Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Poor Rooster.....

I woke up fairly early today but I just didn't feel like tackling the rug for some reason.  But I did make up my mind that it MUST be done tomorrow.  No more procrastination.  

I folded more clothes today and went through my clothes, trying to select what I was going to take with me on my trip.  Cee called and I am going to let her use the medium size suitcase so that she doesn't have to use two small cases for a week's worth of clothes.  We used to be good at packing a week's worth of clothes in a small carry-on size suitcase (with wheels) but we are long past that stage nowadays.  We old people are a bit more fussy about our comfort and what we want to wear.

I didn't even ask the Beast about eggs today because our poor rooster has obviously been in a fight  with some critter.  I think he must have fought it off from hurting the hens.  He's got feathers on the back of his neck that have been pulled out and there's an open wound there, too.  Thankfully, he's able to function and the Beast looked at the wound and it looks clean so we are just going to watch it for now.  I told him to close up the coop so no critters can get in looking for *food* or eggs or whatever.

Love you all.  I'm tired so I am going to bed now and try to get some decent sleep.  I hope that I get over this spell of procrastination by then....LOL.  Be good and be kind.  ***Hugs***

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