Wednesday, February 22, 2017

....Doctor, Part 2....

I took a short nap after my company left since I was really tired after being at the doctor's and then running into Dollar General to get a couple cans of chicken broth since I wasn't using a lot of chicken but wanted to make homemade noodles if I wasn't too tired.  That requires more liquid than I would normally get with the amount of chicken I intend to use.  The broth ensures I won't lose flavor from adding too much water.

Anyway, I was actually tired when we got home but the arrival of our neighbors kept me up for an addition two hours before they left so my butt was dragging by then.

It was weird since, other than feeling tired, I felt good (no pain, no illness at all).  I just haven't gotten back any real endurance.  I was happy, however, to find out that my veins were readily available when the technician took blood for the tests.  My veins had collapsed at the hospital and you could tell how tough it was for them to try to get blood by the various areas where they blew out a vein trying to get any.  It was why they ended up putting a port in my neck when I was under anesthesia for the endoscopy.  It's taken almost two weeks for the various bruising to heal on both my arms.

After I woke up from my nap, I made myself a sandwich and some soup for dinner.  The Beast didn't want to wake me when he ate since he knew I was tired and needed the rest.  As usual, my sleep during the night was peppered with bathroom breaks...sigh.

I spent some time putting more things I had in the bookcase back where they really belonged.  I had a lot of things that needed to go back into the medicine cabinet that I had kept handy for myself when I first got home from the hospital and couldn't do a lot of walking.  My desk and the bookcase look almost that, I mean it doesn't look like MY desk usually does.  It's almost neat!  LOL

I told the Beast that I really need to replace this desk.  I've had it for over 12 years now and it wasn't a good desk to begin with.  It shows it's age and has some of the veneer peeling off it from various cracks that developed for one reason or another.  My spilling liquids hasn't helped, either.   The Beast's last commitment for taking pictures (the home schooled kids graduation *prom*) is this Saturday.  He will then be making his plans to go visit whoever it was that he planned on visiting.  He knows I go to Chicago come hell or high water at the end of June but we both can't be gone at the same time (not with both the dog and cat plus the chickens we have).

Well, it's time to say good night, sleep tight again.  Love you all.  Sending many hugs to everyone.  Be happy.  

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