Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sleep, Sleep...Wonderful Sleep....

After being up almost all night with Chewlee (she kept telling me she couldn't sleep and she would wake me up when I started falling asleep), I was really exhausted by the time I went to bed at 9:30pm.  The Beast beat me by only 10 minutes...LOL.

I fell asleep in the afternoon for about an hour only (sigh) but, during that time, is when the Princess decided to come and pick her up.  She had told me that her tummy was hurting her but she didn't tell me it was BAD.  I said that her mother said she would come by in the afternoon to get her and she lay down, apparently content with that assurance.  But, when I called the Princess with a question about the new house offer, she told me that Chewlee had cried for four hours about her tummy hurting and was running a fever.  I was just devastated since I had actually fallen asleep without calling the Princess to come and get her because she said she wanted to go home.  I knew that something was wrong because she usually wants to stay and complains if she has to leave after one night.  But, this is the first time she has stayed up all night and gotten no real sleep that I can remember.  Her usual bedtime is around 8pm and when she is here, she usually will stay up (getting out of bed several times) until almost midnight before she finally falls asleep.  I think that she just wants me in bed with her because that is what I usually do.  This is the first time that she kept me up.  I finally made her up a bed on the floor and turned on another Harry Potter movie to try to lull her into going to sleep (and letting ME do the same!)  Alas, it didn't work.

So that is why I was exhausted.  I made the Beast and I some matzoh ball soup for our dinner and then checked out my FB page for all the new posts before I went to bed for the night.  I didn't really expect to fall asleep so soundly.  I didn't wake up until 10am.  Oh, I DID wake up for a bit during the night to use the bathroom but I just couldn't wake myself up long enough to do this post.  Sorry!

I still feel a bit groggy and am drinking my first cup of coffee so there's hope for  me yet....LOL.  The Beast came in and asked me if I wanted a biscuit and sausage gravy.  I was out of my computer room in a shot, thinking he had made some.  But it turned out he had gone to one of the local fast food places and bought some.  However, it was not a disappointment.  It was hot, delicious AND the biscuit was really fresh.  It had a lot of big chunks of sausage in the gravy for a change.  

That is why this is being put up so late and also why I am not going to include a hint today.  I'll add two tonight and also put up my post earlier.  At least I am able to try to make my day a little more like a normal one since I have had some decent sleep.  I think school starts next week here so I won't be able to have Chewlee except on the weekend once again.  AND...if they are moving 30 minutes away, I will have to start driving to their new house to pick her up.

I think Sheepie has found herself a new boyfriend already.  He may be someone she went to school with when she was living with her mother, Buttmunch.  He's good looking, too.  She's mentioned him a couple times on her FB page.  He's even taken her out to eat at one of her favorite types of places....a Wing restaurant (as in chicken

The Beast is making us fish for dinner today.  I found it thawing on the kitchen sink.  I will probably have to make whatever else we have with it but that's not a bad trade-off.  I hate making fish fillets.  It was different when we lived in Florida and it was fresh fillets from fish we had caught ourselves.  Somehow, it both felt and tasted much different since it was fresh.

Love you all.  Bright and sunny here today and 89 degrees already.  *Feels like* 91.  It's expected to be 5 or 6 degrees higher today so it's going to feel like murder out there today.  But we also are expected to get rain later on today.  Fun and games!  Be good.  Be kind and smile a lot.  It confuses everyone.  ***Hugs***

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