Friday, May 8, 2015

Lady Learns To Tease Baron....

The Beast bought Lady a little stuffed toy a week or so ago.  She doesn't carry it around much but likes to keep it where she can see it.  It has a squeaker in it but that's not the appeal for Lady.  She loves to tease Baron with it.  It's so funny how she does it.  She will carry it over by Baron and lay it down like she is offering it to him.  He will sniff it and, if he looks like he is going to pick it up, she snatches it away and runs off a few paces with it and looks back at Baron to see if he is going to chase her for it.  Usually, Baron will just look at her and then turn away and go lay down.  He's wise to her tricks.  But does it discourage her?  No, she acts like she is sorry she teased him and will go lay down next to him and again offer it to him.  But, the minute he looks interested again, she will snatch it back and start chewing on it.  Baron will fall for it every time and Lady acts like she is really clever.  Later on, we will see the toy underneath one of the end tables or under the coffee table where Lady can easily retrieve it but not Baron.

If you have ever watched dog's playing, it looks like they are going to bite each other.  It even sounds ferocious.  But you will also not see them ever bite even with their teeth bared.  Sometimes, however, it's Lady that forgets it's playing and she will bite Baron.  He stops dead when that happens and Lady, realizing she's gone too far, will turn over on her back in submission.  Baron will sniff her and then.....the game begins again.  We get tired of it after a while and make the dogs go lay down to settle down and relax.  

Another great day today.  It was very nice outside.  Very warm and sunny.  Tonight is a bit warmer than last night but still a bit chilly.  I made my stuffed peppers tonight for us and made some meatball shapes with the excess meat.  I also made some cheese mashed potatoes to serve with the stuffed peppers for our dinner.  The Beast was very happy.  Another meal *I* made and he didn't have to....LOL!  

The Beast had the AC on....again.  If it hits 80 outside (and it's going to all week long!), he just has to have the AC.  He's such a wuss about heat.  I love it and was glad that the screen doors were open most of the day.  But it kept him indoors most of the day.  If he spent more than 5 minutes outside, he would come in sweating.  The bad part is that he eventually gets cranky because he can't do what he wants to do outside without his body punishing him.

He was tickled that he got an invitation to a Graduation Party today and the parents had used a picture that HE had taken on it of the grad.  I recognized it as soon as I saw it and told him so.  That also tickled him.  How pleased he was just made me smile.  

Love you all.  Have to get myself back to bed now.  Be good.  Stay happy.  Isn't it great to be alive??  ***Hugs***

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