Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Chicken Coop....

We have the chicken coop about 95% finished now.  Just a few small sections of wood to add to the bottom.  Funny, but when we did that, it straightened out a lot of the chicken wire and it looks a lot better today than it did yesterday.

While we were working on the bottom of the outside coop area, we opened up both barn doors and secured them with bungee cords so they wouldn't slam on any of the chickens that might venture out.  We wanted to air out the barn since chicken urine can build up and be lethal to them.  Tomorrow I am going to sweep up the old wood shavings or whatever they are, along with all the crap that has accumulated, and put down fresh stuff.  That will also help with the urine problems, I'm sure.

We found a section of the fenced area where there was a big dip in the ground and critters would easily be able to get underneath so the Beast wants to block it off tomorrow.  We also were a bit shy of having all the wood needed so the Beast is going to go through his scrap pieces tomorrow to see if he has a piece that will fit the area.  Otherwise, he will make a trip to Lowe's and buy more wood.

The fur babies managed to get under the fence before we started working on it and we had to go in and get them out.  We put them in the garage until it was more secured.  They were in full hunt mode when we grabbed them.  Funny how they remind me of lions when they get that way.  Guess all cats have that in common, no matter what their size.

The Beast goes to the eye doctor tomorrow morning.  He has  to drive down into Gadsden and be there by 10:30am.  No problem there since it's not that far of a drive....just 25 miles or so, depending on where the office is located.  I hope the eye doctor doesn't just refer him to a retinologist because that means another wait and this one will probably be a lot longer.  There just aren't that many in this area.  His problem has been getting worse so he really needs to see someone quick.

I did something radical today.  Can you guess?  No, I'm sure you can't since I don't think I said it was on my mind.  I colored my hair a light auburn.  I have the skin tone that looks good with almost any red color.  Guess it comes from the Irish in me.  I like the color I see but will have to wait until tomorrow to let you know how I like it after I take it out of the curlers in my hair.  His first word to me in the morning will probably be...*Who are you and where is my wife?*  It's been years since I had my hair this color.  I actually had it for a couple years back when I lived in California.  I might even have had it for a while when we lived in Illinois when my kids were young (before our move to California) but I'm not sure.  I've had a lot of different colors in my lifetime but mostly I've been blonde.  I just wonder what my great-grands will think of it....LOL!

Well, time to get to bed.  I finally picked up a sinus medication (Mucinex) and will see how that works for me.  It's affecting my hearing but I've already had some improvement just with one dose of it.  

Love you all.  Be happy.  Stay kind.  ***Hugs***

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