Today was fantastic as far as weather goes. But the poor Beast was suffering from both fatigue and a lot of aches and pains. Most of it is due to his overextending himself with building the gate for the coop. Why he insisted on doing that before putting in the other two posts we need and covering the area between the chainlink fence and the barn is beyond me. But he just HAD to do that first. *Sigh* It was the bending and getting down on his knees to put screws in (he also covered the area between the base of the barn and the ground so the chickens and/or predators couldn't get underneath) that actually did him in.
Tomorrow we are to have another good day but...unfortunately, it's the day that he has to go in to have his treatment for his skin cancer on his arms. So doing anything further is out of the question. For about a week. BUT...on Wednesday, our weather takes a turn for the worse. Severe weather they were saying on the Weather Channel tonight. Possibility of some tornadoes but mostly in the south of our state. Since the weather is going to be so nasty, I suppose it doesn't matter. But I would love to be able to let the chickens out to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine on good days. *Sigh* Guess I just have to be patient.
Dennis and Diane came over today to look at the chickens. Diane said we couldn't possibly name them because *they all look alike!* I laughed and said there were little differences and they seem to have very different personalities. She got this look on her face that suggested I was a bit nutty to think chickens could have personalities but at least she didn't say that.
After the Beast and I got all the tools and things put away, he came into the house and he looked exhausted. He spent the rest of the afternoon just laying back and resting. I made us tacos for dinner since it's one of his favorites. When he was getting ready for bed (which was early since his doctor's appointment is at 8am), he wasn't able to take his own socks off due to his muscles being so stiff. That means I will have to put them on for him, along with his shoes, in the morning. Been here before so I know. That's why *I* am heading for bed early because he will be up around 6am. He always gets up earlier than needed.
I'll also have to check on the chickens and make sure their food and water are filled. Tomorrow afternoon I will have to make sure to close the window that we've left open since it's staying in the 50's tonight and turn on the heat lamps since it's going to be cold for the night .... and for the following two, perhaps three nights. We always turn them off during the day when the weather is this nice.
Okay, enough for today. Love you all. Be good. Be sure to tell the ones you love and care about that you love and appreciate them. Today is over and tomorrow is not promised so do it today. Life is short. ***Hugs***
Monday, February 29, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
It Was A Super Sunday.....
Today was a truly super day. The weather was fantastic. Baron and I sat out on the deck for about a half hour, just chilling, along with the two furbabies. The male is becoming a bit more trusting but you have to move slowly in order to pet him. He will dart away and then come back and rub your legs. I forgive him the hair he leaves behind...LOL.
I was outside more than that since it was so warm. It actually hit 70 degrees the last time I checked (around noon). I also took the time to wash my clothes...mostly pajamas since I change them daily but wear my jeans for a couple days. I only had 7 hanging items...shirts and two light jackets. I also washed cleaning rags. I found out we were out of softener so I ran to the store to pick some more up.
I made the Beast and me some tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for our late lunch. He told me he was going to the roller rink at 6pm. It seems one of the women at his church had rented it for the evening for the benefit of all the home schooled kids in his church. It seems there are a lot of them and this is a treat for them. He's not attending to skate or to chaperon. He's there for moral support, he said. I guess some of the fathers wanted him to be there. I thought, *Great! He needs the time away from me about as much as I need it without him around.* I'm sure you understand. When he's here, he's watching Fox news most of the time and I really don't want to hear about it. I watch other news channels for a very different type of news than he's getting.
I'm sitting here, burning my scented is almost gone and wishing I could get one of those that has rings of various value buried in them. Just for the surprise. I like even the inexpensive rings and have quite a few of them. I've been told by people that have bought them that they have a wonderful smell when burning, unlike the inexpensive ones I buy. But, hey, that's just life. If you are interested, go to or (my favorite). They are a bit more than the ones you can buy at Walmart and other stores but I hear the aroma is much greater than any of those.
Well, it's getting late and I am tired tonight. Love you all. Have a great week and I wish you all good weather. ***Hugs***
I was outside more than that since it was so warm. It actually hit 70 degrees the last time I checked (around noon). I also took the time to wash my clothes...mostly pajamas since I change them daily but wear my jeans for a couple days. I only had 7 hanging items...shirts and two light jackets. I also washed cleaning rags. I found out we were out of softener so I ran to the store to pick some more up.
I made the Beast and me some tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for our late lunch. He told me he was going to the roller rink at 6pm. It seems one of the women at his church had rented it for the evening for the benefit of all the home schooled kids in his church. It seems there are a lot of them and this is a treat for them. He's not attending to skate or to chaperon. He's there for moral support, he said. I guess some of the fathers wanted him to be there. I thought, *Great! He needs the time away from me about as much as I need it without him around.* I'm sure you understand. When he's here, he's watching Fox news most of the time and I really don't want to hear about it. I watch other news channels for a very different type of news than he's getting.
I'm sitting here, burning my scented is almost gone and wishing I could get one of those that has rings of various value buried in them. Just for the surprise. I like even the inexpensive rings and have quite a few of them. I've been told by people that have bought them that they have a wonderful smell when burning, unlike the inexpensive ones I buy. But, hey, that's just life. If you are interested, go to or (my favorite). They are a bit more than the ones you can buy at Walmart and other stores but I hear the aroma is much greater than any of those.
Well, it's getting late and I am tired tonight. Love you all. Have a great week and I wish you all good weather. ***Hugs***
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Well, we finally got to do some work on getting the posts done for the coop. The day was bright, sunny and fairly warm. I mean that it reached a whole 60 degrees here but it was only 55 when we started to work on it. Digging the holes was easy since the ground is still a bit moist. Putting the brace in place, however, was a real pain. You realize just how many different planes you have to keep straight, right? It had to be upright and also straight from front, back and sides. I had to keep moving the darn wood brace a little bit this way, a little bit that way, it was enough to make you crazy. Then..once the cement was finally poured, I had to hold still until it began to set up enough to let go. The Beast finally got the idea to screw in a piece of board from the gate section to the first post we planted. Then I could let go. But only after we checked to make sure it was still perfect. That's really only because that first post is where the gate will be secured.
But it was great to finally see it taking shape. It should probably only be another day or two and it will be done so that we can put up the chicken wire and, perhaps, start letting the chickens out for a bit. That should be fun to watch. I told the Beast we would probably have to shove them out at first....LOL!
They ran up to us when we went into the barn and started pecking at our shoes and jeans. Not really hard but it seemed like it was for attention more than anything. I got to feed a couple of them out of my hand. The Beast bought new feed for them that is more for mature chickens and they seem to really like it. They are even more neat now. The Beast put their new feeder on a stand so they don't have to bend over so much now that they are so much taller. More of them can gather around it to feed now, too.
We noticed that we have two chickens that seem smaller than the rest. Of course, like I told the Beast, we haven't seen them really stand tall. I think they are at the bottom of the pecking order and that is why they seem to crouch most of the time. The rest always seem to have their necks extended, but not these two. I guess that's the way of the animal kingdom.
Turns out that Bratfink sent me the link because it was truly a link for a free sample that didn't cost me anything AND there was no automatic renewal involved. My apologies to my sister. I really thought she was just being funny and giving me the link as a joke. I can be an idiot at times. But I have been burnt more than once so .....
Time to post this. My movie is almost over (King Kong..the one with Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange) and I am ready for bed. Love you all. Be good. Be kind. Kindness is something we all need. Remember, even people with a smile on their faces are fighting battles we know nothing about. ***Hugs***
But it was great to finally see it taking shape. It should probably only be another day or two and it will be done so that we can put up the chicken wire and, perhaps, start letting the chickens out for a bit. That should be fun to watch. I told the Beast we would probably have to shove them out at first....LOL!
They ran up to us when we went into the barn and started pecking at our shoes and jeans. Not really hard but it seemed like it was for attention more than anything. I got to feed a couple of them out of my hand. The Beast bought new feed for them that is more for mature chickens and they seem to really like it. They are even more neat now. The Beast put their new feeder on a stand so they don't have to bend over so much now that they are so much taller. More of them can gather around it to feed now, too.
We noticed that we have two chickens that seem smaller than the rest. Of course, like I told the Beast, we haven't seen them really stand tall. I think they are at the bottom of the pecking order and that is why they seem to crouch most of the time. The rest always seem to have their necks extended, but not these two. I guess that's the way of the animal kingdom.
Turns out that Bratfink sent me the link because it was truly a link for a free sample that didn't cost me anything AND there was no automatic renewal involved. My apologies to my sister. I really thought she was just being funny and giving me the link as a joke. I can be an idiot at times. But I have been burnt more than once so .....
Time to post this. My movie is almost over (King Kong..the one with Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange) and I am ready for bed. Love you all. Be good. Be kind. Kindness is something we all need. Remember, even people with a smile on their faces are fighting battles we know nothing about. ***Hugs***
My Sister Is A Real Card....
I wrote yesterday about the problem I had with sending away for a *free* sample so what do I get in an email from Bratfink? She sends me a link for another *wrinkle* solution free sample. Just the link. Nothing else. I could just envision her laughing her ass off as she sent it to me. But that's just like her to do something like that. Testing me or teasing me without saying a word. Thanks a bunch, Sis! In a way, it WAS funny. But no thank you.....
The Beast had to refill the chicken's feeder today. He was stunned since it is so much bigger than the one he had in there and he really thought it would last longer. So he stuck around after he put the filled feeder back down for them to see what would happen. He said they immediately attacked the feed like starving chickens and he saw that they were actually digging out a lot of the seed with their feet. It shocked him but explained why the feeder emptied as fast as it did. I told him he should let it stay empty for a day and force them to eat up the feed on the floor. They would find it easily and clean that up with no problem. He said, *Next time...* I reminded him that farmers spread feed on the ground for chickens with no problem and they do well. He agreed so we will see if he does time.
The chickens are still gathering around his feet when he comes into the barn and he can easily lean down and pet them without them freaking out or moving away from his hand. It seems that they actually want him to pet them once he starts doing that. The chickens push each other out of the way so they can be under his hand and get the attention. It's really cute.
It was wash day for the Beast so I was folding his undershirts, underwear and matching his socks for him. He took care of the loads that had his good dress pants and his *go-to-meeting* shirts. He's getting very good at being there when the dryer stops, complete with hangers, so that there's no ironing. He made the comment that the pants that have the best creases are actually the least expensive ones he bought from, of all places, Walmart! Ditto with his dress shirts. Not that he bought cheap ones even there but they were cheaper than the ones he bought at Kohl's or the other store whose name escapes me at the moment. They are both more upscale stores and, of course, more expensive. He's learning a little bit of a lesson on not being such a snob about how much he has to pay for his clothes to look good. All his sport jackets and his coats are expensive. Sure must give people a different story about our financial status than it actually is. They should look in MY closet. That would be a shock to them. LOL!
If we have another day of sunny weather, the ground should be dry enough for us to finally do the posts. He dug a hole and it started to fill with water (not a lot of it but more than it should) so he said, * more day.* So, perhaps we will finally get that done tomorrow. Then, when we get decent weather, we can let the chickens out to roam for a bit. I am just wondering how we will get them back inside before dark.
I think the Beast put some more salt in the water softener today. When I took my shower before going to bed, I had a bit of a hard time feeling like I rinsed off well enough. One good thing, though....the smell of my peach body soap still lingers.
I am writing this after my 3am potty break so I have only had 3 hours sleep. This time it wasn't my bladder waking me (although once awake, it called to me....), it was the TV that I had left on when I fell asleep. It starts this awful crackling sound when it restarts itself and downloads the updated TV guide for our provider. It does it every night at 3:02am. On the dote. Every damn night. LOL! So, now that I've written about my exciting day, how was yours? I hope it was without stress or anything to make you unhappy. I wish everyone nothing but joy and a great day. We all deserve that much. Love you bunches! ***Hugs***
The Beast had to refill the chicken's feeder today. He was stunned since it is so much bigger than the one he had in there and he really thought it would last longer. So he stuck around after he put the filled feeder back down for them to see what would happen. He said they immediately attacked the feed like starving chickens and he saw that they were actually digging out a lot of the seed with their feet. It shocked him but explained why the feeder emptied as fast as it did. I told him he should let it stay empty for a day and force them to eat up the feed on the floor. They would find it easily and clean that up with no problem. He said, *Next time...* I reminded him that farmers spread feed on the ground for chickens with no problem and they do well. He agreed so we will see if he does time.
The chickens are still gathering around his feet when he comes into the barn and he can easily lean down and pet them without them freaking out or moving away from his hand. It seems that they actually want him to pet them once he starts doing that. The chickens push each other out of the way so they can be under his hand and get the attention. It's really cute.
It was wash day for the Beast so I was folding his undershirts, underwear and matching his socks for him. He took care of the loads that had his good dress pants and his *go-to-meeting* shirts. He's getting very good at being there when the dryer stops, complete with hangers, so that there's no ironing. He made the comment that the pants that have the best creases are actually the least expensive ones he bought from, of all places, Walmart! Ditto with his dress shirts. Not that he bought cheap ones even there but they were cheaper than the ones he bought at Kohl's or the other store whose name escapes me at the moment. They are both more upscale stores and, of course, more expensive. He's learning a little bit of a lesson on not being such a snob about how much he has to pay for his clothes to look good. All his sport jackets and his coats are expensive. Sure must give people a different story about our financial status than it actually is. They should look in MY closet. That would be a shock to them. LOL!
If we have another day of sunny weather, the ground should be dry enough for us to finally do the posts. He dug a hole and it started to fill with water (not a lot of it but more than it should) so he said, * more day.* So, perhaps we will finally get that done tomorrow. Then, when we get decent weather, we can let the chickens out to roam for a bit. I am just wondering how we will get them back inside before dark.
I think the Beast put some more salt in the water softener today. When I took my shower before going to bed, I had a bit of a hard time feeling like I rinsed off well enough. One good thing, though....the smell of my peach body soap still lingers.
