight.  It's really very, very sad.  My brother was always fun.  I somehow doubt that he even remembers what fun is right now.  I also doubt he will recover his memory like we hope he might.

*Sigh*  Good news/bad news/sad news.  I love my brother dearly.  I hate to see this happen to him but I know he is lonely since his wife died so unexpectedly.  He just hasn't been the same.  He tried but the booze got to him....badly.  Shot and a beer.....shot and a beer.  It is what will probably end up killing him sooner or later.  If it doesn't do it in the near future.  We all know he will be back on the booze as soon as he is able to get around.

The Beast went to the doctor today and, would you believe it?  He never told the doctor about his recurring headaches.  Instead, he told him about how his chest hurt him and his throat.  When the doctor was entering information in his laptop, he stopped suddenly and said he could hear the Beast wheezing.  Now the Beast has an appointment with a pulmonary doctor a week from Monday.  He wants to try to find some Vicks lozenges for his sore throat but has never been able ot find them at our Walmart.  I suggested he go to Walgreen's but the logistics made him decide not to go least not tomorrow since he wants his two new prescriptions to be filled at our Walmart.  I guess he will stop at Walgreens the next time he goes to the Walmart in Boaz.

It really turned out to be a nice day today.  It never got too hot because of the nice breeze we had.  Other than going to the doctor, the only things the Beast did outside was to feed the birds more bread and then he took Baron for his run around the circle.  That was it.  Not that it mattered to me.  A lot of what he does is just*busy* work.  Just something he does in order to feel useful.  And sometimes, he moves things and then forgets where he put them.  *Sigh*

Oh well!  Love you all.  Hope you had a fantastic Friday and an even better weekend!  ***Hugs***

What Is It With Old Men?

I have no idea why except that it seems to infect old men but the Beast just HAD to get a bird feeder now.  He has noticed birds in the backyard pecking at the ground and decided he wanted to encourage them (and feed them!).  He's even started laying out bread to dry every day then throwing it out in the yard in pieces.  His one uncle in Florida did the same darn thing and it puzzled his aunt, too.  He (and the Beast) had never shown any interest in birds before that time.  It must be a *man thing*.  LOL!

Encouraging news about my brother...sort of.  His EEG and MRI showed the two seizures he had did not injure his brain.  It was not caused by a stroke either or there would have been damage.  It doesn't rule out dementia, however, since that cannot be detected by either test.

They've been keeping him lightly sedated to prevent him from leaving the bed and falling since he is still disoriented.  They will probably stop that tonight since he is having a psych evaluation tomorrow (today) to see if he needs to be kept in the hospital for further psych care and/or if he is suffering from dementia.  My poor sister, Bee, is going to have to find him some help when he goes home (if he won't agree to the 30 day inpatient rehab program the doctor wants him to attend).  I somehow don't think he will agree to that since he really doesn't  think he can't control himself.  It's a man thing.  Just like they don't think they need to take pills.  I think that's why we women live longer than men.  We take our pills and watch our diets (most of the  We WANT to live.  Men just think they have to *tough things out*.

My son, Mustachio, is angry with me for things that happened many, many years ago.  When he was young.  He has this problem with *letting things go* and not reliving them in his mind.  We are not the same people and we have more knowledge about life and people now.  But I told him if he can't forget, then he should just not have anything to do with me.  I wouldn't do any of the things he thinks I would even now with the way I feel about certain things.  I hope he decides that I am NOT that  person and we continue our friendship.  Otherwise, I have no idea what to do.  He's being unreasonable right now and unjust.

The Beast has a doctor's appointment in a few hours.  He hasn't been well for almost two weeks now.  He's been complaining of a headache that comes and goes.  It's bad enough that nothing works to relieve it for him.  That worries me since he was suffering from chronic headaches just before he had his first stroke.  I think it was a warning sign.  He just won't stop playing around with taking his pills like he's supposed to.  I told him if he had another stroke, I would put him in a nursing home (and I really mean it!).  He was a really nasty patient when he was recovering.  That's when his doctor nicknamed him *The Beast*.  I put up with it then but I won't do it a second time.  I DO have feelings.  But I have no idea what the doctor will do for what's bothering him.  I don't think you can detect an impending stroke except via high blood pressure.  Those are the pills he *plays around* with.

Since he hasn't attended church for almost two weeks now, it tells me that he really hasn't been feeling well.  He doesn't usually miss any of those meetings.  When he feels well, he spends money.  I hate the fact that the headaches stop for any length of time.  That gives him a false sense of recovering and the opportunity to *shop*.  He has a bunch of coupons here that he hasn't gone through yet and that makes him feel like he is *going to take advantage of savings* to compensate for all he spends.  However, unless *I* go through them and hand them to him when he goes out the door, he never uses them.  Oh well.  

