Monday, June 13, 2016

Icky Day All Around.....

I don't think there's anything worse than feeling damn tired and not being able to either get to sleep or stay asleep.  That was my night last night.  I was exhausted and even went to bed early, thinking that I would wake up to use the bathroom and would be able to finish the post I had started but not finished.  Wrong on all counts.

I finally fell asleep for more than an hour around 8 am or so and didn't wake up until noon.  Then I had a tummy ache that just wouldn't go away for the next couple hours.  I fell asleep again for a couple hours and then woke up, scared, because I knew I either had an oncoming case of diarrhea or a huge fart in the works.  I ran to the bathroom and ended up letting loose the longest fart I have ever had the privilege of performing in my entire life.  I'm sure it was Bratfink-worthy....LOL.

I was fairly sure that the hens would lay a few more eggs today but never expected that they would lay 9 more.  The Beast had to come in and get a bag for them because even HE was shocked.   He said either Freddy was in disguise or one of the girls had laid two eggs today.  I told him that the four he found this morning could actually have been laid last night and he said that was true, he hadn't considered that.  So I immediately boiled all of them plus a few more and then got them iced but didn't peel them.  I just wasn't up to standing that long.  I'll do it in the morning.

Now that I am feeling okay tummy-wise, I am still tired and want to hit the sack asap.   So I am going to close this for now and do just that.

Love you all.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can get and stay asleep for more than an hour or so tonight.  Be happy.  ***Hugs***

1 comment:

  1. If I can fart a loud fart and scare a cat, I count it a day well spent. :-D
