Sunday, April 2, 2017

Time Is Going By So Darn Fast.....

Yesterday, one of the girls that I meet up with every year, sent me an email so she can plan just when our get-together will take place this year.  For some reason, they always find out when I plan on coming up to Chicago before they set a date.  Just why I am the one that seems to be the linchpin for it all, I have no clue.  If I can remember to ask, I may try to find out why that is.  I am not the only one that comes from out-of-state.  Some of our crowd live in other states....Oklahoma, Colorado, Wisconsin, get the idea.  This is the way it has worked for damn near 25 years now.  It all started when we had our class reunion that was the 25th anniversary of our graduations.  

When we get together, it 's like we just saw each other a week or so ago, not a full year.  We know each other well and still have a blast getting together.  What's funny is that the people around us have fun, too.  We have a few drinks, eat lunch and, on occasion, dinner when we have a difficult time ending our day with each other.  I've only missed being there twice.  Once when the Beast had cancer of the prostate and was recuperating from the surgery and another time due to the arterial bypass surgery that I had (the first leg).  

Most of us are retired (a few have ranches or work part-time) so we could actually meet any time during the year.   I hate snow and ice and especially in Chicago.  Been there, endured that and it can be scary with all the river bridges and black ice.  I really haven't dealt much with that since shortly after the Beast and I got married.  I'm really spoiled after living in Florida for much of my married life (it will be 53 years on August 1st).  

There was a brief period where we moved back to Chicago when my kids were very young and then the 5 years we spent in San Diego.  Even living here in Alabama is a breeze since we hardly ever get snow and very little black ice.  Our winters are just mild in comparison to Chicago.   I am willing to travel there during any season except winter.  But June is usually fairly mild weather in Chicago and it's the nicer part of (early) summer. 

If Cee doesn't want to go up with me, I don't know what I will do.  Perhaps take Julianna with me?  I'll have to wait and see.  The Beast spent most of the day just resting.  His leg was really causing him a lot of pain.  From the way he talks, it's a bit like neuropathy in the whole leg all the time.  

When he spends time walking long distances, he suffers from the muscles all tightening up and a lot of weakness.  It always takes him a day or more to recuperate.  Saturday was one of those days due to the church meeting.  Even though he got there early, there was no space left in the handicapped area.  It was a long walk to and from the car.  He had to walk to the car at lunchtime to get his little cooler with his lunch in it.  Then back again to put the cooler in the car so he wouldn't have to worry about it (or forget he had it with him).  

I'm ready for bed (it's almost 11pm) so I bid you all a good night and an even better day.  Stay healthy.  Be happy.  ***Hugs***


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