Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cold, Wet And Windy.....

I wasn't expecting warm weather today but it WAS supposed to be a bit warmer than we saw.  It rained.  More than enough to raise the humidity up high and then add the wind and it was miserable.  The Beast never left the house and that is unusual for him.  I never got out of my long underwear...LOL.  I'm not kidding. I put on this one pair I had handy and stayed in it all day long.  I can't shower until tomorrow anyway (due to the new medication I have to use for my toe) so...what the heck!

I'll shower when the Beast goes to church.  Since we ate his spaghetti twice today, I promised to make some hamburger garbage (hamburger, onion, green pepper and we put it in pita bread) for when he gets home.  My kids used to add grated cheese, mushrooms, salsa...damn near anything to it for a change of pace/taste.  We like it just as it is.  The Beast likes his greasy so he buys the cheapest hamburger to use for it.  I have to drain mine partly because I am so prone to arterial problems and mostly for the difference in taste (to me).  I have never been fond of anything greasy tasting.  I never even liked oil and vinegar on my salads.  I know...that's a personal problem to some of you.

50 lashes with a wet noodle for me.  I forgot to wish my sister, Cee, a happy birthday.  I know it's late, Sis, but it doesn't mean I don't love you.  I just keep forgetting to check the dates these days.  I'm so sorry.  ****HUGS**** and ****Kisses**** to you.

Chewlee starts back to school on Monday and I think the Princess will be very happy not to have her underfoot all the time.  She really needed the time with her mother, though, I believe.  And I hear that Chewlee is probably going through another growth spurt.  Her mother says she has been eating them out of house and home practically.  Not snacks....real food!  Just like her eating three bowls of the Beast's spaghetti the other day.  I've seen those days that she just doesn't seem to be able to fill up so I know how the Princess must be feeling.  

Tomorrow we are supposed to see the sun again (HURRAH!!!)  I hate overcast days.  My friend, Carol, is wishing for rain in San Francisco area and they were supposed to get some today.  It wasn't raining when I spoke with her earlier today so I don't know if they got more or not.  I hope so.  Poor California really needs it and we need them to get enough so it doesn't affect our food prices.  We get a shitload of our produce from the Central Valley in Southern California so say a little prayer that they get their seasonal rain....even if it IS late.  Poor Bratfink told me it actually snowed by her house.  Yuk!

Love you all.  Enjoy your Sunday.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Princess Passes Her Test....

(After being told that *The Princess Passes...* made a reader think she had died, I added *Her Test* to avoid further confusion.  I am sorry if it caused anyone distress to find out the Princess had NOT died!  Love ya!)

 I told you the Princess had to be tested for gestational diabetes, which is normal in many women.  In fact, her mother had it when she was pregnant with her.  She failed the one hour test but aced the three hour test she took on Tuesday.  Phew!  She wasn't looking forward to pricking her finger six times a day.  It was bad enough what she went through with the three hour test.  Anyway, she's fine; the baby is fine.  It's all fine.  **Grin**

My friend, Carol, is obviously a frustrated non-grandma.  She *adopted* Chewlee and the new baby as their *stand-in* grandma since she has no grandchildren of her own and never will.  When she found out about the Princess' shower, she went nuts!  I swear!  She ordered a bunch of things from the Princess' registry and had them shipped here.  OMG!  I almost died when they started coming.  I promised to bag/wrap them for her and give them to the Princess at her shower.  THEN...she tells me she has 8 outfits for the baby but has four more coming before she can send them on to me.  **THUD**  This woman is such a sweetheart.  I'm just glad they are *comfortable* and it isn't a drain on their finances.  They own five condos in Hawaii that are rentals I discovered.  I can't even imagine owning ONE!  I know how pricey they are.  

But she is apparently having fun looking at all the cute little things they didn't have when her boys were little.  When they come to her house, she tells me how adorable she thinks they are when she can touch and feel them.  I just wish she could be there but the Beast said he will take pictures of the Princess when she is opening everything Carol sent so we can send them to her.  It may not be as good but it's better than nothing.

Chewlee has come to terms with having both a new baby in the house and...*sigh*...a BOY!  She so wanted a little sister.  I think, however, that she imagined things being very different than it will be.  BUT...she started telling her mother all the things she would do to help with the new baby.  She said she would even change the baby's diaper as long as it wasn't poopy.  LOL!  From the way she talks, it's almost like she thinks in a couple months, the baby will want to go outside to play.  What a rude awakening she will have.  But she will learn.

Cool again today but we did get up to 62 degrees as our high.  It didn't last long and the wind was brisk and cold.  They are saying thunderstorms late tonight (how late, no one said!).  It's already late as I type this.  Tomorrow our high will only be in the 50's and more rain on Saturday, too.  Not a great start to the weekend.  Oh well!  C'est la vie!  You have to take the bad with the  good, I guess.

I love you all.  Have a great weekend.  Hope you get better weather than you think.  ***Hugs***

Online Friends You Have Never Met......

...but feel very close to.  I think we all have them.  I've spoken of my dear friend, Carol, several times lately.  We have much in common that I won't go into here but I feel as though I have known her for years.  We spoke on the phone the other day and didn't really talk about anything special but isn't that what friends usually do?

I also have a man I met that is a caregiver to an older gentleman who is a recovering stroke victim with no family.  He is a very nice man that speaks broken English but is learning at what he calls a *snakes pace*....LOL.  He only comes online at night after his charge is in bed for the night.  It's not that we have a lot in common except that we both took care of stroke victims.  The PT's that work with the gentleman come to the home.  I was able to drive the Beast to the Rehab Center.  The caregiver can drive but isn't licensed in the state yet.  Since the man he takes care of doesn't have a car, it's a moot point to him.

I also have a friend online that is much younger than I am but she recently suffered several losses of family, her mother being the first one.  This is just since the beginning of the year.  First her mother, followed closely by her sister (who died of cancer) and then a cousin she was close to.  She was totally devastated for a while and still gets moody at times over her losses.  Her sister was her only sibling so she was left with no one.  Her father died several years ago.  She didn't understand how God could deal her such blows in less than 3 months.  I tried hard to tell her that bad things happen to good people and that God never makes anyone suffer anything they don't have the strength to endure.  She didn't think she could but she managed her mother's funeral, helped with her sister's and just spent most of the time crying over her cousin.  I knew the feeling well.  She isn't online as often these days but I have encouraged her to get some of the things done that she was putting off.  She seems to be getting back her sense of humor but I know it will take her time.  If I still miss my mother after all these years that she has been gone, I know she will feel that emotion intensely for a while.

There are others.  Some I have known even from many years on Pogo.  After telling them of the new site I play, they have joined me from time-to-time and that is always fun.  You begin to feel like they are *neighbors* of a kind.  They have never asked me for anything nor I them.  We just enjoy talking together about our husbands/wives/children/grandchildren/etc.  You feel close to them because you know so much about them and their lives.  I know Bratfink has friends like that as well as friends she knew in fact but left behind in her *other* life before Sheldon.

I give thanks for having friends like those as well as the new ones I have made.  We touch each others lives in different ways.  I've made friends in other countries thanks to the Internet and I am so glad I have it available to me.  I know when the Beast had his strokes, it saved my sanity to be able to go on and talk to others that had gone through what I was experiencing, including some support groups for caregivers.  I even gave the link for one of those to the caregiver I spoke about earlier.  Even though he is an LPN, he was grateful for that since it enabled him to be a little more informed without bothering others (his feelings).  

The weather here is so-so cold but warming slowly again.  My allergies are making me nuts with the constant need to blow my nose (it gets really red after a while) until the medication kicks in.  When it stops working, I can easily tell.  LOL!