It's 45 degrees here right now.  It almost feels like winter is just around the corner because of the humidity.  I have a bunch of clothes that need washing since it's cooled down.  Some of the clothes I haven't worn for several months so they need washing to freshen them up.  They've been hanging out in the cottage and they smell weird.  There's nothing to control the humidity out there except the crystals the Beast gets once in a while.  When he remembers to check to see if they need replacing, that is.  It's supposed to be sunny and around 77 today.  If so, it will be pleasant outside.  I'm looking forward to that since I really want to go over and see everything in Dennis and Diane's house now that they are preparing to move into it.  As soon as all the furniture arrives that is.  LOL!  

Love you all.  Have a fantastic Friday.  Drive carefully.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Nice Day But Cool...

I was up early because I didn't sleep well since I was worried about my brother.  It was very cool outside but thank goodness we had SUN!!!  No rain today.  It went up to the New York/New England area.

The Beast and I decided we would get our shots sometime tomorrow since the pharmacy has someone there all day to give out the shots.  The Beast was fooling around with his camera partly because the Princess wants to learn how to take some good pictures.  She is thinking of trying to make some money that way.  I'm sure she could but she really has no idea what it would take as far as costs go.  The Beast and I almost started doing weddings because we could print up the pictures then and there but he had his strokes shortly after we had discussed it.

Nowadays the photographers actually sell disks with all the wedding pictures on it and the people can have the ones printed up that they want.  All the photographer has to worry about is the large portrait of the bride and then the couple after they are married.  Those are specialty items and are only done if the couple wants them.

Anyway, he was trying different things with his special umbrella that is used to light up areas of the face so there are no harsh shadows.  I didn't even dress for it since he was only testing it in the house and then out front.  He had no intention of printing them up.  He just wanted to check it out on Photo Shop.

We made up a nice dinner.  Stuffed filet of sole (stuffed with crab and scallops), stuffed baked potatoes and we also had a Southwestern salad.  That was a disappointment because it was a kit the Beast had bought and there was too much cabbage in it.  It would have been great for a slaw but was supposed to be a salad.....which implies lettuce.  There was SOME in it but not enough.  I thought cabbage was higher priced than lettuce.  If there had been more lettuce in the mix, it would have been really tasty.  The dressing and the other things in the mix was great and a bit on the spicy side.  We happen to like that.

The Beast bought a package of Toll House cookies that were ready to be baked and he took them out too soon.  They weren't completely baked and fell apart.  I had such a taste for them but what I ate gave me a stomach ache.  I probably won' be able to look at one for a while now.  

It's going to be another cool day tomorrow.  We are supposed to only get up to the mid-60's but it will be clear and sunny at least.  I can go for that.  Love you all and I wish you a great day, wherever you are.  ***Hugs***

I Need To Stop Watching These Programs...!

I have really tried to understand addiction to drugs and alcohol.  Not too many documentaries are on about alcohol addiction but there are lots on various drug addictions.  I think we have all known someone who is an alcoholic, whether functioning or non-functioning but my real concern is trying to understand how someone can choose drugs over family and friends.  

My reason is simple.  I had a beautiful daughter.  At least she WAS beautiful but looking at her mug shots in recent years shows how that has changed.  She chose crack over everyone and everything that was normal and decent .  She stole from everyone to support her habit.  She even started turning tricks, as they are called,  but that came after we were finally forced to use tough love in a last ditch effort to try to get her to clean up her life.

I give her credit for one thing only....and that is the fact that she stayed off drugs while she was pregnant with her daughter.  However, she came to live with us at home while she was so we could help keep her off them.  But, it wasn't even a couple weeks before she was back on her drugs and I was raising a grandchild.  Don't get me wrong....I loved it but it was so damn sad that I had to.  We hoped that the baby would make her WANT to clean herself up.  We gave her multiple chances over several years to do so.  She had friends that tried to help out.....friends that had even been through the same problems and straightened out their lives.  But it wasn't *exciting* enough, I guess.  She seemed at times to want to make the effort but that was just to deceive us.  I don't even want to know all the details of what she put her poor daughter through but we ended up eventually getting custody of the granddaughter and, later on, after there was no longer any hope, we adopted the granddaughter in order to make sure her mother had no legal recourse to her.  

Since her mother had been arrested so often, we got her to sign the agreement to forego custody because we could afford a court battle, if necessary but she knew she would lose.  Her daughter, who is now a mother herself, would probably put a bullet in her mother rather than see her have anything to do with either of her children.  Hell, I would myself!   And I doubt any court would convict us.

