Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I know it's a bit early but I have no idea from one day to the next how I will be feeling.  If my hip is hurting a lot, I am not able to sit up for any length of time.  If not, I may just be trying to make up for lost sleep.  My days are really screwed up since I fell.  I'm thinking that when I hurt my hip the other night while asleep, I may have undone all the good that was done in the previous days towards healing.  

I mentioned to Mustachio my theory about why the Beast has been so good to me since I hurt myself and it made sense to him, too.  Control, control, control.  I probably should have taken my nephew's offer to go out and have a few drinks with him and his wife that he extended to me on Christmas Eve just to get out from under the Beast's control for a few hours.  But, at the time, it didn't occur to me that it was the reason he was being good to me.  I have a difficult time believing it was some Christian compulsion he suddenly came up with.  

I was really hoping to see my granddaughter, Sheepie, today.  If I am lucky, I MAY see her on New Year's Day when they have all the college games.  I suspect my nephew and his wife will be driving his daughter back to Florida to return to her mother and because school starts next week.  I believe my nephew has to return to California to finish training the sales people there.  We were laughing at the fact that he moved here to Alabama just in time to rent a house to store all his stuff....LOL.

Mustachio bought Buttmunch a new winter jacket, hat and gloves as a late Christmas present.  He was smart because he got it marked down and she got a much better jacket because of that.  Kohl's has nice clothes and he got a 50% reduction in price.  Since she has to either take a bus or a taxi to work because she isn't within walking distance, he says he won't have to worry about her being cold when the really brutal weather they get up there hits.

Well, it's 4am and I am really tired.  I need to get back to bed and finish getting some good sleep.  I was nice and comfy before I had to wake up to go to the bathroom.  I had to take a pain pill and wait for it to kick in since my sciatica was going nuts.  Love you all.  Please remember, don't drink and drive.  Either have a designated driver or call a cab if you are going to go out and party.  Be safe, not sorry.  ***Hugs***

Monday, December 29, 2014

Better Late Than Never....

Last night was probably one of the worst ones I've had in quite a while.  I was up and down all night long.  I was peeing like a racehorse and, sometimes, I didn't QUITE make it.  That meant a change of pajamas.  I'm sorry to put it so bluntly but that's the facts.  I am totally out of Depends and not really wanting to send the Beast to the store for more.  If I could get ahold of Sheepie, I know I could trust her to get me some that fit.  But I have no idea if she is still working or not.  After the way she was treated by her manager, I would hope she told him to shove it!

Today, I was exhausted and, every time I fell asleep, can guess how I woke up.  I finally sat on a towel, folded up into many layers, just to make sure I had no more accidents.  At least, that was my hope.  LOL!

I lost my remote control under my recliner at one point and wasn't able to change channels.  I couldn't get down on my knees to look underneath and try as I might to feel along the sides and back of the recliner gave me nothing.  I knew I needed to see underneath.  Later, when I told the Beast, he got down and checked underneath for me and found it at the back area.  Since it's tough for him to get up, it was really a sweet thing for him to do for me.   I guess I have to stop putting it in my lap.  I also had a problem with some sort of alarm going off on me.  I took the battery out of my alarm clock and made sure it was shut off..  I was pulling out all kinds of plugs and praying that, whatever the hell it was, ran down....quickly.  When you can't get around easily, it makes this kind of thing a nightmare.  It just went off again and I still am clueless.  I have a hunch it might be coming from my closet in here.  Something to do with the solar batteries?  It sounds like it's wearing down now.  I sure hope so.

I need to go lay back down for a bit.  I haven't really slept still and a short nap would be welcome at this point.  I'm keeping my phone close to me, hoping that Sheepie may call.  This damn alarm keeps raising and lowering in volume but I know if I lay down, a blanket around my ears will cover the sound.

Love you all.  Keep warm with this new Arctic blast.  I have to kick up the heat in here for me.  Do what YOU must to keep nice and toasty.  ***Hugs*** 


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ut Oh!

Today I learned that you are not always safe when sleeping if you are hurt.  I have no idea just what I did but, when I woke up from my nap this afternoon, I had obviously hurt my hip somehow.  I think I must have twisted it at an odd angle while asleep and it hurt like hell when I was trying to walk.  Even with my crutches to help (I haven't even tried abandoning those yet), I was in major pain.

When I tried sleeping later on, I couldn't find a comfortable position for it to be.  I ended up grabbing the heating pad again which only helped a little.  I finally got up and took two pain pills or I know I won't get any sleep tonight.  I am waiting for them to kick in and I will try once more to get some sleep.

The Beast went to dinner at a friend's house tonight.  He tried to get me to eat earlier than I wanted but I talked him out of it saying it might be tough but I could manage to feed myself if I got hungry.  He must have enjoyed himself because he spent over 3 hours there (these people were from his church) and he doesn't even spend that much time at Dennis and Di's house when we have dinner there.  And they have been our friends for over 35 years....LOL!

Perhaps that's the real explanation.  We know Dennis and Di VERY well.  The people from his church are fairly new to him and more interesting just because he doesn't know them well.  At least, not yet.  And they will only see the good side of him.  He will always be *on* ...which means they will always see him at his very best.  He can be funny, helpful and even interesting at times.  But he also swears like a sailor (and some of the words I just HATE!).  He loses his temper easily when at home and for the stupidest things.  I have seen him beat inanimate objects for those type of reasons.  Although he CAN be patient, he seems to park that side of him at the door unless it comes to his photography.  I have seen him adjust and readjust his pictures endlessly until he gets it just perfect (in his opinion).  

Of course, now that it's just the two of us here, he aims a lot of his anger and frustrations at ME.  For the most part, I can ignore him and I don't take it personally any more.  I DO know that his inability to do some of the things he could do before his strokes makes him a bit nutty at times.  He has a very real need to try to control me.  Right now he is loving the fact that I am dependent on him entirely.  This is how he wished I had been all during our marriage.  However, I never could deal with his sudden flares of temper for no reason.  He took many a frustration he had from outside the family out on me.  It was not a fun time for either the kids or me.

Weird, isn't it, how you can sometimes be talking about something else and the solution to a problem that has puzzled you can be revealed.  I have questioned more than once why he's been so good while I am on these crutches.  Control!  Of course!  Duh!  I can be so dumb at times.  LOL!

Ahh....feels like the pain pills have kicked in.  I think I am going to have to go see my regular doctor this week.  I am going to need more pain pills and he needs to know about this injury of mine.  I'm not even sure that a good radiologist has checked out the x-rays.  Most of the doctors (heads of departments) are off until after the New Year.  Jerks!  Like people don't get hurt during the Holidays and, perhaps, need their services BEFORE they die!  LOL!  Doctors chose a specialized service to others when they chose medicine as their trade.  They make tons of money for their services.  All we ask is that they are there for us when we need them.  I don't think that's asking too much.  AND they need to *listen* to what we have to say.  Not all of us are whiners.  

I have a high pain tolerance I developed as a kid with chronic ear infections.  I even had to have both my ear drums replaced with a vein graft, which was innovative surgery at the time.  I had it at the Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Institute when I was 13.  Nowadays, doctors use those little ear buds to help kids avoid much of what I went through.  Discovered early, like they did my son, Mustachio's problem, they don't have to go through all the infections and pain that I did.  I went from completely air wave deaf to hearing after a 5 hour operation.  The vein graft came from a vein in my left elbow area, which is why they take blood from me on my right arm these days.  That big vein most people see on the inside of the elbow?  Mine is gone on my left arm but very visible on my right.  

Oh well.  Pain pills are definitely working now so I will post this and try sleeping again.  I'm hoping my granddaughter, Sheepie, will come visit me tomorrow.  It gives Baron the two little dogs to distract him since she brings both her dogs with her.  They usually play out in the back yard for a while then come in and bother poor Sheepie like she's a treat.  LOL!  I try to play a bit with Cory's dog, Cleopatra.  She's a pathetic looking little thing since Sheepie had to shave her because her coat was so badly matted when they took her in.  She will look much better when her coat grows back in and adds a little weight to her looks.  She has the tiniest bones!

Love you all.  Stay warm and dry, of course, and I hope you are making some fun plans for the New Year.  We have stayed at home for years now.  The Beast calls New Year's Eve *amateur night*.  If you don't have a designated driver or plan on taking a cab home, don't go out.  The cops are like bloodhounds on that night in particular.  The number of DUI arrests is staggering.  I will have my Bailey's here to enjoy even though I will only have the Beast here for company.  I can avoid him just by closing the door to my computer room.  Then we are on different sides of it....LOL!

***Hugs and kisses***

Friday, December 26, 2014

Did I Mention The Coyote?