The Beast made some bean soup and ham today and, for the first time, I actually had to add salt to it.  That's not usually the case with him since he sometimes over salts things.  Then I find out he's filled one of our salt shakers with popcorn salt!  I told him...*What were you thinking???*  He had used that salt to salt the beans and it just didn't cut it.  It's not made to be used that way.  He admitted he made a mistake and put the salt back in it's container and refilled the shaker with regular table salt.  I can be idiots at times.  He thought you could use LESS salt because it didn't take a lot on his popcorn for it to be salty.  **Brain dead**

Time to get this posted and put my butt back in bed.  Love you all.  Have a great day.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Strange Day

Chewlee was dropped off early this morning while her mother went in for her three hour test.   She wasn't told results, I gather, since her doctor had to see them first.  I'll have to call her tomorrow to find out what she found out.

Chewlee spent most of her morning with the Beast because I had a bad night with little sleep so I was sleeping most of the morning.  I DID hear when the Princess got here to pick up Chewlee and I got my hug from her before she left.  She had no complaints about the Beast so I gather everything went okay.  The Beast told me that she had some of the spaghetti he had made and asked for a second one...*shock! shock!*  Then, when the Princess got here and ate some spaghetti herself, Chewlee had a THIRD bowl of it!  Now THAT is a real incredible event here.  She is usually so damn picky that you have a hard time feeding her anything that she doesn't complain about and take her time finishing.  The Beast feels like he got a Gold Medal for his efforts...LOL!

Dennis and Di have a friend of theirs that has come to stay with them for a week.  Another RV-er.  This one is ex-military and also an ex-FDLE officer who is now retired.  Since Dennis came over as soon as he found out they were within an hour of being here, the Beast gave them the pot of spaghetti he had just made (less a bowl he saved for me).  He figured that way they could visit and Di wouldn't have to worry about cooking for tonight anyway.  What are friends for, right?

I had my spaghetti and some Italian bread then found myself tired out still so I lay down for a nap.  I went out like a light!  I slept until 9:30pm and woke up feeling groggy as hell!    I pretty much have forced myself to stay up for a while so I can go back to bed and maybe tonight get some good sleep.  Part of my problem last night was leg cramps and we have all had those so you know how painful those can be.  I finally gave in and took a pain pill (one of my stronger ones) and those knocked me out but it didn't really help me sleep well.  I woke up feeling nauseous as hell and very dehydrated.  I must have made myself drink about three 16 oz. glasses of water to try to get over that feeling.

After I ate, I called my friend, Carol, in San Francisco.  She had tried to call me twice yesterday but I just couldn't drag my butt out of bed to answer my phone.  She was totally shocked but said I was a real stinker for not letting HER call ME since she gets free phone calls all over the world.  You KNOW the service she uses, of course.  It's on TV all the time.  Anyway, I told her it was only costing ME minutes and wasn't going to cost me extra.  We just talked about this and that, nothing special, really.  But it was nice to hear her voice.  When we were done talking is when I went back to bed.

I found out that it was almost the same as far as sleeping went with Bratfink!  Too funny that we both had bad nights and spent a lot of the day sleeping.  I really DO want to get reoriented into a regular type sleep schedule.  It's just a whole lot easier on everyone and I can get more done.  I have clothes to wash, dry, fold and put away and I can't do it when the Beast is trying to sleep.  This house is just too small for that.

Frost alert here tonight and it's cold enough already to warrant that.  I'm just glad I haven't planted any flowers yet.  I DID clean out the flower beds on Monday so that we can add the new topsoil in the next week or so.  I have a variety of bulbs to put out once we are sure the ground temperature has risen enough (has to be over 46 degrees).  With the weather gradually warming, that shouldn't be too long now.

I know other areas of the country are still getting snow.  I'm just glad it's not US (sorry, everyone but I just HATE snow!)  If it's YOU, I'm sorry, too.  That's just awful for it to be this late in March and still having snow.

Love you all.  Hope you are having a decent week, regardless.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chewlee's Fort...LOL!

I know kids love to make forts and is the reason they even build tree houses.  Sometimes, a big cardboard box can be transformed into a fort or a club house.  Today, Chewlee used the kitchen table.

She made a great effort using blankets, towels, a robe....she crawled into the center of the table then would come out and make adjustments.  I was the bad guy because I made her take it down, knowing the Beast would have a fit if he came home from church and found it up.  She complained, of course, but I expected that.  She made a half-hearted effort to take it all down but I had to fold the blankets back up.  That was just a bit too much for her.

When I took her home, she was NOT happy about it.  She said to me, *Didn't you cry when you had to leave your grandma's house and you didn't want to?*  I was honest and told her, *Sometimes.*   But we went to the little gas station down the road with the intent of buying her a pushup.  It was too cold outside for me to even THINK about having something that cold but, hey!  It's my job to spoil her, isn't it?  

Once there, I found out they no longer sell the pushups.  The woman told me they just don't sell in the winter.  So I looked and finally found a fruit bar that I knew she would love.  She did.  After that, we rode to her house where I dropped her and her little bag of things she wanted to take home this time AND her fruit bar.  She accused me of taking the *short* way home to her house but we were there and she got out of the car, goodies in hand with a breezy, *Love you!* as she left.

I have to tell  you about this.  The Beast came home and was telling me all about a woman in his church that got divorced about a year ago.  She has been living with this couple since the divorce.  I guess her ex-husband has been stalking her and a couple weeks ago, her car was severely vandalized.   Although he wasn't caught so that they know for sure it was him, who else would do such a thing to the only car that belonged to her?  No other car was touched.  Her windshield was smashed all to pieces, the body was hit by what they think was a bat, the tires were slashed.  Anyway, there's nothing the police could do but write up a report.  The insurance covered repairs, etc. but now the woman is terrified.  The Beast actually asked me what I thought about offering the woman our guest room until she leaves the U.S. for the Dominican Republic in July.

I told him I would NOT feel comfortable about it.  The man knows where she goes to church and could easily follow her back here.  He said we could put her car in the garage.  Yes, but it would still mean that one of OUR cars would be outside in the driveway.  We are two OLD people, not young and energetic.  The Beast couldn't win a fight if this man is that violent that he has destroyed a car with a bat.  What's next?  Too risky.

I know he was disappointed and would love to have been the hero but I was being realistic...I believe.  Was I wrong?  The woman is a total stranger to me and he wants to invite her into our small home?  With some nut stalking her?  I don't think so.  Sorry.

It was cool here today.  Our high was 54 degrees and it was windy, too.  The chill went to the bone.  I felt bad for Juli even though she only had about six feet to walk to get from my car into her house.  When she was dropped off yesterday, it was in the 70's.  She said to me, *I didn't think I would need a jacket.*  Of course not.  She also didn't expect to spend the night...LOL.

That looks like it is going to be our weather all week long and then in the 70's again on Saturday.  It's Spring Break for Juli all week long.  The Princess has to go for a test tomorrow (for a pre-natal diabetes test) and Juli, of course, doesn't want to go with her.  So I told the Princess to go ahead and drop her off here and she can pick her up after she's done with whatever she wants to do.  I think there was some shopping included in the plan.  Grocery shopping which Juli hates unless she can direct the purchases.  Her purchases would be mostly snacks...pickles, potato chips, corn chips and salsa....all things she just loves to eat.  Oh, and salami.  She would also want popsicles, pushups and strawberry ice cream.  She DOES love fruit, though, but does NOT like veggies unless they are hidden in whatever you try to feed her.

Her mother has cracked down on her refusal to eat certain foods.  Now Chewlee MUST eat the food or go hungry AND she gets NO snacks for a couple days.  I can't say I blame her.  I've had my own problems with trying to feed her but I don't want her to go hungry....ever.  Guess I just make matters worse.  I'm not sure.

Time to get this posted.  Love you all.  Have a great week.  Keep warm and dry.  ***Hugs***

Chewlee's Visit

Chewlee came to visit us this evening...well, around 5pm.  She was going to go with the Beast to a party/dinner his church was having.  She wasn't supposed to spend the night but told the Beast she missed Grandma so he called the Princess and asked if she could stay.  Now what mother wouldn't let her daughter spend time at Grandma's?  LOL!  Especially a pregnant mother who likes to sleep in on a Sunday morning?  