Anyway, because I just can't imagine why drugs have the attraction that they do, I watch these documentaries because I would like it to make some kind of sense to me.  Instead, all it does is make me cry for other families like ours that is missing someone that should be a part of their lives.  I've watched stories about crack, methamphetamines, cocoaine...nothing really explains it.  I know that some people have what is called an *addictive* personality or a genetic predisposition to drugs and/or alcohol.  Okay.  I can understand how that can be...intellectually.  But, as a mother, it just breaks my heart.  I know my other children hate to think of their sister as lost forever but I know at the age she is now, it IS forever.    She is now 47-1/2 years old.

Her brothers and sister have all attempted to get her to agree to clean up by offering her both help AND a place to stay that was well away from her haunts.  A girlfriend's wealthy father offered to send her to the Ritz of Rehabs and then give her a cabin to stay in on a big piece of property he owned (her girlfriend lived in another building on the same property).  She refused all offers.  Each and every time.  

I look at her daughter's children and all I can think of is that she is missing out on what makes life worth living.  It's just so sad.  I end up crying, each and every time and tonight I decided that I have had enough of this.  I am no longer going to watch another program.  Enough is enough!

I do know that the only reason I am still married to the Beast is because he had two strokes over 10 years ago.  He was a functional alcoholic before that happened.  And he was a nasty one.  I was gathering financial information about our air conditioning company, bank accounts, business creditors, and all the business and personal assets to take to an attorney I had consulted after the final straw when he had hit me so hard that my head had cracked the wall in our kitchen.  It was shortly afterward that he had his first (big) stroke.  I won't go into how tough it was to be his care giver when he had actually made me stop loving him but, God is good!  The two strokes he suffered left him brain impaired enough in that area that governed his drinking ability that he was and still is not able to drink any more.  He becomes dizzy and nauseous if he even takes a sip.  See?  There truly IS a case you had any doubts.

About two years ago, he *got religion*.  I think it was actually fueled more by his fear of dying than any real belief in God because I heard him many times state that he didn't believe in God for this reason or that.  I always have and always will for my own reasons but I am at least grateful that he doesn't try to get me to come to his church with him.  I think he knows better than to even try for fear I will tell him exactly what I think of his *conversion*.  But, it makes me wonder if my daughter didn' t have a predisposition to addiction from HIS side of the family even more than from the Irish side of MY family.  Yes, we have THAT going for us but not as much as some families that I know.  It's just scary to think about.

Well, it's late and I am tired.  I have another subject to worry about but just can't speak of it yet.  I love you all.  Say a little prayer for my younger brother who had a grande mal seizure today and damn near died.  Stay warm and be good.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Scary Night For Many States...Ours Included!

If you watched the weather today (Monday), I'm sure you've seen the stretch of weather that is going to be plaguing about half the country for the next few days.  We had several tornadoes here in Alabama but only one casualty when a huge tree fell on a mobile home in Dora, Alabama.  At least, that's so far.  I just heard there is another tornado somewhere around the Tuscaloosa area.  Say a little prayer for them.  They still are not over the devastation from the 2011 tornado that hit the town during the big outbreak of tornadoes that spring.  

Here near us, we were just hit by some high winds and lots and lots of rain.  They say we got more than 3 inches of it and there is some danger of flash flooding in areas around us.  I just know that we didn't have internet or TV for several hours so I just went to sleep with one ear open for the tornado sirens (so you know how well I was actually sleeping) since the weather channel said our alert would last until 6am.  However, when I turned it on just a few minutes ago, radar showed the storms had passed our area.  Well, the severe storms had anyway.

I was really torn between keeping my pj's on or putting on regular clothes just in case.  I decided to leave my jammies on since they were warm and they covered me just as well as regular clothes would.  If I got wet, I got wet.  Regular clothes would too.  I put my shoes close to where I was sleeping (and packed up my boots along with my pills and purse).  I know my priorities....LOL!

The Beast just went to bed as normal once the TV went out and trusted me to be the one to worry AND wake him if the sirens went off.  So he got a decent nights sleep but I will be yawning all day long.  I decided that I am going to go get my flu shot tomorrow at wherever they are being given.  I will probably try Walgreens because of their *Get A Shot, Give A Shot* program.  The cost is the same.

Well, I am going to try to get at least a couple hours GOOD sleep now that the weather seems to have settled down here.  Love you all.  Please be careful and be safe.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Scary Storms Roll In......

We had a whole day of nothing but rain, sometimes really hard rain, plus lightning and boomers that made you jump!  The boomers were closeby, which is why I sometimes almost felt my heart stop.  It was scary.

Of course, it also meant that our TV was on again, off again when the rain was hardest.  Ditto our Internet.  The Beast didn't even go to church, which I teased him about since he went to a party they had yesterday.  I said, *Oh...too much partying, huh?  That'll teach you to lay off the booze!*  They didn't have any booze, I'm sure.  If they did, it was more than likely wine coolers or something on that order.  Not that it matters.  The Beast can't drink since he had his strokes.  One sip and he gets so dizzy and nauseous that he has to lay down until it passes.  