I am writing this after my 3am potty break so I have only had 3 hours sleep. This time it wasn't my bladder waking me (although once awake, it called to me....), it was the TV that I had left on when I fell asleep. It starts this awful crackling sound when it restarts itself and downloads the updated TV guide for our provider. It does it every night at 3:02am. On the dote. Every damn night. LOL! So, now that I've written about my exciting day, how was yours? I hope it was without stress or anything to make you unhappy. I wish everyone nothing but joy and a great day. We all deserve that much. Love you bunches! ***Hugs***
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Bright And Sunny But Cold....
It was so nice to wake up to a bright and sunny day for a change. But the bad part was that it was cold. Too cold to pour the concrete and the ground was just a little too wet, besides. So no posts were set. We have hopes for tomorrow, which is supposed to be a bit warmer, as well as sunny. We are hoping the ground will not be as wet since that alone can keep the cement from setting up well (or quickly). Guess who will have to hold the posts in place until it's set enough to let go? Yeah, me, of course. He has to mix the cement and pour it so I am the only one that can hold the post in place. I will also have to make sure that it's straight with the help of a level. I've done it before and it's not fun.
Had a horrible incident happen today. A company took $92.00 out of our account. Another example of how *free samples* are not a wise thing to try. I really did want to since I had seen their impressive video of how it (supposedly) removed wrinkles in elapsed time (just two minutes) and it was just half of a deep set one on a man's face. I figured what would it hurt to see if it really worked for me? Well, let me tell you what they did. They say they had under their terms and conditions (which I did not see anywhere and I looked), that it was a 15 day trial with a full refund (of what? your postage and handling charge?). I ordered it on Feb. 10th and received it on February 16th. I should have had plenty of time to cancel any more shipments (although it never said they would ship any in their ad but I knew better).
I tried the salve. I used it just the same way it was used in the video. Did it work? Of course not. I tried it several times. No results and my wrinkles that I tried it on were not as deep as the one shown in the video. So, after seeing the ridiculous charge for this tiny little jar of ointment, I called the company to cancel and demand they return the money they had taken.
First, they tried to tell me I ordered it on February 5th. I knew I hadn't because I had been thinking that it was close to Valentine's Day and was really surprised that it would arrive that quickly after my order. Then the customer service rep (who had to be located in India since the accent was so thick), tried to tell me that I should have read the terms and conditions. When I said I had looked for them or a link for them, they were NOT in their ad or on the order sheet. THEN he finally said he would cancel it and give me a partial refund of 30% of my $92. so that I wouldn't have to go through the problem of returning the product. When I said, which one....the one you've sent me when you took the $92. out or the one I have that I already know doesn't work? I said and where do you get off with 30% refund? He actually said to me, *Oh, I'm so sorry but I've already cancelled so I can't get you a refund.*
When I asked to speak to a supervisor, I was told there was no supervisor available. So, I said, *This is out-and-out fraud and I am going to report you to whatever authority I must and I am also going to contact the State's Attorney's office about this.* He then hung up on me. So, I DID call the State's Attorney's office and someone is supposed to call me back within a day or so. I will find out whatever authority I have to contact about this from them, I hope. But I believe we have little recourse to getting the money back. I WILL go to my bank and see if there is anything THEY can do about this. But I fear that money is just plain lost to us and it really hurts us when we still have two weeks before we get paid and we have to keep a certain amount of money in our account to pay our supplemental insurances. *Sigh* I'm such an idiot. Would you believe that it says on the jar....*Aluris SNAKE VENOM Peptide Cream*? SNAKE VENOM! OMG....nothing was said about it involving snake venom. Oh well. Live and learn. It's just a hard lesson.
Time to post this and get back to bed. I had to let Baron out so I figured I would get this out of the way for tonight. Love you all. Be good and be careful....and I mean that in more ways than one. ***Hugs***
Had a horrible incident happen today. A company took $92.00 out of our account. Another example of how *free samples* are not a wise thing to try. I really did want to since I had seen their impressive video of how it (supposedly) removed wrinkles in elapsed time (just two minutes) and it was just half of a deep set one on a man's face. I figured what would it hurt to see if it really worked for me? Well, let me tell you what they did. They say they had under their terms and conditions (which I did not see anywhere and I looked), that it was a 15 day trial with a full refund (of what? your postage and handling charge?). I ordered it on Feb. 10th and received it on February 16th. I should have had plenty of time to cancel any more shipments (although it never said they would ship any in their ad but I knew better).
I tried the salve. I used it just the same way it was used in the video. Did it work? Of course not. I tried it several times. No results and my wrinkles that I tried it on were not as deep as the one shown in the video. So, after seeing the ridiculous charge for this tiny little jar of ointment, I called the company to cancel and demand they return the money they had taken.
First, they tried to tell me I ordered it on February 5th. I knew I hadn't because I had been thinking that it was close to Valentine's Day and was really surprised that it would arrive that quickly after my order. Then the customer service rep (who had to be located in India since the accent was so thick), tried to tell me that I should have read the terms and conditions. When I said I had looked for them or a link for them, they were NOT in their ad or on the order sheet. THEN he finally said he would cancel it and give me a partial refund of 30% of my $92. so that I wouldn't have to go through the problem of returning the product. When I said, which one....the one you've sent me when you took the $92. out or the one I have that I already know doesn't work? I said and where do you get off with 30% refund? He actually said to me, *Oh, I'm so sorry but I've already cancelled so I can't get you a refund.*
When I asked to speak to a supervisor, I was told there was no supervisor available. So, I said, *This is out-and-out fraud and I am going to report you to whatever authority I must and I am also going to contact the State's Attorney's office about this.* He then hung up on me. So, I DID call the State's Attorney's office and someone is supposed to call me back within a day or so. I will find out whatever authority I have to contact about this from them, I hope. But I believe we have little recourse to getting the money back. I WILL go to my bank and see if there is anything THEY can do about this. But I fear that money is just plain lost to us and it really hurts us when we still have two weeks before we get paid and we have to keep a certain amount of money in our account to pay our supplemental insurances. *Sigh* I'm such an idiot. Would you believe that it says on the jar....*Aluris SNAKE VENOM Peptide Cream*? SNAKE VENOM! OMG....nothing was said about it involving snake venom. Oh well. Live and learn. It's just a hard lesson.
Time to post this and get back to bed. I had to let Baron out so I figured I would get this out of the way for tonight. Love you all. Be good and be careful....and I mean that in more ways than one. ***Hugs***
I Am So Tired Of Rain.....
On Monday, when I actually wrote the blog for Tuesday, we hadn't had any thunderstorms. Well, at around 3:30am, one blew into our area. So I was wrong to think we had avoided that. But....there was no damage reported for our area or anywhere around us so that was a good thing. Not even flash flooding reported. Phew!
Today (it's actually still Wednesday but you won't be reading this until Thursday) it was more overcast weather, a bit of rain (but less than we have been getting...more like sprinkles) and much cooler. It's just 41 degrees outside and the Beast plugged in the second heat lamp for the chickens. The chickens hightailed it into the area that it heats up almost as soon as he did that. Too funny.
I made us dinner tonight. Pork chops, twice baked loaded potatoes and green beans. It was delish! Baron was begging for the pork chop bones but he has a habit of swallowing them just about whole so we don't do that any more. We felt lucky to dodge the bullet of them causing digestive problems more than once and we don't take the chance any more.
A friend suggested the names Cheech and Chong for the two fur babies today but I think that sounds like two boy names, don't you? It also doesn't fit their personalities. I'm open to suggestions. I've named enough of their traits, I think, for you to get the idea of what they are like. Just put your suggestions in the comments.
I've had a bit of a cold now for about two weeks and I am spending so much time blowing my nose that I had to get Puffs with lotion since the regular kleenex was starting to prove too rough, believe it or not. My skin around my nose was getting so dry that they had to have extra lotion applied. The new Puffs is proving to be a lot better. I've been drinking a lot of water and, of course, my coffee but my fingertips look like I am dehydrated. I don't know what more I can do since I am peeing so much that I am using up a lot of terlit paper...LOL. The Beast said to me, *Geez, how can you use up so much toiler paper?* I told him, *I have to use it EVERY time I use the bathroom....not just half the time. I don't have a pair of thick cotton underwear to absorb the last few drops!* He shut up but walked away shaking his head. Men!
Well, it's late and time for me to go back to bed. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Try to put a smile on someone's face today. ***Hugs***
Today (it's actually still Wednesday but you won't be reading this until Thursday) it was more overcast weather, a bit of rain (but less than we have been getting...more like sprinkles) and much cooler. It's just 41 degrees outside and the Beast plugged in the second heat lamp for the chickens. The chickens hightailed it into the area that it heats up almost as soon as he did that. Too funny.
I made us dinner tonight. Pork chops, twice baked loaded potatoes and green beans. It was delish! Baron was begging for the pork chop bones but he has a habit of swallowing them just about whole so we don't do that any more. We felt lucky to dodge the bullet of them causing digestive problems more than once and we don't take the chance any more.
A friend suggested the names Cheech and Chong for the two fur babies today but I think that sounds like two boy names, don't you? It also doesn't fit their personalities. I'm open to suggestions. I've named enough of their traits, I think, for you to get the idea of what they are like. Just put your suggestions in the comments.
I've had a bit of a cold now for about two weeks and I am spending so much time blowing my nose that I had to get Puffs with lotion since the regular kleenex was starting to prove too rough, believe it or not. My skin around my nose was getting so dry that they had to have extra lotion applied. The new Puffs is proving to be a lot better. I've been drinking a lot of water and, of course, my coffee but my fingertips look like I am dehydrated. I don't know what more I can do since I am peeing so much that I am using up a lot of terlit paper...LOL. The Beast said to me, *Geez, how can you use up so much toiler paper?* I told him, *I have to use it EVERY time I use the bathroom....not just half the time. I don't have a pair of thick cotton underwear to absorb the last few drops!* He shut up but walked away shaking his head. Men!
Well, it's late and time for me to go back to bed. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Try to put a smile on someone's face today. ***Hugs***
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Rain But No Thunderstorms.....
We ended up with loads of rain but no thunderstorms...thankfully. Not that I mind them but with this warmer than normal weather we've been having, it could mean tornadoes. Tornadoes=bad!
The Beast and I went through a tornado years ago. We had gone to bed early so we had no warning. He was working a weird shift at 3M company back then and had to be up at 3am to go to work. So, when the tornado ripped the roof off over our head, we were in bed.
Since we had only been married a little over a year, we were both naked. Funny how you never consider that when something like that happens. He DID stop to pull on a pair of shorts but I was trying to open the sliding doors out to the porch area since the rest of the room was blocked by the ceiling, which had fallen down. I was scraping out plaster that was blocking the tracks of the door when the Beast threw a comforter over me just before we ran outside to try to get down to the basement. The Beast hollered out our friends name, since she was going to be alone with her kids we knew. Her hubby was a long distance truck driver and he was supposed to be on a run that night.
So we went to run across the parking lot between our apartment buildings, the comforter billowing like a cape behind me, and I almost ran into a section of roof from one of the other buildings that was kind of floating through the air. Just as we got to Bonnie's apartment, she came outside with both her kids AND her hubby. He had stayed home when he heard about the tornadoes in our area. So we all ran down into the basement of their building to wait for an *all clear* or for the police or fire department to show up.
I was cold as hell and we were standing in ankle deep water from the storm. I realized that I had actually been outside the building when I ran down to close the car windows just before the roof got yanked off from over us. I had even told the Beast that the rain was really strange. It was like solid water pouring rain drops at all, even in the light on the end of the building. That REALLY shook me up. A few minutes later and who knows what would have happened to me?
When the firemen showed up and came down to tell us the storm had passed and we were no longer in danger, I was still wrapped in the comforter but shivering like I was standing on an iceberg. The neighbors all came up with clothes for me to put on, which I did in Bonnie's apartment. It didn't have as much damage as ours did.
The firemen helped the Beast get our dog out from under our bed. He was a six month old German Shepherd/Collie mix. Poor dog was really traumatized. They then helped the Beast lift a section of roofing from another of the buildings (we lived in an apartment complex that had 8 buildings) off our car. We were then able to leave and headed for the Beast's parent's house in another suburb. The lightning show was incredible. It looked like the lightning was tracing veins in a body. It would strike and then just ...grow. Very scary.
We ended up losing just about everything we owned. All we were able to salvage were two rocking chairs and a few towels. The tornado had hit us twice. The second time, it literally vacuumed out every single piece of clothing we owned. Oh, and my poor Hope Chest survived with just a bit of damage. I later gave it to my baby sister before she got married quite a few years later. It actually never gave me the same feeling after the tornado. It just reminded me of how terrified I was.
It's why, if I had known that this area was prone to tornadoes, I would never, ever, have consented to moving into this house. We considered moving into the rental house we bought but I hated the driveway. It also didn't have a big enough yard area for Baron. Since Tara had actually chosen the house when we were out looking, it seemed fitting that we later sold it to her on contract. She's made some amazing changes to it and has turned it into a very nice home for her family. I'm so glad it was her that got the house.
But, enough about that. I do like thunderstorms but not the ones that carry tornadoes. If I hear the word *supercell* from the weatherman, I am awake until the storm passes.....just in case we have to make a run for Dennis' safe room in his house. We have been told we are welcome there and even Baron. It's a nice big room and even has beds built into it. They knew about the tornadoes since we had kept them informed while they were traveling the U.S. and Canada in their RV. So, when they built their home, they added it....just in case.
The chickens are really just about full grown, I believe. They've been eyeing the larger, higher perch that the Beast built for them but they will have to use their wings more to get up there. It won't be long, I don't believe. He's even prepared the nesting boxes with the material inside it for making a comfortable place for them to lay their eggs when the time comes. It will be a couple more months, I believe.