I know I had to have told you about the shock I got the night I was going to let Baron out into the backyard.  I opened the inside door and discovered we had a coyote on our deck.  I'm not sure which of us was more surprised but he ran down the stairs while I slammed the door shut.  I hadn't seen a coyote in many years....not since we lived in California.  Although I heard that coyotes had spread out all over, I had no idea we had them here in Alabama.  But I checked it out on Google just to be sure and we do!

When I told the Beast about it, he said he knew where the coyote was getting into the yard and was going to seal off that area.  However, those damn things can really jump and I doubt it will keep it out of our yard until he finds out there's no food we keep outside for it to eat.  Baron eats in the house on his special platform that the Beast made for him back when he first started to grow and we found out that big dogs need to eat with their heads up, not down.  It has to do with their stomachs and avoiding a kind of bloat issue.  It can be very serious.  In fact, now Baron won't eat from a dish on the floor....even if it's leftovers from our meals.  The Beast sometimes forgets and Baron won't touch it.  You MUST put the plate on his stand.  LOL!

When I saw the coyote, it answered a question we had about one night when Baron was chasing something around the yard and barking like crazy.  It HAD to be the coyote.  We knew it was something big from the sounds but thought it was just a big raccoon.  We have those around here, too.  I'm not sure if the coyote has been back or not but Baron sure makes the rounds of the yard whenever he goes out back at night.  He also sounds off like he's issuing a warning.  He sounds vicious when he does it, too.  I definitely think Baron does NOT like that coyote around here.

Bratfink asked me how I was doing tonight and I told her I was still on my crutches and it was slow going.  She welcomed me to HER world....LOL.  I know her bad hips and knees make life tough on her even with her cane.  I also know how scary the idea of falling (again) is to me so I think I have a clue on how SHE feels.  Right now, the leg is setting off my sciatica and that is very painful from time to time.  It's not like it pains me all the time.  But when it starts, it's always a shock.  In fact, that's kind of how it feels.  Like electricity shooting from my hip to my knee and around to my buttock.  I know an exercise that helps but I can't do it with my leg being so screwed up.  I just have to grin and bear it as best as I can.  It DOES help when I can get into my recliner and get my feet up (I have to do both).  But to see me stack up the pillows and then try to lift that left leg up is not fun, trust me.  I don't want to have to do that all the time.    I make sure I use the bathroom first so I don't have an *accident* trying to get it back down again.  Been there, done that.

The Beast is still being great as far as keeping me in ice water, coffee and food.  It's a real puzzle to me.  I have NEVER known him to be so considerate.  I just wonder if someone at his church brought up the fact that he should be doing it or what?  He always worries about what OTHER people think of him so that could actually be the reason.  But I don't care.  I am not able to carry anything except an empty glass so I can't make myself anything unless I stand right there and eat it without moving.  I'm just grateful he is being so good to me.

Love you all.  Going to get my legs up now and probably fall asleep in my recliner.  I should probably take a pain pill but hate to use up what little I have left.  I may need them for when my pain level is higher than about a 5 out of 10.  If I can't sleep, that's when I usually decide I need to take one.

Be good.  Stay warm and dry.  I wish everyone good weather for the weekend, although we are supposed to have some much colder weather.  Not cold enough for snow, thankfully.  The longer we go without that, the happier I will be.  ***Hugs***


Still On Crutches....??

Today (Friday) makes it a week since I fell and hurt my left knee and hip.  I was able to get up and even go first.  But, by the time I got home, I had a lot of trouble getting UP the stairs and I wasn't able to bring in any of the things I had bought.  I had to have the Beast do that.  Once I sat back in my recliner, I realized I wasn't able to walk without a lot of pain and some help.

So it took me by surprise when my daughter made the comment....*(You are) still on crutches?*.  Good grief!  The very fact that crutches are necessary does NOT mean you are going to heal overnight!  LOL!  You can tell that Buttmunch has never needed to use crutches.  She's had a broken arm but that's pretty much all.  I've broken my foot but the doctor made me use a special shoe to avoid the need for surgery......and I had to stay off the foot for several weeks.  

I understand now why he didn't let me use crutches.  I was using them in his office like they were a kind of sprinting tool instead of being cautious.  NOW I am cautious but I am also a lot older than when I broke the bones in my foot.  Funny, but it never occurred to me until just today that it was the foot on my left leg.  Hmmm.  Guess that is, in some ways, a weak area of my body for some reason.

I have no idea how long I am going to need these damn things.  The bad part is that I am not able to carry anything so I am dependent on the Beast for help.  He's been very, very good about making sure I get food and drinks (including ice water).  I have thanked him profusely for his attention.  He's not usually this caring when I am sick (or hurt).  

Even Mustachio was surprised and wondered why his father was suddenly being so good to me.  I told him that he might actually think that #1...I might die.  #2...that it will help him store up points with God on his behalf.  He certainly could use some but it will take a hell of a lot more than THIS to compensate for all the times he physically hurt me and ignored that fact.  But I won't go into that after all these years since his strokes.  By his own doctor's admission, he (the Beast) shouldn't have lived this long.  He was given perhaps 5 years and it's been more than twice that.  He had a severe brain stem injury and a big dead spot in his brain.  But the body is an amazing thing and the brain, too.  It can forge new pathways around an injury that allows you to continue doing what you must to live.  He still has some short term memory problems but not as severe as he once did.

Once he had his strokes, I knew he had lost a lot of strength and that, if push came to shove, I could take him.  LOL!  But right now, I can barely make it to the bathroom with crutches.    I couldn't take Gunner in my current condition.  

I know I am healing because I can now stand up without pain.  I just can't take a step without the aid of the crutches.  I lose my balance the minute I try to put any real strain on that leg.  But I am patient when I need to be.  I won't take chances of making the tear in the ligaments any worse than it is.

The Beast WAS going to stay home with me rather than go to his church meeting last night but I told him to GO.  I was able to take care of myself as long as I had my coffee and some water at my desk.  Two hours is NOT a long time even though he wasn't going to be able to buy us food at any of the usual fast food places he could stop at since it WAS Christmas day.  Most of them were closed.  So we ate TV dinners for a late dinner.

Part of the problem this has caused has been a disruption of our usual schedule.  I am doing a lot of sleeping, which is more than likely caused by my body needing the extra sleep so it can concentrate on healing.  

I'll be going back to bed after I get this posted.  It's very late for me to do it but I woke up in order to go to the bathroom.  I am down to my last Depends now so I may have to have the Beast pick up another pack for me.  I hate to have him do that but it's not like I have a choice in the matter at the moment.  Since I am so slow moving, I sometimes find them necessary since my bladder can only wait so long before it MUST empty.  The dribbles are murder.  I tried using my Poise but they aren't enough, unfortunately.  THOSE I have.....LOL!  Oh well, little by little.  *Sigh*

Love you all.  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa was good to you.  Stay warm and dry.  Drive carefully.  The weatherman is predicting a drop in temperature for us this weekend due to that arctic storm that's been moving across the country.  Not enough of a drop to have problems with ice or snow, thankfully.  But cold, nonetheless.  Be good to yourself, ya hear?  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve With Family

The Beast ended up dropping me off at the Princess' house since she was running late and had intended to be the one to pick me up to bring me to Tara's house.  Once there, I discovered just how badly the lot is graded.  Very scary when you are using crutches to move across it without falling down again.  But we all made it inside safely.  

Sheepie and Teach had been at the Princess' house when I got there and Sheepie drove with us to help keep Gunner happy.  Teach followed us in their car since they had a party to attend a little later.

I needn't have  worried about only getting gifts for the kids since that seemed like the scorecard for the evening with only a couple minor exceptions made.  The Princess didn't even flinch about the *entertainment* set I bought for Chewlee (guitar with built-in amplifier, microphone and stand) but I was totally shocked at what the kids found the most exciting....the Hoverballs!  They could hardly wait to get them out of their package and start kicking them around.  LOL!  Chewlee, however, was excited over the Snackeez that I got for her.  She thanked me a couple times because she REALLY wanted one.  Chance wanted to play with his Nerf snowball thrower but Tara didn't want to take the chance that he would knock off one of her glass ornaments on her tree so he was told to take it into his room or wait until tomorrow.  Once he discovered he had a Hoverball, that was fine with him.  It turned out that it was one of the things he wanted but Tara hadn't gotten for him.

After the kids opened their gifts, I was ready to go home so Tonto drove me.  He's mellowed out after several brushes with death and I find I like this guy better than the one that originally was dating Tara.  Too bad the two of them can't get back together but I think Tara is beyond having a man in her life right now.  She's too used to being the boss of her life.  When you have a man around, no matter what, you have to make compromises that aren't always what you really want to do.  Oh well, she's young yet.  LOL!

