Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Real Surprise!

I told you yesterday (or the day before...I'm an old lady, remember) about my bff, Carol, telling me she sent me a Halloween treat.  It came appropriate...and I was totally shocked and surprised.  It was the DVD of Jurassic World!  That is one of the DVD's on my *wish list*.  I could havee been knocked over with a feather when I opened the package.  Even the Beast was surprised (he usually ignores my list).  He thinks I have too many DVD's as it is but he never collected anything except expensive camera equipment and boats...LOL.  

This goes back all the way to 1975 so you can imagine what he may have spent when you consider that he used to have to buy film for those cameras..and what type it was wasn't the normal stuff so it was expensive.  We also used to develop and print our own film and pictures.  That required an enlarger, stuff to *dodge* areas, the chemicals, reels and containers to develop both the camera film and then paper to develop the pictures.  In some ways it was fun because he did win contests where he competed against even professional photographers and our daughter was a popular subject since she was very photogenic.

But I digress (again!  Sorry).  I watched the movie after I wrote her an email to thank her from the bottom of my heart.  I admit that it took me by surprise since it was very different than I expected but it WAS very exciting.  Full of action.  I won't spoil it for anyone that may want to see it but hasn't yet.  I liked it once I understood how different it was from the other movies.  But it was very engrossing and the same incredible dinosaur animations!  Even the Beast was impressed and said it must be fun to work with that kind of thing and have them look so incredibly real...

I actually watched the movie twice since you always notice new things each time.  I found it even better the second time since I didn't have the questions in my mind like the first time.  Plus, I didn't have the Beast interrupting me.  LOL!

Tomorrow I am making a new recipe for chicken that I found on FB.  I was going to make it today but the Beast said he wanted some fried chicken from Bojangles.  He wasn't fooling me...I knew he just had a taste for their sausage gravy and biscuits.  Sure enough, he bought that as an extra to our meals.  Do I know the man or what??

It wasn't as bad temperature wise today and I think it was mostly due to not much wind until later in the afternoon when the overcast got really thick.  I expect it to rain a lot tomorrow just from watching the radar on the weather channel.  I doubt I will venture out.  I was hoping it might be a nice day so I could find out from the Princess if they were feeling better. 

Then I read her post on FB and found out she had taken Gunner to the doctor this morning and the poor baby has an ear infection.  The doctor said it was caught early so it's not as bad as it could have been if she had waited until Monday or so.  She also said that he took his medicine like a champ.  I was glad to hear that.  Maybe Cee and I can go over and see the new house on Monday or Tuesday.  I'll have to see how Gunner is feeling then.  If he's still not feeling well, he will be too *needy* of his mother's attention and we will not be really good company if the Princess is feeling harassed.

Time to go.  It's late (not time to set the clocks back yet and make it a bit earlier...LOL).  Love you all.  Be good to yourselves.  You are the key to your own happiness.  No excuses.  Think about it.  If you have a roof over your head, clean clothes to wear, food on your table, friends who care about you, you are richer than many people.  ***Hugs***


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