Friday, November 18, 2016

This Is A Shame.....

Today, Cee got a strange email from Babybrat regarding our plans to have Thanksgiving dinner together.  I gather she called Tara to tell her that she preferred to have dinner with us (her sisters).  We DO love her and enjoy her company.  Her short -term memory problems don't bother us and we don't try to force her to do things she isn't capable of.   But we guess her spending it with US ticked off Tara and  there must have been some kind of threat.  Because the email was really a kind of slander that we know did not come from Babybrat.

Babybrat said in her email that she  preferred not to spend the day drunk  (yes, she said it that  way)  and we only have a drink or two when we even go out to lunch.  Tara, however, when she stopped drinking, became a goody two-shoes and any of her family that has even one drink is an alcoholic.  Some people can never drink once they stopped or they will go back to their alcoholic infused days.  But others have no problem having a drink on  occasion and can go for weeks or even months without *craving* it.  

Unfortunately, we know that Babybrat will more than likely be left to her own devices at Tara's, rather than being a welcome guest at our get-together with Michael and Lucia.  All the while that Tara's boyfriend drinks beer after beer.  Tara likes to control everyone around her except, of course, her boyfriends.   At least, at first.  But his day will come.  Trust me on that part.  It's the reason she's been married (and divorced) so often.    The accusations will come and the guy will flee for his life, if he's smart.   The battle of wills will happen.

Babybrat is afraid because Tara controls HER funds and even the cigarettes that she gets.  If Babybrat doesn't do what Tara wants, she punishes her in different ways.  It's not bad enough that she has forced her to live on her own where she often forgets to eat.  She  can deny her food by not taking her shopping and even her cigarettes.  It's not like Babybrat has a lot to look forward to on her own.  She's mostly ignored by Tara since she interferes with her relationship with her boyfriend.  Tara likes having the money from Babybrat's SS disability, she just doesn't want her around.  Babybrat can't drive and her only means of getting out is through Tara (or Cee and I).

Thankfully, Cee lives closeby and can stop over on occasion to make sure there IS enough food in the house or to drop off a pack of cigarettes or two for her.  I'm just sayin'!

We will worry about Babybrat and if she is even encouraged to get herself some food on Thanksgiving.  She would be happier with us but, we can't do anything unless she wants it enough to say so.

Today, Baron actually got up on his front legs to stand but, of course, had to have help  getting up on his back legs.  The Beast actually managed that on his own.  He went out twice today and wanted to pee but still couldn't manage to poop.  The Beast went to Walmart and picked up some mineral oil to try giving him an enema tomorrow.  The Beast helped him lay down a little bit ago so he's down for the night now.  Still hanging in there but he even ate two pieces of chicken and some rice.  The chickens and Sassy finished up what Baron didn't eat but this is the most at one time that Baron has eaten in weeks.

Time for me to get some sleep.  I'm tired even though I did take a nap earlier.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

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