It was a nice evening but you always are glad to be home.  I turned the heat back up in my computer room to warm up (I hadn't taken a warm enough coat with me) and I am ready for bed now.  Love you all.  Hope you got a chance to spend the evening with family and/or friends.  Have a very Merry Christmas!  ***Hugs***

I Get A Scare!

Today I was able to get around a bit more and that helped my frame of mind.  Also, the Princess called to let me know that Tara was having a get-together at her house from 5pm until 8pm.  If I am to go, I will probably have to have the Beast drop me off there and then pick me up.  I'm worried about Tara's driveway, which is steep.  But I guess I can call inside and have someone come out to help me.  I just don't want to chance another fall.  That would surely push chance to it's limit.

After eating dinner tonight, I took my regular nap and woke up to a storm that sounded just awful.  All day long the weather had actually looked like it would snow if the temperature were just lower.  I tried getting online to talk to Bratfink and Mustachio and kept getting knocked offline.  I think my son tried to call me when I finally gave up trying to get online but it was still buried under my recliner, out of reach.  I lay back in my recliner since there wasn't anything else to do and just watched TV until I fell asleep (again).  It seems to be what I do when I am bored.  Let's face it, most of the movies on TV I have seen over and over for many years.

The storm sounded really bad.  Lots of thundering and lightning.  It didn't help that Bratfink, during the short time she and I were connected, told me that they were having tornadoes in the states to our west and that is where the storms were coming from.  In reality, I was a bit surprised when I woke up to discover that I had fallen asleep.  Usually, during storms like that, I turn to the weather channel and am on the edge of my seat.  

I discovered that our neighbor, Dennis, had been here and the Beast went with him to Radio Shack and also Walmart to look and see if they could find a good outside antenna.  Dennis is outraged that he is no longer able to watch Fox network on Dish (although it says that Fox removed their startions and programs, not Dish).  He has this idea that he has now planted in the Beast's head that he can do away with Dish and get all the channels HE wants.  I immediately told him that we would NOT be able to get the stations *I* watch, such as Animal Planet, Discovery, History, History1, TNT and others.  Those are proprietory satellite programs and no regular antenna is going to be able to home in on those.  Not that I think he cares.  He started talking about sending for an antenna that has a remote so you can align it with satellites.  When I asked what he would do for internet, I swear, he wasn't even listening.  I'm beginning to dislike Dennis' influence on the Beast.

Okay, time to go back to bed.  I have things I must do in the morning if I am going to go to Tara's.  Love you all.  The storms are gone for now, it seems.  I hope you all are fine.  I seem to be getting better as far as my leg and hip are concerned.  It's not over yet, but I can get around somewhat.  Be good.  Have a wonderful Christmas Eve with family and friends.  ***Hugs***

Monday, December 22, 2014


You can stop worrying now....I am up on crutches and able to keep any pressure off my left hip area now.  I really thought it wasn't going to turn out to be too serious mainly because the heat seemed to be helping.  I could actually stand up without pain....I just couldn't walk.  Now I can get myself to the bathroom at least.  That fact alone means I don't have to wear my Depends....which I was doing....just in case.

I can't sit with all my weight on my hip area on this damn uncomfortable chair for too long but I couldn't do that before all this happened.  I would end up putting pillows under my butt...or what passes for my butt these days (very little padding there).  Tomorrow I can finally pack up the gifts for the little ones and decide just how I am going to try to get them to them.  Looks like I won't be making any celebrations after all....sigh!  Oh, I could get there now it's just I will be such a bummer to have around.  Besides, no one has let me know they are actually having a get-together so it's probably best that I have them stop by to pick them up.

I am heading for my recliner now to get weight off my hip area and just relax.  Love you all.  Hope you have a fantastic Christmas with family and friends.  I will be here.....alone with just the bah-humbug Beast....sigh.  It will not be much different from any other day for me.  But at least I know I am not seriously hurt.  **Grin**

Love you all.  Have an extra drink or two for me.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Looks Like I Will Be Heading For Hospital After All.....

As much as I hate the idea, it looks like I will be going to the Emergency Room at our local hospital today.  I pretty much kept the heating pad on the area all day and it hasn't helped much at all.  It reduced the pain somewhat but hasn't helped my walking any.  I DID make it to the bathroom on my own but that is only because I wheeled myself over to the door of my computer room and had about 3 feet to travel.  It was very painful and I barely made it back.

I have a real problem even thinking about how I will get to the car.  Once we are at the hospital, the Beast can get a wheelchair for me but I still have to traverse the width of the house out to the garage, down three stairs (the last one is responsible for my current condition) and then over to the car.  That's IF the Beast uses the Prius to take me.  He probably will rather than having to damn near carry me out to the Yaris.

My son, Mustachio, when he realized how serious my fall was, said he had a few more paid days he could take off rather than lose them.  He's worried because he knows the Beast doesn't usually take good care of me when I am sick or hurt.  However, today he surprised me.  He made sure I was fed, brought me coffee several times and even helped me to the bathroom the first time I went (before I thought of scooting the chair to the door).  I had him get me a Depends out of the bathroom......just in case but didn't need it, thankfully.  I told Mustachio to wait and see how serious this is before he did that.  He wants to be here to help me out as long as he can.  I thought that was sweet of him to offer to do that.

One online friend of mine wanted me to go NOW.....meaning while I was talking to her.  I told her to please let me try things MY way.  I am hoping it's not a hairline crack in my hip area.  Another friend had suggested that.  Since I haven't been checked for osteoporosis in several years, I have no idea of the condition of my bones.  I am just hoping that I don't keep the Beast from his Sunday church meeting.  It's not until 1pm but you know how emergency rooms can be.  I also don't know when he is planning on taking me.  It might not be until after church.  Even though he went to bed early.  He may have other plans for his morning.  I never thought to ask him.

I still haven't wrapped and packed up the presents for the kids due to my not being able to move freely.  I will probably have to have the Beast carry them all in here for me so I can get that done....just in case I have to have their mothers pick up the bags for them.

You don't know how much I hate the fact that I have to go to the Emergency room.  I hate them just because it can take hours before they see you due to their system of triage.  I'm not bleeding and, although I am in a lot of pain and cannot walk, that means I am not at the top of the list.  You have to be stabbed or shot to get to see someone immediately.  That means coming by ambulance.  I would do that because it would mean getting out of this house with less of a problem but I know the Beast won't agree.  He's not a great believer in calling that much attention to our house.  

It's going to be cold out in the morning.  It's almost 6am and it's 30 degrees out.  I may just put my coat on over my pajamas rather than go thru all the pain of trying to put pants on.  I'll wait and see how that goes.

One awful thing happened to me and we have no idea really how long it was going on.  I gather someone cloned my phone, got the number changed and even changed the billing address to one in New York!  My phone could only contact Verizon.  I couldn't text, make a call or get on the Internet.  Verizon said my phone is one that is easily hijacked like that.   The Beast thinks I should change my phone but I do happen to like having a keyboard for texting.  It does, however, explain why I couldn't text my one granddaughter.  I just kept getting a *Verizon is not responding* response every time I tried.  

I thought it was the heavy cloud cover but I guess I had been hijacked then.  If it hadn't been for a friend of mine trying to call me who also could talk to me online, it might have been a few days more before I found out.  Even his fiance tried and got this message..*The number you are calling has either been changed, is not in service or has been disconnected.*  Hmmm.  That got my attention and I told the Beast about it.  He found out about the changes and had to take my phone into Verizon in order for it to finally be fixed.  This IS the second time that any of our phones had that happen to them.  Perhaps the Beast is right and my phone is easier to clone due to the codes used being older ones.  My phone is about 5 years old now.

Well, it's time to get this posted so I will say love you all.  I hope you have a better Sunday than I will have.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Ut Oh! I Get Klutzy.....

I went to go get the kids their gifts around 3:30pm or so yesterday.  On the way out to the car, I tripped on the last step of the stairs down into the garage and fell to my left knee.  I knew that knee was going to punish me but it would take a while so I got up and made my way to the car.  I had to hit Walgreens and then hit Walmart.  I rode an electric cart....the people that had been in the space before me had left one right there.   I figured it was a sign....LOL!

When I got back to the car and was putting the stuff I had bought into the back, a Walmart guy that gathers up the carts came over and offered to take the electric cart back inside for me.  I was so grateful because of the pain I was feeling at that point.  I really didn't want to face a walk from the exit door back to the car.  Another sign.

I spent all the money that Carol had sent and about $9. over that that I put on my debit card.  But I can wrap the two big gifts and hide the others with tissue in the big bags.  I think the kids will get a big kick out of what I got for them and the Princess may never speak to me again after one that I bought for Chewlee. is NOT drums.....LOL!

