Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I Slept Through My Appointment Time....

It was an uneasy night for me and I don't believe I fell asleep until early in the morning (around 2am) so I slept through my appointment time for my doctor.  I'm not overly concerned because it is mainly to check on my surgery (which seems to be healing well).  I called immediately, when I saw the time, to apologize and reschedule my appointment.  The nurse is going to call me later about that.

I have another appointment tomorrow with my regular doctor.  That one is just a general one so that I can find out about a lidocaine ointment for my feet.  I may even try it on my hip area since that is hurting me A LOT when I have to do a lot of walking.  It actually feels like my hips dislocate themselves.  Weird!

The Beast just left to go have lunch with one  of his buddies from church.  He felt so lost today when he woke up, got dressed and then suddenly realized that he didn't have to walk Baron this morning.  That's been his routine for almost 10 years.  He didn't know what to do with himself.  So he let the cat out into the yard.  He at least got a laugh out of it because five of the chickens were on the deck, waiting for her.....LOL!  They all went down the steps together.  Strange friendships, don't you think?

This isn't my regular blog.  It's more like I felt I should let everyone know that the crying seems to have stopped for both of us now.  At least, I hope so.  Strange that an animal can make you feel like you lost one of your children.  But he was a good and loving dog.....even if he could be demanding at times.  You can't ignore a Doberman when they want to be petted.  I'm surprised my elbow wasn't bruised all the time because of him.  All our dobies did the same thing when they wanted attention from you.  I realized today that Baron was the only Dobie we've owned that we saw age and, finally, die.  The others were bought or, rather, had to be sold because they didn't travel well and we were moving.  I miss Domina.  She was the second female we owned and the best one EVER.  She was perfect for a family with four kids.

When we bought her, she was already 18 months old and housebroken.  Plus she was the absolute BEST watch dog.  No one.....NO ONE....could come into our house when we weren't home.  Even my best friend, who tried to drop off some clothes for one of my sons, could walk in that door.  She would, bodily, hit that door to close it and her growl was enough to make you back off.  However, once we got home, she relaxed and you would never know it was the same dog.

There were people that would cross the street to stay far away from her and the kids she was guarding in the yard.  She had the regal stance that Doberman's go into when they are on the alert.  I hated to sell her.  But at least she went to the perfect home.  The man who bought her was a trainer for Hoytt's Dobermans (he has won tracking awards in Germany, and was the first person to do so from the U.S.).  He bought her for his wife, who had just lost her Doberman at the time.  He called us after a few days to tell us how she had *taken over the household* and was waking his kids for school.  She also established herself as the *leader* of the pack that they owned (three males and Domina....LOL).  I used to just snap my fingers and she was at my side.  A GREAT dog.  

Baron was the Beast's dog.  He loved the Beast right from the beginning.  I had to work more to get him to accept me as a pack person that came before he did.  Trust me.  It's not easy but it was necessary or they never listen to you because they think they are more important than you (higher up in the pack).  We learned that with Domina because the Beast had a hard time getting HER to accept him as one of the leaders.  But she always listened to MY commands before she would HIS.  I knew she was MY dog from the beginning (I will always Thank You, Bee, for finding her for me).

I never knew I would love and trust a Doberman EVER...especially around my kids, who were very young back then.  The Beast wanted one and he took the tactic of saying that *I* should find one.  I actually laughed because I knew I would NEVER, EVER find a Doberman I trusted.  Then I met Domina.  I have no idea why but I trusted her immediately and fell in love with her.  It was so funny when we brought her home and the Beast was actually afraid of her.  It's why he had to work hard to get her to accept him totally and vice versa.  I know she's gone over the rainbow bridge many years ago but I would love to own one of the dogs from her line.  Even now when I told the Beast NO MORE!!! 

I've lost a couple of cats in my lifetime.  They are so damned independent that they can be their own worst enemy at times.  But we've never had one die of old age.  Basically, they've died in accidents or from the complications of aging....but isn't that what hits US, too????  

Oh well.  Enough is enough. Love you all.  Are you thinking about Thanksgiving like *I* am?  Have a wonderful day!  Talk at ya later!  ***Hugs***

One Dobie we owned couldn't be left alone for any length of time or he got destructive so we had to sell him since the kids were all gone onto their own lives.  He was really the only one of our Dobie's that had bonded with one of my kids (Marcus).  As much as Markus loved that dog, he loved his bride even more.  They also lived in an apartment that didn't allow dogs, especially one his size.....LOL.


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