Chewlee and I watched two of her favorite movies on my computer since my DVD player (which was actually the one from the Beast's TV) for some reason won't work most of the time.  It keeps returning to the setup menu and that makes me crazy.  So we used the computer instead.  We watched Madagascar 1 & 2 then headed for bed because Chewlee said to me, *Grandma, when are we going to bed?*  That's all I need to tell me she is tired.

She found the little cheapie charm bracelet that I bought for her to use for playing dressup and the Glow in the dark bracelets that I knew she would love.  She had to have one of those immediately.  They are like all the glow sticks except these are smaller than most straws and start glowing when you bend them into a circle and slip them into these little tubes that connect the ends together.  They glow for an incredible amount of time.  We went to bed around 10pm and it's still glowing now at 2am.  Well worth the $1.00 I paid for the four.  I am keeping them here since Chewlee hates the dark of the guest bedroom at night.  With having no street lights, it gets incredibly dark in the bedrooms.  To my way of thinking, a good thing.  But not to a little girl who is still afraid of the Monster under the bed or..the one in the closet.  

I woke up a little bit ago to pee and decided I should let everyone know why my blog is so short.  I'm tired and heading back to bed.  It's cool outside now (in the upper 40's) but seems colder since we actually had a daytime temperature of 74 degrees today.  I am anxious to get back under the covers and curl up with Chewlee who just radiates heat...LOL.

Love you all.  Hope your weekend has been a good one so far and have a really great Sunday.  ***Hugs***

Friday, March 21, 2014

Maybe I Need An Energy Boost???

I seem to be doing a lot more sleeping lately than is normal.  Of course, what IS normal?  There's some disagreement on the old saw about 8 hours of sleep.  They must mean uninterrupted sleep which, of course, I will probably never enjoy again.  Not when it seems I have to get up every two or three hours to pee.  My energy has just gone on vacation, I guess.

Some days it's so bad (the need to sleep) that I really consider buying a bunch of those energy drinks....or energy bars.  Something.  Anything.  Of course, my sinuses draining down my throat when I am asleep is another problem.  I asked the pharmacist about that one.  I was taking Benadryl since it's allergies that cause it.  He said that benadryl lasts about 6 hours so it wouldn't help with the night time problem but using an OTC medication that we see advertised all the time worked for 24 hours.  Of course, it has to build itself up in your system so it takes about a week for it to be really effective.   I'm only on day 5 now.  We shall see.

In a conversation between me, my doctor and his primary nurse, the subject came up.  He told me that a lack of Vitamin D can cause that tired, drained feeling.  Bathing in sunlight is an important factor for the human body and really DOES have an effect on us.  Most people suffer from depression, lack of sleep and no energy in winter when daylight is shorter and the cold keeps most people indoors.  Hmm.  Something to think about.  He also said it's worse in places like Northern Canada and Alaska.  There have been lots of studies done on it.  Okay.  I vaguely remember reading about that so perhaps he's right.  I do know my attitude changes when I can get out and work on my veggie and my flower gardens.

Since this has affected my doing my blog, I decided that I am going to make a concerted effort to get out in the sunlight every day for at least an hour until the weather warms up more.  I have noticed that I have a bit more energy on those days that I go to see the doctor or I go out to do some shopping.  Let's hope that I get back into the swing of things and get my blog done every day.  My apologies to those that usually start their day reading it.

I noticed today that the Alberta peach tree out front has buds and blossoms on it already.  I almost fainted when I saw them.  I know it's been fairly nice for the last two weeks and I guess it feels it's Spring.  I just hope we don't have a hard frost any time in the future because that would mean it would kill off the blossoms or, God forbid!, the tiny fruits.  

The dogwood tree outside my computer room window also has buds on it.  I just love our dogwood trees.  We have both a white and a red one.  Although the red has shown signs of cross-pollination by having some white flowers on it last year.  LOL!  Too funny.  It's just strange that the white one doesn't get any red (or even pink since we have those in the neighborhood, too).   I intend to go out and see what other remaining fruit trees have buds on them, although some are later bloomers.  Like the other varieties of peach trees the Beast planted.  It would be nice if we got something other than pears off our trees this year.  Depends on whether or not the fungus has died off but I don't put a lot of faith in that.  We've had too much rain, I think.  And lets not forget the deep snow we had that only lasted a day.  Sigh.  Oh well!  C'est la vie!

It's nice outside today.  Sunny and bright.  Warm...a balmy 65 right now with almost no wind and a couple more hours for it to warm up to it's high.  Dennis' crew for the roof was on the job at 6am and now have all the *paper* on the roof and are starting to put up the tiles.  The Beast informed me that they decided NOT to put the barrel tiles up and are using regular asphalt type instead.  Smarter of them since we DO get tornadoes here and, even if they don't touch our little development, we get the high winds associated with them.  I've seen those tiles just peel off a roof in high winds.  Not funny and dangerous for everything and everyone around them.

Love you all.  It's Friday and the end of the work week for most.  Have a fantastic day...or try to anyway.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chewlee's Dress Arrives....And Is A Hit !

Actually, her dress arrived on Monday but I waited for Chewlee to get here to open it.  I just cut the tape off.  She pulled the dress out.  As soon as she held it up, she got so excited.  She said, *It's a ballerina dress!  I always wanted a ballerina dress!*  She could hardly wait to try it on.  I had forgotten that she has wanted a dress similar to the one she got from my dear friend, Carol, until Chewlee said that.  She has said it ever since her class saw the ballet *Swan Lake* a couple years ago.  This one fills the bill.  It's not a tutu type.  It's one of those longer, flowing ones.  Well, here's a picture the Beast took of her in it (excuse the sneakers, please and her hair).  Remember, she came here after getting out of school.

It even has the varied hemline that made the dresses that enchanted her so pretty.  The waistline is crystal beads in a dark dusty rose to go with the color of the dress.  She wouldn't even let her mother carry out the dress, which I put on a hangar for her or she would have clutched it to wrinkles.  The dress is beautiful and very well made, too.  Even though I could choke Carol for spending the kind of money I think the dress must have cost, she has certainly won Chewlee's heart.  Chewlee is very happy to have a stand-in granny like Carol who just KNEW what her little heart desired most of all.  She said she had to have pretty shoes to wear with it when she first put the dress on but we didn't have any here for her any more.  She has shoes that look like ballet slippers at home that she can wear with it when she wears it for her mother's shower.  She will have to bring some play clothes along with her since she would be there mostly to play with Chance but I have a feeling we might have a tough time getting her out of it....LOL!

Chewlee wrote Carol a sweet little note on one of my Thank You cards (which she had to send since Carol is always sending HER cards).  Her mother and I both read it and thought it was very sweet.  

Carol loved the fact that I emailed her a copy of this picture and said to thank the Beast for taking it.  She said she plans to send Dave more of the Kauai coffee that he loves ASAP even though I assured her that it wasn't necessary.  When I told the Beast, he said he had a whole camera full of pictures he could send her...but they aren't of Chewlee so I just laughed at him.

It was definitely cooler today.  High was just 50 degrees, overcast but no rain, thankfully.  Dennis might actually get his roof done.  Speaking of which, it is one of the most interesting roofs I have seen in many years.  It has several peaks on it and will obviously have lots of windows in the under sections.  I think it's going to be a very interesting house when they get done.  It's a good thing they plan on living there until they succumb because you know what they say about owning the most expensive house in a neighborhood, right?  It is definitely going to be that just visually.  

It is supposed to be in the mid-60's tomorrow and sunny.  We shall see.  This weather we have all had all winter has been so weird, there's just no saying what will happen any more.  Meantime, love you all.  I wish you a great day everywhere.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Yell At My Good Friend.....