I tried to go to the bathroom this morning and could barely stand up even using my cane.  When the Beast came in to check on how I felt, I asked him to help me.  He did but he got worried when he saw how badly I was limping.  He said if it's no better tomorrow, I have to go to emergency.  I agreed to that.  I just know that I really came down HARD on that leg.

I got my Bailey's that Carol had insisted on and a small one that I smuggled into my computer room....LOL.  I've been adding it to my coffee and it's delish!  The big bottle is in the fridge.  I could hardly believe how worried he seems and he even got me coffee (in my BIG HUG MUG) and something to eat.  He's not usually that caring.

When he comes in next time, I am going to have him bring me the hot pad.  I probably should have had it last night but didn't think about it until the Beast had already gone to bed.  I used my desk chair to get over to my recliner and that's where I slept last night...very comfortably since I did not wake up during the night even to pee....LOL.

Oh just freaking wonderful.  I just found out I have no phone service.  A friend of mine from England tried to call me.  Then he had his fiance (who is here in the U.S.) try and they both got this message:  The phone you are trying to call has either changed it's number, is disconnected or no longer in service.  The Beast is going to be big time pissed....once he hears me calling him. *Sigh*  I tried calling his phone number and got the same recording.  We need this crap like a hole in the head, especially during the holidays.  He's going to have to go into Verizon to straighten this out.  That will NOT make him a happy camper!

Well, I'm going to get this posted now.  Love you all and I'm sorry it's so late.  But I'm sure you understand.  Be good.  Stay warm.  Get that last minute shopping done!  ***Hugs***


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Looks Like It's The Salty Snacks!

I've been having problems with swelling of my legs this past week.  Maybe a little longer.  I was really getting worried about it day/night I didn't do any snacking at all and the next morning my legs were better.  It was really obvious around my ankles.  That gave me pause and I  had to stop and think what I had done differently.  Then it hit me.  I ate no snacks and most of my snacks are salty.  A couple are VERY salty.  Potato chips, pistachio nuts, tortilla get the idea.  I am really addicted to tortilla chips so I have been trying consciously to cut down on them AND the chili con queso or salsa that I usually eat with them.  Today I ate potato chips and a handful of  pistachios and...WHAM!....the legs swelled up in nothing flat.  My body is telling me to cut out the salty snacks.  *Sigh*  Damn!  What a predicament.  

I have an appointment with my vascular doctor next week and I'm going to ask him about this problem.  I don't think I should be having such a radical reaction but who knows?  We shall see.  I've been drinking a lot of water to try to flush the excess salt out of my system (WebMD says it will help) because I have shopping to do tomorrow.  I'm bringing my cane with me because I can't be sure that the electric carts will be available with a lot of people doing last minute Christmas shopping like me.  

I got a shock tonight when the Beast went to his church meeting.  Baron barked at the back door while I was in the kitchen so I figured he wanted out.  I threw the switches for the backyard lights, opened the inside door and stared straight into the eyes of a coyote on our back deck!  I kid you not.  Baron was in back of me and barked as I slammed the door and I heard the coyote run down the stairs.  I wouldn't let Baron out after that and couldn't wait for the Beast to get home so I could tell him.  After I stopped shaking like I had palsy, I checked online to see if Alabama DID have coyotes here and, sure enough, I wasn't wrong.  I've only seen them live a few times, mostly when we lived out in California.  This was my first experience seeing one here.

When the Beast got home and I told him I knew what it was that Baron was probably chasing around our yard the other night, he wasn't all that surprised.  It seems he's seen coyotes here, and even close to the house, a few times.  I told him thanks for mentioning it to ME!  I know coyotes can jump because our house in Mira Mesa had a six foot fence around it and one got into our yard when our female doberman we owned was in heat.  I almost let her out in the back yard but, luckily, I had put on the outside lights and the cheeky bastard was standing on the porch, tail wagging.  I snapped off the lights, closed the window curtains and yelled at Belle like it was HER fault.....LOL.  

But, for some reason, the Beast said he knows where it's probably getting into the yard and he's going to close off that access tomorrow.  Maybe he's dug a hole under the side access door to the yard.  I have no idea.  I don't walk around the yard much at all, especially in winter.  And I can't see that door since we put the cottage in the back yard.  I do know that raccoons dug a hole under there once during the summer to get at our grapes.  The Beast couldn't do much in the way of closing it off permanently because he needs that gate in order to get the riding mower out of the yard.  But why it would be so  persistent when our dog is male and we don't have anything but bird seed out back, I have no idea.   Unless, of course, this is a FEMALE coyote.  I hadn't considered that.  Hmmm.  Too bad, lady.  He's neutered.  LOL!

She will have to go further for romance than this house.  But there aren't too many dogs closeby us so she will have to travel further afield.  I just didn't think dogs came into heat (or coyotes) at this time of year but I could be wrong.

Well, time to get this posted.  Mystery of the legs solved, I think.  Now it's just going without any of my much loved salty snacks....sigh.  I may have to give them up entirely and that is going to HURT!  It's cold, of course, but the Beast has started to leave the heat on in the main part of the house now but just closes off the bathroom and the guest bedroom.  They don't need the heat and he's not using the central heat.  He's using the baseboards heaters instead and it keeps it just fine now.

It's only going to be in the 40's tomorrow but I will have my down coat and my leather gloves as well as my warm boots to wear.  I have a fairly good idea of what I want to get the kids and that only involves hitting two, no three different stores.  But one of them I only need one thing from and the store is not all that big.  I just hope they still have one of what I want.  It's something I think Chance will love.  *Crossing fingers*

Love you all.  Have a great Friday and an even better weekend.  I hope your shopping is all done now and you are ready for Christmas.  ***Hugs***


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Tale Of A Special Christmas Gift From My Sister.....

Anyone that knows Bratfink and Sheldon knows they are not rich.  How many of us are?  But Bratfink wanted to give me a special Christmas present this year and I have to tell you about it.  I hope I explain it well so you understand how I feel about it.

I told you that both she and I play on this one game site where you can go to special *charm* parties for gems.  You can either buy the gems or you can watch videos for them.  This is no mean feat.  Bratfink and I started watching ones by this particular sponsor that paid 5 gems if you watched their videos.  Each set requires you to watch a minimum of each video in the set (in this case it's usually 10).  The first video requires you to watch 25 seconds and the other 9 20 seconds for each.  That's a total of 3 minutes and 25 seconds.  

Yes, it's time consuming to *mine* for any considerable amount of total gems and the best charm parties are ones that require 300 or more (usually more).  She decided that her gift to me was a full 24 hours that she would *mine* gems for me!  She kept track of the time since she couldn't spend 24 hours up and she didn't mean as many as she felt like doing in one day between meals, naps, etc.  She meant a FULL 24 hours!  It took her a couple days to do it.  She got me lots and lots of gems.  We spent some going to parties and collecting charms from all the people at the party as well as the host charms.  Some of these parties can be amazing.

The charms are good for increasing the amount of (worthless) coins you can earn playing the various games.  But it's fun to see that amount increasing even if all you can do with them is buy clothes for your avatar (or send some as gifts to your friends).  So the gems she mined for me was an incredible investment of her time....all because she loved me and knew I had a problem with watching the videos.

We have satellite internet and our *time* is limited to a certain amount of gigabytes allowed during the hours of 8am until 2am.  Then we have *bonus* gbs for the 6 hours between 2am and 8am.  The videos, we discovered, were eating up our allowed gigabytes during the day so my only recourse to earning them for free was to do it after 2am.  I could manage it some nights but not on others.  Sometimes I would start and then fade and have to go back to sleep.  That is why she decided that mining for gems for me would be the perfect gift.  I wanted to thank her so very much for her gift and let her know I really appreciate what she did for me.  It's one of the most special Christmas gifts I have ever received because it required so much personal effort and such a loving heart.

Thank you, Sis.  I love you, too.  *****Hugs*****

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I was stunned today for two different reasons.  The first of the three packages my friend, Carol, sent me for Christmas got here.  It was so totally unexpected that I was almost speechless.  She sent me a *six pack* of my absolute favorite cinnamon tea!  Six boxes of them!  I thought that was so sweet of her.  The note enclosed said she hoped this warmed my heart to my hackles, so to speak.  LOL!

The second thing she sent to me was a Walmart E-card so that I can buy the little ones gifts for Christmas.  She doesn't want me to give her any credit for it although I told her I would do that, without hesitation, because the BIG kids would understand and the little ones wouldn't think anything of it.  She really wanted me to keep this a secret but....I'm's just such a generous thing for her to do.  I hope if she reads this (she sometimes reads my blogs) that she doesn't get mad at me.  My blog is also the fastest way for me to let my kids here know (that includes you, too, Tara) that the little ones DO get gifts from Grandma this year!!!  Just have a bottle of Bailey's for me and I will be happy.....LOL!

