I'm not sure exactly why but I really think all the food I finally ate (and the really great banana bread the Beast made) and I was taking in ice water until the tips of my fingers were no longer wrinkled was a big factor. The shower felt wonderful. The shampoo was definitely needed and my scalp thanked me by staying tame even without me blowing it dry or *shudder* setting it in rollers. I just couldn't stand the idea of being the least bit uncomfortable when I was so tired.
This morning I woke up feeling like a new woman. I wasn't the least bit shaky, I was hungry but able to easily make myself breakfast. I finished folding the Beast's underwear that I had started before I was suffering from the lack of sleep due to the latex skin removal that had peeled off a good two inch circle of skin on my side. The side I usually sleep on. I couldn't find my paper tape so I could bandage it up until yesterday. It was the third or fourth thing I took care of once I showered. I slept like a calm, sweet tempered baby....LOL.
I know the Beast is feeling contrite because he's been underfoot almost all day long. He's gotten busy doing a few of the things I've been trying to get him to do (involving the deck and the front porch) and, thankfully, the weather is perfect outside today for him to be working in it. More about that later today in another blog.
Just keeping you posted and because I am feeling so good after the lousy few days I had. I wanted to share that with you.
Love you all. Take care. Mind the weather (it's gotten weird, hasn't it?) I can almost feel winter nipping at me. Not my favorite time of year. In fact, it takes last place....LOL. I'm just glad that our winters here are so mild, relatively speaking. Oh, and thank you for keeping my bff, Carol, in your prayers after I told you about the awful leg ulcers she was suffering with. They are healing nicely now and she's feeling so much better. She may not believe in the power of prayer but I do....and so do some of you, too. ***Hugs*** X 1,000.
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