On Sunday, my friend Carol and I were talking and she mentioned to me that she had been having this awful  pain in her heel since December.  She said it felt like darts were being stabbed into her heel and yet there was no sore, not even a bruise.  Well, having had a wound in my heel and discussing a lot of different things with my doctor, I told her to get into her doctor IMMEDIATELY!  She knows that diabetics are said to die from their feet up and she is a brittle diabetic, which is even worse.  The wound doctor had told me about this symptom that often happens to diabetics, especially in the heel area, which carries a lot of pressure.  It is a kind of *tunneling* that occurs from a bacteria that attacks the muscle.  It doesn't even require an open wound of any size.  

She saw her doctor today and her doctor tore her a new butthole.  So now Carol is going to the Wound Center there on Thursday.  I told Carol that, since there is no obvious way to see what is going on, she will probably have to have a couple tests done and THEN they will probably have to surgically open that area to get at it to clean out any necrotic tissue.  She asked me a lot of questions about MY experiences and I told her that if they wanted her to do the hyperbaric chamber therapy that she should go ahead and do it.  I told her that they call it *HBO* therapy, just so she is familiar with the terminology.  Sometimes, the doctors and nurses forget that we don't hear it every day like they do so they often forget to spell it out to us.

She made me laugh when she said she was so glad she found me online because I always made her feel better after we talked.  She wasn't even being sarcastic!  She was serious and yet I was a bit mad that she, as a brittle diabetic, ignored the obvious signals her body was giving her.  But I did tell her that I was going to pray for her and I knew she would recover from whatever was plaguing her.  The bad thing is that she can't take any pain pills.  They haven't found any that she can take for more than a day or two and then they make her ill.

Well, we will just have to wait and see what the doctors find.  In the meantime, I have to tell you that it is actually warmer here right now, at 12:30am than it was at 12:30pm.  It was just 45 degrees this afternoon and it is 49 degrees now and seems to be climbing.  Weird!  It IS supposed to be warmer tomorrow...and not overcast but you know how the weathermen lie at times...LOL!

Gonna get this posted.  Love you all.  Stay warm, dry, cool....whatever is required for your area.  ***Hugs***

The Stitches Are Finally Gone!

The HH nurse called me around 8:30am.  Needless to say, she woke me up, which did not make me happy since I was up kind of late.  My doctor had called Home Health to tell them he wanted a nurse to remove my stitches.  The nurse never had a chance to call HIM.  He was responding to my call to his nurse on Friday.  Oh well.  At least the problem was going to be taken care of....

The nurse said she would be here within the hour.  Was that okay with me?  I told her, *I guess so since you woke me up already.*  In reality, I laid back down, knowing that Baron's barking would wake me when the nurse showed up.  Sure enough, it did.

The poor gal really struggled at times with my stitches because, as she said, they had been left in a bit too long.  The incision is pretty much totally healed which tells her that it's a good thing she's taking them out or they might have been swallowed up into my skin.  **Gulp**  Scary thought.  I might have had to get the stitches removed't that have been a kick in the head?

So the stitches are gone and I can scrub myself down once again without worrying about pulling them out or having them catch on something.  That hurt!  I'm just glad that's over and done with.

The party dress that my friend Carol bought for Chewlee came today.  I called the Princess who complained that Chewlee was getting more mail than SHE did.  That made me laugh.  Carol is going to send me some things she bought for the new baby (to take to the shower with me).  She is wrapping them so they will be a surprise to me, too.  I will just have to fluff up the bows which are the ones that have the wires along the edges so that should be easy.

Carol calls herself the *stand-in granny* since she has never had any grandchildren.  Her sons are now of an age that she never will either.  So she has decided that she is happy to adopt MY great-grand's as HERS.  She has such a big and dear heart that I told her I am glad to share them with her.  I think she is having fun with all this just from different things she says to me when we chat online.  Too funny.  

Our weather today was overcast and cold.  The Beast only went outside when he had to (to get the mail was one thing).  Other than taking the garbage out, that was pretty much all his journeys outside today.  Our high was around 48 but the wind chill factor said it felt like only 40 degrees.  It is supposed to go down to freezing so I made sure all the windows were closed.  Keep that cold out of the house...fresh air be damned!  LOL.   The Princess said she would bring over Chewlee tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on her behavior (in school, I think she meant).  I told her I hoped it was on Tuesday, after school, since Carol is hoping so much that it fits AND that Chewlee loves it.

Well, I see that the cloud cover is interfering with the TV so I had better get this posted before I lose the Internet.  Love you all.  Hope your week is off to a great start.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Two Days Of Peace And Quiet...

I got a taste of what life might be like without the Beast because he was gone to his special church meeting (it includes many people that attend the same church but in different locations).  It was sheer heaven.  I ate when I was hungry and not when the Beast was hungry.  Actually, he's like Chewlee in many ways since he seems to be constantly eating but mostly snacks.  *Shudder*  He should weigh about twice what he does at a minimum with the things he consumes.  He's the only  person I know that can eat cake, pie or a big bowl of ice cream before dinner and still eat dinner.  You would think he had a tapeworm!

Baron and I did just fine on Saturday.  Dennis came over to take Baron for a run with the scooter.  I just had to open the garage for him so he could get it out.  Dennis, unlike the Beast, makes Baron run TWICE around the circle.  Baron comes home thirsty and tired out.  LOL!  I love it.  But today it was raining and raining heavily for most of the morning and afternoon.  It didn't stop until almost 4pm.  Baron?  He slept most of the day and he wouldn't eat.  That's not all that unusual since he really prefers to eat when his *man* is here.  As soon as the Beast walks into the house, Baron will run over to his dish and inhale his meal.  On Saturday, due to the exercise with Dennis, Baron was less fussy and was hungry.  He ate his snack and his dinner without any hesitation.

As soon as the Beast hit his recliner, however, Baron was right up on it with him.  It always strikes me as funny to see that big dog draped over the Beast's lap in it and content as hell.  Weird dog.  So big and he thinks he's a lap dog.

What I enjoyed most was being in control of my eating time.  The Beast only considers HIS stomach and doesn't eat at a regular time....ever!  I often make myself something to eat at a more reasonable time than he does.  He seems to need to eat a certain amount of snacks before he thinks of REAL food.  He actually would prefer that I let him be in charge of our meals but he's a terrible dietician.  He never considers vegetables and most of the foods he loves are so greasy they really aren't appealing to me.  Also I love things like cottage cheese with some kind of fruit.  He never buys it unless I make a special request or I pick some up myself when I go to the store.  He uses a LOT of hamburger for the things he makes.  I like more variety.  Pork chops.  Chicken.  Beef roasts or pot roast.  Not him.  But, if he knows I am unhappy with his choices, he will often pick some up to placate me.  But, I would rather nag at him a bit and put some variety in HIS diet, too. 

I love salads.  He doesn't although he will occasionally decide WE should be eating some when he notices that I have pretty much used up all the lettuce and tomatoes we have.   I don't know if it's real concern for himself or just a feeling of guilt because he KNOWS he isn't eating right.  Oh well.  

I also love being able to nap, undisturbed.  He normally will come in to tell me something he heard on one of his talk shows that he thinks was informative or funny.  I NEED a nap at times since I don't sleep well at night with having to use the bathroom almost every two hours.  If I had a prostate, I'd be consulting a urologist...LOL.  Actually, if I stopped drinking so many liquids right up until bedtime, I would probably be better off.  Unfortunately,  as a diabetic, I dehydrate easily.  With having to use heat during the winter, I am almost constantly in need of water or some other liquid (does not include any alcohol...dammit!).

Anyway, I enjoyed my two days with nothing to do but what *I* planned.  I washed some clothes, folded them at my leisure and put them away after a short nap.  It was a lot of little things that made the time enjoyable for me.

Well, love you all.  Have a fantastic week.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, March 15, 2014

I Hate Fridays!

