My sister, Cee, and I went on an adventure today. We decided that we wanted to check out the area where the Princess and Johnnycakes were going to be moving. I knew the general area and had hoped the Princess would answer my voice mail so we could actually see the house. Alas, she didn't so we couldn't ride past the house with any certainty.
But, I took the route that she had mentioned was awesomely beautiful. It felt like driving into the mountains in different areas. Most of the homes we saw were just incredible. But, like Cee told me, the area was even prettier than the area we live in. Hell, it was more rural feeling than where we live and we are surrounded by all kinds of farms...cows, donkeys, goats and then we have the regular farmers that actually grow food! But this area was heavy with old growth trees that were massive and the most incredible green lawns and fields. We even went past a horse farm with some truly beautiful horses grazing in the fields. No wonder the kids love the area.
When I got home from our adventure, the Beast was at the kitchen table with his computer stripped down and in pieces. It turns out he got the *blue screen of death* and was trying to find out what was wrong. He ended up putting in a new motherboard (I didn't stick around for what else he replaced except he DID change out his memory). His hard drive was fine it turned out and I thought it funny that Windows recognized he had changed his motherboard. But it works just fine now. He spent about six hours fixing it but as long as he got it working, he was okay with that.
I answered the door when a package was delivered from Amazon, of course. Since he joined the Prime program almost a year ago now, it's about the only place he orders things from since he gets free priority delivery (2-day delivery for everything he orders). With as much as he buys, it was a smart thing for him to join. But I digress..... Turns out the Beast ordered some Guatemalan coffee beans. We haven't used it yet but we are almost out of our Kauai coffee beans and he feels it's just TOO expensive for us to buy with as much as we go through. We kind of did a few things to make it last a bit longer for us (we opened up one of the regular cans of coffee and alternated it with the Kauai). We decided that the regular coffee was okay but nothing to write home about. We really DID get spoiled by our gifts of the Kauai from my BFF.
I was surprised that he bought a different type other than what we had bought before (they were cheaper) and wasn't surprised when he said this stuff had some good reviews and was a lot cheaper. I swear, I don't understand how he can spend so much money on useless items and will get cheap about our coffee. We DO drink a lot of coffee, of course, but the better the coffee, the less we actually drink for some reason. This coffee he just bought is an arabica bean and I haven't a clue as to the taste of it. I'll let you know.
The Princess started her packing today with boxes that one of her friends saved for her from her work. She said on FB that she has a bunch more (she even included a picture) and will have more tomorrow to add to them. I think the Princess will be surprised at just how much *stuff* they have to move when she really gets going and gets serious. It's one thing to pack up the things you have out in the open but when you get to the stuff you have stored away, it gets really! I had such a headache from the packing up of our house in Florida (the last one) and I even had help since I was recovering from my gall bladder surgery then and couldn't lift the boxes once they were packed up. It was a nightmare packing up our garage and the stuff we had stored out there...and the cabinets in the laundry room.....ick! The Princess has a room at the back of the house that they use for storage. That will probably do her in....LOL!
Time to close this missive. I woke up to use the bathroom and then do this blog. I had a nice day with Cee. I've been going over to her apartment about once a week I've noticed. I enjoy my time with her and it's also time away from the Beast, too. He drives me crazy at times but he's handy to have around. He has learned to like cooking and he also can really clean! He actually enjoys it. He'd better with all the different things he's bought to use to help him. He's actually almost become a kind of weird hoarder. Not the kind that keeps useless things per se. It's just he has bought all kinds of small appliances and we own a Shark steamer for the wood floors, three different vacuum cleaners, a carpet cleaner and more other things than I want to think about. I won't go into all the small appliances but I shudder every time there's something new advertised on TV.
Love you all. Have a great day. ***Hugs***
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