Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The House Feels Empty.....

Chewlee was only here for a little over two days but....when she left, the house suddenly felt very empty.  It's weird because I am used to it being just the Beast here with me.  It's been a couple years since anyone lived with us.  That was the Princess and Chewlee and they were here less than a year.  Actually, it may only have been six months or so but since I watched Chewlee while the Princess worked and was going to college, it didn't seem so much like they were really gone.

I just enjoy having Chewlee here.  She can be so darn cute and funny.  Today she helped the Beast buy some flowers for the planter on the deck.  She weeded it (it's small...about the size of a big watermelon wide and a foot and a half deep) and then dug the holes and put the plants in it.  She had filled the water can and watered the flowers after she had finished.  She must have spent at least 10 minutes washing all the dirt off her hands and from under her nails.

She put some clear coat nail polish on my nails and I did the same to hers.  She then put some on her toe nails and pronounced them shiny.  I guess she likes shiny since she isnt allowed to have nail polish with any color.  Unless her mother puts it on her, I guess.  Maybe this is new rules.  Hard to say.

The Princess and Johnnycakes had a new roof put on their house.  It looks great.  I would like to do that to our house.  It will be needing a new roof very soon.  The Princess' roof had started leaking into the sun room so it was time.  It will add value to the house, too, when they decide they want a bigger house.

I put up the hummingbird feeders and the syrup actually said it had special vitamins and minerals to aid in the health of the hummingbird and also the babies.  That was different.  I had to read it twice to believe it.  Now even the simple hummingbird sugar syrup is *enriched*.  LOL!

I need to call Sister Cee and find out how her search for an apartment or house is going.  I haven't talked to her for a few days now and I am hoping she finds something soon and also nearby.  She liked the looks of the outside of this one house that will be available for rent but she can't see the inside until after the people move out on the 30th.  She may just be waiting to see that one and it's close to me.  I'd like that.

I'm feeling much better today.  I'm not hurting anywhere, thank goodness.  Even the staples haven't bothered me.  I'm also walking much better.  I noticed that this morning when I went to get my coffee.  I'm walking more normal now.  A lot of little things tell me that I am on the mend.

It was absolutely gorgeous today.  The temperature hit around 75 and it was nice and sunny, too.  Thursday thru Sunday, the temperature is going to bottom on us with night time temps being in the mid 30's.  Day time temps in the 40's and 50's.  Then it's going to warm up again.  Sigh.  I'm surprised that a lot of people around here aren't sick.  This up and down temps thing is the pits!

Time to get this posted.  Love you all and I hope you had a fun Hump Day.  Too bad camels can't really talk.  Can you imagine one strolling thru your workplace and spouting off ??  ROFL!  Be good and keep yourself warm and safe.  ***Hugs***

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