I consider it God's form of justice.  He was quite the boozer prior to his strokes and he was a very nasty drunk.  I won't go into it specifically but the fact that he can no longer drink is actually the only reason we are still together. *Wink*

It rained so hard at one point that we couldn't see the huge pine tree just a few feet out from our front porch!  It's been like that all day long.  Not that it rained steadily.  It would stop raining for a bit then suddenly start pouring again.  I have no idea how much rain we've gotten for the day so far but I would think it was somewhere around 3 inches at least.

Poor Baron was going crazy with needing to go outside to do  his business but he hates getting wet.  He haunted the storm door until the rain stopped and then the Beast would let him out.  He'd run down the stairs, find himself a suitable spot, pee and run back to the house.  You could tell he wasn't taking any chances on some of that wet stuff falling on him!  LOL!  It was drizzling a bit when the Beast decided to go to bed but Baron ran down the stairs and was back in the house within two minutes flat.  He's set for the night now.  The Beast does not go to bed without Baron going at the same time.  He truly is *man's best friend*.  There are nights when Baron is tired and he starts this one type of bark where he's trying to get the Beast to go to bed NOW!  We laugh at him when he starts that.  Eventually, he will give up, go lay down on his cushion but he points his nose at the Beast and just stares at him.

More of the same type of weather tomorrow and even on Tuesday.  **Sigh**  It actually looks like each day will be worse than today was.  We will just have to wait and see what the weather gods have in store for us all.  It looks like the weather all over is just going to be a mess.

Love you all.  Try to have a great week.  Drive very carefully.  The life you save may be your own!  ***Hugs***

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Surprise!

It was just a normal day around here today.  The Beast was getting ready to go to a party that was sponsored by his church.  It was a party to welcome some people who moved down here from Canada, of all places.  He said it was a nice party.  I told him I was glad he enjoyed it.

Since we are running so low on our allotted time on the Internet, I spent the day pretty much watching TV and playing my Jewel Quest game.  I know why it got so low...I was watching videos to earn gems to spend on Vegas World parties.  Sigh!  Unless I want to go back to staying up waaaaay after 2am, I guess doing that is out for me.  I sure wish we had cable around here but we are too rural for them to bother and not enough houses.  Oh  well.

I got a package today from, of all places, Macy's!  I have never bought anything from there so I was glad that my friend Carol had told me to expect a package from her.  It is a nice pair of warm, pink pajamas.  LOL!  She is such a nut.  But I sure needed more warm pajamas so I am very grateful for them.  And they fit nicely, which she will be glad to hear since she was just guessing at my size from a picture of me and Chewlee she was sent.  But she did ask me a couple of questions the other day that only now make sense.

The Beast just got up to make himself a cup of hot chocolate.  That's his drink when he can't sleep.  I actually think he could sleep if Baron would stop passing's just awful.  I hope he's done with that when I finally go to bed.

I have to take a shower.  It was warm in the house and I didn't want to turn on the AC so I just stayed warm and did some sweating, unfortunately.  Now it's nice and cool outside so I can take my shower and sleep comfortably. 

Love you all.  Hope you have a fun Sunday and spend it with people you love.  ***Hugs***

Friday, October 10, 2014

Some Things Are Just Better The Second Day....

I mentioned that the Beast had made spaghetti and meatballs yesterday.  Well, it's what I had for my dinner tonight.  Know what?  It was absolutely wonderful!  All the flavors were in the spaghetti itself and it tasted amazing.  I also had the Italian bread with just some butter on it.  The perfect meal.

The Beast bought this stuff that calls itself *shredded salad* and it looks like cole slaw (without the dressing) but it was a shock to me to discover that it really IS shredded salad.  It makes it really easy to have salad that you can easily digest.  Plus, a little goes a long way.  He bought some so-so blue cheese dressing for it but I tasted it first and used my ranch on it instead.  I'm sorry but blue cheese dressing should have blue cheese in it.  It shouldn't be creamy like mayonnaise.  

It was very warm here today.  It got to be 88 degrees outside and it was humid.  Very uncomfortable but I spent a lot of the day just watching TV with my foot up.  It still gets a bit swollen but the doctor did tell me it would take time.  I seem to remember the other leg taking almost a year to stop swelling on me but I don't trust my memory much these days....LOL!  At least I healed better and faster with this surgery.

I can't believe the week went by so fast.  It's hard to believe that it's Friday (early morning for me) already.  I think I will go over tomorrow and check out Diane and Dennis' house tomorrow.  They are starting to get furniture and get the house ready for them to move into.  They are going to feel like they have a palace after living in that RV for over 6 years.  Even with the push-outs, you felt like you were living in a small trailer.  At least, that's how it struck me the couple of times we visited them when they were here in Alabama.  

