Thursday, April 21, 2016

Poor Baby Got Hurt!

Today I went on FB to check and see what was going on with my family and friends and discovered that the Princess had taken Gunner to the emergency room!  He had fallen and split his lip badly.  Enough that the Princess was a wreck.  He needed three stitches but, because of where he needed them, they had to put him to sleep.  

A friend of the Princess' went to the house to get Chewlee while the Princess was taking care of Gunner's need.  Her hubby, Johnnycakes, was sleeping so Chewlee was really kind of alone.  But they brought her back later when the Princess returned home.  Luckily, Gunner went to sleep easily after the trauma was over.  I offered to take Chewlee for the weekend because we know that Gunner will be *needy* and clingy after all this.  At least until he heals.  However, Chewlee has a soccer game on Saturday and I wanted to know where it was taking place since I would love to see her play.

When the Princess was on a soccer team at school, I went to all her practices and her games.  I think I will ask Cee if she would like to go with me.  I will bring Chewlee home with me after her game then.  Hopefully, I will get to see my poor Gunner, too.

The Beast is calling our rooster, Freddy these days.  So we have a Frantic Fran and Freddy as the first named chickens.  Frantic Fran actually makes me think of the roadrunner.  She doesn't walk anywhere.  She runs out of the coop and across the yard.  Then she runs back to the coop.  It's back and forth, back and forth.  Other than that, she will just sit down on the ground.  But a lot of the hens are doing that.  They look like a bunch of old women, gathering to gossip about the neighbors....LOL.

No eggs yet although we check every day.  Luckily, there's no place they could hide them so it's really easy.  I hope they use the nesting boxes once they start.   At this point, it's a waiting game.  They are old enough now.  Oh, and Freddy is becoming quite the rooster.  His crow has improved but I am grateful that he's not any louder than he is.  I would hate to have pissed off neighbors since he likes crowing late in the afternoon.  He must be on California or Hawaii time.

The Princess' rabbits had their babies.  She posted a picture of one of the babies.  So cute.  Hard to believe that Johnnycakes is going to eat them eventually.   It will have to be him that does it all since I doubt the Princess will want any part of that but you never know.  She might be more hardy than she looks.  She is so cute and feminine looking.  Just a beautiful person.  I love her to pieces.  I would love just half of her energy....LOL.

I seem to be spending a lot of time watching the chickens and the crazy things they do.  They really are fun to watch.  I love it when the rooster pisses them off and they put him in his place.  He gathers up his dignity and trots off to another bunch of hens.  I've also noticed that there always seems to be one hen that will stay in the coop while the others go outside.  When one comes in, then that one comes outside.  So strange.  

They like the tall roost these days.  There will be six or eight of them that perch on it at night.  The Beast changed the light in there to a much dimmer one so they can rest better at night.  He felt the light confused them so now it's a 25 watt bulb in there.  Not a regular bulb but one of those energy efficient ones.  I really have no idea if they care for a light or not.  We just need it when we go in to close the doggie door access so we can see what we are doing.  I suppose we could just unplug it.  I'll have to mention that to the Beast.  It's easy enough.

Well, back to bed for me now.  Love you all.  Be good.  Be kind.  It's easy.  ***Hugs***

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