Wednesday, February 8, 2017

And Another Step.....

Each day, I chart my progress by different *steps* that I am able to manage easily.  Today, I didn't take a nap at all but I didn't get up until 10am so I really don't know if it counts.  I took my medications, ate breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner and even had dessert.  That was some vanilla ice cream and, wow, did it taste good to me.

I think the Beast is waiting for me to feel quite a bit better before he thinks about going away for any time.  He wants to make sure I can make my own breakfast and also take care of the dog.  As for gathering the eggs....well, that may take some refiguring.  I know I can't make that trip outside to the coop and back without some serious problems for me.  I may ask Dennis or Diane (if she has the boot off her leg) to come over and gather those.  We give them a lot of the eggs at no charge so I would hope they wouldn't mind.

I really did feel quite a bit better today than yesterday.  No barfing at all (not even dry heaves) and I only started to get a bit dizzy from doing too much walking around the house.

Dennis feels much, much better today and it's easy to tell.  He came into my computer room when I was sitting at my desk and wanted some loving from me.  He can be so sweet at times.  I just wish Labs didn't have this prolonged chewing stage.  Worse, it takes them two years to outgrow it according to various articles I've read and even on the Dogs 101 program on Animal Planet.

His coat amazes me.  It feels like silk and, even after he spends a lot of time running around, he doesn't stink like Baron did.  We did bathe him once but that was only because he rolled in the mud.  They have great double coats without having long hair at all.   It's the top coat that is so silky.  I think he knows just how sick I was/am just because of how gently he treats me.  

I may feel good enough by this weekend to think about going to see my regular doctor.  I have a feeling from some of the things I read that I really don't have an active ulcer.  I think the section that blew out and was bleeding (and was cauterized) was *it*.  The pills I have for my stomach seems to be more for soothing and slightly neutralizing the acid.  But I will find out when I see my doctor.

My bff says her hubby's surgery on the cancer he had on his ear was a success according to his doctor.  She told them she got it all so he shouldn't have any more trouble from that.  She is still under the weather, however, and hasn't been in to the store (the florist shop her son owns) for over a week.  Bad time she said with Valentines Day next week.  She hopes to get into the shop to put together some nice arrangements on Monday and Tuesday.  Thanks for any prayers you may have said for her.  I appreciate it very much and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Time for me to think about hitting the sack.  Love you all.  Stay warm and dry.  Pray that our area isn't hit by tornadoes during this strange weather.  It was in 2011 (March) that we were hit last that really was a problem but I hate tornadoes worse than any other kind of weather.  ***Hugs***

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