I could use one to travel in but not to live in all the time.  They don't make one big enough for me not to eventually get claustrophobic.  LOL!

Love you all.   Another hot, wet day tomorrow.  They say we will be getting some storms so it won't be a fun day.  Guess I will do some wash.  Have a great Friday and plan something fun for the weekend.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Freaky Weather Ahead!

What the hell is going on?  We just get adjusted to Fall weather and now the Weatherman says we will be having SUMMER weather for the next several days.  Just great!  The Beast will be miserable because we put away the window AC units.  With the temperatures coasting around 90 or so, it will be muggy in here because of the rain we've had the last couple days.  

Oh....and it will also be bring scattered thundershowers, too!  Now, you have to understand that *I* love the hot weather....and don't mind the humidity too much as long as  it's not TOO high.  It's been raining (again) tonight so we have 100%  humidity going for us but it's not uncomfortable for me in my computer room.  It's nighttime so I'm not dealing with heat, too.  Oh well...que sera, sera!

The Beast made meatballs and spaghetti tonight for our dinner and he found some incredibly fresh Italian bread that he had sliced.  It was both delicious and filling.  But, when I went out into the area of the kitchen where he had the spaghetti, I had to laugh.  He made enough to feed a decent sized family.  I told him that I hoped Sheepie and/or the Princess stopped by to pick some up.  I think, at first , that I hurt his feelings.  He thought I didn't like the spaghetti and wanted to give it away.  But I cleared that up with him as I dug in and got myself a second helping.  I didn't really want a lot.  I wanted another meatball....LOL!  Don't worry...they were small so I wasn't over-indulging.  

I discovered that when I play my Jewel Quest game, I really lose track of time.  I can spend four hours or more and not feel like more than an hour or so has passed.  It's really strange but you get so involved moving the darn jewels around and trying to solve some of the other problems.  It's not like the jewel game that is so  popular on the Internet.  This involves a lot more than just moving jewels around it.  But you will have to try it for yourself in order to find out what I mean.

Mustachio went back to work yesterday (Wednesday) and I haven't seen him online so I think he came home exhausted and probably took a nap.  He's been used to getting up every day at the crack of Noon so this is going to be tough on him until he gets back into a decent routine.

I have been watching Marcus' face book page to see if he comments about HIS NEW job but nothing so far.  I'm very curious to find out how he feels about it so far.  Perhaps this weekend he will comment on it.

Well, I have to go back to bed for a while.  I forgot (again) that I hadn't written a blog for the day.  But, when life is just not exciting, that's easy to do.  Sorry!  But  my life is kind of drab.  I'm thinking of going to the Princess' and getting a baby fix tomorrow.  But we shall see.  The Princess has a busy life even without the addition of the baby.  Gunner is such a sweetie and you can almost see his personality developing even though he's only 4 months old.  I do so love to see Johnnycakes with him.  He is such a good father.  He got an early start learning about diapers and all that goes with changing them when Chewlee was still a baby and he was just dating the Princess.  How time flies.  Hard to believe that Chewlee is now 7 years old.

Love you all.  Hope your week is going well.  I wish you all good weather.  ***Hugs***


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall Looks To Be In Full Swing Now...

I went out onto the back deck just to look around at the trees.  Looks like they are losing their leaves and what is still on the trees is in full Fall colors.  Even our peach trees are golden in color.  I haven't checked out front yet because I hate to get dressed in regular clothes.  I wear my jammies most of the time these days.  LOL!

The day time temps have been in the 70's and the night time temps vary tremendously lately.  It's been anywhere from the mid-30's to the lower 60's.  Go figure!

The Beast decided to make his sweet/sour pork today and figured out he made a big mistake.  He knew he was missing something and I mentioned the lack of pineapple.  He had his *Ah hah!* moment but bought the crushed pineapple instead of the tidbits.  Oh well!  It was still tasty but he won't make that mistake  

I did get my delicates washed today and they really turned out well in this new machine.  It has a delicate setting on both washer and dryer and it works wonderful.  It still seems weird to have a washer with no agitator in it but it works great.  Our whites are turning out much whiter than they did in our old washer (and it wasn't all that old).  At least it is doing a good job for the Princess now.  I'm so glad she needed it because it was really in good shape.

The Beast's aunt that lives in North Carolina, Auntie Em, turned 95 last month.  His cousin called and told him that she had 50 people at her birthday party.  Some came from as far away as Fort Lauderdale to celebrate with her.  That particular person is the same age.  I thought that was incredible of him.  But he is in good health for someone 95.  He came because they have been friends for over 50 years.  I gather she really enjoyed herself and I wish her many more birthdays before she passes on.  She has always been a wonderful person and I hate the fact that she is not well these past few years.  It's so sad.

