Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tomato Plants Gone Crazy....

I've mentioned that one of the Beast's tomato plants is just full of tomatoes.  All in various stages of growth, of course.  But the one plant that he used a cage made from plastic had to be the one that is fullest.  Of course.  Today I had to use the green tie material (it's made from a stretchy kind of plastic, too) to tie up another portion of the cage to the deck's fence.  I'm hoping the damn raccoon that seems to be attracted to it won't do any more damage than it has.  Not that the raccoon has eaten any of the tomatoes.  But when Baron is let out at night and chases it off the deck and then out of the yard, it chooses that area to jump from and knocks off tomatoes AND makes it bend more than it already has.   The Beast says it's this one feral black cat he believes but I caught sight of the tail the other night when I let Baron outside. 

We always turn on the light on the deck before we let him out.   You would think that would give WHATEVER animal is out there a clue.  But not all animals are smart, are they?  I just get tired of picking up the various sized green tomatoes from the deck every day.  It's a good thing that plant seems to be so productive.  We have two tomatoes that are almost ripe now on it.  The others are full of green tomatoes in various stages of growth.  The pepper plant is full of small green peppers and it looks like the jalapeno plant is finally getting some peppers also.

The area where we grew asparagus that we picked and then pulled up at the end of last season, has some very thin and woody asparagus plants in it that I keep pulling out and more are growing now.  They take two years of growth before you can cut and eat them but these don't look like they will be edible at all.  They just grow too tall and thin too fast.  You can only eat the tops of them at two years.  I know our good crop grew slowly and much thicker than these are so I have no idea what to do except keep pulling them out.  We won't use that area for planting anything for another season, at least.

The Beast has been using a liquid fertilizer on the planters but it is also making the weeds weeds....LOL.  It's amazing how they just seem to take over every available space and sometimes almost overnight!  As two old people, it often defeats us and we put off pulling them until it has become a jungle and we know they are pulling nutrition from the plants we WANT to grow.  At least the flower pots are doing very, very well.  I even saw the hummingbirds feeding on a few that the Beast inadvertently bought that are natural hummingbird attractors.  

I have to change the feeders for the hummingbirds tomorrow.  After two weeks, bacteria starts to grow in them and that can lead to some serious beak problems for them I have read.  Sister Cee is coming over for a bit so I may do that while she's here since it will be fairly nice out (or at least that is what my Weather Bug is predicting).  If it is, we will sit outside for a bit.  

The birds, or at least a few of them, are becoming more used to our being on the deck and not bothering them.  So they will drop down to grab a few seeds and then fly off.  A couple of them actually look like they are looking us over.  We saw a mourning dove type bird that had red on the top of it's head and a splash of it on his throat.  I say HIS because you just never see female birds with vivid colors.  Even the female cardinal looks like she is a washed out red and is trying to turn brown.  It's so sad that nature is so cruel to the females.  But then, since they are the ones that protect the young most often, it's probably best so that predators don't spot them so easily.

Baron has been acting upset the past few days.  We can't figure out why.  His routine hasn't changed by much except the Beast waits a bit longer to take him on his run.  He's doing that to make sure the goats in the farmer's field are not near the fence so he won't run over and bark at them.  That scares them and they run off but the billy goat then comes to the fence.  He doesn't react to Baron's barking and that only upsets Baron.  He seems to like some animals to be afraid of him.  That may be it, of course, but there's really no telling.  He can't talk to us so he mopes.  I just hope he gets over this soon.

More heat tomorrow but it cools down nicely at night, thank goodness.  I don't mind the heat but I get tired of the Beast insisting on turning on the window AC in the kitchen and leaving the bedroom door open.  It means Baron can come to my computer room to bother me to let him out at night.  He lets the Beast sleep.  At least, until *I* finally go to bed.  Then he bothers the Beast instead of me.  That's not how it used to be.  Since he sleeps on the floor on M Y side of the bed, he was always waking me up to let him out.  He's older now and a bit wiser, I guess.  LOL!

Time for me to go back to bed.  Love you all.  Have a great Hump Day.  Be good.  Be careful and drive safely.  ***Hugs***

PS:  I am going to start adding various interesting tips that I have read about from a book that I have here.  I will give it's name (and credit it) tomorrow when I start).  How does that sound? 



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