Sunday, March 27, 2016

Chewlee Goes Home.....*sad face*.......

I took Chewlee home this morning.  When I got there, Johnnycakes was shoveling some red mulch around the bushes at the front of the house.  He had some material he had put down to cover the area where he was putting the mulch down.  I was amazed that he had loose mulch in a huge pile in the back of his pickup truck and on his open trailer.  He said he had paid $100 for it all and I was amazed because it was way more than he would have had to pay if he bought bags of it at the store.  He said he bought it in *farm town*, which I have never heard of before.  I figure it's probably a name the locals have given an area that is pretty much farm land or else it's the nickname of a flea market.  

The Beast told me about a flea market he went to with one of the guys from his church that had a lot of things like different live chickens, piglets, sheep and goats plus all kinds of booths that had the feed for most types of typical farm animals.  Some of the chickens are the exotics and beautiful to look at.  He wants to take me there so I can see them.  One day......

Chewlee asked her dad if she could use the golf cart and then took me for a ride to show me all their animals.  We went into the goat pen and had to get on our knees to see the miniature goat.  I was so impressed and shocked when I saw it.  She was so damn cute and so much smaller than I imagined.  I was shocked to see both a hen and a rooster sharing her shelter.  They were put in to keep her company.  I guess she seemed sad and lonely.  I told Chewlee she would have to keep checking to see if the hen laid eggs in the hay on the floor of the shelter.  She is small enough to be able to actually get inside enough to gather any eggs that are laid in there.  If the hen is broody, however, she may just have to report it to her parents and get set for chicks.

I was also treated to an introduction to the two (pregnant) bunnies, inspected the coop for their chickens (from the outside) and even got to see and pet the very friendly neighbors dog.  The dog hopped into the cart when Chewlee stopped and hit the floor with her hand a couple times.  She lay down on the floor and just enjoyed the ride that we took.  Chewlee finally drove me to my car before she took the dog home to their next door neighbor's.  I had met one of them earlier as he was out back of their house when we checked out the coop.  They also have chickens and a very large coop for them, too.  They are the neighbors who often give the Princess fresh laid eggs.  Very nice people, I've heard.

I gave Chewlee a big hug, told her I loved her (she said she loved me, too) and that I had fun with her.  Again, I found my way to the Princess and Johnnycakes house without using the Garmin and found my way home again.  When I told the Beast that, he said I did better than him.  He says he HAS to use the Garmin or he would be hopelessly lost.  It IS in the boonies but I paid attention  to the landmarks and county road signs.  I didn't want to have to depend on the Garmin all the time.  It worked.

I've been wearing my back brace for the last couple of days and it really works.  I can stand up straight and upright much longer while I wear it .  I also don't experience the constant pain in my lower back either.  I should have started wearing it a long time ago.

I stopped at the Walmart in Boaz and picked up some bread and also a small bag of shrimp.  The Beast wants to try adding it to Alfredo sauce.  He thinks it will be a good combination.  I've had that at the wedding of my boss' son when I worked for the advertising agency so I know it's tasty.  The chefs actually made it out where the guests could watch.  It was fun to see Alfredo sauce made from scratch.  The shrimp was added before the cheese was grated into the cream base.  I can tell you this....I remember just how good and tasty it smelled.....LOL.

It's funny but Chewlee was watching a couple of the *So You Think You'd Survive* programs on the Weather Channel.  They postulate various scenarios that you might be caught in and you are given 3 different ways you might react to them.  She mentioned one of them while we were in  the golf cart and actually remembered the correct way to react to them.  She hadn't heard of being caught (falling into) a snow tree well that are  common on many of the ski slopes that have a lot of trees along the trail.  

She said she would like to try snowboarding one day when she was older and now she knew both what to avoid and how to survive if she that happened to her.  She also knows about the emergency locator that many skiers and snowboarders use so that  they can be found easily if they are caught in a tree well or avalanche.  I was impressed with how much she remembered. 

Time to get back to bed.  I was very tired tonight and still feel like I need a bit more sleep.  I went to bed around 11:30pm and didn't wake up until a little bit ago to use the bathroom.  I had planned on doing this blog when I got up and it's now done.

Love you all.  Enjoy the weekend and a Happy Easter!  Oh, that reminds me.  The Princess took Chewlee to a nighttime egg hunt.  How's that for something different?  Chewlee had to bring along a flashlight to help her locate eggs.  I can't wait to hear all about that.

Be good and be happy.  ***Hugs***

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