Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Take A Fall And Yahoo Makes Me Crazy....

I should know better than to help the Beast but, hey, the guys are coming to put the tile down in the kitchen area tomorrow and there was stuff that needed doing.  So I am lifting up some minor appliances to go up on the top of the cabinets where we keep things we don't use too often foot hits some piece of hard, smooth plastic and down I go!

I heard my left knee crack and I was really afraid of what THAT might mean but hit my butt down so solid and hard that I had to rock a bit to be sure I hadn't broken anything in that area.  Luckily, that seemed to be fine.  But in getting up, I was soooo worried about my knee.  But, when I finally got up to my feet, it seemed okay.  Phew!  Scary for someone my age to fall down that hard.  I lifted up the small deep fryer to the Beast and finished up sweeping the floor then was done with that.

However, after about two hours (I had taken my shower by this time), I discovered that my knee was paining me.  I am pretty sure it's nothing major but it didn't like the twist it took when I slid and fell down.  It was my right foot that slid out from under me.  But I hope that it doesn't feel any worse tomorrow than it does right now.  **Grimace**

Today, Yahoo drove me nuts.  I play Yahoo games and today they were making everyone crazy with freezing up or throwing them out of the rooms they were playing in....always at a critical moment, mind you!

Then it did it to me again!  It screwed up my password and made me change it again.  This is about the sixth or seventh time in less than two months!  I wrote them a rather nasty email and complained about how THEIR screwups at their sites were going to make me give up having anything to do with any of their sites, including their email site.  I am really more pissed about this crap from them than I can say.

I have a headache and now THIS site is starting to make me nuts.  I don't want to go into what it is doing at the moment, tyvm.  Tomorrow, if it's still doing the same thing, THEN I'll tell you.  But love you all.  Enjoy the upcoming week if you can and I hope you have the most fun-filled and food filled Thanksgiving.  **Hugs**

1 comment:

  1. If you had looked at some of the comments at the game site you would have discovered, like I did, that it seems as though the problems were throughout the site. (I accidentally scrolled down and saw them!) That made me feel a bit better about things. The problem I had with Blogger splitting words in weird places seems to have disappeared, too. I try not to get upset when things happen because they always seem to work themselves out.

    You didn't also twist your knee, did you? Because a torn meniscus won't heal itself. :( But kneecaps DO break. I hope that wasn't what you did. Give it a couple days and rest it. Thank goodness it wasn't worse, because we both know what a fall can break in us old people. xoxox