As much as I love my doctor, I am beginning to hate my appointments on Friday at the Wound Center.  Not so much for the slight discomfort that his ministrations cause me (and pain!  Let's not forget the pain...) but because of some of the people that I meet while I am waiting.  It's THEIR pain and suffering that gets to me.

Today (yesterday...Friday) there was one man that had a bandage on his lower leg that went from heel to knee.  He was in a lot of pain and took a pain pill while he was waiting.  His son was with him and told me that his father had been *fighting* the problem (I didn't ask for details, sorry!) for six months and was just coming to the Wound Center finally.  When the gentleman stood up and turned slightly, I almost fainted because of the seepage at the back of the bandage and at his heel.  It looked just awful.

I found out that the doctor had sent him directly to the hospital and he was scheduled for surgery this afternoon (Friday afternoon).  That meant the doctor would leave the Wound Center and head right for the hospital to perform two surgeries on patients he had seen that day.  The nurses told me about there being two patients, the first one I didn't see since that one had been there earlier.

But it was scary to see the amputees that were there for treatment.  Not all were diabetics, either.  One gentleman told me he had lost his foot in an auto accident and was waiting for the wound to heal so he could get his prosthesis.  It made me feel like I was such a wimp to be there for what was actually a bad blood blister that was MY fault for walking around outside barefoot.  I see all kinds of people each week that are so much worse off than I am that it makes me feel grateful that I didn't even hesitate to go to the Wound Center when that blood blister broke and there was a deep wound underneath.  It may be minor in comparison (and I don't go into what MY problem is mainly because no one asks for details...thank goodness).  They see the special shoe I must wear to keep that toe off the ground and some of them have worn one like it themselves.  I guess they feel like they know what the problem is just for that reason.

But I do hate to see people that are suffering from some awful injuries.  Some are in constant pain, although most try to hide it.  Some are whiners.  One woman sat and quietly cried the whole time she was waiting.  Everyone around her didn't know whether to comfort her or slap her silly.  Her poor husband just rolled his eyes a couple times.  It's funny to realize how differently people handle pain.  Me?  If the pain gets too bad, I pop a pain pill and go to sleep for a while.  I don't cry, I don't whimper, I try not to even let anyone know I AM in pain.  Mostly because I have no one to blame but myself for my injury.  That'll learn me, durn me!  LOL!

The Princess gave me some really cute and comfortable bootie type slippers and I do NOT go barefoot even in my own house.  The booties have a nonslip, flexible bottom on them so they really ARE comfortable and safe, too.  I really like them.  AND.....they are in my favorite color...purple!  LOL!  Chewlee constantly tells me that's my favorite color even though I don't own much that is that color.  But I DO like it.  Besides, it's a ROYAL color and I am queen of my domain.  No place else but at least I have my own domain.

It's only 44 outside but the Beast will be getting up soon to go to his big meeting in Birmingham for his church this weekend.  I made him up a lunch to take with him so he doesn't have to stand in line to buy his.  He'll have potato salad, two sandwiches, an orange I cut up for him, a thermos of milk, a thermos of coffee (that's really for his trip there and home) and some cookies for a snack since he's bringing milk along with him.  He'll be gone all day (Hurrah!!) but at least he's not driving alone.  He's bringing along an older gentleman from his church with him both days.  It's only an hour and a half drive there which is a snap.  I just hope the rain holds off until he's home or almost home.  Bad enough they are saying we will have around 2 inches of rain on Sunday...yuk!

Love you all.  Stay warm and dry.  Spring isn't far away now.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Chewlee Gets Her Doll Today.....

I actually got the doll package yesterday but made arrangements with her mother to bring her over after school today so she could open it up herself.   Once I knew she was on her way, I cut the tape that was closing the box so she could get at the box inside.  I was actually shocked that she managed to get the box out all by herself since it fit so snugly.  Even she said, * Wow!  I'm really strong!*  When I felt the weight of the doll (and the two pounds of Hawaiian coffee inside), I had to admit, she was right!

She opened the box, gave me the coffee when I told her that was mine, and then it was getting the doll off the back cardboard.  She knew it had to be turned over without me saying a word and she just HAD to cut the bindings off...except for the one around the waist.  That was a wire one so I got to cut that one and Chewlee cut the others.  She was so excited, she was almost beside herself.  She had thrown the blanket that was enclosed with it aside until she could actually hold the doll.  Then she lovingly put the doll into the box and held up the blanket to look at it.  She thought it was great!  She even said, *Look at how BIG it is, Grandma!  And look at how pretty the ends are!*  It had a pretty crocheted edging that was used to finish the blanket with.  Then she had to wrap the baby doll in the blanket and she showed me how her mother showed her to fold the blanket.  What her mother HADN'T shown her was how you put the baby into it afterward....LOL.  She put her doll in it face down and folded the two ends over then picked it up properly.

She then ran out to show Papa and Mommy her baby doll.  Their reaction was just like looks REAL.  It's actually a collectible doll friend feels like I do...collectible dolls are for frustrated old ladies.  All dolls should be played with by children.  This is no exception.  I said, at one point, that she could leave the doll here for her to play with when she came to visit but Chewlee was horrified at that idea.  She dismissed that out of hand.  She did say that she would tell me what she named the baby when she decided and she would bring her back for *visits*.....LOL.

I had to run out to pick up my prescriptions at Walmart since the Beast has decided he is going to learn Spanish because there are so many Spanish speaking people at his church, even though they have started Spanish meetings for them.  Many of them attend the English services for the reason that they wish to learn English better.  One of his friends from church lent him their copies of  the a new version of learning disks for him to use.  They have been using them for the same reason...LOL.  Oh well.  It won't hurt him although he was having a problem because his pronunciation of two words (that I saw) wasn't letting him go forward so I helped him with that.  I think it startled him and he asked me if I wanted to use them this weekend while he was gone.  I figured, *Why not?*  It won't hurt me to brush up a bit on my really faulty elementary Spanish.  Will keep me out of trouble, I'm sure.

It got cold here, like it has pretty much everywhere but no snow or sleet, thankfully.  It's freezing outside right now and that's colder than predicted (of course!).  But there is going to be another warming trend before rain hits us again.  It will be up and down like this for several more weeks before we finally see our normal Spring weather, I'm sure.  Meantime, I hope it is as fortunate for everyone, everywhere.

Love you all.  Be safe.  ***Hugs***


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What An Incredible Day !

The temperature hit 75 degrees here today.  It might even have gotten higher from the way it felt but I never checked.  I just enjoyed it immensely even though I knew this round of great weather might not last us.  But it IS a hint that Spring is not far away.  Even the Beast started getting the garden areas ready for some new topsoil for our vegetable garden.  It really made me hope that this toe heals up well and quickly.  I have to change the bandage and put fresh medihoney on it every day and it really looks like it's closing up well now.  I'm going to celebrate when it's done, trust me.

Good news!  My friend, Carol, from California is fine.  She's having a real problem with her computer getting onto the site where we meet to play bingo.  She's not computer savvy but her son is going to come over and see what it is she might be as simple as downloading the newest flash player since the site we meet at uses it primarily for all it's games.  Oh well.  Will have to just wait and see what happens over the next couple days.  I have a bunch of friends on the site that I also play with but I miss her a lot.  We just seem to have a better time together and we definitely enjoy talking about....nothing much.  LOL!

When the Beast started mowing the backyard, I had a flashback to when we first moved here and had all these strange growths in our lawn.  When he mowed the yard the first time, all you could smell was ...  onions!!!  I kid you not.  I actually pulled some of them out of the ground and even used them.  They were the green onions most people throw into salads.  We had literally thousands of them popping up on both our lots.  Too funny.  I got a whiff of onions coming in through my window so they aren't all gone yet.  One day.......

Love you all.  I wish you a fantastic balance of the week and nice weather.  ****Hugs****

When You Hit A Certain Age, You Worry......