I guess I will go shopping on Thursday or Friday, without the Beast, of course, and try to decide what to buy them.  I have a vague idea but have to see if Walmart carries the one thing.  I think I will check with the Princess to see what they got for Chewlee and Gunner before I end up duplicating something.  If Walmart has what I have in mind for Chance, I'll call Tara before I buy it just to make sure she hasn't bought it for him.  

It's cold outside but my room is nice and warm so I will be heading for bed as soon as I post this.  The Beast has been suffering lately from nose bleeds.  Of course, he says it's the heat doing it (he DOES have a deviated septum the dr. told him last year) but I think it's because he's not taking his blood pressure pills again.  Why he thinks taking them when his blood pressure is a bit high one day instead of taking them regularly, only God knows.  He can be truly dumb at times just because he hates to think he's dependent on pills every day.  It's why women outlive men, I swear.

Love you all.  Stay warm, dry and enjoy your Hump Day!  ***Hugs***

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Beast's Newest Contraption.....

Today we got the Nuwave Induction plate along with all the other stuff that was offered with it.  I am impressed.  The Beast put some cold water (and it was damn near icy!) in the pan that came with it and SOAB!  It was boiling in about 3 minutes.  I kid you not!  I was shocked.  So was the Beast.  It was amazing.  He's going to have fun with that.  He already has plans.....LOL.  

I am getting a bit worried about my right leg.  It has been really swollen the past few days.  I mean the skin is so tight that it's painful.  I have to make an appointment with my vascular doctor tomorrow and see what he thinks.  He may order another sonagram on that leg.  The last one I had was on my left leg.  Since he had to clear a shunt in the right leg last year, it may be that simple.  At least, I hope so.  I've been sleeping with that leg really elevated at night.  I wake up if it slips off...LOL.  But it does help...for a while.  I've tried to stay on my feet more than I am sitting down but my back doesn't allow too much time before THAT part of me hurts like hell.  Lord, I hate being old and falling apart.  

I know the back problem is due to two different car accidents I was in....both where I was rear-ended while at a stop.  The worst one was when a guy hit me doing 65mph and I was at a stop, waiting for cars to turn.  Luckily, there were two cop cars there that saw the whole thing and they also knew I had a bad case of whiplash.  Up until then, I thought whiplash was a joke.  Well, it's not a joke and I was laid up, in pain, for a couple weeks afterward.  The darn pain pills they give you are a joke.  But now I am paying a different price because that area (the pelvic girdle) has deteriorated.  That's where all the pain is from.  I have to talk to my regular doctor about getting a back brace now or I will be just miserable.

My friend, Carol, and I connected again tonight.  She told me that two of her gifts to me should be here tomorrow and the last one by the end of the week.  I think one of them is definitely a joke gift.  It's the way she talks about it that makes me suspect that.  I will let you know once I receive them all.  She can be a nut at times but I love her to death.  She has a loving, giving heart.  I am sad that she never had any grandchildren of her own although she has adopted my great-grands as the *stand-in granny* as she calls herself.  She was totally wonderful about Gunner and sent many wonderful things for the Princess's shower.  We started to laugh at all the gifts that were from Carol.  She just had a ball, I think, buying them all.  I was glad she finally managed to stop herself.....LOL.

I've been drinking tea today.  I really love that cinnamon apple tea the Beast found for me.  It's delicious.  It even has a bit of a *bite* like cinnamon does.  And, on a cold day like today, it's very warming.  

Time to get this posted now.  Hope your work week started off well.  Remember to stay warm, dry and be careful driving.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

Finally.....We Connect !

I have been really worried about my friend, Carol, in San Francisco.  After a couple years of drought and many wild fires, that area and down to Los Angeles, has been inundated with rain.  I mean torrential rain!  That's both good and bad.  It's good because they really need it but it's bad because of the wild fires.  Those wild fires killed off all the greenery and thousands of trees that are really needed to hold the mountain sides in place.  That kind of rain means flash flooding and landslides.  Both are dangerous and potentially deadly.  The true aftermath may not come for a few weeks even as the water makes it way down cracks and crevasses and can cause homes to slide down a mountain.  

You've seen that on the news, I'm sure.  It's this kind of rain they are having that causes that to happen.  It's awful and I know that Carol lives in an elevated area so I had no idea if they were having a problem with flash floods or anything else.  But today we connected and got to talk.  Phew!  No problems where she lives and she said the real problems are down in Los Angeles.   At least in LA, they are familiar with this type of rain and the problems it can cause so they are not unprepared.  

Carol and her husband, Godfrey, are older and alone.  Carol is in a wheelchair and suffers from multiple health problems.  Godfrey is just getting less able to cope with many things.  He's about 10 years older than the Beast and the Beast has problems with many things, too.  I know he's lost a lot of strength and I am sure it's the same for Godfrey.  Not that they wouldn't try anyway but it's reality that they cannot do many of the things they used to do without it taking a toll on them.

Carol is worried about getting her house ready for her son's visit for the Holidays.  They are flying in from Hawaii for 10 days or so.   I remember her being anxious about clearing up her house last year too.  LOL!  I guess we women worry about those things.  You want the bathroom to be clean and inviting and the bedroom to be cleared of anything that shouldn't be in there and clean.  The big problem is that she is working at the flower shop three days next week and I believe she said they would be here in three days.  I know she will manage but it's typical that we worry about all those things.

She told me she had already been notified that what she sent me is on it's way and it's only for those people who celebrate Christmas.  Gee, I wonder who she meant DIDN'T?  LOL!  As if we didn't know!  The surprise was that she said she sent me three things.  I thanked her for her gifts ahead of time but told her I felt bad that I couldn't reciprocate.  She is angry with the Beast that he can spend what he wants but prevents me from doing the same.  I told her that I knew what our bills were that were due this month as well as how long our money had to last us and there wasn't anything really that was available.  Not unless he pulled it out of savings and that will never happen.  Not while he's alive anyway.

It's another cold night.  The days haven't been too bad, really.  That's mainly because it's been sunny and bright out.  That helps even if it's just psychological.  I love the sun.  I just hate the cold....LOL.

Be good.  Have a great week and keep warm.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Quiet Day And Some Good News!

It was a peaceful day today.  The Beast was gone most of the morning.  He was out with his church friends, preaching to people.  Then, after coming home for a bite of lunch, he was gone again for a movie at church.  So my day was peaceful with just me and Baron here.

When Mustachio got online late in the afternoon, we were chatting and he happened to mention as an aside that Buttmunch had a job!  I was both shocked and happy for her.  She is working as a waitress at a popular steak house in the area.  He only mentioned it because of finally getting the copy of her birth certificate she had sent for that she needed for work.  I gather to prove she is not an illegal.  She had to have it before her first paycheck.  At least, that was my impression from Mustachio.  But you never know how much information they have that's correct.  They don't listen well.  I was just glad to hear she was working again.

Typically, he still has boxes that aren't unpacked and he is scheduled to work tomorrow (Sunday) so it won't be done for a while.  He's always exhausted when he gets home.  He is still fighting numbness in his hand but says it's getting much better, little-by-little.

The Beast bought this cranberry nut bread the other day and had wanted to try making French toast out of it.  Today he finally did and it really was good.  He had to detail how he had changed his recipe a bit and I would find out when he made it with regular bread...yadda yadda yadda.....he droned on.  He always acts like he's the first one to do anything and do it great!  LOL

He went to bed really early tonight and I'm not sure why.  He could just have been tired but he was in bed before 9pm.    I had taken a late nap and woke up around 9 to use the bathroom.  I found I was tired and went right back to sleep then woke up around 10:30 or so to shut down my computer, which I had forgotten to shut down.  Back to sleep and woke up with a start because I remembered I hadn't done my blog AND I needed to use the bathroom again.  LOL

It's freezing outside...literally.  It's 32 degrees, which is slightly better than it's been the last couple of nights.  My sciatica seems to be giving me fits between yesterday and today.  It feels like you have a nerve in your leg that's being hit with electricity and it HURTS!  Nothing I can do about it tho' except grin and bear it.  It comes and goes.  I really think the cold weather has a lot to do with it.