Time to get this posted. Love you all and please be careful. Driving can be hazardous with this weird weather. ***Hugs***
The Beast and I went through a tornado years ago. We had gone to bed early so we had no warning. He was working a weird shift at 3M company back then and had to be up at 3am to go to work. So, when the tornado ripped the roof off over our head, we were in bed.
Since we had only been married a little over a year, we were both naked. Funny how you never consider that when something like that happens. He DID stop to pull on a pair of shorts but I was trying to open the sliding doors out to the porch area since the rest of the room was blocked by the ceiling, which had fallen down. I was scraping out plaster that was blocking the tracks of the door when the Beast threw a comforter over me just before we ran outside to try to get down to the basement. The Beast hollered out our friends name, since she was going to be alone with her kids we knew. Her hubby was a long distance truck driver and he was supposed to be on a run that night.
So we went to run across the parking lot between our apartment buildings, the comforter billowing like a cape behind me, and I almost ran into a section of roof from one of the other buildings that was kind of floating through the air. Just as we got to Bonnie's apartment, she came outside with both her kids AND her hubby. He had stayed home when he heard about the tornadoes in our area. So we all ran down into the basement of their building to wait for an *all clear* or for the police or fire department to show up.
I was cold as hell and we were standing in ankle deep water from the storm. I realized that I had actually been outside the building when I ran down to close the car windows just before the roof got yanked off from over us. I had even told the Beast that the rain was really strange. It was like solid water pouring rain drops at all, even in the light on the end of the building. That REALLY shook me up. A few minutes later and who knows what would have happened to me?
When the firemen showed up and came down to tell us the storm had passed and we were no longer in danger, I was still wrapped in the comforter but shivering like I was standing on an iceberg. The neighbors all came up with clothes for me to put on, which I did in Bonnie's apartment. It didn't have as much damage as ours did.
The firemen helped the Beast get our dog out from under our bed. He was a six month old German Shepherd/Collie mix. Poor dog was really traumatized. They then helped the Beast lift a section of roofing from another of the buildings (we lived in an apartment complex that had 8 buildings) off our car. We were then able to leave and headed for the Beast's parent's house in another suburb. The lightning show was incredible. It looked like the lightning was tracing veins in a body. It would strike and then just ...grow. Very scary.
We ended up losing just about everything we owned. All we were able to salvage were two rocking chairs and a few towels. The tornado had hit us twice. The second time, it literally vacuumed out every single piece of clothing we owned. Oh, and my poor Hope Chest survived with just a bit of damage. I later gave it to my baby sister before she got married quite a few years later. It actually never gave me the same feeling after the tornado. It just reminded me of how terrified I was.
It's why, if I had known that this area was prone to tornadoes, I would never, ever, have consented to moving into this house. We considered moving into the rental house we bought but I hated the driveway. It also didn't have a big enough yard area for Baron. Since Tara had actually chosen the house when we were out looking, it seemed fitting that we later sold it to her on contract. She's made some amazing changes to it and has turned it into a very nice home for her family. I'm so glad it was her that got the house.
But, enough about that. I do like thunderstorms but not the ones that carry tornadoes. If I hear the word *supercell* from the weatherman, I am awake until the storm passes.....just in case we have to make a run for Dennis' safe room in his house. We have been told we are welcome there and even Baron. It's a nice big room and even has beds built into it. They knew about the tornadoes since we had kept them informed while they were traveling the U.S. and Canada in their RV. So, when they built their home, they added it....just in case.
The chickens are really just about full grown, I believe. They've been eyeing the larger, higher perch that the Beast built for them but they will have to use their wings more to get up there. It won't be long, I don't believe. He's even prepared the nesting boxes with the material inside it for making a comfortable place for them to lay their eggs when the time comes. It will be a couple more months, I believe.
Time to get this posted. Love you all and please be careful. Driving can be hazardous with this weird weather. ***Hugs***
Monday, February 22, 2016
More Rain Today, Thunderstorms Expected Tomorrow.....
So, of course, we didn't get the posts installed...again! The chickens were in rare form and were running all over the barn. I know they must have barn fever...LOL. The sooner we can get those posts installed and the outside area ready for them, the better. They need the room to roam around and a chance to pick up a bug or two...LOL.
Men are weird at times. The Beast took a bath after dinner and then got completely redressed. When I asked him why he didn't just put on his pj bottoms, he said because when he did and he pee'd, he would dribble down the front and then it would stink. When I said, *And you don't dribble when you have your jeans on?* He swore he didn't. Somehow, I find this hard to believe. If you are going to dribble, it shouldn't make a difference. Maybe it's the difference in the tightness of his jeans so that he doesn't notice it. Also, the jeans are thicker than his jammies so I think the stink wouldn't be as obvious. I think he's kidding himself.
My ex-sister-in-law and her hubby are off to Tahiti tomorrow. Isn't that super? She is doing a lot of traveling now and getting to see a lot of incredible places. I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. I am so happy for her. She is such an amazing person. I hope she has a wonderful time.
It was another muggy day here due to the rain. Very, very humid. My hair looks like a '20's hairdo with lots of fingerwaving. *Sigh* I hate it but there's nothing I can do about it but grin and bear it until the humidity drops. Even if I wash and set it in rollers, it will do the same tomorrow. So I won't even bother. I'll blow it dry to help take out some of it but it will return quickly enough to make that effort useless. But, for a short time, it will make ME feel better.
Today I made dinner. It was just some sliced turkey and gravy (from the freezer), mashed potatoes, Stove top stuffing and green beans. But it tasted great. Was just enough to fill us up. I just threw away the leftovers. No sense refreezing the turkey. Wasn't even that much left. I was just glad it wasn't freezer burned. Surprise! Surprise!
I'm so jazzed over the trip to Chicago in June that I actually thought about bringing in my suitcase and starting to pack already. How dumb is that? will be fun with my sister, Cee, going with me instead of the Beast. We will enjoy it more. Hopefully, we will get to see some of our family, too. Best of all, we can actually be just a little more flexible if we need to. Not by much, but a little...say another day before we have to leave? But we will cross that bridge if we need to.
Time to post this. The Beast just went to bed a few minutes ago and I am going to head that way soon. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Smile a confuses people! ***Hugs***
Men are weird at times. The Beast took a bath after dinner and then got completely redressed. When I asked him why he didn't just put on his pj bottoms, he said because when he did and he pee'd, he would dribble down the front and then it would stink. When I said, *And you don't dribble when you have your jeans on?* He swore he didn't. Somehow, I find this hard to believe. If you are going to dribble, it shouldn't make a difference. Maybe it's the difference in the tightness of his jeans so that he doesn't notice it. Also, the jeans are thicker than his jammies so I think the stink wouldn't be as obvious. I think he's kidding himself.
My ex-sister-in-law and her hubby are off to Tahiti tomorrow. Isn't that super? She is doing a lot of traveling now and getting to see a lot of incredible places. I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. I am so happy for her. She is such an amazing person. I hope she has a wonderful time.
It was another muggy day here due to the rain. Very, very humid. My hair looks like a '20's hairdo with lots of fingerwaving. *Sigh* I hate it but there's nothing I can do about it but grin and bear it until the humidity drops. Even if I wash and set it in rollers, it will do the same tomorrow. So I won't even bother. I'll blow it dry to help take out some of it but it will return quickly enough to make that effort useless. But, for a short time, it will make ME feel better.
Today I made dinner. It was just some sliced turkey and gravy (from the freezer), mashed potatoes, Stove top stuffing and green beans. But it tasted great. Was just enough to fill us up. I just threw away the leftovers. No sense refreezing the turkey. Wasn't even that much left. I was just glad it wasn't freezer burned. Surprise! Surprise!
I'm so jazzed over the trip to Chicago in June that I actually thought about bringing in my suitcase and starting to pack already. How dumb is that? will be fun with my sister, Cee, going with me instead of the Beast. We will enjoy it more. Hopefully, we will get to see some of our family, too. Best of all, we can actually be just a little more flexible if we need to. Not by much, but a little...say another day before we have to leave? But we will cross that bridge if we need to.
Time to post this. The Beast just went to bed a few minutes ago and I am going to head that way soon. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Smile a confuses people! ***Hugs***
Sunday, February 21, 2016
No Work Done Today.....
We woke up this morning to a dismal day. It was overcast and the threat of rain was in the air. The Beast had turned off most of the baseboard heaters since it's been so warm that we haven't needed it except to take the chill off in the morning. But then, the rain started. Not a thunderstorm but a nice steady rain that was just enough to ensure that we didn't dare try to put in the posts for the chicken coop. It would have ruined the cement that we have to use to hold the posts.
It's not that I was disappointed but I really would love to be able to let the chickens out in the open. They act like they are feeling a bit trapped and bored. I think they would love to be outside. I really believe that is why they get so excited when we come inside the barn. It relieves the monotony of just having each other for company.
The Princess has so many chickens that they have more variety of personalities to interact with and I believe they have access to the outdoors (but not really sure about that). We can shut their access but I don't know about her coops. We wanted to be able to do that so that no critters can get inside at night. I'm still not sure how we will be able to get the chickens inside once they are out in the open. Will they know when it's time to get in and time to rest? Duh! Don't ask me. I sure don't want to have to run around and capture them every night. I'll have to see what bright idea the Beast has about that. It IS his project, after all.
Me? I really don't know if I could ever eat a chicken we've raised and gotten to know. The Beast keeps saying he would have no trouble killing them but does he know about de-feathering them and then burning off the stiff pin feathers that are left behind? I doubt it but he may surprise me. He's been reading enough literature about them but it's mostly about RAISING them to my knowledge. The rest might be a shock to him. Who knows for sure.
Today I just chilled out in front of my computer. Most of the time I was reading a lot of posts on FB and making an occasional comment. I'm surprised at a lot of the negativity I read about some things that should be considered awesome. But I am realizing that there are lots of people who are negative about damn near everything! Talk about people that must be unhappy with themselves. They just don't seem to be able to be happy about anything or anybody. I'm glad that they are just people who comment and not any of my family or friends. Sheesh!
Time to post this. Love you all and I want to leave you with one final comment that I found on FB and I really believe. ***Hugs***
Here it is:
"Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world regardless of what you look like".
It's not that I was disappointed but I really would love to be able to let the chickens out in the open. They act like they are feeling a bit trapped and bored. I think they would love to be outside. I really believe that is why they get so excited when we come inside the barn. It relieves the monotony of just having each other for company.
The Princess has so many chickens that they have more variety of personalities to interact with and I believe they have access to the outdoors (but not really sure about that). We can shut their access but I don't know about her coops. We wanted to be able to do that so that no critters can get inside at night. I'm still not sure how we will be able to get the chickens inside once they are out in the open. Will they know when it's time to get in and time to rest? Duh! Don't ask me. I sure don't want to have to run around and capture them every night. I'll have to see what bright idea the Beast has about that. It IS his project, after all.
Me? I really don't know if I could ever eat a chicken we've raised and gotten to know. The Beast keeps saying he would have no trouble killing them but does he know about de-feathering them and then burning off the stiff pin feathers that are left behind? I doubt it but he may surprise me. He's been reading enough literature about them but it's mostly about RAISING them to my knowledge. The rest might be a shock to him. Who knows for sure.
Today I just chilled out in front of my computer. Most of the time I was reading a lot of posts on FB and making an occasional comment. I'm surprised at a lot of the negativity I read about some things that should be considered awesome. But I am realizing that there are lots of people who are negative about damn near everything! Talk about people that must be unhappy with themselves. They just don't seem to be able to be happy about anything or anybody. I'm glad that they are just people who comment and not any of my family or friends. Sheesh!
Time to post this. Love you all and I want to leave you with one final comment that I found on FB and I really believe. ***Hugs***
Here it is:
"Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world regardless of what you look like".
Starting The Outside Section Of The Coop....
Since it was such a nice warm day (69 degrees), the Beast got started on the *yard* section of the coop. He put up the support that will be for the gate including the hinges. That's in two sections so that he has something to attach the chicken wire to although I'm not sure how he will do that and produce a gate. I'll get to see it once we put the posts in which we will do after he gets home from church tomorrow. He borrowed the post hole digger from our friend and neighbor, Dennis, today and we will attempt to dig the holes and then cement the posts in. After that, he will put up the chicken wire to enclose the area that the chickens will be allowed out in when the weather is good. I have no idea how he plans to make the gate into the area for us but I will see. I'll take pictures once it's done and post them. I'm not sure how Baron will react to his not being able to interact with them but he also won't be able to chase them either. Not sure if he would or not but better to be safe than sorry.
I sat outside on the deck for a bit today. It really was a nice day out. No wind, just a gentle breeze. The little female cat came over to be petted and didn't mind being in my lap at all. The little male came over and you can tell he WANTS to be as trusting as the female but he's still a bit too untrusting. He did let me pet him once but then darted away. I'll persist, however. I'll do it at his pace. Eventually, he will learn that I have no intention of hurting him.
Other than that, my day was rather boring. The Beast is talking about making his own shampoo from some recipe he found on the internet. I didn't see anything like a soap among the ingredients he bought so I have no clue just what this will be like once he mixes them. He bought two bottles for it so I think one must be to clean his hair and the other to condition it. But the ingredients are strange. He bought apple cider vinegar, baking soda and apple juice. Any ideas, anyone? I think he's losing it.
Time to post this so I will just remind you all that I love you. Be happy. Be good. And remember to tell the ones you love that you do. Thank you for your prayers for Bratfink's friend, Betty. She's feeling much better and will be released from the hospital soon. No clues yet on whether or not they will be replacing her *bionic* part to control her Parkinson's but when I find out, I will let everyone know. Enjoy the good weather. There is worse to hit us all around Tuesday of next week. ***Hugs***
I sat outside on the deck for a bit today. It really was a nice day out. No wind, just a gentle breeze. The little female cat came over to be petted and didn't mind being in my lap at all. The little male came over and you can tell he WANTS to be as trusting as the female but he's still a bit too untrusting. He did let me pet him once but then darted away. I'll persist, however. I'll do it at his pace. Eventually, he will learn that I have no intention of hurting him.
