Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy (No) Labor Day!

Today we observed Labor Day by not laboring over much.  I had made some boneless pork ribs yesterday that we just reheated along with the baked beans and then had a bit of macaroni salad.  I made some broccoli for myself since the Beast said he *didn't have room on his plate*.  I never noticed before that when you nuke frozen broccoli in the microwave, they smell like cabbage cooking.  Weird.

I didn't put any macaroni salad on my plate because it wasn't some that I had made.  The Beast likes the stuff that you can buy at the store.  I don't like it because of the relish they add to it.  Call me strange if you want to but it just does not appeal to me.  I've tried it but...yuk!

The Beast put some Kilz on the unpainted wood for the new stair railing but it wasn't put together the last time I checked.  I gather the Beast has been having a tough time sleeping and he feels it after two days of up and down and tossing and turning.  He's kept Baron from sleeping, too, so Baron is spending more of his time sleeping away from the Beast unless the thinks the Beast is going outside.  He's usually sprawled in front of the door so that he can keep track of the Beast.  

The Beast went to bed very early tonight (8:30pm) so he will probably be up early tomorrow to finish up the stair railing.  He was saying to me that if he didn't get a good night's sleep, he didn't know if he was going to be able to drive down to Butch's house.  Somehow it didn't surprise me since I was halfway expecting him to come up with something to delay that.  He can be predictable most of the time.  But even if he doesn't leave on Wednesday like he told his cousin, Butch, he WILL leave on Thursday at the latest just because he told him he was coming down to spend some time with him.

We are going to be leaving here on the 8th of October for our trip to Chicago.  We will probably leave early in the morning since it's about a 12 hour drive up there and the Beast will insist on it being done in one day.  That's 12 hours of straight driving.  It doesn't include the time to stop to eat, bathroom breaks or even filling up with gas.  Of course, with the Prius (which is a green vehicle), we may not have to make one until we are almost there.  It gets incredible gas mileage.  But, we also will have to stop a time or two to let Baron stretch his legs and pee.  Yes, Baron is going with us.  

The Beast thinks we have solved the problem of taking Baron in the Prius with two special blankets plus the Prius has leather seats so a little bit of shed hair won't be a real problem.  We will bathe and brush him the night before we leave and the Beast will probably do the same before we leave Chicago to come home.  His sister may not be happy about that but he won't care.  We will only be there for five days tops because the Beast has to be back here for a wedding on the 17th of October.  He's taking pictures for the bride and groom as his wedding present to them.  They asked him to do it for them so it's not like he's just DOING it to be cheap or something.  He gave them a NutraNinja as a shower gift.  LOL!

I'm looking forward to my trip up there.  I ordered a blouse (very inexpensive but really cute) that I want to wear when I meet up with my girlfriends.  I found out from FB that the Princess saw it advertised there and gave it a *like*.  I really don't have a lot of clothes that fit me since I lost my weight after one of my surgeries (I don't remember which one any more since there have been quite a few these past few years).  I was surprised to find out I wear a size 8 again.  I really never thought I would get down to that again unless I was in a nursing home...LOL!  I can wear the couple of sweaters I still have even if they are a bit on the large size since that is kind of the style for us old ladies.  It hides a multitude of sins anyway.

I may hit a few of the resale shops in this area and see if I can pick up a couple inexpensive things to take with me.  It's always nice to have some *new* things to wear that you haven't been looking at for years.  Most of the things that the Beast will be taking with him are things that he's bought just in the last year.  Some are things he's bought in just the last month.  He has to look good for church and his church activities after all.  Plus, he gained a bit of weight so he needed new pants.  I look for bargains at Walmart and he shops at upscale stores.  He thinks that's just fine but it sure ticks me off.  Call me jealous if you want but he throws such a fit that I don't want to hear it any more.

Tomorrow will be another wash day plus I will have to help the Beast finish up the stair rail.  I'll probably also finish up pulling the weeds out of the flower planter in front of the house.  I may then head over to my sister Cee's for a couple hours if she's going to be home.  Since the Beast will be up early, it means so will I.  Funny how that works!  

Time to finish up.  Love you all.  I hope you had a great three day weekend and had some good time with family and/or friends.  I also hope you had a SAFE Holiday weekend.  ***Hugs***

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