Oh hell, it says it feels like 26 degrees because of the humidity and wind.  I guess that's why my little heater in here is on most of the time.  I can hear it blowing even in my recliner.  For a little thing, it sure packs a punch and keeps this room toasty even when I have the window cracked open a little.  Tomorrow it says we will hit the high 50's, which isn't so bad if it's sunny and bright.  AND if there's no wind to speak of.  Okay....okay.....I am a wimp.  I have never, ever been a fan of winter weather.  And, after living most of our married life in Florida, THIS is winter already to me.  Heck, in Florida, when it dropped down to 70 degrees, we were wearing winter jackets!  I kid you not!  But we always had high humidity and lots of wind so it felt even colder.  I remember my dad being surprised by that even.

Love you all.  Hope you are almost done with your Christmas shopping.  *Sigh*  None here.  But that's what happens when you live with a spendthrift like the Beast and have a month of big bills.  Oh well.  Be good.  Stay safe and warm.  ***Hugs***

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Beast And His Birds....Sheesh!

The Beast spent a good part of today doing two things....helping Dennis put up his new mailbox, which involved putting cement around the base of the post for it.....and trying to take some pictures of the birds at the bird houses.

The first chore was easiest.  That was dig a hole, mix up the cement and then hold the post upright while Dennis poured the cement around the base.  Of course, he was also holding a level along the side of the post to make sure it was straight.  Baron was no help and kept trying to put his nose in the cement but Dianne finally got him away by giving him some doggie cookies.

The other thing he was trying for was tougher.  He had the wrong lens for the camera on it and every time he got close enough for a good picture, he scared the birds away.  I don't know why he didn't change the lens since he did, finally, get up on the front porch and got a couple pictures that way.  However, he had to crop the picture quite a bit to get a good look at the birds and he complained about the quality because of that.  I looked at the picture he made his computer background and thought it looked fine but he's much fussier.  Looks good to me.  Next time, he will put the right lens on his camera now that he knows how skittish the birds are.

My girlfriend sent me an email to tell me she was sending me two Christmas presents.  I think one must be candy or some kind of food because she said to me to be sure to say it was for Christmas and only those that celebrate it can have some.  I know she meant the Beast.  The first one she said should be here by the 17th and the other two days later.  I told her she made me feel bad because I couldn't reciprocate.  First of all, we had a couple big bills we had to pay (taxes, car plate renewals).  The darn car plate renewals cost us more than our property taxes!  Sheesh.

But it made me remember that I need to tell all the kids not to include me in their celebrations since I can't afford to buy anything this year.   At least last year I could buy for the kids.  It makes me feel just awful but what can I do?  Besides, it always ends up in a fight with the Beast who thinks I should feel the same way he does.  After all these years, you would think he would know better.

Love you all.  Get that shopping done.  Only 12 days until Christmas.  ***Hugs***

The Beast, The Mice And Other Stuff....

I don't know why the Beast would be surprised but he was.  It's the start of winter (regardless of what anyone says) and we have a couple field mice now.  One is in the house itself, the other is out in the garage.  Those are the ones we know about.  So today the Beast got some glue traps since he got worried about Baron and the way he was reacting to the Dcon.  I think the glue traps are cruel but I'm not going to argue about it.  The spring traps are awful, too, since you can hear them snap and they often strangle the mice.  They just want to be warm like us.  But they carry disease so I don't want to share my home with them.  They also do things like chew into the dog food in the pantry (and who knows what else they may go for?) and into the bird seed out in the garage.  They climb and pee and poop all over your cans and boxes of things.  Not nice to have around at all.

The house mouse got bold and ran out into the living room when both Baron and the Beast were out there and then under the TV stand.  He stayed there for a long time.  The Beast never saw him move and could still be there now for all we know.  He WAS under either the washer or dryer last night so he gets around.  Catching them will keep the Beast occupied for a while now.

The Beast got a thrill today because all of his bird feeders were occupied with multiple birds when he went to check them.  There were also a couple cardinals and blue jays.  That was a shock to me since I didn't know they stayed around during the winter.  Unless these are just lazy....LOL.  He counted almost 40 birds on his six bird houses when he was outside.  I just said to him that once he started the feeding of them, he was going to have to keep it up all winter long and probably during the spring, too.  We'll see how he does.  He's usually gung ho on things like this at first and then his interest fades.  I hope he doesn't do the same thing this time.

It looks like my son, Mustachio, isn't going to make it down for a visit.  He had a lot to do with his move and he also had to renew his license plus his car plate sticker.  It's been a minor disaster for him in some ways but I know how it can be.  I'm disappointed, of course, but I do understand.

The Beast's bean soup has done a job on my intestinal workings.  I have been breaking wind like crazy.  I hope it's over by tomorrow.  LOL!

I've been playing some games online by Iwin and I am shocked at how much time passes when I do that.  But I have completed all the ones I started over a week ago and they don't have any others that interest me so I will be playing my Jewel Quest game again when I am not on VW.

It's down to 26 degrees outside, which explains why my little heater has been having fits with it's turning on and off again.  But it's kept me nice and warm so I won't complain.  I have no idea how much colder it's going to get but I will be nice and warm under my comforter so I don't care....LOL.  Love you all and I hope you are keeping warm too.  Say a little prayer for the people in the San Francisco area that are suffering under torrential rains and flash flooding after a severe drought.  They may need the rain but not all in just a day or two!  ***Hugs***

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Chewlee Surprises Us.....

After having a lunch that the Beast and I both prepared (hash and eggs), I took a nap and guess who woke me up from it?  Chewlee!  At first, I thought the Princess was here but Chewlee told me the school bus had dropped her off.  That startled me since he isn't supposed to do that unless he gets a note from the Princess.  But Chewlee said her mother gave her a note for the driver because she wasn't going to be home.  Okay.  I can dig that but why didn't the Princess call me to tell me that?  Or did she call the Beast and tell him but he never said a word to me?  I really wondered but didn't get a chance to ask because the Beast was going to the store and taking Chewlee with him.

When the Princess showed up about 15 or 20 minutes after they had gone to the store, I figured out that the Beast had no idea when she was going to come for Chewlee.  But she took Chewlee's backpack home with her and I called the Beast to tell him to drop Chewlee off at home when he was done shopping.  They only live a little over a mile from us so it's not a big deal.

One of the things that I noticed while Chewlee was here and following me into the kitchen was how tall she is getting.  She can reach the bottom shelf on the upper cabinets now (and she got her special cup we keep for her so I could fill it with milk).  That startled me a bit.  But she was so happy that she could get it for me that I had to smile.

The Beast told me about a conversation that Chewlee had with the cashier at one of the stores they went to.  Chewlee said to the girl, *You know, Jesus wasn't born in December.*  The cashier smiled and said, *I know that, sweetie.*  Then Chewlee said, *He was born in October.*  At that, the startled cashier said, *Oh my goodness!  I thought I was the only one that knew that!*  Then Chewlee got a big smile and said, *I learned that at church!*  LOL!  Amazing the things that are being taught, isn't it?

The Beast decided he was going to make some black bean soup with chicken.  However, one of the reasons he went to the store was that we were out of onions.  Can't make a good black bean soup without them to help season it.  There's more to it than that but he got what we needed as well as a new tongs (the old ones had broken and I threw it away).  In fact, he not only got that but a set of all the various tools we use for cooking with a handy holder for the counter top.  It holds everything, including the measuring cups and spoons.  He seems to be a real junkie for things like that.  But it will make things handier than sorting through the drawer where we keep most of those things usually.

His soup turned out just perfect.  I know it will be even better after a night in the fridge but I am afraid to think about having it two days in a row.  Not after this last bout of IBS.  I will have to pass on it and wait at least a day to have it again.  I know that eating bean soup of any kind seems to have contributed to the episode when I have it two days in a row.  Last time it was split pea soup that did me in (and I love my split pea soup!).  But I hate IBS so why take the chance?  Never again.

It's 30 degrees outside and the humidity is high (100%) so I turned up the heat in my computer room when I realized how chilly the room felt.  It's only supposed to be a high in the lower to mid 40's (brrrr!) but at least we aren't expecting any snow!  Thankfully, we don't see much snow in this area.  If we get any, it doesn't stay longer than a day or two.  The kids love it but I think even they are glad to see the snow go away after they enjoy a day of fun in it.  I know that Chewlee (and even Baron!) enjoyed it last year and we got a couple really cute pics of Chewlee covered in snow from her play outside in it.  

Love you all!  Hope you are keeping warm and dry.  Have a fantastic day!  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Heaven Help Me!

I've mentioned before what the Beast can be like when the weather won't allow him to be driving around on his mower.  He starts on something in the house.  Thankfully, nothing needs painting, although that's usually a spring weather job since the smell of paint makes him ill after a while unless he can open up the house.  But you never know with him......