Other than that, my day was rather boring. The Beast is talking about making his own shampoo from some recipe he found on the internet. I didn't see anything like a soap among the ingredients he bought so I have no clue just what this will be like once he mixes them. He bought two bottles for it so I think one must be to clean his hair and the other to condition it. But the ingredients are strange. He bought apple cider vinegar, baking soda and apple juice. Any ideas, anyone? I think he's losing it.
Time to post this so I will just remind you all that I love you. Be happy. Be good. And remember to tell the ones you love that you do. Thank you for your prayers for Bratfink's friend, Betty. She's feeling much better and will be released from the hospital soon. No clues yet on whether or not they will be replacing her *bionic* part to control her Parkinson's but when I find out, I will let everyone know. Enjoy the good weather. There is worse to hit us all around Tuesday of next week. ***Hugs***
Friday, February 19, 2016
The Trip To Cee's And The Chickens Reaction To The New Waterer......
First things first.....the Beast and I went out to check on the chickens this morning and they were running around the barn and enjoying the great weather. It was bright and sunny and getting warmer by the minute. For the first time, I saw them gather around the base of the watering jug and it looks like they can all fit around it at the same time. They then started gathering around our feet and making funny little chirping sounds. But most of them are still a bit on the skittish side and will dart off when we move. But, if I put some seed in my hand and hold it down near them, they will come over and eat out of my hand without pecking my skin. That surprised me a bit. They are getting so big now. I've noticed this before but it still surprises me every time I see them. But there are differences in a few of them. We seem to have two runts. I imagine they are ones that haven't gotten as much feed as the others. I told the Beast that a bigger feeder just might be a good idea. We can see if they will get a bit bigger if there's more access to the feed without them fighting over the area.
The Beast took a cute picture of the female today. I'll post it in a minute. We found the male cat being affectionate to Baron but he moved away before the Beast could take a picture of it. He was licking Baron's face and kind of snuggling up with him then turning over like he wanted to play. Baron, however, was just in the mood to relax in the sun. Here's the picture of the female:
I just love how he caught the eyes so clearly. She was waiting for him to fill their food dish. She looks like she has a little smile on her face. She gets really excited when he puts the dish down after filling it. He picked up more cat food when he went to the store this afternoon since we were getting low on it. It would only have lasted us another couple days and we can't let them go hungry, right?
I sometimes watch these detective shows where they have psychiatrists and criminal profilers on to give the reasons that some killers do what they do. This one man that killed his mother and father-in-laws was an abusive husband to their daughter and her children. He killed them in front of them AND the couple's other children (all grown). Then he grabbed all the cash out of his mother-in-law's purse and fled. When he was finally caught, he said he killed them because they made up lies about him, stole all his money and took his wife and children away from him. He blamed them for his being put in jail when it was the wife that had called the police after he attacked her and then started for the children because they were crying.
The psychiatrist said that his blaming the in-laws was typical of an abusive person. It's always about them and they are never wrong. They will lie to try to get the wife and children back under his control (saying it will never happen again) but the whole thing is that they are only thinking about what THEY want and no one else really matters to them. I thought, *Shit! I could have told them that!* Of course, I kind of blamed it on narcissism but I'm not a psychiatrist. I just lived with it. Unfortunately, because I was raised a Catholic, I truly believed that *marriage is forever*. How dumb was that? A lot of religions, however, do not condone divorce or even separations. But I DO believe in karma and, when the Beast had his strokes, I thought, *There IS a God!* He's never been physical to me since that time (I think I can take him but there is sometimes that little bit of his trying to emotionally abuse me.
But, all-in-all, I just do what I want to do (like my telling him I WAS going to go to Chicago this summer) and he didn't try to argue with me on that one. I didn't have to worry about him going with me now that we have the chickens. They can only go a few days without someone being here to make sure they have food and water, which is the only reason we can make a trip to Smoky Mountain National Park this Spring. We will only be gone 2-1/2 days for that...just a short jaunt. It's only a 5-6 hour drive from us. He said to me, *We can't both be gone for any long trip* I'll be gone for about 10 days (Cee and I are driving up with one stop in both directions to spend the night). We aren't going to try to make it in one day.
I want to ask those that believe in the power of prayer to say some for Bratfink's bbf (best bionic friend....she called her bionic because she had an implant in her brain to help control her Parkinson's). She bonked her head...hard...on a satellite dish and a few days later ended up in the hospital because one side of her head had swollen on her. They ended up removing the implant due to a brain infection. That's not a good thing since the implant really helped her control the shaking symptoms. At this point, we still don't know her prognosis but she is a wonderful gal and a talented nature photographer. So prayers will be appreciated. Her name is Betty and I am sure that the Lord will know who is meant even without a last name. Thank you.
Time to close for now. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Stay healthy. ***Hugs***
The Beast took a cute picture of the female today. I'll post it in a minute. We found the male cat being affectionate to Baron but he moved away before the Beast could take a picture of it. He was licking Baron's face and kind of snuggling up with him then turning over like he wanted to play. Baron, however, was just in the mood to relax in the sun. Here's the picture of the female:
I just love how he caught the eyes so clearly. She was waiting for him to fill their food dish. She looks like she has a little smile on her face. She gets really excited when he puts the dish down after filling it. He picked up more cat food when he went to the store this afternoon since we were getting low on it. It would only have lasted us another couple days and we can't let them go hungry, right?
I sometimes watch these detective shows where they have psychiatrists and criminal profilers on to give the reasons that some killers do what they do. This one man that killed his mother and father-in-laws was an abusive husband to their daughter and her children. He killed them in front of them AND the couple's other children (all grown). Then he grabbed all the cash out of his mother-in-law's purse and fled. When he was finally caught, he said he killed them because they made up lies about him, stole all his money and took his wife and children away from him. He blamed them for his being put in jail when it was the wife that had called the police after he attacked her and then started for the children because they were crying.
The psychiatrist said that his blaming the in-laws was typical of an abusive person. It's always about them and they are never wrong. They will lie to try to get the wife and children back under his control (saying it will never happen again) but the whole thing is that they are only thinking about what THEY want and no one else really matters to them. I thought, *Shit! I could have told them that!* Of course, I kind of blamed it on narcissism but I'm not a psychiatrist. I just lived with it. Unfortunately, because I was raised a Catholic, I truly believed that *marriage is forever*. How dumb was that? A lot of religions, however, do not condone divorce or even separations. But I DO believe in karma and, when the Beast had his strokes, I thought, *There IS a God!* He's never been physical to me since that time (I think I can take him but there is sometimes that little bit of his trying to emotionally abuse me.
But, all-in-all, I just do what I want to do (like my telling him I WAS going to go to Chicago this summer) and he didn't try to argue with me on that one. I didn't have to worry about him going with me now that we have the chickens. They can only go a few days without someone being here to make sure they have food and water, which is the only reason we can make a trip to Smoky Mountain National Park this Spring. We will only be gone 2-1/2 days for that...just a short jaunt. It's only a 5-6 hour drive from us. He said to me, *We can't both be gone for any long trip* I'll be gone for about 10 days (Cee and I are driving up with one stop in both directions to spend the night). We aren't going to try to make it in one day.
I want to ask those that believe in the power of prayer to say some for Bratfink's bbf (best bionic friend....she called her bionic because she had an implant in her brain to help control her Parkinson's). She bonked her head...hard...on a satellite dish and a few days later ended up in the hospital because one side of her head had swollen on her. They ended up removing the implant due to a brain infection. That's not a good thing since the implant really helped her control the shaking symptoms. At this point, we still don't know her prognosis but she is a wonderful gal and a talented nature photographer. So prayers will be appreciated. Her name is Betty and I am sure that the Lord will know who is meant even without a last name. Thank you.
Time to close for now. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Stay healthy. ***Hugs***
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Well, the chicks are well on their way to having to be called chickens now and the Beast is hoping that he can make their food and water last longer than two days. So today he went and got a three gallon water container which should last them three to four days just going on their present consumption of it. He hasn't purchased a larger feeder as of yet but he has plans to do that in the next few days. He has thought about hanging the water from a board that he would install across the inside of the barn but he's afraid that the chickens would spill most of it with the way they can crowd around it in that jerky way that chickens have. So, for now, he's going to just put it on the floor of the barn like the one gallon container he already has. Ditto for the feeder. Although, in the case of the feeder, they would eat any seed they spilled on the floor of the barn since they already do that. They are messy feeders and they spill out a lot of their seed even now. They also eat it so we know that they clean it up and it doesn't go to waste.
This global warming thing has sure changed our weather here. It's almost like we are having an early Spring. Our daytime temp was up around 55 today and it is expected to end up in the 60's for the next few days. Then, however, our night time temps will drop but we will still end up with daytime temps in the 50's and 60's.
The chicks are managing very well so far with just the heat lamps at night. We've had temps down into the teen's and there's no sign that they have suffered with it so far. They DO huddle together, all fluffed up, when the temps drop down into the low 30's but, if we come into the barn, they will rush to be around our feet to greet us. It's so cute! They seem to recognize that we are the source of their food and water and that we will not harm them.
Today the Beast bought some things for the nesting box that we needed. The *bedding* for it as well as a couple ceramic eggs that you place in the nest when you have a broody chicken. It encourages her to go ahead and lay her eggs. You remove them after she has laid a few. All this new information...and I think the Beast never thought it would be more difficult than providing them with food and water. I was reading about different things you have to watch for and that you have to make sure to provide them with an area where they can *dust* themselves to help remove mites that get into their feathers. It also says that sand and dolomite will help kill of any mites and even ticks that might plague them. It pierces their bodies and they die. You have to watch for any injuries to their feet and other areas. Also loss of feathers from any fights they may have. There are diseases that they can get. It sounds like a nightmare. I'm just glad we only have 12 of far. That gives us time to get used to watching for things that might require a visit to the vet's office.
The Beast is talking about making a trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It's only about a 5 hour drive from here so he says we can drive up, find a motel, have dinner and then go to bed fairly early. If we get up early (around 7), have breakfast and then hit the park, we can take a car tour of it (they have marked roads for that) and get out when we find a place that interests us. I know he just wants to take pictures but, hey, it's a trip. Another lunch and dinner while there, a night in the motel and home the next day. He doesn't mind starting out driving before full light but he hates to drive in the dark so that's the only reason we will be spending two nights in a motel....LOL. Otherwise, he would do what we used to do back in the days when we would make those kind of day trips. The park closes at dusk and we would have just headed home and gotten home late at night, exhausted but HOME. Home is always more comfortable than a motel but now that we are older, we do things differently. LOL!
Post time. Love you all. I'm heading back to bed. I'm making a trip over to Cee's tomorrow. We talked earlier and she has a pair of new reading glasses for me (we both use the same strength). She got a deal on a pack of three so she says I can choose one for myself as long as she has a spare. She has a pair of prescription ones but it's made of metal and it's heavy on her face and the ear pieces fit too tight and make marks in back of her ears. I had the same thing happen to me so I know how painful they can be. I thanked her for that kindness since both pair that I have here needed replacing due to scratches on the lenses that actually hurt my eyes. I used to have cases for them but the little gremlin that shows up here from time to time has spirited them away somewhere. *Sigh*
Be good. Drive carefully is you are in an area that still has snow on the ground or has the possibility of black ice. There have been some horrific accidents from drivers who weren't cautious. That would be just awful to see happen to anyone. So drive carefully and save yourself from that, please! ***Hugs***
This global warming thing has sure changed our weather here. It's almost like we are having an early Spring. Our daytime temp was up around 55 today and it is expected to end up in the 60's for the next few days. Then, however, our night time temps will drop but we will still end up with daytime temps in the 50's and 60's.
The chicks are managing very well so far with just the heat lamps at night. We've had temps down into the teen's and there's no sign that they have suffered with it so far. They DO huddle together, all fluffed up, when the temps drop down into the low 30's but, if we come into the barn, they will rush to be around our feet to greet us. It's so cute! They seem to recognize that we are the source of their food and water and that we will not harm them.
Today the Beast bought some things for the nesting box that we needed. The *bedding* for it as well as a couple ceramic eggs that you place in the nest when you have a broody chicken. It encourages her to go ahead and lay her eggs. You remove them after she has laid a few. All this new information...and I think the Beast never thought it would be more difficult than providing them with food and water. I was reading about different things you have to watch for and that you have to make sure to provide them with an area where they can *dust* themselves to help remove mites that get into their feathers. It also says that sand and dolomite will help kill of any mites and even ticks that might plague them. It pierces their bodies and they die. You have to watch for any injuries to their feet and other areas. Also loss of feathers from any fights they may have. There are diseases that they can get. It sounds like a nightmare. I'm just glad we only have 12 of far. That gives us time to get used to watching for things that might require a visit to the vet's office.
The Beast is talking about making a trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It's only about a 5 hour drive from here so he says we can drive up, find a motel, have dinner and then go to bed fairly early. If we get up early (around 7), have breakfast and then hit the park, we can take a car tour of it (they have marked roads for that) and get out when we find a place that interests us. I know he just wants to take pictures but, hey, it's a trip. Another lunch and dinner while there, a night in the motel and home the next day. He doesn't mind starting out driving before full light but he hates to drive in the dark so that's the only reason we will be spending two nights in a motel....LOL. Otherwise, he would do what we used to do back in the days when we would make those kind of day trips. The park closes at dusk and we would have just headed home and gotten home late at night, exhausted but HOME. Home is always more comfortable than a motel but now that we are older, we do things differently. LOL!
