Sunday, November 29, 2015

Paying The Price.....

After the trip to the zoo yesterday, I am paying a high price for all that walking.  My legs and hips hurt me so bad that I am walking like a 90 year old lady that hasn't walked in a year!  Well, not quite that bad but I am in PAIN!  I tried not to take a pain pill but finally broke down and took one.  It hasn't kicked in yet but I am hopeful.  I knew this would happen when it started out that I had to stop and rest about every 50 feet or so.  It was my left hip that was giving me a problem.  

It all depended on the surface we were walking on, I noticed.  If it was paved and level, no problem.  But walking uphill or downhill on an uneven surface and I was miserable.  The zoo was loaded with both and I was never so glad to leave as I was yesterday.  I told the Beast that if we ever came back, I was using a motorized wheelchair!  I didn't care if it cost $25.  It would be worth it....LOL!

So, as you can guess, I didn't do much today although I did try to walk to the kitchen area a few times to stretch the muscles and get them moving.  I knew it would only be worse if I didn't.  I kept my heating blanket on as much as I could because I felt keeping the muscles warm would help....eventually.  Even the three or four steps from my recliner to my computer chair was painful but I haven't screamed even once!  LOL

I was on a link to a site called 1,000,000 quotes.  Interesting site.  I found some very inspiring quotes on it from various sources.  Here's one that I find is true:  "Be careful with your words.  Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten."  No source given.

Another:  "Sometimes we let go of people, even though we still want them in our lives, because we realize *they let go first*.

But here is one I truly believe:  "Never go to sleep angry.  Because you never know if you or the person you are mad at will wake up the next morning.  Always forgive because you never know if you'll talk to them again.  Things happen.  Always forgive.  You may not forget but it's better than knowing you'll never get to say sorry or I love you again.*  -No sourse given.

Another thing I really and truly believe....*If  you didn't hear it with your own ears, or see it with your own eyes....don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.*  This is from 1,000,000 quotes and no other source given.  I think we all know someone that this applies to...the rumor mongers that always want you to think they know more than they do.  At my age, I am tired of the drama they always seem to crave.  

Just checked out what kind of weather we are expected to have and it's not too bad until Wednesday when the temperature at night will be very chilly (cold!).  I am so glad to have my electric blanket!  They also are saying we should expect some rain tonight.  The Beast hates that because our grass here seems to grow constantly which means he is mowing the lawn when most people are just looking at snow covering theirs!  LOL.

Love you all.  Be good and be kind.  It costs nothing and a smile is the same in any language.  ***Hugs***

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