He decided he needed to organize our walk-in closet.  Now I don't really want to complain about THAT since it really needed doing.  He had WAY too many clothes on his side of the closet (which happens to be the largest side, btw).  But he started taking the empty hangers (which I had been on him to get out of his side of the closet and put them over the dryer) and just throwing them in a big pile on our bed.  OMG!!  What a mess!  I couldn't believe just how many he had plus he added the hangers from the tshirts that he took off hangers (I folded them so he could put them in a storage bin).  THEN...he says to me, *Why don't you straighten those out and find a way to tie them together?*  If looks could kill, he would have been dead on the floor.  

But I took a deep breath and started to grab a bunch and brought them into my computer room.  I sorted them (the ones for holding regular and the ones with the grooves in them).  I put a dozen of them together and secured them with rubber bands around the neck and then one on each end of the hanger.  It will keep them neat.  I also kept out a dozen for over the dryer so we have some handy for clothes that need hanging up straight out of the dryer.  I have some more empty ones here in my computer room closet and about a half dozen in my walk-in on my side.  But those all have clothes that will be going back on them as soon as they are washed.

I have secured over 100 hangers that will be going out to the cottage tomorrow and into a bin that has room for them.  It was NOT a fun job, trust me.  But, I have hangers to spare at the moment...LOL.  I also helped sort and pack up some extra sheets we had on the shelves in our closet.  I need to talk to Sheepie and find out what size bed she has.  If it's a queen size, I have some sheets here for her.  If not, oh well!  I cannot throw out good sheets so they will stay in a storage bin until I get rid of some that go bad.  The problem is I have a bin up in the attic that has sheets in it, too.  I am such a freak that way.  I love sheets, blankets and bedspreads.  I'm pretty sure I have at least ONE bedspread that I could give Sheepie if she likes it.  Maybe two.  

Tomorrow I will finish clearing up my computer room and getting what I want into the closet.  I want the floor space.  Where would Chewlee make her *camp* when she stays with me if there's not enough room?  LOLOL!

It's cold here, of course.  Isn't it everywhere?  I offered Sheepie my artificial Christmas tree as well as a lot of ornaments and things for it but she never answered me if she had one or not.  I know the Princess always gets a real tree so I didn't ask her if she wanted it.  It's a nice tree that has lights already on it (but I always added more to it).  I just don't have a place to put it and the Beast would have a shitfit anyway.  He's always been a scrooge and bah-humbug but now he has his church to back him up.  I just don't want to fight with him.  He takes all the joy out of any holiday and always has.

It's going down below freezing tonight but it's clear outside.  I don't expect anything like snow or even rain.  Tomorrow it will be around 50 degrees.  I have to go out to the cottage tomorrow because I have some winter clothes out there I need to bring in the house.  I have to go through them and separate out the ones I want to send my daughter, Buttmunch.  If Mustachio comes down to visit (which right now seems unlikely), I can just give them to him.  I have a few sweaters I know that she could use and are too big for me now.  Plus a few sweat pants outfits, too.  But I am not going out until it's warmer than freezing...LOL.  The cottage is NOT heated at the moment.  I know the Beast hasn't turned on the heat out there.

Oh, know what we ordered....and don't say a word about it being dumb, please.  We ordered that dumb induction element that they've been advertising on TV.  Yes, we did.  Know why the Beast was so keen about it?  He can make fudge at the right temperature without worrying about it plus the idea that water heats up so fast appeals to him.  I'll let you know if we wasted our money or not.

Love you all.  Keep warm and have a Happy Hump Day.  ***Hugs***

Monday, December 8, 2014

I Have A Busy Day....

The Beast and I both did laundry today.  I love it that he has taken on the responsibility for his own clothes.  He's found out what a pain in the ass his undies can be because he's so know what I mean if you have a man in your life.  But he also takes his good clothes to the cleaners every week or so and he lets them do his good shirts, too.  I still do all the folding of clothes that we wash here but that's not a big deal.  It's not like there's a bunch of people in the house....LOL!

He finally has a clue just how much work I was doing when I was working and taking care of a household, which included four kids.  I did, cooking, washing clothes, folding was NOT fun.  I wish I had a quarter of the energy I had back then.  I think that's why God planned that we have our kids when we are young.  It's the only way you can live thru it all!

I felt really great for a change.  I even made dinner for us.  Boneless pork chops (courtesy of Omaha Steaks and my friend, Carol) that were incredible.  I also nuked us a couple potatoes that we had with butter and sour cream plus some..sigh...canned corn.  But there's no such thing as fresh corn these days...LOL.  It all tasted sooooooo good tho'.  

The Beast made some interesting cookies today.  It was from a package...Betty Crocker, I think.  They were called Salty Caramel cookies and, surprise!, they were really good.  Very different.  He added some chopped walnuts to half the batter and I liked both.  He wants to make peanut butter cookies (he's made them before) but said he needs to get some more nuts.  I told him to just use the chunky peanut butter he has.  We don't use much of that and there's probably enough in it for a batch.  He looked like he'd walked into a wall.  The idea never occurred to him.  Men!  Honestly, they just don't THINK at times.

He bought an apple pie at Publix and I almost choked when I saw how much it cost.  But, once I had a slice, I realized it was worth every penny.  I knew he actually had paid for how much it weighed.  Really.  But, WOW!  It was loaded with apples and was delicious.  He said it wasn't even the most expensive one they had there.  So a few of the pies had even MORE apples in them.  Yum!  
It's late and I need to get to bed.  I didn't get much sleep last night because my ankles were killing me.  I did too much walking after being prone for a couple days.  It's a real bitch being an old person....even if I am NOT old in my head.  My body keeps telling me differently.  Oh well!  

Mustachio is moving tomorrow and I am hoping it goes smoothly for him.  He has his *muscle* lined up to help move everything so it should go well.  I hope so since he said he might come down on Thursday for a couple days.  He really wants to see Sheepie, Teach, Chewlee, the Princess and Gunner but I can pretend he's coming to see ME.  **Grin**

Love you all.  Stay warm, dry and please drive carefully.  The life you save may be your own!  ***Hugs***

Sick Of Being Sick.....And I Am Not Alone...

I sure hope it's just the freaking weather that's causing the illness that seems to have been going around.  Bratfink has been suffering and I have gone thru a half dozen of my Depends.  I got them just in time, it seems.  It sure has made me feel old and semi-helpless.  But I truly think the worst of this is over now.  I seem to just be passing gas for the last 12 hours or more.

I think IBS must be more common than most of us know.  A friend of Bratfink's read up about it after Bratfink told her and she realized that SHE has been suffering from it for a while now.  Then I find out that Mustachio has had it but he has had the polar end of it.  I mean that you can either suffer from diarrhea OR constipation that is enough to make you gnash your teeth and wish for a shovel.  That is what I had at first but the doctor gave me a prescription for a laxative that got rid of THAT problem.  Since then, it's been the opposite one for me.

My poor friend, Carol, suffers from constipation primarily because of being confined to a wheelchair and not able to be mobile.  She is constantly taking laxatives and I know that takes a toll on you, too.  OMG...what Bratfink said is true!  We really are OLD when we start discussing our BM's!  LOL!

However, I was so damn sick that I didn't eat or drink anything for a couple days.  I slept most of the time until I suddenly emptied my bowels.  Trust me, I wish this on NO ONE.  I can't think of anyone I have ever hated enough.  It's just awful and results in a lot of extra wash even WITH Depends.  

But, I finally started drinking ice water, some hot tea and then got some soup and crackers down.  I even had two cups of coffee this evening but it did take me a long time to drink them.  I was in no hurry.

The Beast bought me some tea the other day....Cinnamon Apple tea.  I have yearned for some Bigelow Cinnamon Tea but none of the stores around carry that particular one.  Lots of other Bigelow types but not the cinnamon.  I was a bit disappointed at first but then I tried it.  Wow!  It's very much a cinnamon tea with very little apple that I can taste.  But it is delicious.  I thought I was going to have to go to Amazon and buy some of the Bigelow brand cinnamon tea (Amazon carries everything, I swear) but this will do very well.

Mustachio is finally moving (again) but into a really nice building.  He sent me the website for it and it's definitely newer and nicer than where he is at.  His landlord hated to see him go but the complaints from the neighbor over his smoking was more than they could handle without totally retrofitting the building to meet today's standards.  There is no more shared ventilation allowed and a lot of other things that a building the age of that one is grandfathered for but will have to fix eventually if there is ever a fire or some other tragedy.  He told me that Tuesday is his moving day and he has his muscle (help) in place for it.  He will also have his TV and Internet the same day.

The colder weather has hit a bit earlier than predicted but what's new about that?  Weather prediction is NOT an exact science.  It's an educated guess at best.  There are just too many other things that factor into weather that can't be controlled.  Oh well.  It's best to just be prepared for anything!  LOL!

