Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Missing Lady.....

I decided today that I will call Vicki tomorrow to see how things are going with her and Lady.  I want to let her know that if she finds out that Lady is not working out for her, she can bring her back.  Sheepie has a friend that would like her and she has a friend that has an older Border collie mix.  I wish Sheepie had called earlier to tell us that since her friend is younger than Vicki and might be a better *fit* for Lady's needs.  I don't want her calling Animal Control if things don't work out since they automatically put all animals that are turned in *down for the count* because of the number of animals that are dropped off around here.  They just don't have the funding to care for the sheer amount that they get calls about.  A couple years ago, one of our neighbors called about a stray animal that had turned feral and he was told to just *shoot the animal* and they would come and pick up the carcass.  Not a lot of compassion to be found here.  *Sigh*

It really IS a bitch to get old and not be able to get around well enough for a young dog.  Who would have thought it?  I sure didn't but that's life.  The Beast and I loved her but she needed something more than we could give her.  She was very active and needed to be walked and/or ran further than we were able to provide.  She also would run off into the field when the Beast would take her for a run around the circle and the Beast was not up to chasing her.  She would return to the house a half hour or so later but she would be full  of burrs and sometimes ticks, too.    

Since the vet has diagnosed Lyme disease in local dogs, it means the ticks are carrying that around here now.  That can be passed on to people if the tick attaches itself to a person.  When we first got Lady and she was full of ticks, I found one in my hair (and freaked out, trust me!).  It's not fun to go through the hair of a dog with a double coat to try to find any ticks that haven't been affected by the spray you use on them.

I hate ticks.  They are SO gross when you think about it.  Dogs get them in their ears even so you have to inspect them closely and remove any you find.  If they have been in place long enough, they get HUGE from the blood they ingest.  Yuk!

The Beast decided that he wanted to make this Hamburger Helper nacho cheese dinner for us since we have some great tortilla chips.  It has noodles in it but it was great with the tortilla chips.  The Beast just crumbled up some in HIS dinner but I used mine to scoop it up.  Fantastic taste.

I lost my internet for a while earlier this evening.  Another storm, of course.  One of the Beast's tomato plants has gone nuts due to the rain.  It provides important nutrients from what I understand.  I believe it just because it seems to have doubled in size and volume.  Plus it is full of small tomatoes that weren't there last week.  The pepper plant has done the same thing.  I'm glad because we use a lot of them in many of the things we cook.  If we have an excess, we have family that will welcome getting some.  Ditto the tomatoes.

Love you all.  I am heading back to bed as soon as I post this.  We are supposed to have another warm day (lower 80's tomorrow).  But no rain in the forecast.  Just clouds.  Our humidity has been 100% for days now so it's kind of sticky once it gets warm.  I hope you are having better weather.  Be good.  Be careful.  ***Hugs***

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