Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I Am Set For Thursday....Almost

So I show up for my pre-surgical screening at the time I was told only to have the receptionist tell me that my appointment was for 1:30pm.  I was stunned because I knew I had written down (and repeated to the nurse) the exact time I was scheduled.  The receptionist tells me that the hospital might have changed it but someone should have called me on Monday to confirm that I knew I was scheduled (and when!).  I actually had waited for a call from them all day because that IS the usual way surgery is handled there.  I've sure been in there often enough to know what to expect.

So, since it's about a 12 mile drive back home and only about a mile to Cee's house, I give her a call and tell her what happened.  I had planned on stopping there anyway after my 10:30am appt.  She said to just come on over and she would make us both a sandwich unless I couldn't eat.  I didn't have instructions about not eating so I told her I would be there in a few minutes.  I knew from the number of people that were coming out of the office and heading for the waiting room that there was no hope for me to be squeezed in so that wasn't an option.  Even the receptionist said that they were backed up as it was.  

I get to Cee's house and I told her about my frustration at the screw-up and she knew it happens sometimes, especially if they are busy.  Even from the people that were waiting when I got there for the pre-surgical checkup, I knew that Thursday was going to be a busy day.  But it was only about a 10 minute wait for me before they came to get me from the waiting room.

The only good thing was that I was spared having to take that 12 lead EKG because the heart doctor had done one on me less than 6 weeks before and the nurse got a copy of it from him.  The phlebotomist that took the 5 different vials of blood from me was NOT a good one.  She must have stabbed me four or five times before she got the needle to NOT go through my veins.  Yes, she blew out two veins on me and today they are black-and-blue and in a hard knot.  *Sigh*

Know how they ask you for all the surgeries you've had?  I laughed and told her she might not have enough room and started naming them.  I went from the top down (all the scars remind me....LOL).  She laughed when we got done and said that I sure DID have a lot of surgeries.  I told her I had to think from the top down in order to make sure she got them all, including both of my tonsillectomies.  It was kind of weird but I think I remembered them all.  I hope so anyway.

To my chagrin, I can't get the actual time of my surgery until today.  I have to call between 2-3pm today.  What's bad is that, if it's early, I am staying at Cee's house tonight so she can drive me over there tomorrow.  If it's in the afternoon, then I can stay home and the Beast can drive me.  It's all because he is conducting two Bible study classes in the morning (well, one is at noon) and he didn't want to ask someone else to take them for him....again.  He's done it a time or two already in the past month or so.  Since they are only once a week, on Thursdays, that's actually a lot.  Oh, well!  It's HIS problem, not mine.  At least I have an alternative way to get there.  He will have to drop me off later today if I do go to Cee's but that's not a problem.  In fact, for Cee and I, it will be fun.

I actually slept well last night.  First, I fell asleep after dinner...mostly because I had an upset stomach and frew up my dinner.  I think the Beast gave me greasy meat and, since I was upset over the way my day started, it didn't agree with me.  But I slept for four hours before waking to use the bathroom then went right back to sleep for another 4 hours before waking again for the same thing.  That's the most sleep I've had all week.  I feel bright-eyed and bushy tailed right now but it's early morning so I am going to bed again for another two hours or so when I post this....which is now.

Love you all.  ***Hugs***

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