Monday, April 3, 2017

Wow! Cherries At Last?

When we first moved into this house 10+ years ago, we planted a chitload of cherry trees.  The first year was great except the birds attacked the cherries the day they ripened and literally stripped the tree bare.  Well, almost bare.  We did get a few that they either missed or were too full to finish.  I kid you not!

Then we got that fungus or whatever the hell it is/was and it really  just about killed off the fruit trees.  They still produced leaves but sure didn't produce any fruit that didn't rot before it even ripened.  After that, they just never blossomed.  Until this fact, just a two days ago one of the cherry trees burst into a humongous number of blooms.  Today another of the trees bloomed.  We haven't seen blooms on them in seven years!  Keep your fingers crossed that we DO get cherries this year AND that we can keep the local cardinal flock away from the fruit.

It was a very weird night and day.  It DID warm up again today  but...last night was the strangest storm.  Lots of thunder and lightning but it was distant.  More in the higher elevations of our area of the mountains.  But it was like it was stalled (clouds get caught on the peaks, perhaps?) because it went on for several hours.  Every once in a while there would be a loud *BOOM* and it woke me up a time or two.

Today was pretty much overcast although we did get some sun for short periods of time.  But there was no rain after the rain we DID get early this morning.  Just dismal skies...yuk!

Diane called me today to verify our luncheon date on Wednesday.  She also has an appointment on Tuesday and found out she will have to stick around for about two hours or so.  She's going to get her *in canal* hearing aids cleaned.  I guess they get wax in them after a while and, since they are so tiny, they must be cleaned by the audiologist.  They also need the tabs that allow her to remove them replaced since they broke and she has to use tweezers to remove them.  So Wednesday was a better choice.  I'll talk to Cee tomorrow after my doctor's appointment.  She doesn't have to come along but we plan on going to our favorite (and secret) restaurant.  Good food, nice bar and not expensive.  We just don't tell anyone about it so we have a place we can get away from it all (and EVERYONE).  

The bartender we like pours a mean drink so we can sip it and have it last.  We usually have two at the most.  Sometimes just one will do.  You would be amazed at how long one will last.  Don't worry.  We always tip generously.  If we are taking up space (or it gets busy), we figure they still need a good tip.  We both (Cee and I) worked the service industry so we know how much tips matter.  I loved working as a bartender.  Of course, I worked food industry, too, when I was young.  It's tough being on your feet all day and making sure everyone gets their food in a timely manner.

I have to get showered and I think I am going to brave curlers tonight since the Beast is asleep already (and the dog and cat, too).  The sound of the blow dryer would wake them.  It needs a silencer....LOL.  

Love you all.  Remember, life is short so don't hang out with *toxic* people.  Enjoy the people that make you laugh and smile.  The rest you don't need.  ***Hugs***

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