I am feeling great and starting to live a more normal life, which to me is a big deal.  For a while there, I had so many ups and downs with my leg and my IBS that I hated what it did to my sleep pattern.  Now all I need is to get to sleep before 2am....LOL.  But I make up for that with my nap after lunch.  It may last three hours but it works for me.  It's not like I have Chewlee any more.  I wish I did but that's life!

Love you all.  Hope you have a great Hump Day and a laugh or two.   ***Hugs***

Monday, October 6, 2014

Best Laid Plans.....

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night.  When I got up to go to the bathroom, I even tried playing this game that normally has me dozing off.  Even that didn't help.  But, as soon as it was daylight....BAM!  I was sound asleep.  I didn't wake up until around 11:30am but then went back to sleep around 1pm.  I was up for good around 4pm.  

I ended up eating the last of the egg fu yung (the Beast had eaten one of the patties earlier) for my dinner but it worked for me.  I made it like Sister Cee does...with a bed of rice underneath it.  It's very filling that way.  The Beast doesn't use the rice at all.  I don't know why he doesn't like it (and never has except as rice pudding).  We always had it with anything Chinese when we were kids.  I also like it as a morning cereal.  

I didn't end up washing my delicate things like I wanted to.  I was just feeling too lazy and the day was so icky.  We had a couple good thunderstorms which always plays hell with our internet and the TV.  In fact, the Beast got so tired of the TV losing it's signal that he went to bed earlier than he planned.  It wasn't too early...around 10:30pm....but he usually stays up later than that on a normal night.

While I was talking online to Mustachio, I lost my internet three different times but he hung in there since it wasn't for long.  I asked him if he had talked to his brother, Marcus, about his new job but he said Marcus had his phone set to voice mail.  He personally thought Marcus was probably exhausted since he now has to go and meet the people instead of talking to them over the phone and then working on systems remotely.  I'm sure we will find out.  If nothing else, he will comment on it on his Facebook page, I'm sure.

I've been playing a lot of my Jewel Quest 2 game the past couple days.  No clue why since it really frustrates me at times.  But it's never the same so I keep coming back to conquer the boards.  LOL!  
My friend, Carol from California, is babysitting her son's two pet dogs while he and his other half are visiting her son in Hawaii.  I gather from what she has told me that they are having a good time.  I'm glad they are because poor Carol is having a bit of a tough time with the dogs, although she loves them.  They miss their masters and get clingy at times to her.  She does her best to be patient but I can tell she gets exasperated at times.  LOL!  My poor, dear friend!  She has such a soft heart but she gets tired when the dogs are not.  Not a fun time then.

Well, the storm seems to have abated so I can post this now.  Love you all and I hope you all have a fantastic week.  ***Hugs*** 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Beast Can Have A Soft Heart Sometimes....

Today the Beast discovered that a woman at his church, who is raising her two grandchildren (ages 8 & 10), lost her job.  She has been trying to find work but at her age, it's tough.  Well, they  has been going over to one of the Beast's friend's home to eat every day.  His family is having a tough time since he is not healthy and just had surgery.  So the Beast grabbed the wife and took her grocery shopping so that both families won't have to worry so much over food.  I expect he will keep an eye out on that for a while, too.  He spent over $300 on groceries but they should be okay now for a while.

I know the problems that his friends are having so I understand his concern.  The man of the house, who is his friend, is only in his 40's but has such severe health problems that he is not really expected to live much longer.  It's a sad situation all together because they have three kids and he also has two of his siblings living with him.  He took them out of a bad situation at home.  I know the man fairly well and he is a sweet soul.  It is such a sad thing they are going through.  Each time he gets sick, they worry horribly about his making it through.  He just had to have an infection drained and treated in his lung.  He's severely asthmatic and has already been told his next attack could kill him because he doesn't respond well to treatments any more.  And now the lung problem hasn't helped the situation.  He raises tropical fish and others and sells them to various stores but it doesn't bring in all that much money.  His wife is the main wage earner and she gets so scared when he becomes ill.  I can't blame her there but she tries to put up a positive front for him.

We talked about it for a while after he got home from what was just supposed to be a short visit.  I wasn't upset about his spending the money although it was supposed to go towards our license plate renewals so we wouldn't be short money this next month.  It just means we will be eating more spaghetti and probably cleaning out what we have in the freezer.  LOL!  

If I had known, I wouldn't have gone out and bought myself some new pajamas (I needed more warm ones) as well as some new socks and underwear.  It's not like I spent all that much but it would have helped us out a bit.  I could have waited until November's checks came in.  Oh well!  Hindsight and all that.

