Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Some Days Are Just Better Than Others....

Today actually turned out not to be too bad for me.  Mainly because my sweet Gunner and the Princess came by and spent a couple hours here.  I just love that little guy.  He is so sweet and mostly happy all the time.  He knows he is loved and I love how he loves his Nana (that's me and he came up with that on his own).  He is trying to say Grandma now and I will miss him calling me Nana.  But he hears Chewlee and his mother call me that so.....he just wants to be grown up.

I just hope he never gets so grown up that he stops giving me the hugs and kisses I got today.  I loved it and it made my day so much better than it started out.  I had gotten up around 8 or so to use the bathroom and discovered I had a bit of a tummy ache.  I don't think my tummy likes being empty.  I grabbed a Glucerna so that it would soothe my stomach a bit until I developed a real appetite.  I just never can eat as soon as I wake up.  I knew I was going to have some hot cereal but just wasn't sure WHICH kind I was up to making.

Actually, there are really only two kinds I like.  Oatmeal and Cream of Wheat.  On a day like today, I usually end up with the Cream of Wheat because it's very easy to digest and I can actually drink it down....LOL.  It just requires enough milk so that it is not all that different from a smoothie, just warmer.

The morning was spent just trying to get rid of the tummy ache without taking a pain pill.  The Beast brought me in the package that was delivered for me and I knew it was what my bff sent me.  I was shocked to discover that it was three brand new pair of pj's....warm, comfy flannel pj's.  She knew (or suspected) that I was planning on using my gift card to buy new pj's.  The hospital threw out my blood-soaked pj's that I came to emergency wearing (the Beast told them to just throw them away).  Unfortunately for me, they were actually the pj's I loved the most.  Very soft, warm and comfortable.  But then, who plans on getting so damn sick wearing good clothes, pj's or whatever?  I sure didn't.

There is one pair that came with a surprise.  It has a pair of matching socks!  Not ones you would wear with shoes, but to keep your feet warm at night.  I wear socks all the time and this just was so perfect and adorable!  I have never seen pj's (for adults) with socks to match!  Too cute.

Just as I was finishing unpacking them, guess who opened my computer room door with a big grin?  Yep, Gunner.  He came over and gave me a hug and turned to feel the pj's.  He said, *Nice!* and I had to agree.  He started looking around and I knew what he was looking for....I keep treats handy for the kids in my room.  This time, however, I handed him a bag with some grapes in it (seedless, of course) and told him to go show Mommy so that she could cut them up if she felt it necessary.  These were the large, green grapes and I didn't want him to choke on them.  He ran out and straight to the Princess.  I heard her say to him, *Oh, you know where to go to get treats!*

He stayed with me and we went over all the pictures on my walls that include him, Chewlee and the Princess.  He likes to see his pictures on my walls and you can see he loves his sister, too.  He has a favorite picture of her (and one of mine, too!).  It's from the only snow we got last winter.  She's dressed warmly but covered with snow and she's making a snowball.  She and Baron were out playing in the snow and having a great time.  We get so little here and it usually only lasts for a day or two.  This was actually gone the next afternoon and there was more than a foot of it on the ground!  If we get any snow this year, that will probably be Gunner's first real taste of it.  He was too little last winter to have any real memory of it.

When they finally left to go pick up Chewlee from school, Gunner gave me a bunch of kisses and hugs then the cutest little wave you have ever seen.  It took me an hour to wipe the smile off my face!

The Beast made us BLT's for our supper and it really tasted good to me.  I realized that I actually have a taste for a small salad.  I might make one for me tomorrow for lunch.  

Cee called me tonight to see how I was feeling (and she's still learning how to use her Smart Phone).  She's got her annual physical tomorrow and said she'll stop over after she gets out of the doctor's office.  I'll make her some strawberry shortcake as a treat.  I spent some time cutting up the quart of strawberries the Beast bought the other day and they are just perfect and sweet now.

Well, it's later than my usual bedtime and I am going to break my jaw with yawning.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

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