Sunday, March 15, 2015

Could This Be A Sign Of Spring???

It turned into the most amazing day today.  Not only did we have sun but it was WARM!  I kid you not.  It was 7 2 degrees when I checked and that was later in the afternoon.  I knew it was nice out but warm can be subjective.  When I walked outside with Baron around 12:30pm, I had on a light top with my slacks and it was really nice out.   I was, however, distracted, since I was reading my email when Baron gave me his *outside* bark.  I walked outside to show him it was nice out but it DID take me a bit by surprise then.  But I didn't check on the temperature until a couple hours later.

I looked at my flower box and I think I have to get Chewlee to come over and spend next Saturday with me so we can clean it out and plant the bulbs I have.  These bulbs will give flowers that she can later on cut and give to her mother.  She loves to do that and usually only can get tiny flowers that are scattered here and there thru the lawn.  These her mother will be able to put in a vase and keep around for a couple days.  She will be crazy about that.

I don't know why but I think the worst is over now and we won't have any more freezing days.  I may be wrong but I have a hunch that I'm not.  Chewlee has always wanted to help plant flowers in the flower box and has sometimes planted ones that the Beast bought at the nursery.  But this will be different for her.  These are bulbs and their growing will be an awesome experience for her.  To see them break thru the ground and then grow into different types of flowers....well, it's an incredible experience.  I remember the first time I planted tulip bulbs and waited for them to grow so I could see them.  I was amazed.

It was a very calm, peaceful day today.  The Beast was gone all morning and part of the afternoon.  He was working with this girl from his church on learning her camera's functions and how best to use them.  She took photography in high school but what she learned is anybody's guess.  She wants to learn proper outdoor lighting and how to best use it for her pictures.  She's applied at this bible college in New York and they have a photography course that she is eager to take.  But she doesn't want to go back to what the high school offered and she has to have a certain expertise in lighting.  The Beast is going to work with her on it for a while since she has time before she has to meet with the instructors and show some of her work.

I know the Beast loves showing off what he learned the hard way.  We had our own dark room for a while and actually worked with film and made up our own pictures from it.  It was fun but the Beast was a stickler for the images he had in his head and spent a lot of time burning and dodging.  Photo Shop and digital cameras are a real blessing for him and he has quite the collection of various photo shop selections.  It's amazing what he can do now.  I stopped doing it mainly because he always ends up taking over.  So now that is HIS domain.  He's good at it, however, so you give the Devil his due.....LOL.

I am feeling better and better.  I got through the day without having to take a pain pill.  Pain is decreasing as time goes on.  I knew it would but you get impatient and want to be better NOW.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel finally.  I should get my staples out this upcoming week and that will help me feel more like I truly am on the mend.  I discovered when this one bandage came off that they used my belly button as part of the access for my surgery.  There's a small scab there.  It shocked me at first but I have had that area used before this when I have my tubal ligation years ago.  I think I was 30 at the time.

My gf Carol, the one from California, has been ill and on antibiotics.  I think she told me what she had but I forget now.  I was just upset to hear that they were making her nauseous and she had to lay down after taking them.  I know how that feels since I went through that when I was getting antibiotics in the hospital.  I think they were giving me several different ones because they made me sick to my stomach only on occasion.  I thought at first it was just me but the nurse said it was most likely the antibiotics.  So I braced myself every time they changed the bag.  I had no idea which one it was that caused that.  I don't remember ever reacting that way to any.

I worry about Carol since she is 10 years older than I am.  I just love this woman.  She has a good and generous heart.  She helps out her boys when times are tough and she is so sweet to think of me when she does.  She has sent me flowers more than anyone else has in my life.  A small gesture but such a sweet one.  The Beast has sent me flowers less than a handful in our whole life together.  He just isn't romantic at all and not even sentimental.  It's so sad since I am both.  There are times that opposites do NOT belong together.

Love you all.  Be good.  Have a great week and, please, be careful driving.  ***Hugs***

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