Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sitting Here....Doing Nothing

I've been doing nothing today...and I mean *nothing*.  I have things I could have been doing but I thought, *Screw it.  I just want to watch Baron and the cat sleeping together and the cardinals flying onto my window screen.*  I really did think that.  I took TWO naps so far today.  A pre- and post-dinner one...LOL.  Of course, this was mostly prompted by the pain in my neck.  AND the lump underneath it.  I slept soundly last night but, when I woke up this morning, guess what side I was sleeping on?  It's no wonder it's all swollen.  

The Beast told me that it's definitely a much bigger lump.  He noticed it immediately.....even before I opened my mouth to ask him to take a look at it.  I had a stitch end that was sticking up (those are really annoying) and it's gone now.  I don't think the end of it went back in place.  If I searched my bed, I think I would find it there.  These ARE dissolving stitches.    It was the very top of the incision and I guess it did....dissolve, I mean...LOL.

Actually, if it did dissolve and not get torn out, that's a good thing for me.  Being a diabetic, it takes much longer for sores (or incisions) to heal.  Usually.  Sometimes, it surprises me so it may have dropped off by itself.  I checked my blood.  I'm opting for it dropping off by itself.

Tonight the Beast went outside to check on the chickens and gather the eggs.  It was only 5:30pm and it was dark already!  He hadn't been paying attention (watching football, of course) so he had to take his flashlight with him.  It's one of those *military* type that has an amazing beam, also can signal an *SOS* and a few other things that flashlights normally don't.  So he really lit up the backyard and got a shock.  He surprised the hell out of (and was surprised by) the *biggest armadillo* he had ever seen in his life.  That surprised me because we haven't seen an armadillo in this area in the 11 years we've owned this house.  We know there are armadillos around because we've seen them as road kill occasionally.  End result?  The armadillo waddled/ran off and the Beast decided he was going to lock the chickens in for the next few nights at least.

I'm going to shower in a few minutes (a nice, hot wonderful shower!).  I couldn't do it until today (doctor's orders).  I have my nice warm pajamas ready since it's going down to the lower to mid-40's.  I'll turn on my electric blanket to pre-heat when I head for the shower (and after I take a pain pill so I can neck is so darn painful!).  Oh shoot!  First, before I do anything, I have to refill my pill box.  I've already used up more than half so I want to do that tonight.  Then I'll be set for the whole week.

Time to go.  Love you all.  Be good.  Be happy and, most of all, be kind to everyone.  Even those that don't seem to deserve kindness.  Yours might be the one that brings some joy into their lives.  We are all fighting our own battles that we don't/won't/can't share with anyone.  Kindness costs you nothing but may be priceless to those you practice it on.  ***Hugs***


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