Post time. Love you all. I'm heading back to bed. I'm making a trip over to Cee's tomorrow. We talked earlier and she has a pair of new reading glasses for me (we both use the same strength). She got a deal on a pack of three so she says I can choose one for myself as long as she has a spare. She has a pair of prescription ones but it's made of metal and it's heavy on her face and the ear pieces fit too tight and make marks in back of her ears. I had the same thing happen to me so I know how painful they can be. I thanked her for that kindness since both pair that I have here needed replacing due to scratches on the lenses that actually hurt my eyes. I used to have cases for them but the little gremlin that shows up here from time to time has spirited them away somewhere. *Sigh*
Be good. Drive carefully is you are in an area that still has snow on the ground or has the possibility of black ice. There have been some horrific accidents from drivers who weren't cautious. That would be just awful to see happen to anyone. So drive carefully and save yourself from that, please! ***Hugs***
A Funny Reaction .....
I mentioned that I made a ham and noodle casserole the other day and brought some over for Cee so she didn't have to make dinner for herself once her appetite returned. Today she mentioned that it provided her with TWO servings. I didn't mention to her that it was a bit spicy (not very spicy to the Beast and me) because I didn't think it was too much. However, to Cee...that was a different thing. When she called me today, she said, *It cleared out my sinuses.* That made me laugh. Like I said, it sure wasn't spicy to the Beast or me. She also said, *But it wasn't really TOO spicy because I ate both servings. It was delicious*.
It's just too funny to me that she found it a bit more spicy than she expected. We happen to like spicy foods. Actually, so does long as it doesn't set her mouth on fire. The tamales we ordered from Portillo's in Chicago are about as spicy as my casserole was, perhaps more so. They aren't true Mexican tamales but they are what we grew up with from the hot dog carts that were common in Chicago neighborhoods. The tamales were delivered today and the Beast took them over to Cee's apartment. It was the first time he'd been there. We had decided before he ordered them that we would split the cost because Cee had been tamales hungry and she wanted some. We love them, too, so that's what we did.
He came home and told me he thought Cee's place was really nice. He liked how she had decorated it. It's really comfy looking and definitely very feminine. He does think she needs a bigger TV, however. That was my thought, too, but she's happy with it so...oh well! It IS her choice after all. It's about the size of one that you might have for traveling and camping out. We used to have one that we put in the guest room but it finally went kaput and we never replaced it. I have a 32 inch one in my computer room and the Beast has a 52 inch one in the living room. We are just spoiled....LOL!
I was busy today between washing clothes, folding and putting them away. I also did my hanging clothes since I don't trust the Beast to do them. He doesn't hang them up when they finish drying like I do....except when it's HIS shirts and dress pants. If they are mine, he has a tendency to just throw them in a basket and they get wrinkles in them. Ticks me off so I don't let him touch them. I'll be waiting with the hangers when the dryer stops. No ironing necessary then. I'm no fool.
I also emptied the dishwasher then put the dirty dishes in it. I cleaned out the fridge of the food that leftover from several days ago. If we don't eat them within two days, out they go. I also took stock of some things we need and put them on my list that I give to the Beast if he's the one that goes to the store first. I also went through the pantry and the storage shelfs out in the garage. I just needed to make sure what we had and what we might need in the next few weeks. I'm going to have to make the Beast change some of the things on the higher shelves because that's where he put the canned veggies and I have to use a ladder to reach them now. When I told him that I couldn't really get at them to see what we had and what we didn't because I couldn't see to the back of the shelf where he had them and said HE would have to get them when I needed them, he said he would change the location. I knew he didn't really want to have to use the ladder every time I cook....LOL. He doesn't use his head when he changes some things, I swear. It wouldn't be so bad except that the freezer blocks the area where the ladder SHOULD go. I think he moved it when he put the veggies up on that top shelf. What a maroon!
What's nice about today was that I felt so much more energetic than I have in a while. Plus, for a few things that I plan on making over the next few days, I really needed to see what we had as far as ingredients went. I know that it made the Beast happy. He prefers it when *I* cook. I have a larger *file* of menus in my head than he does. If it isn't something in a box, he's kind of lost. He likes those hamburger helper things which are okay once in a while but not all the time. But he mentioned the other day that my *hamburger garbage*....a recipe I made often when we had our kids at home (we eat it in pita bread)....was better than his. He said, *I don't know what it is that you do different than I do but it tastes better when you make it.* It's the spices that I use, I know. He forgets about those. He also likes my sloppy joe recipe better. He tries to get creative when he makes it but it's a fail because it's always too sweet and I don't like it. Oh, I can eat it when he makes it but I seldom finish it.
We are still getting a mouse or two in the house and the Beast said he's going to have to find where they are getting into the ductwork finally. He can use duct tape for it (the do-all item that can be used for many repairs...LOL) since it's flexduct that is used for this house. I had the trap I had in my computer room go off when I was napping and it scared the chit out of me. Woke me up out of a sound sleep. I hate when that happens. But I prefer a snap trap to one of those glue traps because I think those are cruel. It traps the mouse and they suffer trying to escape. Then they die of starvation and that's what I feel is so cruel. I hate to use a trap at all but I also think that they can spread disease with their droppings. That's where the Hunta virus comes from.
Well, it's very late and I need to get back to bed. The Beast is getting up early to meet up with some of his church members and that means *I* will be up, too. I can't sleep when he's moving around, getting dressed up because he's not a quiet dresser. It's like he doesn't care if he disturbs me. I think he might be a little jealous of my being able to sleep as long as I want. That's why he doesn't care if he disturbs me. *Sigh* So I get up, check to see if his tie is under his collar in the back of his neck and then I go back to bed once he leaves. I usually am up and about before he gets home and I make sure to have lunch made so he can eat something when he gets here.
Love you all. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I know my life isn't exciting but it can be strange at times. Be good and be careful. ***Hugs***
It's just too funny to me that she found it a bit more spicy than she expected. We happen to like spicy foods. Actually, so does long as it doesn't set her mouth on fire. The tamales we ordered from Portillo's in Chicago are about as spicy as my casserole was, perhaps more so. They aren't true Mexican tamales but they are what we grew up with from the hot dog carts that were common in Chicago neighborhoods. The tamales were delivered today and the Beast took them over to Cee's apartment. It was the first time he'd been there. We had decided before he ordered them that we would split the cost because Cee had been tamales hungry and she wanted some. We love them, too, so that's what we did.
He came home and told me he thought Cee's place was really nice. He liked how she had decorated it. It's really comfy looking and definitely very feminine. He does think she needs a bigger TV, however. That was my thought, too, but she's happy with it so...oh well! It IS her choice after all. It's about the size of one that you might have for traveling and camping out. We used to have one that we put in the guest room but it finally went kaput and we never replaced it. I have a 32 inch one in my computer room and the Beast has a 52 inch one in the living room. We are just spoiled....LOL!
I was busy today between washing clothes, folding and putting them away. I also did my hanging clothes since I don't trust the Beast to do them. He doesn't hang them up when they finish drying like I do....except when it's HIS shirts and dress pants. If they are mine, he has a tendency to just throw them in a basket and they get wrinkles in them. Ticks me off so I don't let him touch them. I'll be waiting with the hangers when the dryer stops. No ironing necessary then. I'm no fool.
I also emptied the dishwasher then put the dirty dishes in it. I cleaned out the fridge of the food that leftover from several days ago. If we don't eat them within two days, out they go. I also took stock of some things we need and put them on my list that I give to the Beast if he's the one that goes to the store first. I also went through the pantry and the storage shelfs out in the garage. I just needed to make sure what we had and what we might need in the next few weeks. I'm going to have to make the Beast change some of the things on the higher shelves because that's where he put the canned veggies and I have to use a ladder to reach them now. When I told him that I couldn't really get at them to see what we had and what we didn't because I couldn't see to the back of the shelf where he had them and said HE would have to get them when I needed them, he said he would change the location. I knew he didn't really want to have to use the ladder every time I cook....LOL. He doesn't use his head when he changes some things, I swear. It wouldn't be so bad except that the freezer blocks the area where the ladder SHOULD go. I think he moved it when he put the veggies up on that top shelf. What a maroon!
What's nice about today was that I felt so much more energetic than I have in a while. Plus, for a few things that I plan on making over the next few days, I really needed to see what we had as far as ingredients went. I know that it made the Beast happy. He prefers it when *I* cook. I have a larger *file* of menus in my head than he does. If it isn't something in a box, he's kind of lost. He likes those hamburger helper things which are okay once in a while but not all the time. But he mentioned the other day that my *hamburger garbage*....a recipe I made often when we had our kids at home (we eat it in pita bread)....was better than his. He said, *I don't know what it is that you do different than I do but it tastes better when you make it.* It's the spices that I use, I know. He forgets about those. He also likes my sloppy joe recipe better. He tries to get creative when he makes it but it's a fail because it's always too sweet and I don't like it. Oh, I can eat it when he makes it but I seldom finish it.
We are still getting a mouse or two in the house and the Beast said he's going to have to find where they are getting into the ductwork finally. He can use duct tape for it (the do-all item that can be used for many repairs...LOL) since it's flexduct that is used for this house. I had the trap I had in my computer room go off when I was napping and it scared the chit out of me. Woke me up out of a sound sleep. I hate when that happens. But I prefer a snap trap to one of those glue traps because I think those are cruel. It traps the mouse and they suffer trying to escape. Then they die of starvation and that's what I feel is so cruel. I hate to use a trap at all but I also think that they can spread disease with their droppings. That's where the Hunta virus comes from.
Well, it's very late and I need to get back to bed. The Beast is getting up early to meet up with some of his church members and that means *I* will be up, too. I can't sleep when he's moving around, getting dressed up because he's not a quiet dresser. It's like he doesn't care if he disturbs me. I think he might be a little jealous of my being able to sleep as long as I want. That's why he doesn't care if he disturbs me. *Sigh* So I get up, check to see if his tie is under his collar in the back of his neck and then I go back to bed once he leaves. I usually am up and about before he gets home and I make sure to have lunch made so he can eat something when he gets here.
Love you all. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I know my life isn't exciting but it can be strange at times. Be good and be careful. ***Hugs***
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Went To See My Sister Today....
I went over to Cee's today and brought her some of the ham and noodle casserole I made. That way she doesn't have to make anything for herself and can just warm it up. She's finally got an appetite since she isn't in constant pain like before. She's taking the new antibiotic and using the ear drops to help with the irritation in the lining of her ear. No more sharp pains however. She also slept through the night for the first time in over a week! I was so relieved to hear that. I know how incredibly painful an ear infection can be. I suffered with them, several times each year, for years. In fact, my ear drums became so scarred that I actually lost all airway hearing.
This went unnoticed because I became deaf so slowly that I could read people's lips and body language. My mom discovered I was deaf by accident and took me to the Ear Clinic associated with Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. They discovered that my tonsils had grown back in (or scraps of it, whatever) and that I was totally deaf due to the scarred ear drums. They did what was innovative surgery at the time and took a vein graft from my arm and gave me two new ear drums. I didn't get back 100% of my hearing but I got back 75% in one ear and 60% in the other. That hurt me in gymnastics but otherwise I still had hearing. It was amazing I guess. My son's ear doctor (years later..I was only 13 when I had that done) who put the buttons in HIS ears because of hardened fluid behind his ear drums when he was 6, was eager to take a look. He told me that in the ear that had the 60%, the reason was probably because the surgeon had made a couple stitches too tight in one part of the ear drum. I had no idea. He was the first doctor to look in my ears since I had the surgery done...LOL.
But I remember the pain. It was so terrible that I would never wish it on my worst enemy. You can't sleep, you can't eat, you just want the pain to be OVER. Even pain pills didn't touch it. So I had a lot of empathy for Cee when she told me she had the ear infection. I really understood how she felt. Now I am just relieved that she isn't in that kind of pain any more. I just hope the new antibiotic the doctor prescribed for her works quickly. The doctor DID tell her that it may clear up in as few as five days. I truly hope so. Even talking on the phone was awful for her because she wasn't able to hear in that ear. At least it won't spread to her other ear now. I worried about that.
We talked about our trip to Chicago and when we would leave here (Monday, June 20th and leave to return home on Monday, June 28th). That way, hopefully, we will be able to visit with some of our family as well as me meeting with my girlfriends for OUR reunion. This year is shaping up to be a much bigger event than it has been. A lot of the girls have been PM-ing me on FB to ask if I was going to make it this year. They said they will be making plans to join us and that made me happy. There are a few that I haven't seen in a couple years. But we all feel that we are getting older and we know that some of us may not be around for too much longer. Tomorrow is not promised and our lives, and those of the ones we love and care for, can change in a heartbeat. We've already lost a few of us that hung out together and have stayed close for all these many years. One gal, Carol, I have known since grammer school. We lived in the same neighborhood. The same for Alice, who is married to a cowboy in Nebraska and they raise horses now. That's a life we never would have imagined for her. Likewise, Carol. She married a farmer in Wisconsin and had four children (Alice has three). It's not a huge farm but they have managed through the years.
Hell, one girlfriend of mine told me that when she told a few of the girls that we were raising chickens now (she said they look MEAN!), they laughed. Me? Raising chickens? No way! But life is strange and we never know what will happen.
Time to head back to bed. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Don't worry about what people may think of you. If they don't like you, that's their loss. Remember, you are unique. Just be with people who like you just the way you are, faults and all. They are the ones that will have your back and will bring back your smile when you lose it. ***Hugs***
This went unnoticed because I became deaf so slowly that I could read people's lips and body language. My mom discovered I was deaf by accident and took me to the Ear Clinic associated with Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. They discovered that my tonsils had grown back in (or scraps of it, whatever) and that I was totally deaf due to the scarred ear drums. They did what was innovative surgery at the time and took a vein graft from my arm and gave me two new ear drums. I didn't get back 100% of my hearing but I got back 75% in one ear and 60% in the other. That hurt me in gymnastics but otherwise I still had hearing. It was amazing I guess. My son's ear doctor (years later..I was only 13 when I had that done) who put the buttons in HIS ears because of hardened fluid behind his ear drums when he was 6, was eager to take a look. He told me that in the ear that had the 60%, the reason was probably because the surgeon had made a couple stitches too tight in one part of the ear drum. I had no idea. He was the first doctor to look in my ears since I had the surgery done...LOL.
