Baron slept all night and never moved. He hadn't eaten anything for two days and only took a little water the night before when the Beast brought over one of Baron's water dishes to him. He raised his head and took just a tiny amount.
Today, the Beast and I decided we were going to get him to his feet since he hadn't pee'd in two days either. The Beast has his own physical limitations so guess who had to take the rear part of the lifting? Me, of course. I guess I'm stronger than I think....LOL. But between the two of us, we finally got Baron up. He was shaky but up on his feet. We had to help him get down the ramp because of the bad back leg. But, as soon as he hit the grassy area, he emptied his bladder. It took a LONG time!
Baron walked around for a long time with the Beast trailing after him. He walked all around the back yard then came over to the stairs to the porch, where I was sitting with my coffee. We were so glad to get (and keep!) him on his feet, we didn't try to get him into the house for quite a while.
Dennis came over and pet Baron for a while and Baron was happy about that. He kept wagging his tail. I gave Dennis a carton of 18 eggs (he no longer complains about the rooster's crowing...LOL). I keep them in eggs and Diane saves all the cartons and returns them to me. Most of the neighbors that we give eggs to do the same.
When we finally got Baron into the house (his constant standing makes him tired and he heads for the ramp), he STILL was standing and not laying down. He was very shaky but drank a LOT of water then ate a bit of ham the Beast gave him. Just a bit. Not enough to fill up a fly. When he finally DID lay down, it was on the floor of our master bedroom closet! It's carpeted and the floor is not cold. We think that's why he chose to be in there. It's been down around 42-45 most nights lately. We keep him covered up to make sure he's warm and use the softest towel we own for under his head.
Once he lays down, he's down for the rest of the day and night. But he hasn't been crying while he sleeps so we think he's not in pain. At least, we hope so. He really is skin and bone. You can see his ribs and hip bones. He looks like he's being mistreated. We try to give him his chicken and the fresh pet food made from turkey and veggies but he won't eat it. The cat grabs a chunk and seems to love it so it doesn't go entirely to waste. It's affecting both the Beast and me because we are always checking on him during the night. I managed to take a four hour nap after dinner. It's the longest I've slept at one time for the past week or more.
When the Beast went to church tonight, I took my shower and got into fresh, warm jammies. I even set my hair. I made us grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches for dinner (hey! It worked for us!). I also had some chicken broth with mine but the Beast just wanted the sandwich. It tasted wonderful for a change.
We talked a bit about burying him on our property next door and how we would manage to dig a hole deep (and big) enough. We are going to have to enlist some help. It may be Herbie. That's his friend that came from the Dominican Republic to marry his fiance that lives here. The Beast took him to the Driver's License bureau the other day to take the written test and get his permit. He will need his license once he can try for a job. His visa said he couldn't work for six months. He's been here about four months now so it will come soon. He's thinking about taking a job at one of the stores that most of the Creole speaking people shop at since it's one of the five languages that he's fluent in. He also speaks Spanish, French and a few other languages that I forget.
But the Beast drives him around when his wife is working. She owns a nice mobile home that is on her parent's property and that is where the two of them live. Her father still won't talk to him but he's taken over the job of mowing the land for the father since it's a tough job for him. But that's a whole other matter. This blog is about Baron and his spiraling bad condition.
I'll keep you all posted. It's just so sad. I cried today while the Beast and I were talking about everything and I almost made the Beast cry, too. Please say a prayer or two that his passing will be peaceful and painless. Love you all. ***Hugs***
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