Saturday, March 19, 2016

What Do Chickens Do When It Gets Dark While They Are Still Outside???

I'll tell you what they do after a little explanation....  The Beast usually goes out around dusk to shag them all back into the barn and usually there are a few that don't want to go in but they finally do with just a little bit of *herding*.  Tonight it was fully dark before he realized that he hadn't put them away for the night and there was no light out there because he had disconnected it when he mowed the lawn out back.  Ut oh!  

Around here it is REALLY dark once it's full night so he grabbed his flashlight and headed out to get them safely into the barn.  When he shone his light around the fenced yard, there were NO chickens outside...and no light inside either so he had to use the flashlight to secure the doggie door.  When he first shone the light around the barn so he could see where they were, they were all huddled together in the far corner and acting very afraid.  When he shone the light over to where they were, they made a mad dash towards him like they were all glad he finally showed up.  It made him laugh but it also made it hard to him to count them since they kept moving all around him.

They were all safe and sound (and probably wondering why they had been forgotten!) so he finally closed it up for the night.  He did make sure the light was plugged in while he was in there and got the connection for it plugged in when he got back to the house.  We wouldn't want to traumatize them when it's what they are used to.  I don't think they have good night vision, either, so the barn would be scary for them if they banged into any of the things scattered around in there.

I guess they headed for the barn for security since they've been used to being in there since they were about a month old.  And, of course, they huddled together for comfort until *Big Daddy* showed up....LOL.  I'm just glad we didn't have a visit from a possum or raccoon that might have been looking around for some eggs.  THAT would have shocked both them AND the Beast.

The weather here, although a bit cooler than *I* like, was really pleasant.  I didn't sleep well last night so I spent a good deal of today (well, that's yesterday now) napping.  I was dogged tired just from the inability to sleep along with having to get up and walk around to get rid of a leg cramp behind my knee of all things.  I ended up having a loaded baked potato for my dinner just because it sounded so good to me and was really tasty.  I warmed up some of the leftover corned beef, too.  I thought about a sandwich but decided against that additional starch.  I am trying to be good about that.

The Beast has done it again and I know just why.  He bought an electric percolator today.  All because his buddy from church told him about coffee being better when it goes through the grounds several times instead of the one time that drip coffee pots do.  I am so upset with him over that,  you have no idea.  I HATE an electric percolator.  I told him...look, if it meant you can use less coffee, that would be great but you have to use the same amount of coffee so how do you figure it is really better?  The only way you use LESS coffee is if it doesn't make the same amount as the drip one does.  

I will just let him find out for himself the reason we stopped using one years ago.  He thinks that today's technology has made them better.  He needs to find out that it will still make it taste *burnt* after a couple hours of sitting with the heat that is keeping it warm on.  Even if they no longer perk if you forget to take the centers out after it's *done* perking, it will still get that taste, I'm sure.  The warmers that many of the commercial Bunn makers do that if the coffee sits for longer than a half hour.  You can tell by the smell of the coffee even.

We now have three different drip coffee makers out in our garage.  Yet the Beast keeps going back to the Bunn every time after a while so all I have to be is patient.  It won't take him long.  He likes his coffee almost as much as I do and he won't like it if it makes our Kauai coffee taste bad.  I have faith in that much...LOL

Okay, going to make another attempt at sleep now..or at least a good nap.  Love you all.  I need to be up in about four hours to get dressed and go out to feed the chickens their cracked corn.  ***Hugs***

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