It's a different kind of worrying.  Not about paying bills (although I don't think you quite get over that because there are ALWAYS bills...LOL) but about things like your health, the health and welfare of friends and family, about the chores that you are not quite up to because of your age, about climbing ladders to make a repair when you are alone, about the loss of energy you feel, the loss of endurance, muscle tone...there are so many things.  They are all things that, when you are young, never occur to you.  You take so many things for granted.

It's very true that most of us, if we had known or even thought about such things, would have taken better care of ourselves.  It's almost NOT funny.  And yet, it is.  The joke is that you have to keep a certain balance between worry and humor.  Some things are not funny.  Climbing a ladder when no one knows you are doing it can be scary if you are really not up to it.  I wouldn't climb a high ladder because of the neuropathy that affects my feet.  Getting up is no problem but coming down could be if I can't look down to make sure my feet are on a rung.  I could end up very hurt if I fell.  Of course, I can let fear engulf me and prevent me from doing things that need doing.  I just have to be smart about things and think them through.  I wouldn't give those kind of things a second thought when I was young.  You think you will always be able to do whatever you want.  You mostly don't think about your health and well-being.

And the health of others is another subject.  I have a dear friend who is in her 80's.  She is a brittle diabetic (not controlled, insulin dependent) who is also overweight, has two bad knees and is in a wheelchair.  She remains active but cannot take most of the prescription drugs for pain due to the side effects they have on her.  She sometimes is in so much pain, she remains in bed for most of the day.  She hates it when it happens to her because, in her heart, she SHOULD be able to DO whatever she wants to do.  Even going to the bathroom requires intense effort on her part.

Yet, even with what she suffers, she has the dearest heart and is very sweet and loving.  She is still very much in love with her husband of many, many years and worries more about HIM than herself because he has his own health problems that are very serious.  Yet he takes care of HER so lovingly that it makes me jealous.  

My friend and I usually play bingo online together every night and we chat.  I stay up later than I would some nights because of the time difference between where we both live.  I live, of course, in Alabama.  She lives in California.  I sometimes forget about our age difference but, when she didn't come online yesterday, I figured she probably had a bad day and went to bed early because she works Monday, Wednesday and Friday at her son's flower shop.  But,when she didn't show up today, I got VERY worried about that.  Now I find I MUST call tomorrow to find out if she is okay but just not up to using the computer because she is in so much pain.  Because otherwise, what might be keeping her away is too painful and awful to consider.  

If we were both young, not seeing her for several days would just make me think that she was busy with her kids. work or any of the thousands of things we women take care of all the time.  It wouldn't have worried me a tenth as much as I am worried right now about my friend.  I am hoping that I will ask to talk to her tomorrow or that she might even answer the phone herself.  It would be a HUGE relief and weight off my heart to know she was still with us and not in the hospital or some such thing.  You know what I mean.

At my age, I worry about many things but I believe this is the worst kind of worry that anyone can have about someone they love.  Don't you?  Please do not take life or good health for granted.  That also means making sure you keep in contact with those people you love and care about.  Good friends are hard to come by...and keep.  Don't take things for granted.  Things change.  Sometimes, quickly and without warning.  Tell those you love that you do as often as you can.  Today is all we are sure about.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone.  ***Hugs*** Love you all!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Chewlee's Sleepover....

As Chewlee's sleepovers go, this one actually went fairly smoothly.  When Chewlee first got here and pulled out her pajamas and other clothes from the little ditty bag she was carrying, she started into a litany of things that were wrong with her.  Her leg hurt.  She had a headache.  She had split her toe open (she ended up putting a bandage on it) and she told me that a split toe, if it had been any worse, could have killed her!  She was also hungry and disappointed that she had eaten the last two pickles when she stopped over the other day.  She told me, *Grandma!  I TOLD you that I should only get ONE a day.  You shouldn't have given me TWO!*  LOL!  My fault, of course.

When NickMom came on at 9pm, she got into her pajamas and we both went to bed in the guest room.  I happened to be tired so I didn't even TRY to argue with her.  She lay in bed, playing a game on her tablet for a few minutes.  I knew she was tired so she wouldn't be playing it long and, sure enough, she turned off her tablet and snuggled up to me.  She had pushed the covers off of herself since she said she was *hot*.  I knew if she got cold, she would pull the covers over her (or I would).  We both fell sound asleep.  I woke up around midnight and got up to use the bathroom then went to check for my sister or my friend from California.  Bratfink was online and reminded me to turn the clocks ahead (and I did).  I was surprised my friend from California wasn't online since it was much earlier there than in my area of the country.  Sure enough, my friend from California came online just seconds after I did.

We both had pills to take so we did that and we ended up talking for about an hour before we gave in to our tiredness and went to bed.  I could hardly keep my eyes open.  I said goodnight to my friend and then told Bratfink I was heading for bed.  We gave each other our *love you's* and *sleep well* goodnights and I signed offline.

When I crawled back into bed, Chewlee had missed me and she woke up to chew me out for leaving.  Since she didn't know how long I was gone, I told her I had gone to the bathroom (I had!) so she forgave me and we both went back to sleep.  She ended up, somehow, sleeping sideways with her legs entwined with mine.  She had kicked the covers back and it was THAT that had awakened me.  My legs got  After I re-covered them, I went back to sleep and we both woke up around 7 or 8am.  

Chewlee had told me I was going to be sweating because today was going to be really hot (it was nice but NOT hot!).  I think she was slightly disappointed.  She did, however, go outside in her pajamas to throw some birdseed on the driveway for the birds.  She kept saying it was really nice outside and she was busy when I yelled at her to get back in the house and get dressed and to GET SOME SHOES ON!  Kids!

Later on, she got dressed to go to church with the Beast (she almost didn't).  When they got home, it took the Beast asking her if she wanted to go for a ride on the *mooter scooter* to get her into her play clothes.  It's amazing how quickly she can undress and redress if properly motivated.  The Beast dropped her off to play at Sam's house for a while and Chewlee came home on her own about an hour later.  She likes playing with Sam but he had a couple other friends over and they were all boys so she wasn't happy about that.  She played games on her tablet and watched a movie until her mother came to pick her up around 6pm.  That's when I finally got to lay down and take a nap...undisturbed.  LOL!  

I love that kid to death and she always manages to make me smile and/or laugh.  I miss her not coming here after school like she has for the last couple years.  Now that the Princess is a stay at home mom (at least for a while) while she is pregnant, even Chewlee has had a tough time adjusting to not coming here to Grandma's house.  So her *sleepovers* are fun times for us.  We get to see her, talk with her, interact and just love her.  LOVE YOU MUCH, CHEWLEE!!!

Time to get this posted.  Like I said earlier, it was nice here today.  The high was right around 66 degrees, sunny and clear.  It is supposed to be right about the same temp tomorrow and a bit up and down for the whole week.  I know other parts of the country are still suffering under colder weather and I am saying prayers for them that their weather improves....A LOT!

Love you all.  Stay warm and dry.  Have a great week.  ***Hugs***

Friday, March 7, 2014

Good? Bad? Oh Well!

Today was Wound Center day and the doctor had to check both my toe and the new wound on my upper left chest from my surgery on Monday.  I got there early because, well, if there had been any cancellations, I might have been able to get in early.  If not, no problem.  I brought my wedge shoe with me...just in case I didn't have to have that football bandage on my foot any more.  Oh, and the matching sock to my other foot's wear....LOL!

The toe is healing great!  It just needs to fill in now so I'm back to using my Medihoney gel on it but....I now change the bandage daily so that means I can now shower again!  No more PTA baths for me....hurrah!  No football bandage so I was very glad I brought my shoe and the sock.  It felt sooooo great.  I won't complain about it again, trust me.  

