Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Cough, Cough....Yikes!

Today was barn/coop cleaning day.  What a job it was.  The Beast had just dumped fresh bedding over old stuff and we hauled away three and a half big bags full of it.  Sweeping it out was a real job.  The dust it raised (and you can imagine what that dust actually was) was just awful.  We kept having to go out into the yard to get fresh air.  I had my top pulled up over my nose so I wasn't breathing it in.  Next time, I am buying us masks to wear.  It can't be healthy.

We even rinsed the floor and continue sweeping.  All the bird crap had collected in various areas and my poor broom really was taking a beating.  The Beast had brought in the shop vac to get all the water out of it so that the floor could dry up before we put down the new bedding.

The chickens were upset that we made them stay out of the barn while all this was going on.  Every time we came out into the yard, they actually gathered around us.  Some even flew up on the high roost that we had taken out of the barn and put in the yard.  We were sitting on it at the time.  It was kind of cute.  One of the hens actually let us pet her.

The rooster just stayed in the furthest corner away from all the activity and a few of the girls were circled around him like they were protecting him.  When we finally cleaned up everything and got it put away, the Beast and I looked awful.  Our clothes were covered in the dust.  I made the Beast take off his clothes and put them right into the washer.  I went and changed out of mine and did the same.   I still haven't taken a shower but I will as soon as I finish  posting this.  I feel like I have a ton of dust in my hair yet.  I did brush it out before coming into the house and was shocked at how much came out.  It makes me feel a bit creepy.  You should have seen me washing my hands because putting the stuff into garbage bags, there were times I used my hands to scoop up what fell onto the ground while we swept.  We actually took turns doing that.

My back was breaking even though I had put my back brace on before we started because I knew it was going to be a mess to clean up.  I couldn't believe how many feathers there were everywhere.  The Beast filled up the feed and added the grit they need to digest their food while I refilled their water.  They should be good for a week now.  But we check every day to see what's what.  Sometimes it seems like they drink a LOT of water for some reason.  It's not even that it's hot.  Our weather hasn't gone over 64 for the past couple weeks (except for one day that the weatherman didn't get wrong).  

The Beast said if we had picked out all the feathers, we probably could have made up two feather pillows!  I don't think it was that much but it WAS a lot.  We got a good picture of the rooster and I thought I would share it with you.  Here it is:

Isn't he a handsome fella?  He's got a loose feather on his side...the one that looks striped.  All of their feathers are actually striped and the way they overlay each other is what gives them that look.

Well, time to get in the shower.  I really need it.  I can still smell the coop on me so I have to get all this stuff off me.  Love you all.  Be good and be kind to everyone.  Treat everyone like you would like to be treated.  Don't lose your temper....ever.  ***Hugs***

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