Thursday, February 23, 2017

Chicken Soup, Anyone?

I kept to my plans and made homemade chicken soup with homemade noodles.  Those are a real pain to make by hand (I wish I had the noodle maker my sister, Bee has/had.  It would be so much easier.....I think.  Not having ever used one, I may be misinformed.  I never did ask her how she liked it or if she still has it.

I just wish I had cooked the veggies a little less than I did.  They were too well cooked for what I had in mind but the Beast loved it just the way it was.  I admit, it's very tasty, even so.  I just wanted a little crunch to it but that is just THIS time.  I was just in too much of a hurry and had the burner up a bit higher than I should have.  Duh!  Such a beginner type of mistake.

I have to admit that I pushed myself a bit too much today and my back suffered for it.  I should have put on my back brace but, when I put it on tight enough to supply the support I need for those muscles, the secondary bands, which cross my abdomen, become very uncomfortable.  So I end up having to choose between support for my back muscles or stopping the discomfort to my abdomen.  It's a miserable choice, regardless.

I played with the dog for a bit while I was letting the dough for the noodles sit.  He can be so damn funny at times.  The cat was in the mood to play and got Dennis to start his play biting and licking.  You would think they were really in a fight but the cat bats his face with no claws and twists her body around so he can lick other parts of her tummy or her back.  She will jump on his back and he throws her off and then puts his paw on her to hold her down while he growls and licks her face.  It's just hysterical to watch.

Later, the cat was laying by the front screen door and it just so happened that one of Dennis' chew sticks was next to her.  He spotted it and ran over and grabbed it like he was sure she was going to and he wanted her to know it was HIS.   He carried it over to the rug next to the Beast's recliner and looked over his shoulder to make sure the cat wasn't coming for it.  You could almost read his mind....LOL

The other day, Dennis was asleep by the door and guess who was asleep between his paws?  Yep.  And yet, they will both eat out of each other's bowls of food if given the chance like they think the other one has better food.  Crazy animals.

Well, it's late and I am tired.  I will close this missive and put my tired body to bed.  Sending you loads of hugs and a thank you for reading this.  G'nite all!

But, sitting for a half hour with a nice pillow at my lower back made a difference and I became a lot more comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Still have my pasta maker. Couldn't make decent noodles without it since I don't have the upper body strength any more to roll them out by hand. Don't overdo, Sis, you need to heal. Love you.