The chest wound...well, let's say this...the incision looks nice because there wasn't a lot of spreading unlike some that people have.  He was able to make a decent cut, I guess but, shit!  It's about 3-1/2 inches long and required four stitches to close it.  The stitches are that black, stiff crap that they leave long edges on (for later ease of removal, I know but yuk) and the edges catch on any clothes you wear if you don't put a bandage on it.  So, I had bandaged it after removing the covering they had put on at the hospital.  I guess that was not a smart move.  I should have waited longer before doing that and let the skin air and toughen up a bit.  

It was covered with a see-thru covering that was kind of like cellophane, just more flexible (and not noisy...LOL).  When I removed the bandage at the doctor's office, it took off a small piece of flesh and it still hurts now even though I have left it airing since then.  The doctor told me to try to let it open to the air and just cover it before bedtime.  I would have done that anyway because that thin piece of flesh that came off when I removed the tape that was holding down the gauze really felt raw.  When I cover up the stitches later, I'm going to just put a regular bandaid over that area.  That will let air in but keep it from getting any worse from rubbing.

The stitches make that whole area look incredibly ugly so I don't want anyone to get a glimpse of it, especially not my Chewlee.  She worries when I get so much as a scratch on me and this would make her nuts.  Besides, it might also make her have nightmares (after she inspected it closely because that is her type of curiosity).  I don't want to have to fight her off on inspecting it, either.  The doctor told me he would remove the stitches next Friday because it didn't look quite ready when he checked it today.  Oh well!  What must be, must be.

Buttmunch was supposed to fly down to Tallahassee today.  Her friend said she would pay for her ticket and she should be able to pick it up at the counter when she got there.  Well, guess what?  It wasn't waiting for her.  I think her friend might have thought it wouldn't cost much and it might not at any other time of year but it's Spring Break time.  I don't think either gal thought about that.  I don't know if Buttmunch will have to wait now or perhaps end up taking the bus or what.  Stay tuned for more developments as I get the information.

The weather turned out warmer than it was predicted today.  It was in the upper 50's, sunny and almost no breeze to speak of.  I kept my window down both to and from the doctor's office because it was THAT nice even with the breeze you get from driving.  It was very invigorating.  So I had the high from having the wedge shoe instead of the suffocating football bandage on my foot AND the nice day.  I was wishing everyone an enjoyable day all over the country.  I'm sorry if it wasn't for some people but it wasn't for lack of good wishes on my part.

Love you all but it's time to get this posted.  It's bad enough that I fell asleep early last night and then was too tired when I DID wake up to blog.  My sincere apologies.  I wish you a great weekend.  Ours is predicted to be great with temps in the 60's tomorrow and clear skies!  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The House Across The Street Takes Shape !

It finally happened!  The frame for the house that Dennis and Di have been building for months has finally gone up.  Best of all, all the plumbing that had Dennis so worried turns out is in the right places.  He said now he will be able to sleep tonight and not worry about it any more.   He's the type that obsesses over things like that even though he's checked it, corrected it and triple checked it.  

Even my Home Health nurse noticed that the framework was finally going up on it.  Many a day she came here to find the cement trucks clogging the road or gravel trucks!  This house has been built to extremely incredible specifications.  It's the house they are retiring in and the last one they ever will live in so they wanted it to be *just right*.  LOL!  

My day was very boring.  Except for the HH nurse showing up unexpectedly (to the Beast's chagrin because he was in his underwear and hid in my computer room).  He got mad at me because I didn't automatically bring him his jeans.  It was too funny to me for some reason.  BTW, all my vitals were just fine.  Just in case you were wondering.  She was really hooping that she could remove my chest bandage to see how that was but I can't remove it until tomorrow.  I see the doctor on Friday and he will check toe and chest both then.

I just found out Buttmunch is probably going to be moving to Tallahassee to stay with a long time friend there.  It may be for the best.  I think Buttmunch has missed Florida for a long time.  They say once you get Florida sand in your shoes, you always want to return.  Buttmunch had Florida sand in her diapers....LOL.  She and my other kids were born there.  Heck, all my grandkids were born there, too.  Even *I* admit that I miss South Florida a LOT!  But I miss the South Florida I use to know.  Not the one that exists now.  It's way too crowded and too much a blueprint of New York now with all of the transplants from there.  I moved there when it was still a small town except during Spring Breaks and the winter tourist season.  I'm a midwesterner.  A different breed from New Yorkers and more polite, too.  But that's because Fort Lauderdale was THE place to live.  Once upon a  time .....!

Still, there are other places that have almost the same appeal AND the access to deep sea fishing.  Lord, I miss that most of all.  You haven't lived until you've caught a dolphin (no, not the Flipper kind but the FISH) or a sailfish.  It's the most incredible feeling to reel one of them in.  It's why the Beast wants his ashes scattered down there.  He's had some of the best times of his life there, fishing.

It was nice here today even though the temperature only got up to 55 out.  The air was calm and the sun was bright.  The Beast started pressure cleaning the algae off the house today.  We get a lot of it on one side of the house that doesn't get much in the way of sunlight.  He'll be working on that for the next week.  At least it will keep him busy and out of my hair.

Love you all.  Back to cold, rainy weather tomorrow.  Yikes!  That means the Beast will be inside.  Damn.  Oh well.  Drive carefully, especially all of you in areas that still have snow and ice on the ground.  ***Hugs***

Monday, March 3, 2014

Surgery Over!

It's all over and done with now.  The surgery didn't take long, thankfully.  It took all of 45 minutes, which wasn't much time when you consider they had to wait for the pathologist to check and then tell them if they got it all.  The doctor said they had a *clearance* of over 1/4mm all around.  Doesn't sound like much to me but what do I know?  Plus he said he was able to easily close the area dissected and that was his biggest worry, I know.  He had mentioned that before because he wasn't sure how much of an area the basal cells had spread.  Guess it wasn't too big because I don't feel any *pulling* in that area.

I can't remove the bandage for three days.  That means not until Thursday, the day before I see the doctor at the Wound Center.   At least they gave me some good pain pills (hydrocodone) without them being too strong.  The doctor told me that he wanted me to take two of them if I woke up during the night in pain.  Wow!  Nice thought.  I sure hope it doesn't happen.  I have enough problems with sleeping without that happening.

It was really bone-chilling cold today.  It rained and the temperature fell down to freezing with a brisk (14mph and up) wind blowing.  Poor guy had to go out in that to get my pain pills, too.  He even asked me how I was feeling....shock, surprise!  Usually he wouldn't even ask me.  I wonder what made him ask unless.....maybe he was hoping this might be fatal!  LOL!

Since I was mobile, I was able to get my own food and drink (my coffee!).  I even made a pot of the Kona coffee my girlfriend, Carol, sent me from San Francisco.  I love it.  The Beast thinks it's *too strong*.  It isn't but it has a different taste than the breakfast blend stuff he's used to.  That stuff is too weak to me.  I guess I LIKE a stronger taste to my coffee than he does.  

When we got home after my surgery, I had a bowl of the tapioca I made last night.  It improves overnight so it tasted wonderful.  Of course, the fact that I was hungry had nothing to do with it....LOL!  I was told to eat light and tapioca was on that list of suggested items.  It works for me!  The Beast even shared some popcorn (without all the butter, thank goodness) with me later in the evening.  

The temperature has dropped down to 27 now (feels like 21) with brisk winds still applying.  The prediction is for sleet later tonight and tomorrow.  Not going to be a fun day for anyone.  Seems like this is happening all over.  Like I've said before, this has been a brutal winter with unusual weather happening in places it hasn't happened in many years.  It's not really new, just not seen in a long time.

Well, love you all.  Please, please be careful if you are out and about tomorrow.  Stay warm (and dry!)  ***Hugs***

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Last Night Before My Surgery......

All I can say is that it's a good thing I just love my surgeon for tomorrow.  He's the same doctor that operated on my legs.  His work at the Wound Center makes him eligible for doing my surgery for the basal cell carcinoma on my left upper chest.  He noticed it twice before while doing some surgery on my legs and that is why he finally did the biopsy on it.  I was going to go to the Beast's dermatologist since that was the type of doctor I had to see in order for him to find out if it was a skin cancer.  I had no idea that my favorite doctor would be taking care of it for me.

