Sunday, February 5, 2017

Things Will Be Spotty At Best.....

Forgive me for not being up to writing a blog every day.  I'm still trying to adjust to the idea of having an ulcer and, although I keep antacid handy and have medication for it, too, I'm not always sure which is going to have the best effect on my pain.

I haven't had much of an appetite except for chicken broth.  The Beast makes me hot cereal every morning and tries very hard to get me to eat other things.  He's bought different fruits, puddings, soups and even things for sandwiches.  Me?  I'm still spending a lot of time being nauseous and sipping on warm coke.  Not the sugar free kind because it doesn't have the right syrup in it.  I used to think gingerale was great but I found it bothers my stomach whereas the coke does the job.

I've been drinking a lot of cold milk and just cold water (no ice).  I've been trying to get a bit stronger and getting up more often so that I don't spend ages trying to barf (but not bringing up anything) just from the effort of getting up out of my recliner.  I have a commode nearby so that I can make it to relieve myself without the worry of having an *accident*  when the Beast spent so much time cleaning my rug and recliner both.  I knew I was weak but just how weak I was came as a bit of a surprise.  I just started reading the report the hospital gave me to give to my doctor that tells all the tests I was given and the results of them.  I think I should have that information, too, don't you think?

At least I will know for sure what all the tests were and the actual results.  I'll make notes on questions I need to ask my doctor for the things I don't understand without more information that he will have (values, etc.).

My poor son, Mustachio, has been great about calling me just about every other day to check on me and encourage me to get better.  I know I need to adopt a positive frame of mind and not get too wound up in pain and how to *fix* it.  I have pain pills but really hate to take them.  I know I should because otherwise it can actually hinder my getting better.  And I thought the diabetes was a pain in the butt!  Every time he calls, though, it seems I am in the midst of being nauseous, need to go to the bathroom or just need sleep.  But he remembers when he was in pain and I was calling him.  If he wasn't up to talking, I told him to just tell me.  My feelings wouldn't be hurt so, when he called me once and I just flat out told him, he laughed and said he REALLY understood.

It still scares me to think just how close to dying I was.  You always think it won't happen and, when you come as close as I did, that is enough to give you an ulcer.

Well, it's time for me to get some rest.  I've been sitting up long enough now and need a bit of sleep.  The Beast has been wanting to go visit either his cousin in NC or his brother and sister in Chicago.  I'm really not sure which but he doesn't want me to be alone here at night.  I guess I'll see if Cee would come and stay with me at night at least.  That way he won't worry and I will be free of his trying to push food down my throat when I know I would just barf it up.  She has said before that she would do that  (and I would do it for her).  Not specifically over this particular illness but all I can do is ask.

Love you all.  ***Hugs***

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