But I remember the pain. It was so terrible that I would never wish it on my worst enemy. You can't sleep, you can't eat, you just want the pain to be OVER. Even pain pills didn't touch it. So I had a lot of empathy for Cee when she told me she had the ear infection. I really understood how she felt. Now I am just relieved that she isn't in that kind of pain any more. I just hope the new antibiotic the doctor prescribed for her works quickly. The doctor DID tell her that it may clear up in as few as five days. I truly hope so. Even talking on the phone was awful for her because she wasn't able to hear in that ear. At least it won't spread to her other ear now. I worried about that.
We talked about our trip to Chicago and when we would leave here (Monday, June 20th and leave to return home on Monday, June 28th). That way, hopefully, we will be able to visit with some of our family as well as me meeting with my girlfriends for OUR reunion. This year is shaping up to be a much bigger event than it has been. A lot of the girls have been PM-ing me on FB to ask if I was going to make it this year. They said they will be making plans to join us and that made me happy. There are a few that I haven't seen in a couple years. But we all feel that we are getting older and we know that some of us may not be around for too much longer. Tomorrow is not promised and our lives, and those of the ones we love and care for, can change in a heartbeat. We've already lost a few of us that hung out together and have stayed close for all these many years. One gal, Carol, I have known since grammer school. We lived in the same neighborhood. The same for Alice, who is married to a cowboy in Nebraska and they raise horses now. That's a life we never would have imagined for her. Likewise, Carol. She married a farmer in Wisconsin and had four children (Alice has three). It's not a huge farm but they have managed through the years.
Hell, one girlfriend of mine told me that when she told a few of the girls that we were raising chickens now (she said they look MEAN!), they laughed. Me? Raising chickens? No way! But life is strange and we never know what will happen.
Time to head back to bed. Love you all. Be good. Be happy. Don't worry about what people may think of you. If they don't like you, that's their loss. Remember, you are unique. Just be with people who like you just the way you are, faults and all. They are the ones that will have your back and will bring back your smile when you lose it. ***Hugs***
Monday, February 15, 2016
I Want To Be Clear On This.....
I mentioned that I was really pissed at the Beast for giving away my canning set without asking me first. I am NOT angry with the Princess AT ALL. She had no idea that I was NOT ready to do that since he also gave her some of the canning jars, too. She probably couldn't take all of them at the time because there are still a few unopened boxes of them left. I'm sure she didn't think he would do that kind of thing without me knowing about it and it being okay with me. After all, *I* gave her all my Christmas decorations so she had to think that I might be getting rid of things I had no use for any more. I lay the blame entirely on the Beast who has thrown out a lot of things that I only used on occasion because HE thought I wasn't using them at all. He never paid attention to many of the things that I had. He just thought he was *straightening up* some of the *clutter*. I just discovered that all three of my casserole dishes are gone, too. *Sigh* Serves me right for being too ill to do a lot of cooking the past two years. Major surgery was involved on both legs and then there was the appendicitis and the dead section of colon....but do you think he ever considered that? No. To him, I was just too lazy. Too bad I didn't think that when he was recovering from his strokes and started throwing out all his tools.
I wish he would have kept his nose out of MY kitchen stuff and tried cleaning up his work bench and tool area. He's got a bunch of cabinets totally crapped up and I avoid even looking in them because I KNOW they are in a real mess. I'm thinking, however, that I may just go out there one day and start throwing away a lot of the stuff in them and telling him, *Well, you never use them any more!* Wonder how he will feel about that? And he keeps on buying stuff. Stuff that are duplicates of things he's already bought because his short term memory sucks. He also buys a lot of stuff that we really don't need because the advertising catches his fancy or some such thing. He makes me nuts with that stuff.
At least he's not giving me a problem with my going up to Chicago at the end of June. I'm waiting for Cee to recover from her ear infection before setting a date for us to drive up there. Then I can check with my son and with my ex-sister-in-law to make sure it's not inconvenient for them to have us and let them know when we will be there. He said to me, *We can't both be gone at the same time any more between Baron and the chickens.* Actually, Baron could go with us to most places and the Beast wouldn't go if he wasn't allowed to be with him. That's just the way things are. He hates the idea of kenneling Baron, even if the quarters are great. To him, that's like sending Baron to a prison since it's not as good as being with us.
To me? Well, I understand how he feels about Baron because I really wouldn't want to board him at the vets for any length of time. He's a good dog and, now that he's getting older, he's not as active as he once was. I suspect he might actually be getting a bit of arthritis now after watching him when he tries walking up and down the stairs. He's especially careful coming up the stairs for some reason. It looks like it's painful for him.
Today was the Beast's wash day (tomorrow is mine). It's also bed stripping day and fresh sheets and pillowcases. I may run over to Cee's and bring her some of the ham and noodle casserole I made yesterday. I ate it for lunch today and it really is good. She's been so miserable for over a week with the ear infection because the fact that the antibiotics she was prescribed just wasn't doing anything for her. So she went in today and the doctor did a lavage of her ears so that she could see the ear drum area. Cee was shocked at how much wax came out. It DID help to relieve some of the pressure pain she was feeling and she got a new antibiotic prescription PLUS some ear drops because the inside was so irritated. I laughed and told her it was probably the power lavage they did that irritated it. I'm hoping she sleeps better now that some of the pressure has been relieved and also that she doesn't get the sharp pains she was suffering.
The chickens are growing by leaps and bounds now and eating like crazy. They are also drinking a LOT of water. I told the Beast he might have to build them a water trough instead of the gallon size container that is being used right now. He agreed with me.
Time to head for bed. It's almost 1am and, although I did take a good nap after dinner, I am tired. I want to be up early tomorrow to get the wash done and still be able to go see Cee. I called her son and let him know what was going on (per her wish) since he and his wife were both concerned. Michael has been a bit under the weather himself but now seems to be getting over it. His feet and hands are no longer swollen and he's not sleeping as much. I know Lucia has to be happy about that. She was very worried since he's borderline hypertensive and has a family history (father's side) of heart problems. Plus my dad had a heart attack, too, but he did well after recovering. Mike is overweight, so that's another factor that isn't good and worries us all when he is ill.
Love you all. Remember that kindness costs us nothing...$0.00...and yet is priceless. Be good. Stay warm and dry. Drive carefully if you have snow on the ground...or, worse yet, ice! This means YOU especially Sheldon! ***Hugs***
I wish he would have kept his nose out of MY kitchen stuff and tried cleaning up his work bench and tool area. He's got a bunch of cabinets totally crapped up and I avoid even looking in them because I KNOW they are in a real mess. I'm thinking, however, that I may just go out there one day and start throwing away a lot of the stuff in them and telling him, *Well, you never use them any more!* Wonder how he will feel about that? And he keeps on buying stuff. Stuff that are duplicates of things he's already bought because his short term memory sucks. He also buys a lot of stuff that we really don't need because the advertising catches his fancy or some such thing. He makes me nuts with that stuff.
At least he's not giving me a problem with my going up to Chicago at the end of June. I'm waiting for Cee to recover from her ear infection before setting a date for us to drive up there. Then I can check with my son and with my ex-sister-in-law to make sure it's not inconvenient for them to have us and let them know when we will be there. He said to me, *We can't both be gone at the same time any more between Baron and the chickens.* Actually, Baron could go with us to most places and the Beast wouldn't go if he wasn't allowed to be with him. That's just the way things are. He hates the idea of kenneling Baron, even if the quarters are great. To him, that's like sending Baron to a prison since it's not as good as being with us.
To me? Well, I understand how he feels about Baron because I really wouldn't want to board him at the vets for any length of time. He's a good dog and, now that he's getting older, he's not as active as he once was. I suspect he might actually be getting a bit of arthritis now after watching him when he tries walking up and down the stairs. He's especially careful coming up the stairs for some reason. It looks like it's painful for him.
Today was the Beast's wash day (tomorrow is mine). It's also bed stripping day and fresh sheets and pillowcases. I may run over to Cee's and bring her some of the ham and noodle casserole I made yesterday. I ate it for lunch today and it really is good. She's been so miserable for over a week with the ear infection because the fact that the antibiotics she was prescribed just wasn't doing anything for her. So she went in today and the doctor did a lavage of her ears so that she could see the ear drum area. Cee was shocked at how much wax came out. It DID help to relieve some of the pressure pain she was feeling and she got a new antibiotic prescription PLUS some ear drops because the inside was so irritated. I laughed and told her it was probably the power lavage they did that irritated it. I'm hoping she sleeps better now that some of the pressure has been relieved and also that she doesn't get the sharp pains she was suffering.
The chickens are growing by leaps and bounds now and eating like crazy. They are also drinking a LOT of water. I told the Beast he might have to build them a water trough instead of the gallon size container that is being used right now. He agreed with me.
Time to head for bed. It's almost 1am and, although I did take a good nap after dinner, I am tired. I want to be up early tomorrow to get the wash done and still be able to go see Cee. I called her son and let him know what was going on (per her wish) since he and his wife were both concerned. Michael has been a bit under the weather himself but now seems to be getting over it. His feet and hands are no longer swollen and he's not sleeping as much. I know Lucia has to be happy about that. She was very worried since he's borderline hypertensive and has a family history (father's side) of heart problems. Plus my dad had a heart attack, too, but he did well after recovering. Mike is overweight, so that's another factor that isn't good and worries us all when he is ill.
Love you all. Remember that kindness costs us nothing...$0.00...and yet is priceless. Be good. Stay warm and dry. Drive carefully if you have snow on the ground...or, worse yet, ice! This means YOU especially Sheldon! ***Hugs***
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Totally Pissed At The Beast......
Today I was going to get a large mouth funnel out of my canning pot and, guess what? The Beast, with this stupid smile on his face, says * You aren't going to find it. It's gone.* When I said *Where did you put it?* He then says, *I gave it to the Princess.*
I was so pissed that I couldn't talk. He then says to this justifies anything....*Well, you haven't used it for a couple years...* That's when I interrupted him and said, *I only missed last summer because of two things. #1...I was recovering from major surgery. #2....We didn't get enough of the tomatoes for me to can any. AND...I told the Princess she could USE it if she wanted to can anything. And I would even help her.* I then turned around and left the room. I barely talked to him the rest of the evening. He also gave her a lot of the jars I had out in the garage and he probably promised her what is left. He's now totally pissed me off because he never even said anything to me or asked me before he did it. But I have news for him. Now, if and when I decide to do any canning, I am going to go out and BUY A NEW kit. He has no idea how difficult it was for me to find that one I had in the first place. I can probably find one on Amazon and I WILL buy one. But first, I have to be convinced that our garden is going to produce enough to make it worth the time and trouble that canning can be. Even without a garden (back in FL), when I made my salsa, we bought a flat of tomatoes from a farmer's market.
I'm sure the Princess remembers the trouble with taking the skins off, then cutting up the tomatoes, onions, celery, etc. just for the salsa. He only wanted to plant tomatoes last summer and they didn't produce what you need to make canning worth while. I tried to get him to take me to the Farmers Market in Guntersville but, no, he didn't want to spend any money on that so I didn't do any canning.
Now, onto another problem that happened to me today that makes me suspect that all the problems I have had with my disappearing pictures (and a few other minor things) may just be that my hard drive is bad. I downloaded Windows 10 just a few days ago and was getting used to it. It wasn't as bad as some people made me suspect other than you couldn't chose to stop automatic updates for Windows.
Today, I started up my computer and ended up with WINDOWS 7!!! Not even my Windows 8. And all the pictures that I had taken and saved were gone....again with the pictures. It really pissed me off. I could deal with the downloading Win10 again but the pictures made me absolutely NUTS! I had pictures that I can't replace. I can get some back from the ones I posted but I had others of the kids that I can't. I searched and searched this computer with every imaginable word selection in my downloads and...nothing!
I told the Beast that I thought there was a problem with my hard drive. I don't know if he believes me but he knows I lost Win10 (even the download for it was GONE!) so that is what makes me suspect that it's my hard drive that has been causing me problems. I've run several different malware and virus programs (even my Norton is gone) and found nothing much in that area. So it's either a really sneaky worm or the drive just has bad sectors in it. *Sigh* Why me??????
So I am going to close this for tonight. I have a headache and I know it's just stress. I need to take an aspirin or two and go lay down. Love you all. Say a little prayer for me. ***Hugs***
I was so pissed that I couldn't talk. He then says to this justifies anything....*Well, you haven't used it for a couple years...* That's when I interrupted him and said, *I only missed last summer because of two things. #1...I was recovering from major surgery. #2....We didn't get enough of the tomatoes for me to can any. AND...I told the Princess she could USE it if she wanted to can anything. And I would even help her.* I then turned around and left the room. I barely talked to him the rest of the evening. He also gave her a lot of the jars I had out in the garage and he probably promised her what is left. He's now totally pissed me off because he never even said anything to me or asked me before he did it. But I have news for him. Now, if and when I decide to do any canning, I am going to go out and BUY A NEW kit. He has no idea how difficult it was for me to find that one I had in the first place. I can probably find one on Amazon and I WILL buy one. But first, I have to be convinced that our garden is going to produce enough to make it worth the time and trouble that canning can be. Even without a garden (back in FL), when I made my salsa, we bought a flat of tomatoes from a farmer's market.
I'm sure the Princess remembers the trouble with taking the skins off, then cutting up the tomatoes, onions, celery, etc. just for the salsa. He only wanted to plant tomatoes last summer and they didn't produce what you need to make canning worth while. I tried to get him to take me to the Farmers Market in Guntersville but, no, he didn't want to spend any money on that so I didn't do any canning.
Now, onto another problem that happened to me today that makes me suspect that all the problems I have had with my disappearing pictures (and a few other minor things) may just be that my hard drive is bad. I downloaded Windows 10 just a few days ago and was getting used to it. It wasn't as bad as some people made me suspect other than you couldn't chose to stop automatic updates for Windows.