I've already taken care of the skin care stuff they want you to do prior to surgery.  I have one more time I have to do the morning before I go to the hospital.  That's at 9am and the Beast will drive me there.  I am charging up my cell phone so I can call him when I am ready to be picked up, although I think the nurses will do it if I give them his number.

I will admit that I am getting a bit nervous about it all.  I trust my doctor but....a skin cancer is always a worry.  Plus I guess I am afraid the incision and subsequent amount of flesh that is going to be removed will be much larger than I would like it to end up.  Oh well~ what will be, will be.

The Beast took pictures of the kids today but it was really windy.  The day was absolutely wonderful.  The temperature hit 73!  He took some pictures of them at one of the parks near Lake Guntersville but then ended up taking some more here, out front, with them sitting on a blanket.  I gather he and they liked several of those so he was busy printing up pictures after we ate dinner.  He made baby back ribs again and we had some Texas toast with cheese topping along with them.  I have to tell you, I do NOT like the Texas toast with cheese.  Give me the plain old garlic Texas toast every time.  Even the Beast agreed.  He just wanted to try it and see if it would be a nice change of pace from time-to-time.

Like I said, the day turned out just fantastic.  Warm but windy but Chewlee was happy, happy, happy.  She recited a litany of why she was a lucky girl which included the people that loved her, her friends, her toys and electronics....even her baby brother!  That made me laugh but she turned to me and said, *I'm not really sure about the baby brother but I will wait and see.*

I'm tired so I think I will go to bed early tonight since I can't eat or drink anything after midnight.  Love you all.  Be safe.  Take care.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Chewlee Comes For A Short Visit......

Chewlee, the Pregnant Princess and a friend came by today for a short visit.  Chewlee wanted her letter that she got from my friend, Carol.  She is the one that lives in San Francisco area.  She read all her stickers that were on the outside and thought they were cute then she opened up the letter.  When she saw it was written and not printed, she asked me to read it to her.  She asked me what the surprise was that Carol mentioned but I told her that if I told her what it was, it wouldn't be a surprise.  She just looked at me while she thought that over and said, *But Grandma...I can't wait.  You can tell me and it will still be a surprise.*  I told her NO and not to ask me again and she just said ok to that.

I turned on cartoons for her and she got two pickles, one of which her mother took a big bite out of and Chewlee protested but it got her nowhere.  Then I gave Chewlee two necklaces that Carol had included in her package that I got today that will end up at Raven's if she is still making her jewelry with things like it.  I believe she is so am not really worried about it being wasted.

Anyway, the two beaded necklaces that Chewlee took she just loved.  She likes having jewelry she can wear like her mother wears.  She then selected two necklaces for her mother that were purple and one for the friend, which is really an aunt to Chewlee.  Kaitlin is Johnnycakes sister.  I hadn't seen her in a couple of years.  She is definitely a teenager now and much bigger than she was the first time I met her.  Pretty girl.  But then she was pretty even as a preteen.  

After they left, I made us some egg salad for lunch and the Beast ate some for dinner since he said he wasn't all that hungry.  Of course not.  He snacks damn near all day long and had eaten some sardines and crackers and then some cheese and crackers as he watched TV.  He hasn't been doing much in the way of chores around here since he hurt his shoulders and neck.  His neck is still bothering him but at least he can now raise his arm to put his ointment on it by himself.  That stuff stinks even after you wash your hands a couple times.  It seeps into your pores....LOL!

I've been really good about the lotion that I have to apply all over my body (except for my privates, face and the wound that will be excised on Monday.  Only one more day to go.  I was kind of surprised that I don't have to apply it on Monday but I only do as instructed.  Whatever works.  I'm a bit nervous about it all even though I trust the surgeon that will be doing it.  I just hope it's a whiz-bang situation and I don't have to be cut twice the same operation.  Of course, I won't know if he has to make it bigger since I will be under a general anesthesia.  Oh well.  What will be, will be.

Poor Bratfink may end up getting more snow out of the cold system that will be cutting across southern Indiana.  I'm hoping it's a light snow since Sheldon has to be out in it for his job.  I really feel bad about all my relatives in the Chicago area.  They have had one hell of a winter season this  year.  Brutal.  I can't complain about ours in comparison.  Right now (and it's almost 2am here) it's 52 degrees out and we are supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow.  The Beast is taking Johnnycakes, the Princess and Chewlee to this park in Guntersville to take pictures of them.   I hope to be able to post some here in tomorrow's blog or Monday's.  We'll see.

Love you all.  Have a great Sunday if you can.  ***Hugs***

Surgery Scheduled

The hospital finally called and told me I had to be there at 9am for my surgery on Monday.  Great!  At least I don't have to be there TOO early so I can get some decent sleep.  That depends on whether or not I actually sleep at all.  I usually get too stressed and don't sleep more than an hour or two at a time and then am up for an hour or two all night long.  At least the surgery gives me time to sleep....LOL.

Poor Auntie Em is feeling very frustrated and depressed at the same time.  She has gotten so heavy since she broke her hip that she can no longer stand, nor can she even get out of bed without help.  That help is in the form of a portable crane that has to lift her out of bed and into her wheelchair.  At least it's her daughter, Bevie, that is doing all this stuff for her and not some stranger.  But it's tough for a daughter that is only 19 years younger to manage all this on her own.  Thankfully, she very healthy.  Auntie Em is 94 now and also  has Parkinson's.  She hates that she weighs over 300 lbs. now but inactivity doesn't help.  Her total inability to even stand makes everything worse.  For a woman that was as active as she always was, it has to be torture.

When I went to the Wound Center yesterday, I had a different doctor since my regular one was attending a continuing education seminar required to renew his license.  This guy was as old as dirt but very sweet.  He decided to try to cut away more of my callus around the wound and, in one area, he went just a little too far and cut into healthy tissue.  Not bad but he dabbed at the blood and said, *Oh this is good.  It shows good circulation in the area and that helps healing.*  With that, he dabbed at the blood again and walked out, leaving me to the ministrations of the nurses.  They never said a word but I could tell they were a bit upset about it and I don't think I was the first one he had done something a little bit wrong on that morning.  But he looked like they had to have pulled him out of retirement.  What else was to be expected?

The end result is that I have taken more pain pills than I do normally and they put me to sleep, unfortunately.  They aren't even strong ones like percocets or others like that.  I'm just a wuss, I guess.  LOL!

I got the beads and things from my friend, Carol, in San Francisco.  I looked them over and I am sure my daughter-in-law, Raven, will be more than happy to have them.  Carol said when she finds the findings and other stuff, she will send them to me.  She has no use for them any more.  She's in her 80's and her eyesight is just not good enough to do some of the crafts she use to do.  If she's like me, she probably also finds herself shaking while trying to do some intricate things.  I hate when I start that but it's not often.....yet!

She was telling me about the babydoll that she ordered and it finally arrived.  She said *yes, the skin feels soft like a baby's AND, once the battery is installed, it will look like it's breathing.*  I was thinking that might terrify some little girls but Chewlee is old enough to KNOW it's the battery doing that.  To her, it will just add to the feeling that she is caring for a real baby.  I KNOW she will love that.

It's in the 50's today but feels humid out.  Guess that means we are in for some rain later today or tonight.  It's only supposed to be a low of 48 tonight, which is not bad, really.  I can see by the things I am saying that I have become acclimatized after just 8 years.  **Head slap**  I can hardly believe it.  I think it took longer adjusting to Florida's heat when we moved there from Chicago.  Sheesh!

At least now the sun is out and that always cheers me up.  I love the sun.  Love you all.  Have a great weekend.  Gotta go and make us some egg salad for later.  ***Hugs***