Saturday, April 8, 2017

Trying New Things....

The Beast has been seemingly entranced by some of the unusual bread/cake items that Publix makes.  We've tried Mountain bread, Cranberry-Walnut (which tastes more like a cake than a bread), and a bread that I forget the name of but it has walnuts, raisins and apricot in it.  They look much like a pound cake but are not as crumbly.  The Mountain bread is a round loaf that has flour sprinkled on top.  I have no idea why except it may just visually identify it as mountain bread.

The Beast has been trying to add different things to our diet to keep us from skipping/missing meals because we just don't have an appetite for some of the usual things we eat.  You DO get into a rut at times and nothing appeals to you.  

I am drinking my two cans of protein (the product is called Pure Protein) and I found out why they say to shake it gently.  I was watching TV and shaking the can kind of vigorously but when I went to open it, you would have thought it was a soda by the way it spurted.  Luckily, it isn't carbonated so it was just a big bunch of bubbles that spurted out but didn't overflow.  Next time I will shake it vigorously but will give it time to settle down a bit before I open it.  I know that drinks like the protein will have some of the flavoring settle on the bottom of the cans.  I found out this did from the first one that I drank.  I didn't shake it *vigorously*.

Every time the Beast goes to Publix to buy something specific like the Boar's Head lunch meats, he always comes home with one of their Subs.  Today it was the roast beef one with lots of goodies (he had them put tomatoes, onions, lettuce and, for me, jalapenos).  He knows what I like....LOL

 When we get lunch meat from there, he will buy some of their Chicago Italian bread.  I love it and it really does make me think of Chicago.  Mostly when I was a kid.  I loved the crunchy crust, especially with lots of butter and eating spaghetti.  That was always a treat.  We didn't often get Italian bread.  Of course, when you have seven kids, a loaf doesn't go very far.

Today I cleaned the deck and the table.  The table was pretty dirty after being outside all winter.  The rain helps wash off a lot of the dirt that builds up so it wasn't like it had months of dirt on it.  Just the pollen and dirt since the last good rainfall.  But we wanted to sit outside once it warmed up and drink our coffee.  It won't be long and I'll be making sweet tea again.  

We don't have any rain or significant weather predicted until Wednesday and even then it's only a 30% chance of rain.  I get the predictions from two different sources and it always surprises me at how different they can be at times.  Right now, they almost match except the weather channel says only a 20% chance of rain showers.

The Beast has started clearing the vegetable boxes so that he can plant his tomatoes and a green pepper plant.  I asked him to plant a jalapeno, too.  Those always do well for us and I do use them in cooking.  I just wish the stores around here (and nurseries) carried rosy tipped lettuce seeds.  I raised that in my garden a few times and it is really great tasting.  Plus, you cut it and it keeps growing until the first frost.  But, in truth, I am not sure that I am actually up to taking care of it.  This getting old is a bitch!

Time to get ready for bed.  Love you all.  Be happy.  Be kind to everyone, even if they are not nice to you.  Your kindness might actually make their day.  ***Hugs***

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