Today, I started up my computer and ended up with WINDOWS 7!!! Not even my Windows 8. And all the pictures that I had taken and saved were gone....again with the pictures. It really pissed me off. I could deal with the downloading Win10 again but the pictures made me absolutely NUTS! I had pictures that I can't replace. I can get some back from the ones I posted but I had others of the kids that I can't. I searched and searched this computer with every imaginable word selection in my downloads and...nothing!
I told the Beast that I thought there was a problem with my hard drive. I don't know if he believes me but he knows I lost Win10 (even the download for it was GONE!) so that is what makes me suspect that it's my hard drive that has been causing me problems. I've run several different malware and virus programs (even my Norton is gone) and found nothing much in that area. So it's either a really sneaky worm or the drive just has bad sectors in it. *Sigh* Why me??????
So I am going to close this for tonight. I have a headache and I know it's just stress. I need to take an aspirin or two and go lay down. Love you all. Say a little prayer for me. ***Hugs***
Kind Of Fun.....
First of all, let me say this to all of you: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I hope you were lucky enough to have the people you love remember you today. If not, I want you to know that *I* love you and are glad you are a part of my world. My bff sent me a bottle of Bailey's for Valentine's Day and I am very thankful. She is such a doll. Other than that, I do not expect to get any other tokens of love from anyone. They have their own families to think about.
Anyway, one of my girlfriends, the one's I meet up with every summer, called today to get me to figure out when I will be up in Chicago this June so that they can plan our reunion. She said to me, *I don't know how come it's always planned around when you are coming did you get to be so special?* Now, you have to understand that I knew this was a joke between us. But I said to her, *I have no idea? Did I get elected? Or is it that I am the poorest one of the bunch and I am being humored?* Then we both laughed like nuts. But it's part of what I love about this friend. She and I have remained close over more than 53 years. We may not talk often but when we do, it's like we just talked last week. True friends.
So now I have to check the calendar and decide when it is the best time for me to go. I always try to spend my birthday there (June 26) since the Beast doesn't do birthdays and I will be....oh, I hate to admit this.....the big 7-0 this year. *Sigh* But, I've *talked* with a couple of the other girls that were in our crowd on FB and they are already asking when we will be getting together so I have to do this as soon as I can.
I intend to drive up there and am going to ask my sister, Cee, if she would take the ride up with me. It's been a while since she got to go and see the family up there. A niece of mine said that she wants to try to get a bunch of the family together and I figure I will let her know when Cee and I will be there. Perhaps she can put something together. Otherwise, Cee and I will just have to make a few trips to see various members. I will also have to check with Kay and make sure SHE can put us up while we are there. I figure we can stay with Mustachio or grab a motel for the night. I'll just have to start getting serious so that some of the other gals can go ahead a plan to make it. Since the world revolves around this instance at least...LOL
Marilyn and I chatted for about a half hour. The Beast could hear me laughing and couldn't figure out who I could be talking to. When we finally said our goodbyes, I told him and he just said, *Oh, that explains it.* He knows her too. Not as well as *I* do but he knows how she makes you laugh. She has a kind of skewed outlook on life (she was widowed three times before she was 40). And, no, there were no convictions...j/k. She has had a lot of tragedy in her lifetime but she never let it get her down. Most of us girls that hung out together have had our share of hard times. That may be the glue that has kept us together all these years. We were there to help prop us up when we needed it most. Some more than others but we all feel the connection. It's made us strong and the same with our friendships.
Well, it's very late and I need to get back to bed. Love you all. Stay warm. Stay dry. Stay kind. ***Hugs***
Anyway, one of my girlfriends, the one's I meet up with every summer, called today to get me to figure out when I will be up in Chicago this June so that they can plan our reunion. She said to me, *I don't know how come it's always planned around when you are coming did you get to be so special?* Now, you have to understand that I knew this was a joke between us. But I said to her, *I have no idea? Did I get elected? Or is it that I am the poorest one of the bunch and I am being humored?* Then we both laughed like nuts. But it's part of what I love about this friend. She and I have remained close over more than 53 years. We may not talk often but when we do, it's like we just talked last week. True friends.
So now I have to check the calendar and decide when it is the best time for me to go. I always try to spend my birthday there (June 26) since the Beast doesn't do birthdays and I will be....oh, I hate to admit this.....the big 7-0 this year. *Sigh* But, I've *talked* with a couple of the other girls that were in our crowd on FB and they are already asking when we will be getting together so I have to do this as soon as I can.
I intend to drive up there and am going to ask my sister, Cee, if she would take the ride up with me. It's been a while since she got to go and see the family up there. A niece of mine said that she wants to try to get a bunch of the family together and I figure I will let her know when Cee and I will be there. Perhaps she can put something together. Otherwise, Cee and I will just have to make a few trips to see various members. I will also have to check with Kay and make sure SHE can put us up while we are there. I figure we can stay with Mustachio or grab a motel for the night. I'll just have to start getting serious so that some of the other gals can go ahead a plan to make it. Since the world revolves around this instance at least...LOL
Marilyn and I chatted for about a half hour. The Beast could hear me laughing and couldn't figure out who I could be talking to. When we finally said our goodbyes, I told him and he just said, *Oh, that explains it.* He knows her too. Not as well as *I* do but he knows how she makes you laugh. She has a kind of skewed outlook on life (she was widowed three times before she was 40). And, no, there were no convictions...j/k. She has had a lot of tragedy in her lifetime but she never let it get her down. Most of us girls that hung out together have had our share of hard times. That may be the glue that has kept us together all these years. We were there to help prop us up when we needed it most. Some more than others but we all feel the connection. It's made us strong and the same with our friendships.
Well, it's very late and I need to get back to bed. Love you all. Stay warm. Stay dry. Stay kind. ***Hugs***
Friday, February 12, 2016
Another Not Too Busy Day...Calm Before The Storm?
I talked to Cee today. Poor thing. She's still suffering with the sharp pains caused by her ear infection even though she's been on antibiotics now for four days. I know those pains and I really feel bad for her. I think something is going around causing that. She's not the first one that I've heard of that has the same problem.
I went over to visit with Michael and his sweet wife, Lucia for a couple hours. Mike is under the weather and, after seeing his swollen feet and hands, I urged him to get in to see a doctor. His father's family has a history of heart problems and he's got high blood pressure and is borderline hypertensive. I think I convinced him because his mother (who actually was the one that called me and asked me to go check on him) said he called her and said he was going to go tomorrow. He doesn't have a regular doctor here but he will go to this walk-in clinic down the road that I know is decent. His mother, Cee, was not up to making the trip and I live close to him. At least her mind is relieved now. I hate to see her worried, especially when she isn't feeling well herself.
It was a nice visit and I certainly didn't mind going over there at all. I love them both. I'm going to miss them when they move.
I have some pictures of the fur babies and a decent picture of one of the chicks...they are growing so quickly. Here's a picture of the little female.
Here's a picture of the male fur baby:
The two of them cuddled together on one of the deck chairs (that's a folded blanket they are laying on):
You can see the differences between their coats in this one. That's the female facing the camera.
Here's the latest shot of one of the chicks. Can you tell how big they are getting?
There's no red in their feathers...that's just the heat lamp reflection on it's back. She the other chick coming out from behind the spread? They are starting to come to greet us when we come into the barn area.
It won't be long now and the Beast will have to get the fencing up so that we can let the chicks out into the yard. That will be an interesting day, believe me. It may not be for several more weeks but it will still be kind of fun to see their reaction to THAT freedom.
The Beast went to bed early (8pm). He's also getting up around 7am every morning. Sometimes he gets to sleep all night. Other times Baron wakes him up at least once to let him out. He hates just sitting, waiting for Baron to get done and want back into the house. Especially since Baron first has to take a drink of water before he's ready to settle down again. But I notice he manages to fall back asleep quickly, even so. When Baron wakes me, it takes me a long time before I can go back to sleep. I'm just glad he wakes the Beast most of the time. Sometimes, when I am still up, the Beast will leave the door to our bedroom wide open so that Baron is more likely to disturb ME to let him out. I don't really care those times since I don't have to wake up and then try to get back to sleep.
So it's the close of another exciting day here at the Bratfarm. Love you all. Be kind to everyone. It costs nothing and can make a difference in someone's day that you may never know. ***Hugs***
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Where Does The Time Go?
I was thinking deep thoughts today and one of them was the realization that my kids are (almost) all over 40 years old now. Except for the Princess, whom we raised and adopted. She IS both our granddaughter AND our adopted daughter. I think of her as my daughter although she still calls me Grandma. We told her when we adopted her that she didn't have to call us Mom and Dad. I sometimes catch myself, however, almost calling the Beast her *dad*. I have managed to stop myself before the word leaves my mouth although he loves her like a daughter. So do I. I have pictures of her growing up...lots of pictures. I sometimes look at them and then think, *She now has a daughter who is almost 9 and a little boy that is almost 2* It's hard to believe that the little girl we have loved and cherished all these years is now an amazing woman with children of her own.
My daughter, Buttmunch, will be 50 in just a few more years. How is that possible? Both my sons are now in their mid 40's. I still remember the day they all were born like it was yesterday. I don't know where the time went. My son, Marcus, is the amazing father of three. My only grandson, Doc, as well as my granddaughters, Aimee and Traci. Doc is a marine and a handsome young man. Aimee is married and we went to her wedding...wasn't it just yesterday? Traci is quite the adorable teenager, still in high school. I brought her home with me once for two weeks when she was about 11. I think her parents missed her more than they thought they would and came to get her after about only 10 days....LOL.
Buttmunch is the mother of my other granddaughter, Sheepie. Her paternal grandparents were not the best kind of people so I believe we may have been the only grandparents that showed her any kind of attention. She is adorable, in my opinion, and I love her dearly. I miss her being close to us.
I love them all although I don't see them as much as I wish I could. I am grateful that Marcus' children have been close to their mother, Raven's, stepmother, Reta. She has been a wonderful grandmother to them. We didn't locate Sheepie until she was about 14, I believe. Her father had kidnapped her and kept moving their location so that our searches for her were fruitless. Then she started posting on FB and my son, Marcus, called me to tell me he had found her. She said she cried when she got our messages on FB. She had been told we wanted nothing to do with her and there we were, telling her we were so happy we found her and how we loved her.
I won't go into the details but we got the father to allow us to bring her up to our home (we paid for her bus fare each time). She and her mother reunited and, after a couple of years, and many trips here, she finally went to live with her mother. After she graduated high school, she moved back here to Alabama and became close to the Princess and her children. Now she is back living in Kentucky with Mustachio (another long story I won't go into) and has met a wonderful man who treats her well and puts up with her moods (and vice versa). My granddaughter, Aimee, has given me a great-grandson that I have only seen a couple times. I see and know more about him because she posts so often on FB so I feel like I know him better than I do.
My family has grown almost overnight it seems. My nieces and nephews that I knew as kids are all grown up now. Many have their own children now. One of my nieces has a son in COLLEGE! It just blows me away at times. I look in the mirror and see this old woman who is a stranger to me. That is NOT the me I see in my head or how old I feel in my heart. How could all this be? It's a strange and yet amazing thing...time. The days can sometimes drag by. Or it just flashes by because you can get so busy or involved and suddenly, the day is over. But nowadays the YEARS are flashing by....too quickly.
It's both sad and yet wonderful. I am so happy that I get to see the children of my heart grow up and having babies that I get to love and cherish. I get to see my family growing and working towards their dreams. I love to see how their minds work with some of the comments and posts they make on FB. I am so glad we can share these things and it makes me feel like we are in touch although we are far apart. I hope they will all remember me fondly when the end of my days arrives. I hope they know that I love them dearly.
Time to close this missive. Didn't mean to go on like this but it's from my heart. I really don't know where the time goes. It's like I turned around and...bam! they were all grown up. *Sigh* I wish that time would slow down a bit and I could enjoy them all more. But I will take what I can get, whatever it is.
I love you all. Be kind because you never know what troubles people may be going through. They may have a smile on their lips but have a heart that is breaking. Here's a though in closing.....
One of the best gifts you can give someone is the gift of thanking them for being a part of your life. I thank you all for being a part of my life. Family and friends alike. ***Hugs***
My daughter, Buttmunch, will be 50 in just a few more years. How is that possible? Both my sons are now in their mid 40's. I still remember the day they all were born like it was yesterday. I don't know where the time went. My son, Marcus, is the amazing father of three. My only grandson, Doc, as well as my granddaughters, Aimee and Traci. Doc is a marine and a handsome young man. Aimee is married and we went to her wedding...wasn't it just yesterday? Traci is quite the adorable teenager, still in high school. I brought her home with me once for two weeks when she was about 11. I think her parents missed her more than they thought they would and came to get her after about only 10 days....LOL.
Buttmunch is the mother of my other granddaughter, Sheepie. Her paternal grandparents were not the best kind of people so I believe we may have been the only grandparents that showed her any kind of attention. She is adorable, in my opinion, and I love her dearly. I miss her being close to us.
I love them all although I don't see them as much as I wish I could. I am grateful that Marcus' children have been close to their mother, Raven's, stepmother, Reta. She has been a wonderful grandmother to them. We didn't locate Sheepie until she was about 14, I believe. Her father had kidnapped her and kept moving their location so that our searches for her were fruitless. Then she started posting on FB and my son, Marcus, called me to tell me he had found her. She said she cried when she got our messages on FB. She had been told we wanted nothing to do with her and there we were, telling her we were so happy we found her and how we loved her.
I won't go into the details but we got the father to allow us to bring her up to our home (we paid for her bus fare each time). She and her mother reunited and, after a couple of years, and many trips here, she finally went to live with her mother. After she graduated high school, she moved back here to Alabama and became close to the Princess and her children. Now she is back living in Kentucky with Mustachio (another long story I won't go into) and has met a wonderful man who treats her well and puts up with her moods (and vice versa). My granddaughter, Aimee, has given me a great-grandson that I have only seen a couple times. I see and know more about him because she posts so often on FB so I feel like I know him better than I do.