I hope you are all keeping warm and dry.  Drive carefully, please.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

Friday, December 5, 2014

I Will Be Sad......

....when winter weather returns.  It's been so nice outside the past few days that it's hard to believe that it's actually late fall/early winter here.  So many places have had snow already.  We haven't had any yet but then we don't get much in the way of snow.  It's why we have so many accidents when it DOES snow!  LOL!  People here just don't know how to drive on it.

The birds are at the Beast's feeders every day now that they have all been discovered.  We actually have four just in the back yard.  Plus two out front.  He always overdoes things.  It's a compulsion with him when he gets interested in anything.

Baron I think senses that it will soon be too cold for his daily runs with the motor scooter.  When the Beast got home today and had changed out of his good suit, Baron stood in the dining room and gave his special bark he uses when he wants to go out and run.  He has us well trained in many ways.  LOL!

Did I mention that Baron's surgery won't take place until after he finishes up the medications we have for him for the open sores?  I am not really looking forward to that because the Beast will be a nervous wreck while Baron is being operated on.  Too many things could go wrong.  Plus the Beast is worried about where the skin patch to cover the wound is going to come from.  He amazes me at times that he doesn't ask the questions when he is at the vet's.  It's on his mind but never makes it to his lips.  **Sigh**  I guess we will find all that out when Baron has to go in for the surgery.  If nothing else, I will go with him and ask the hard questions of her.  

I'm having a bit of trouble with swelling of my ankles and feet the past two days.  I have been watching how much salt I am using in case that's what is causing it.  We actually had some great roast beef that we made sandwiches out of today.  The Beast got some fresh Chicago Italian bread from Publix and it was wonderful for our sandwiches.  I have been craving salad but I forgot to have the Beast pick up some mix when he's gone to the store.  We have a couple great tomatoes here and I have almost been tempted to slice them up and slather them in salad dressing.  I have great Ranch dressing and I love that on salads AND even with my chicken nuggets and strips.  I got that from Chewlee, believe it or not.  That's her dip of choice for her chicken nuggets and strips.  I had always enjoyed my homemade honey mustard sauce.  I still like it but I go through these different stages.....LOL!

I am tired and need to get this posted and get my butt into bed.  Love you all and I wish you a fantastic weekend.  Be good.  Stay warm.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Another Great Day !

My poor son, Mustachio, is going to be moving again.  It's not that he really wants to but he thinks it's probably for the best.  The apartment he is in is in an older building, circa 1940's, he thinks.  It really needs to be retrofitted for today's requirements because the apartments seem to share ventilation.  He is a smoker and the woman downstairs has been complaining about his smoking because she can smell it in her apartment.  That wouldn't be happening in a newer building with the stricter building codes.  

His current landlord made him a deal.  The woman has lived in the building for over 5 years.  He said he would give Mustachio a stellar report for any new apartment he found.  And he did.  He lied even.  He said Mustachio had lived in the building for a year with no late rent payments and no complaints.  He is also giving him back his month's rent as well as his deposit.  

Mustachio found a great place, just 3 miles from his work, too.  Another two bedroom but in a much newer building with a weight room and a pool.  It's really what he had wanted to get into earlier this year (before his accident) but now he will have the pool available to him for next summer.  And the added benefit of the weight room and being so close to work doesn't hurt either.  As much as he hates moving, he is going to make the move regardless.

He is on vacation (yes, you read that right!) this week and next and said he might come down for a couple days after he moves to visit with us.  I would love that but I told him not to kill himself with the move and all.  But he wants to see Sheepie, Teach, the Princess, Chewlee and Gunner, too.  I'm hoping he makes it since I enjoy his company.  But I told him I would understand if he couldn't manage it.  He is on vacation because of working for AT&T.  He has it coming to him and, if he doesn't take the time before the end of the year, he loses it.  I'd take it, wouldn't you?

It was actually 70 degrees here today and sunny.  The Beast was thrilled because he finally saw birds at the feeders in back of the house.  I had seen them but I was glad he finally got to see a bunch of them feeding.  For whatever reason, it gives him some kind of thrill.  If he's happy, he leaves me alone....LOL!

I just took it easy today, trying to make sure I am recovered fully from the IBS and it's aftermath.  I feel good and my sleep routine has largely returned to something more normal.  I still get up a couple times during the night for bathroom breaks (which is why I am doing this blog at this time of night) but I can return to sleep easily.  I prefer that to being up more than half the night and sleeping most of the day away.

We ended up having to bandage up Baron's paw again.  Baron has to finish up his pills for the skin problems and sores on his body before the vet can do the surgery on him.  That's not for another two weeks, I believe.  The Beast will be a basket case when that happens.  Baron is, after all, his best buddy.  So much can happen to an animal that is under anesthesia.  I see it all the time on my vet shows I watch.  But, c'est la vie!  We shall just have to wait and see.

Tomorrow more decent weather is expected and I am looking forward to that.  I am also curious about some new construction going on down the road from us.  They have cleared away an old building and leveled a HUGE area.  The Beast is wondering what is going to be constructed there and he has me curious, too.  There's no sign up so it's hard to say.  But construction goes on here pretty much year 'round.  It should be evident in a fairly short time.  I may just ask the owner of the gas station at that corner.  He may have more information.

Love you all.  Hope you had a great week.  TGIF!  Have a fun evening but don't drink and drive.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Beautiful Day....

It was absolutely gorgeous out today so I didn't mind getting dressed and going to Walmart to pick up a few things that I needed to get in the house.  I did buy some Depends to have in the house for the next bout of IBS that I suffer with.  I just don't want to take the chance that it won't happen again.  My doctor told me a while back that, if I could go six months without an incident, I would probably never have the problem again but I just can't seem to make that goal.  So, better safe than sorry.  It's not a fun problem to have.

It got up to 68 degrees here and was so-so.  There was a bit of cloudiness but also a lot of sunlight.  Baron was happy because the Beast took him out for a run twice today.  He just waited a couple hours inbetween times to do it....LOL.    

The Princess called me to find out if I had knitting needles but I told her I only do crocheting.  I gather she found a couple cute patterns for some kind of footwear for the baby that she wants to try to make.  She was also hoping I had some chunky type yarn but I told her she actually could find those things at Walmart and didn't have to worry about running up to Michael's or one of the other craft stores in Huntsville.  She thought she would have to do that.  If she went or not, I don't know but I am sure I will find out....eventually.

I was listening to the weather tonight and discovered that northern California is now having a flooding problem!  They've been in drought mode for ages now and suddenly they are getting more rain than they can handle.  I haven't had a chance to talk to my friend, Carol, out in the San Francisco area but they are affected.  I just hope they aren't having problems with flash flooding there.  But it will, eventually, be nice when everything settles down to know they've gotten some of the rain they've desperately needed.  It helped me not feel so guilty about enjoying our weather today.

I was up most of the day for a change.  I should be asleep now but had to get up to go to the bathroom so I figured I would get this blog done and posted at a decent time.  I'm tired and didn't take a nap so I should get to sleep fairly easy tonight.  I have to find out from the Beast tomorrow what day the vet is going to do Baron's surgery and I sure hope she has some kind of solution for us to use to keep him from licking the areas.  The paw will be critical and I don't think the idea of a collar appeals to the Beast.  I think HE thinks it's cruel or something.  We can't be the first people faced with this kind of problem with a dog so there must be something that can be done.  I said to the Beast, *What would she have us do then?  Tape his paw to his chest???*  He just laughed because I knew he was imagining that great beast of ours on just three paws....LOL!

I watch some strange programs, I guess.  At least the Beast thinks so.  I watch things like *Strangest Weather On Earth* (a late night weather channel series), Dr. Pol (a vet in MN), another vet in Alaska (female...her name escapes me at the moment), any animal documentaries except Pitbulls and Parolees.  One of my favorites is Orangutan Island but it's on here at 5am so I don't get to see it too often.  I also love to see the ones on the History Channel about Ancient Discoveries, where we are finding out we aren't all that smart these days as we think we are...LOL.

The Beast watches almost nothing except news shows, talk shows and old movies.  And not many old movies even.  He makes me nuts with the crap he watches all the time.  I want local news, not that stuff going on everywhere else.  It's bad enough he feels he has to run in and tell me all about it every few minutes.  Sheesh.  I'm just not all that excited about what Isis is doing, sorry.

I'm more concerned with the prices of meat and stuff at the grocery store these days.  Oh well.  More nice weather tomorrow for us.  It will slowly get cooler until about Wednesday of next week when we will be back to the more familiar cold weather.  I can live with that.  

Love you all.  Hope your week has gone well so far.  Be good.  Stay warm and dry.  ***Hugs***