Friday, June 12, 2015

Not A Great Day....

Today was the first time since before my surgery that I had a small IBS attack.  I say *small* because it only happened to me twice.  The terrible part of it is that it gives you no warning and you cannot control it at all.  I mean that you are unloading as you run for the bathroom and that is NOT fun.  *Sigh*  I really had hopes that removing the dead area of the colon would mean that it would end for me.  I guess I was wrong.  But at least it seems to be over.  It's just not fun cleaning up the mess afterward.  At least it wasn't too bad this time.

The tomato plant that has the most tomatoes on it that I have been talking about looks like it may be dying from shock.  It was knocked over a couple times before the Beast and I secured it to the railing around the deck.  It was showing signs of shock but we hoped it would recover.  Now I'm not sure.  BUT...the rains the past two weeks have really sent all the tomato plants into overdrive and now they all look like Godzilla plants and today we looked at them all and they seem to have also decided to produce a hell of a lot of tomatoes.  The one the Beast planted below the deck and secured to the trellis has grown to where it is now taller than the top of the rail of the deck!  The Beast inspected it and was surprised at the number of tomatoes in varying degrees of growth on it.  I think I will be able to can some salsa this year...LOL.

I spent a lot of the day just resting up since I want to attend Gunner's party tomorrow.  If my bowels are working right, I will be able to.  I sure don't want to attend if that's not the case.  It would be too embarrassing.

I'm tired since I was not able to take my nap today because of the number of trips I made to the bathroom.  Although I only had the two incidents, I became a bit paranoid if gas even rumbled in my stomach and headed to the bathroom.  Can you blame me?  

The Beast went to pull a very large weed out of one of his flower pots today and he wasn't careful about it.  He ended up uprooting a portion of the flowers and didn't notice it.  I was glad I was out there because I had to fix it for him or he would have lost those flowers entirely.  It's really a shame how much he disturbed it because they were really pretty.  

I finally got my hummingbird feeders down off the shepherd's crook that we hang them from today.  They are a pain to get up there due to how the Beast installed it and then built the trellis so that it is partially in the way.  THEN....he puts his two biggest flower pots in front of them so I almost have to be an acrobat to put them up OR take them down.  Putting them up while they are full is the hardest part.  You almost can't do it without spilling quite a bit of the liquid out of them.

Love you all.  Hope your weekend is a great one.  Be good.  Be careful.  ***Hugs***'s the next helpful hint:  What's the easiest way to remove crayon, pencil, ink, and furniture scuffs from painted surfaces?  Just sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge, rub clean, and rinse.

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