My family has grown almost overnight it seems. My nieces and nephews that I knew as kids are all grown up now. Many have their own children now. One of my nieces has a son in COLLEGE! It just blows me away at times. I look in the mirror and see this old woman who is a stranger to me. That is NOT the me I see in my head or how old I feel in my heart. How could all this be? It's a strange and yet amazing thing...time. The days can sometimes drag by. Or it just flashes by because you can get so busy or involved and suddenly, the day is over. But nowadays the YEARS are flashing by....too quickly.
It's both sad and yet wonderful. I am so happy that I get to see the children of my heart grow up and having babies that I get to love and cherish. I get to see my family growing and working towards their dreams. I love to see how their minds work with some of the comments and posts they make on FB. I am so glad we can share these things and it makes me feel like we are in touch although we are far apart. I hope they will all remember me fondly when the end of my days arrives. I hope they know that I love them dearly.
Time to close this missive. Didn't mean to go on like this but it's from my heart. I really don't know where the time goes. It's like I turned around and...bam! they were all grown up. *Sigh* I wish that time would slow down a bit and I could enjoy them all more. But I will take what I can get, whatever it is.
I love you all. Be kind because you never know what troubles people may be going through. They may have a smile on their lips but have a heart that is breaking. Here's a though in closing.....
One of the best gifts you can give someone is the gift of thanking them for being a part of your life. I thank you all for being a part of my life. Family and friends alike. ***Hugs***
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
I Thought This Was Funny.....
Everything survived the cold night. The chicks are okay and so were the fur babies. When the Beast went outside and opened up the garage door to let the fur babies out, we saw the funniest sight. It was NOT one we really thought we would ever see. The fur babies and Baron started running around, playing. First the fur babies were chasing Baron, then Baron was chasing the fur babies (and there were two of them!). They ran in circles, around the base of trees, changing who was chasing the other. It was hysterical to see Baron running away from a little kitten that he could easily have stepped on without missing a beat. That tiny little streak of orange chasing a HUGE black and tan 110 lb. Doberman! Picture it in your mind. They were having a ball. They finally were tired and lay down to catch their breaths. They were close to each other but not quite what I had hoped to see. The two fur babies cuddled up and about two feet away was Baron.
Later, when I let Baron out in the back, the two kittens came running from where they had been and ran up on the deck to greet Baron. When he finally went down into the yard, they followed. I didn't watch to see if they played but they must have since Baron didn't come back into the house for about 20 minutes. Then he plopped down next to the Beast's recliner and closed his eyes with his chin on his crossed front paws. It was a surprise to us because Baron has always been so jealous of those fur babies. What changed, I have no idea. But it does help exercise Baron and he enjoys it. So do the fur babies...LOL.
My bff is such a nut. She sent me a Valentine's gift with a card that was signed *From your secret bff*. LMAO...secret? I don't think there could be such a thing as a secret bff. But I was both surprised and happy with the gift. No, I won't tell you what it was. But I love it. And it's MINE! ALL MINE!
The Beast has decided that now that he's gotten the updated programs that he needed now that he has Win 10, I can go ahead and download it to my long as I do it after 2am. He said, *Well, when you get up to go to the bathroom, start it downloading and just go back to bed!* That's because I have been going to bed fairly early for me...around midnight and sometimes earlier. I'm tired now and it's just 9:30pm. I guess I will give up the ghost and head for bed after I post this.
Love you all. Be good. Be kind. Spread your smiles everywhere. It may be the only smile some people see all day. ***Hugs***
Later, when I let Baron out in the back, the two kittens came running from where they had been and ran up on the deck to greet Baron. When he finally went down into the yard, they followed. I didn't watch to see if they played but they must have since Baron didn't come back into the house for about 20 minutes. Then he plopped down next to the Beast's recliner and closed his eyes with his chin on his crossed front paws. It was a surprise to us because Baron has always been so jealous of those fur babies. What changed, I have no idea. But it does help exercise Baron and he enjoys it. So do the fur babies...LOL.
My bff is such a nut. She sent me a Valentine's gift with a card that was signed *From your secret bff*. LMAO...secret? I don't think there could be such a thing as a secret bff. But I was both surprised and happy with the gift. No, I won't tell you what it was. But I love it. And it's MINE! ALL MINE!
The Beast has decided that now that he's gotten the updated programs that he needed now that he has Win 10, I can go ahead and download it to my long as I do it after 2am. He said, *Well, when you get up to go to the bathroom, start it downloading and just go back to bed!* That's because I have been going to bed fairly early for me...around midnight and sometimes earlier. I'm tired now and it's just 9:30pm. I guess I will give up the ghost and head for bed after I post this.
Love you all. Be good. Be kind. Spread your smiles everywhere. It may be the only smile some people see all day. ***Hugs***
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Snow? No, It Disappered! Oh, No! Snow!
Today we had what can only be called *Disappearing snow flurries*. We got a bit of snow and then it disappeared. Snow again. Disappears again. I kept checking the outside temperature and it was hanging around 32 degrees then would go up to 33 degrees. Very weird because the snow would disappear when it hit 33. I didn't think the temperature would be so critical but I guess it can be.
The chicks were just fine when the Beast went out to check on them. We had to catch the male fur baby to get him into the garage since tonight will be the coldest so far. It's only 11:30pm and it's already 25 degrees out. I put a nice warm, fluffy blanket out in the garage where they like to stay. It's folded so they can creep under one of the folds (if they are that smart). The female loves the blanket. The male comes and goes. He keeps pacing around the garage and then coming back to cuddle with the female.
The poor male fur baby really wants to be friendly but I think he hasn't reached the point of totally trusting us. He usually comes when we call but he gets skittish once he is close. I think he has probably been abused a bit and just is afraid. I've held the female several times and petted her. She purrs so cute. I really wonder if these might have been part of a litter of our missing *Lady* that someone claimed (or she claimed them...who knows?) She was an outside cat and very independent but still friendly. I know Chewlee missed her when she abandoned us. Cats can be so independent.
I just love their reaction when the Beast opens up the can of squishy food. You can see how excited they get. I thought the female was going to actually jump in the air because the Beast wasn't setting the dish down fast enough for her......LOL! Baron just hates when we pay too much attention to the cats. He's jealous and as soon as we come back in the house, he will crawl into our laps to make sure we love him, too.
Tomorrow morning we will make our inspection of all the animals to be sure they made it through the cold night. I washed Baron's blanket tonight and, after it came out of the dryer, the Beast covered Baron with it (it was still warm). Baron was laying on his bed and he just closed his eyes and got a smile on his face. It was just too funny. He never moved. He just fell asleep. He was still asleep when the Beast went to bed about an hour ago.
Which reminds me (as I yawn yet again), it's MY bedtime too. Love you all. Stay warm and dry. Drive carefully. ***Hugs***
The chicks were just fine when the Beast went out to check on them. We had to catch the male fur baby to get him into the garage since tonight will be the coldest so far. It's only 11:30pm and it's already 25 degrees out. I put a nice warm, fluffy blanket out in the garage where they like to stay. It's folded so they can creep under one of the folds (if they are that smart). The female loves the blanket. The male comes and goes. He keeps pacing around the garage and then coming back to cuddle with the female.
The poor male fur baby really wants to be friendly but I think he hasn't reached the point of totally trusting us. He usually comes when we call but he gets skittish once he is close. I think he has probably been abused a bit and just is afraid. I've held the female several times and petted her. She purrs so cute. I really wonder if these might have been part of a litter of our missing *Lady* that someone claimed (or she claimed them...who knows?) She was an outside cat and very independent but still friendly. I know Chewlee missed her when she abandoned us. Cats can be so independent.
I just love their reaction when the Beast opens up the can of squishy food. You can see how excited they get. I thought the female was going to actually jump in the air because the Beast wasn't setting the dish down fast enough for her......LOL! Baron just hates when we pay too much attention to the cats. He's jealous and as soon as we come back in the house, he will crawl into our laps to make sure we love him, too.
Tomorrow morning we will make our inspection of all the animals to be sure they made it through the cold night. I washed Baron's blanket tonight and, after it came out of the dryer, the Beast covered Baron with it (it was still warm). Baron was laying on his bed and he just closed his eyes and got a smile on his face. It was just too funny. He never moved. He just fell asleep. He was still asleep when the Beast went to bed about an hour ago.
Which reminds me (as I yawn yet again), it's MY bedtime too. Love you all. Stay warm and dry. Drive carefully. ***Hugs***
It's Very Late As I Write This......
....or very early. I guess it depends on just how you look at it. It's almost 3AM here and I have been awake for a couple hours. It's that darn FB that contributes to my delinquency. I should know better. I don't scroll past many of the posts that my family and friends post on my site. I've learned to recognize ones that have been posted several times and avoid those. But some are really interesting. Others are cute or funny. I like those especially. I just should learn to avoid FB when I am just up to use the bathroom but remember that I haven't done my blog. Like it really matters to a lot of people. Oh well. It makes ME feel better and, sometimes, I think my family cares. I know that Bratfink sometimes comments and I always check to see what anyone has to say.
Today, when the Beast and I checked the weather (because of the chicks), we discovered that the cold front is REALLY going to hit us. Tuesday night will be especially cold (around 19 degrees). Tonight was only expected to go down to about 30 degrees. But we worry because the chicks are still not fully fledged. Close, but no cigar. We made a few changes in the barn to help provide warmth for them by hanging a heavy blanket over the area that they were in originally. Since it is now an open area, the blanket provides a barrier that does keep the heat up around 50 degrees, which they can survive in. I went out to the barn about an hour after we did that and found they were all in the area and fluffed up so that they looked like little balls of feathers. About 8 of them were sitting on the perch the Beast had made. The first one, not the one I showed in my pictures.
I went out again later and they looked like they were taking turns at the feed and water, then returning to their places. I know that their fluffing their feathers helps to hold heat in so they are managing so far. It was down to 32 outside when I checked them last. I will really be happy when they are full grown.
My bff, Carol, sent me an email to let me know she HAD talked to Staffie so that was a load off my mind. We both worry about him and I know we (Staffie and I) worry about Carol all the time. She's 10 years older than I am and, damn, *I* feel old at times. I can't even imagine how SHE feels, especially with her health problems. But we ALL have those once we get over...oh, say 50?
I caught the Beast watching the replay of the Super Bowl game on TV. He said to me....*You'd think they would have worked on some of those bad plays that were made yesterday and done better today!* He's such a nut at times.
I haven't seen hide nor hair of the Princess with the letter of mine yet so I am still in the dark what that is all about. Sure hope it's not bad news. Her second miniature goat was finally born. She posted pictures of them both on FB (they are both nannies). They are adorable. She also said that Johnnycakes bought two pregnant rabbits. Their *farm* is growing. They have 37 or 38 chickens and that is not going to be really easy to care for. I've been reading some of the magazines the Beast bought and they are subject to injuries and different types of sickness that you have to watch for. I think I am glad we only have a dozen....LOL.
At least the Beast hasn't gotten it in his head to get any goats. Which is a big relief to me. This area isn't zoned for farms, I don't think. I DO know we can't have pigs, however. Thank goodness. Their poo really stinks! Enough to gag a maggot!
Time to get back to bed for a few more hours of sleep. I love you all. Remember...a hug is free and it's returnable, too. *Wink* Spread your smile around. It makes people wonder just what the hell are you up to? ***Hugs***
Today, when the Beast and I checked the weather (because of the chicks), we discovered that the cold front is REALLY going to hit us. Tuesday night will be especially cold (around 19 degrees). Tonight was only expected to go down to about 30 degrees. But we worry because the chicks are still not fully fledged. Close, but no cigar. We made a few changes in the barn to help provide warmth for them by hanging a heavy blanket over the area that they were in originally. Since it is now an open area, the blanket provides a barrier that does keep the heat up around 50 degrees, which they can survive in. I went out to the barn about an hour after we did that and found they were all in the area and fluffed up so that they looked like little balls of feathers. About 8 of them were sitting on the perch the Beast had made. The first one, not the one I showed in my pictures.
I went out again later and they looked like they were taking turns at the feed and water, then returning to their places. I know that their fluffing their feathers helps to hold heat in so they are managing so far. It was down to 32 outside when I checked them last. I will really be happy when they are full grown.
My bff, Carol, sent me an email to let me know she HAD talked to Staffie so that was a load off my mind. We both worry about him and I know we (Staffie and I) worry about Carol all the time. She's 10 years older than I am and, damn, *I* feel old at times. I can't even imagine how SHE feels, especially with her health problems. But we ALL have those once we get over...oh, say 50?
I caught the Beast watching the replay of the Super Bowl game on TV. He said to me....*You'd think they would have worked on some of those bad plays that were made yesterday and done better today!* He's such a nut at times.
I haven't seen hide nor hair of the Princess with the letter of mine yet so I am still in the dark what that is all about. Sure hope it's not bad news. Her second miniature goat was finally born. She posted pictures of them both on FB (they are both nannies). They are adorable. She also said that Johnnycakes bought two pregnant rabbits. Their *farm* is growing. They have 37 or 38 chickens and that is not going to be really easy to care for. I've been reading some of the magazines the Beast bought and they are subject to injuries and different types of sickness that you have to watch for. I think I am glad we only have a dozen....LOL.
At least the Beast hasn't gotten it in his head to get any goats. Which is a big relief to me. This area isn't zoned for farms, I don't think. I DO know we can't have pigs, however. Thank goodness. Their poo really stinks! Enough to gag a maggot!
Time to get back to bed for a few more hours of sleep. I love you all. Remember...a hug is free and it's returnable, too. *Wink* Spread your smile around. It makes people wonder just what the hell are you up to? ***Hugs***
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