Summer is totally over now, folks and fall is here without a doubt.  It got down into the 40's last night although it's not supposed to get that cold tonight (thank goodness!).  I had to put on the small space heater we have for the bedrooms and had my nice quilt over me.  I had pulled out my comforter but the quilt was enough.  I DID have on my thermal pajamas so I was nice and toasty.  I don't mind a cooler bedroom but I draw the line at my nose being cold like I was outdoors in winter.  LOL!

I'm hoping the daytime turns out as nice as it did today.  It was about 78 (the last time I checked) and the Beast even took Baron for a run with the motor scooter.  Poor Baron really doesn't get all the exercise he should and he still has no clue about returning a ball so we can throw it for him again.  He wants to go get it and then be chased around the yard.  Sorry, Baron, but we are two OLD people and we don't have that kind of energy any more.

Well, love you all.  I showered earlier today while the house was warm and even set my hair even tho' I have no plans to go anywhere tomorrow.  But it makes me feel good to look halfway decent.  I even colored my hair again.  I hate the fact that all my grey seems to be centered on the front part of my head!  Yes, I am vain about that.  I admit it.  Anyway, have a great Monday.  I will be washing some delicate clothes and hanging them up as soon as they are dried.  That's about it for MY Monday.  *Grin*  Drive carefully.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I Think It's Safe To Say Summer Is Over Now....

As I write this blog, it's 42 degrees outside and heading down even further tonight.  We don't have a frost warning like Bratfink does where she lives but it's still damn cold.  I took out my long underwear pajamas to wear to bed tonight after I shower (which I haven't done yet because I had to warm up the room with my little heater first).  I even took the fan out of my window...I don't care what the Beast thinks!  I can easily put it back in IF and WHEN it gets too warm.  But the forecast for the next 10 days doesn't show us getting any warmer than 70 degrees.

Even the Beast admitted that summer was over and he worked on making sure we would have heat in the house, especially in the morning.  It seems that once we get the house warm, it stays warm for most of the day.  We DO have good insulation, it seems.  For which I am very grateful.  Now, if only the floors were insulated as well as the walls.  The Beast, when he checked, was horrified at the job done in the crawl space.  And he is in no shape to remedy that.  So we live with it and just keep socks on our feet and I wear slippers, too, during the winter.

He didn't look for the fans that *disappeared* on him since he worked on checking the heating.  I've been trying to tell him that his memory is just not what he thinks it is...and neither is his vision.  I AM going to make appointments for both of us with our eye doctor and I need to see my retina doctor too.  I will try to get both appts. on the same day since they are only a few blocks apart and that saves us a trip into Huntsville that we won't have to make.

Well, the room is warm enough now that I can take off my clothes without becoming hypothermic so I will get this posted and get it over with.  Love you all.  Have a pleasant (at least!) Sunday.  ***Hugs***

It's A Puzzle....

Today the Beast pulled out the air conditioning units from the windows of the bedrooms and got those put away for the winter.  He then went to look for the window fans that he had taken out last fall and cleaned up.  He had originally had them on the bottom shelf of the shelves he built out in the garage.  However, he decided to *neaten* up the shelves and now.....guess what?  He can't find the fans.  

He looked in the barn...the cottage, searched the garage...they are just .. gone!  Now, I have to tell you that I don't really believe that he searched the cottage all that well.  The cottage is the place that could really use straightening out.  He's got a lot of things stored haphazardly out there.  I will make you a bet that is where they are but he's just not seeing them because they are either covered by other things or on the top of the shelves he built out there.  I told him to take a ladder out there with him and look again.  We shall see what happens.  If they aren't there,'s a real puzzle what he did with them.  

I checked the garage myself when he was gone to get us some shrimp egg fu yung for our dinner.  I had eaten some of my potato soup for lunch.  I don't know if the Beast did or not.  There's still quite a bit left.  Wish the Princess would stop by so I could send some home with her.   Tara stopped by today and she's lost 8 lbs so far on her self-imposed diet.  She's only been on it for a month but she's satisfied with her loss so far.

In reality, I am amazed she hasn't lost more than that.  She is one of the busiest people I know and is always on the go.  She seems to have more damn energy than some kids I know....LOL.  She told me that Bratfink's daughter and two grandchildren have made plans with her to come down here for a week in June.  As soon as the exact dates are fixed, she is going to post it on her facebook page I guess so any of the cousins that live within a day's travel distance can think about coming down for a mini-reunion.  I thought that was so cool!  

It's down to 55 degrees now and will probably drop a few more degrees before morning.  I have my quilt ready to crawl under as soon as I get this posted.  Our high for tomorrow is supposed to be just 62 degrees (low tonight should be 45 it says!).  I am so glad I got my warm boots when I did.  I think I am going to need

Love you all.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend planned.  Enjoy it while you can!  ***Hugs***

Friday, October 3, 2014

I Really Wonder Why......

