The Princess dropped off Chewlee today because she had to take a trip to Huntsville and Chewlee didn't want to go with her. Chewlee helped the Beast plant some new flowers in the flowerbed out front and then we just chatted while she was watching one of her downloaded movies on her Ipad.
When the Princess got back and came to pick her up, she came in with Gunner and put him in my arms (I had been resting in the recliner). What a sweetie. His face lit up when I talked to him and he has the sweetest smile. He's gained weight and looks like most babies do when they are filling out into a person. His short little legs kicked when he smiled and he jiggled all over. He also seemed to be filled with gas and Chewlee and I laughed at him when he let it out. You could hear it. Baby farts just seem so damn funny for some reason.
When she took Gunner from me, she took him outside so the Beast could take some pictures of him. Chewlee and the Princess looked at them as soon as he had put them on his computer. He's almost two months old! How time flies! Later on, the Beast printed up some of the pictures and I have one sitting on my desk right now.
As far as my leg goes, I took large strips of adhesive tape to close up the open area and it's slowed down the leakage a lot. My hope is that it will heal in that area in the next week. Even if I have to keep the darn tape on. The biggest problem is the leakage eventually loosens the tape up so I have to keep checking it and keeping the pressure of the terry cloth rag on the area.
But I feel good and have a healthy appetite. The Beast bought me some protein shakes to drink since the doctor wants me to have at least two of them every day along with my meals. He got me ones that are French vanilla flavored and they are really tasty. The flavor is mild. When I first saw what they were, I got worried. If I didn't like the taste, I know me. It would have played hell on my taste buds and I wouldn't have liked drinking them. But the taste is good and I don't mind them one bit.
The weather has been very mild and clear. Dennis is loving that because the work on his house seems to be going much faster with the milder weather. He's got all his doors and windows in now and everything fits perfectly. You have to know that he is a perfectionist and the windows and doors are truly square. Now that the doors are in place, the finish work on the floors is almost done. The walls are ready for painting and so is the siding. Why he put up siding that is going to need painting every five or six years is beyond me. We just clean ours up every spring (it DOES get mildew on the south side of the house). I would rather pressure clean than paint, wouldn't you?
Love you all. Drive carefully and treasure your family and friends while you can. Life is short. ***Hugs***
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