I spent about an hour clearing and cleaning my desk today. But, here I am, it's 3am and my desk is a mess again. I have no idea how this happened. My pill container is here (again) because I realized that it needed refilling but I got interrupted when I started to gather up my pills so those got put back but the pill box is here. My DVD controller got moved when I cleaned the TV stand and the TV. It's on my desk to the right of me and the TV remote is also next to it since I don't need it but it was on the TV stand. The satellite controller is on my left, on top of my pill box.
Also to my left is my coffee cup (large, with a top to it) and behind that is my empty ice water cup (very large). My candle that I am currently using and I put the top on it after blowing it out when I went to eat dinner. I forgot to put it on the shelf in the bookcase where I keep them when not in use. My box of tissues for blowing my nose is also back on my desk since I am currently using them. My keyboard must stay on here, of course, as well as my pad and mouse. My cell phone is sitting between my hands as I am typing this.
Let's not forget the pen holder that stays slightly behind my screen and to my left. I may need one, right? And the holder for my paper clips, which matches the pen holder should stay where it is next to it, of course. But when did I put TWO different cologne sprays back on here instead of on my dresser tray where they belong? *sniff, sniff* No, I didn't use either of them after my shower so what's with that? Of course, my cinnamon Altoids should be in my purse but I forgot to put them back when I took one earlier. How did this stupid mail advertising get put on my tissue box instead of in the garbage where it belongs???? *Sigh*
My desk is clean (by that I mean the desk itself) but it sure isn't cleared off, is it? It happens little-by-little once I get to reading Facebook. I really, really need to read it in the morning. Except if I do that then I don't get dressed right away. It's a conundrum. At least I don't have any dishes in here. Small consolation but it's not cluttering my desk.....LOL
I am awake because I was dreaming I was in the bathroom and was about to pee when I suddenly realized I was sleeping and woke up before having an accident. I took care of that and now I am posting before going back to bed.
My sister, Bee, posted the link on FB regarding my brother's interment but, because it's private, there was no date for that. I will have to call her tomorrow to see if I can manage to get up there for it. I also have to see about renewing my driver's license. I realized over the weekend that it has expired! Ut oh! I hope they don't give me a hard time tomorrow...oh, I mean today....when I go to renew it. We'll see, won't we? I'm an old fart now so there's no telling.
Love you all. Got to go. I need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow (today). Hope your week is going okay so far. At least most of us are having good weather. I'm so sorry for Houston, however. I have friends there and a cousin that lives nearby. I don't think she is affected where she is but my friends in Houston proper probably have been. I hope to hear from them soon.
Be good. Be careful. ***Hugs***
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