Today was a kind of lethargic day for me. I DID go out for a bit because I needed my medications and the Beast was out with a few of his friends from his church. I not only picked up my meds but I also picked up some frozen veggies and a new pair of shoes for me. They are comfortable but, without socks, they will be a bit big for me. I needed a new pair of shoes and they had to be comfortable for the bottom of my feet. That's the area that is the most painful for me due to my neuropathy. Some days are worse than others like today was and the shoes I had on were just awful for how painful they were.
Since I was at *cheapmart* (as Bratfink calls it), I was kind of limited so finding these shoes was a surprise. Just for the comfort factor. I really hate to spend money because the Beast is such a spendthrift that he maxes out our budget time-after-time. He buys himself expensive shoes and, because of his limp (actually a drag), it means he buys a couple pair a year (the ones he wears to church). His sneakers require replacing about every three months. I haven't bought a new pair of shoes for three years. I keep waiting for him to complain that I spent any money at all. He's done that a time or two saying *he had a budget in mind and my spending money screwed it up*. That's what I live with all the time.
He had a package from Amazon delivered today and I couldn't wait to see what he bought this time. It was a new flash for his camera. AND...get this!....he has another, cheaper, one coming. He bought it because his old one was very heavy (true) and he has two weddings coming up that he's committed to taking the pictures for them. However, at 73, he is getting weaker and the weight of the camera, lens and flash was making him start to shake after a while. He said he spent two weeks researching various ones before he decided to buy this one. He liked all the reviews on it. Isn't that sweet?
He also bought three new throw rugs this past week. One I knew needed replacing but the other two? I need a new one in the guest bathroom but did he even think of that when he decided that this was the time to spend even more money? I shudder when I go over all he's bought in just the last month, including the French press (it's a coffee maker of a different sort) that has been used ONCE!
I am just sitting here, stunned, because I feel guilty spending just $20. on a pair of shoes that I am not crazy about but it doesn't hurt my feet when I am uncomfortable from the neuropathy. Am I crazy or what?
The Beast went to bed early and I got ambitious. I decided to wash a few things (a blanket, some of my pj's and underwear) and I actually put away the dishes that were cleaned after dinner. I usually do that in the morning but I was waiting for the coffee to finish perking so I figured I might as well do something productive.
Freddy was very vocal today. I think he likes the sound of his own crowing. It was a gorgeous day here, again, and I think the hens enjoyed it once the sun went past the trees lining the edge of our property. They shade their coop. But, when it started raining shortly after dinner time, I could hardly believe my eyes. They were ALL out in their yard. In the rain. What in the world is wrong with them? Granted, it was not a hard rain but still.
I say it was a strange day for me because I just couldn't get interested in anything. I wasn't in the mood for reading, nor any of my DVD's. Lord knows the TV schedule was BORING, as usual and even my game didn't appeal. I tried going on Facebook but got off after just a few minutes. I couldn't even nap although I was tired. No idea what was wrong with me but I just wasn't interested in anything. I glanced at my email but only opened the jokes I get every day (Garfield and a few others).
I need to get clothes folded then take my shower before I go to bed so I will close for now. The Beast is going out with his church group again tomorrow and I think I will call Cee and see if she would like some company after he gets home. Or I may wait until Friday. I will be thinking of my brother's ashes being buried then and maybe we can just be together with our memories and our thoughts.
Love you all. Remember that each day that you wake up is a blessing. Today is all we have and we should make the most of it (not waste it like I did). Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. So practice kindness to everyone and tell those you love that you do. Remember a hug is sometimes more important than words to people. Everyone is carrying a burden of some kind that we don't know about. A smile is no true indication that all is well. ***Hugs***
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