Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Really Nice Day Here Today.....

I love when it's bright and sunny.  As long as I have that, I can enjoy my day even if it's cold.  However, it was around 63 when I left the house to go to Cee's.  It's funny but when the Beast asked me what we found to talk about, I told him he would be surprised.  We always find things to talk about and it's not gossip either.  We talk about things we like to do and why we are or aren't doing them. 

I told Cee about what I was painting and how one was a bitch to paint.  But I was enjoying doing it and looking forward to being able to give it to the Princess.  I have one more thing to buy to add to one of the things but I can get those easily here in town.  I hope to get the presents for the two kids in the next week or so.  

It's already 35 degrees outside and feels it.  Its the kind of bitter cold from having high humidity (87%).  It cut right through me when I let Baron out back a little bit ago.  He went down the stairs and very quickly was back and wanted in.  He was gone long enough that I knew he peed but he wasn't going to make a tour around the yard like he would normally do.  It was too cold for him, too.

The Beast is singing the praises of the Grabit thingy that my bff, Carol, sent us.  I'm sure that will make her happy.  I told him *See?  You should have bought one when I told you to!*  He just gave the same old grin he usually does and kept eating.  At least I don't have to keep picking up the things he drops now.  He can do that for himself.  I told him that I think he had dropsy because he really does drop a lot.  I am afraid he is losing control of his hands in some situations but I'm not sure of it.  It just worries me.  He has good days and then some bad days, so it's hard to tell.

Me?  I'm feeling really good and no sign of IBS-D now for a couple weeks.  That's just such a great feeling for me.  I hate that with a passion.  I need to make an appointment with my regular doctor and tell him myself about that damn doctor he had referred me to in Gadsden and ask him to prescribe the new medication for IBS-D that's on the market.  If I have any of the side effects, I can let him know immediately and stop taking it but I think it's worth a try.  If I can go without an attack for six months, I was told that I wouldn't have the problem any more.  I hope it's true.

Well, time to go.  I'm beat.  Was busy when I got home and then was too bushed to paint any more so I'll do that tomorrow.  I should be able to finish half of the items at least.  Love you all.  Be good.  Be happy, be glad that all the problems of the world are not yours to fix.  Take a step back and realize that whatever may be a problem today will pass.  ***Hugs***



  1. What kind of Grabbythingie do you have? I have this one: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1143&bih=753&q=grabby+thing&oq=grabby+thing&gs_l=img.3..0.2725.4726.0.5110.

    I can pick up coins with it! I had 3, but gave 1 to my Best Bionic Friend. She's finding it helpful, too!

    1. If you look on that page, it's the one in the green box. The Beast loves it now and I don't have to pick things up. I haven't even tried to pick up a coin with it but it probably could. The grippers are covered with a soft kind of rubber or latex, not sure which.

  2. And yes, I put Grabby thing in the Google search. :))