I really have no idea why but I seem to get much more nostalgic in the Fall than any other time of year.  I think it's the smell of burning leaves.  I kid you can throw me into a long ago memory in nothing flat!  It's just so strange because I always loved spring so much...and definitely loved summer because that meant swimming at the neighborhood pool (when we lived in the city).  

The Beast was really suffering today with the eye/headache thing.  I made him take some aspirin and go lay down for a nap.  He felt so bad he didn't even go to church tonight.  He must have gotten under the shower three times today, hoping the hot water would make him feel better.  He let it run down over his face but nothing seemed to help.  I told him he needs to get in and see the doctor because it's beginning to sound like he has another sinus infection starting up.  That kind of shook him up.  He remembers the last one he had.  That's also when he found out he had a deviated septum from a broken nose when he was a kid.  It was never set correctly.  Another thing he owes his jerk of a father.  

I felt good today but I monitored my blood sugar more than usual.  I have to talk to the doctor because it seems that, even if I am eating correctly, taking the meds like they are prescribed is making my blood sugar drop drastically.  It's why I have been so damn tired.  I only took one round of meds and felt more normal.  My blood sugar was more normal, too.  I definitely need to talk to the doc.

Mustachio is starting the move into his new place tomorrow (today?).  He's going to load up his car with a lot of what he calls *little stuff* and start moving it in.  I am assuming he also means groceries.  He says he has  plenty of boxes.  Then, on Monday or Tuesday, he will finish the move.  He says he will have plenty of help.  I sure hope so.  Sometimes, people disappoint because they have to work during the week.

I made my potato soup today.  It turned out fantastic.  I found out that Carol had tried out my recipe for it and ate it for four or five days.  Her hubby just kind of *snacked* on it because he doesn't think of soup as a meal.  He's like a lot of men that way.  But both Carol and I can eat soup with crackers or some buttered bread and it's a meal to us.  LOL!!

Time for bed.  It's very, very late.  I slept earlier but I am tired again now.  Love you all.  Have a great Friday.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Early To Bed Can Be Deadly...LOL !

I watched a program yesterday that had me in tears.  I cannot believe the inhumanity of the people who practice the Islamic faith to their women.  I listened to some real horror stories and saw some incredible scars that young girls suffered and had no place to turn to for justice.  Young girls that had been raped by brothers and uncles, who then were arrested when they went to authorities because they were outside, unaccompanied by a male relative....even if that relative was the offending party!  It was mind-boggling.

There were instances of *honor* killings.  Those were killings of young girls and women who had refused an arranged marriage...a couple of these were 13 year old girls.  Others were women who objected to a close family relative marriage for fear of genetic problems or else the men were old or unattractive to the woman.  This was not considered a reason to refuse and the relative that took the lives of these women/children was not prosecuted for murder, as they should have been.  It was considered honorable for them to keep the family honor over an incorrigible female.

After watching this two hour program and the efforts of American troops to get many of these girls/woman into a type of protective custody and then find refuge for them in other countries around the world, I was really exhausted.  Although I love a good cry from time to time, I prefer *happy tears* (as in a wedding) over emotional ones like this program evoked.  So, I went to take what I thought would be just a nap for an hour or so.

So, when I woke up at 8am this morning, it was a bit of a shock.  I looked out the window, saw daylight and, at first, I thought, *Oh, I didn't sleep long...*.  Then I realized it was dark out when I laid down.  It was a real jolt for me to think I had actually slept all night long without even a potty break that woke me up.  That alone was a shock and I actually checked to make sure I didn't wet the bed....ROFL!  

So that is why I am writing this blog so very late (or so very early).  I did have one piece of news to impart.  The Princess, Johnnycakes, Chewlee and Gunner stopped by the house yesterday after Chewlee got home from school.  Chewlee brought her scooter with her because they came over to walk around the circle here.  It's safe, unlike around their house.  They don't have sidewalks and would have to walk on the street.  Their street is much too busy to allow that.  I thought it was cute to see Johnnycakes holding his son close to his chest.  He cradled him so sweetly.  I would have killed to see the Beast behave like that with any of his kids, but, alas, his family was too twisted and he never really knew love except from his grandmother and one aunt of his.  But that was too distant for the time in a child's life that counted.  Thank god that Gunner and Chewlee have only known love from everyone.  And Chewlee knows she is loved even by people who haven't met

It's almost 9am and the temperature is only 68, although the weatherman says it will go up to around 88 today.  Ick!  After all the great weather we've had, that's going to feel positively awful.  But, hey, make the best of whatever your weather is today.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***