Thursday, June 16, 2016

Second Post For The Day.......

Well, the girls were lazy today so they only laid 9 eggs.  I chastised them and gave them the shells from eggs I used up (crushed, of course) and they went nuts!  I couldn't believe how they rushed and started eating them.  Freddy, the rooster, went over and inspected the paper plate that I had used and started crowing.  I swear, he was calling all the girls over like he knew they needed it.  

The Beast decided today that, while I am gone, he is going to open up the coop and let the chickens out in the yard.  He's curious to know what they will be attracted to eating.  He's heard they like weeds (which I know is a fact from what I have given them).  I know they love all kinds of herbs like thyme and oregano.  I understand that they are good for their immune system so I gave them some (after trying to tell the Beast where to find them at the store).  Men can be so thick at times.  However, I notice that they all seem very fit and even plump.  I swear the Beast is thinking about making them for dinner some time.  He thinks we have too many hens.

What's funny and cute, the chickens are not afraid of the cat and she seems to like them but not in a bad way.  She goes over to the coop and they gather around the area where she's at and touch their beaks to her nose.  She got into the coop one day when the Beast was going in to check for eggs and they looked like they were playing.  They don't mind Baron as long as he doesn't bark.  He's got one hell of a bark on him and they all head for the barn when he does bark at something.  It doesn't even have to be them that he is actually barking at either.  The bark alone sends them running for cover.....LOL.

I spent the day trying on some clothes that I wanted to take with me on our trip.  Yikes!  Some things that I have here were from my *fat* days and they are really BIG.  I had to set them aside and I'll drop them off at the Salvation Army store.  They are in good shape but not for me any more.  When I say BIG, I mean it.  One bathing suit that I had was more than likely when I had lost a lot of weight (I was under 100 lbs at the time) and everyone thought I was seriously ill and on the brink of dying.  After trying to get into the suit, I understand why now.  Lord, I must have looked terrible.

I have to try matching up outfits (tops and bottoms) before I start packing.  I think I may have set aside too many tops (or not enough bottoms).  I have one pair of shorts that fit me.  I'll probably wear that to the zoo when we go.  We are going to rent the electric carts they rent there since the zoo is so large and we really want to be able to see as much of it as we can.  But, at our age, we just don't have the stamina for walking.  At least *I* don't.....LOL.  When we went to the zoo in Birmingham with Chewlee, I was constantly having to stop and rest for a while before I could go on.  I swore then that, if we ever go back, I am definitely renting one of the motorized wheelchairs they have.

I'm really sorry we can't take Chewlee with us.  I think she would have fun except the motel we are staying at doesn't have a pool.  I hope Kay and her hubby get home soon and that we can arrange a Saturday get-together for a swim and a barbeque.  I'll buy the ribs, burgers or hot dogs.  Whatever anyone wants.  I'll also have to buy a bathing suit but we can do that when we get to Chicago.  I almost hate the idea because the scars on my leg (the left one) is really nasty looking.  But, hey, if someone has a problem with that, it's THEIR problem, not mine.  It is what it is.

 Remember to give lots of love and hugs to family and friends.  Let them know you care.  Life is too short not to love as much as you can while you can.  Everything can change in a what happened to my brother.  I miss him although I hadn't seen him in a while.  I did  talk to him on the phone a few months before he died.  I am glad that I told him I loved him as the  last thing I said before I said goodbye.  My heart bleeds over his death.  He was too young.  

Love you all.  Be good and be happy, for heaven's sake.  Get rid of negative people in your life.  You don't need that kind of attitude.  Whether you want to believe it or not, their attitude affects yours after a while around them.  Let them go.  It's better for you in the long run.  ***Hugs***


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