Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Pleasant But Uneventful Day.....

As expected, Cee came over this morning to babysit me while the Beast was gone.  She came bearing gifts....two croissant breakfast biscuits from Burger King.  Since she woke me up, it was a nice treat.

I felt pretty good most of the day and we passed it by sitting outside while the weather was nice but retreated inside as it got hotter.  Later, we enjoyed our lunch of shrimp egg fu yung and watched the BBCA series Planet Earth.  They always do such a great job in their different documentaries.  Earlier, we had been watching some of the Shark Week programs and actually we both took  a nap while that was going on.

When she left at around  5: 15pm, we knew the Beast would be coming home soon, which he did about an hour later.  I was still resting since I started feeling a bit light headed and stayed laying down.  After the Beast got home, he regaled me with a review of some of the information he had learned (unsolicited, mind you) and I fell asleep again.   At least he left me alone but he left my door open to the computer room in case I had a problem.  Since I intended to sleep in my recliner, I closed the door when I awoke to use the bathroom and get some more ice water since I felt I needed it.

One thing I remember is that he has decided that the hens are more than likely laying eggs around the yard.  He is now going to keep them in the coop until after noon some time to encourage them to continue to use the nest boxes and he's going to search the yard and see where they are now hiding their eggs.  We know they are laying more than two eggs a day.  Cee is going to come over tomorrow to help the Beast search which I thought was sweet of her since I am not able to help out.  

I really hate feeling so useless right now but am also worried that I might actually have a serious heart problem.  I'm actually afraid to read up about heart murmurs and the problems and/or consequences.  I think the Beast is expecting me to die on him soon.  I'm stubborn, however, and I intend to live.  That possibility is the only reason the Beast would leave my door open since it then *drains* the AC from the rest of the house and makes it less cool.  I have my fan on exhaust but it still manages to pull some of the cool into my computer room and he complains about it.  Not that I care, really.  I enjoy the heat mostly, unless it gets very humid.  With as little rain as we've had recently, that isn't a problem.

I guess Johnnycakes has taken his vacation because the whole family is out of town enjoying themselves together.  The Princess said they were in Gadsden area today...more than likely camping around one of the lakes in the area.  I really envy them being able to do that.  At our age, it's a tough thing to manage without help.  She said they wouldn't be back until next weekend.

The girls are definitely attacking the rooster lately.  He may have to go after all.  If this keeps up, he's going to lose his crown entirely.  The feathers they pull out will grow back in but I don't think the crown will.  It looks just awful.  He was fine in the morning but by afternoon, he was bloody again.  I don't think our girls were meant to have a rooster around.  Maybe some hens just don't like to be mounted all the time...LOL.

The Beast had a surprise this evening when he went to put the chickens in their coop.  Instead of a bunch of them running for it when they saw him, only two showed up when he got to the door.  He looked around for the others and discovered they were all in the barn, waiting for their cracked corn treat before their bedtime.  It was just too funny!

That's all for today.  I am still tired so I am going back to, I  am not showering tonight.  I'll do that in the morning.  Right now, I feel the need for more sleep.  So good night, bless you all for reading my blog and I love you.  ***Hugs***

1 comment:

  1. I've had a heart murmur my entire life. I have to tell my doctors about it, and tell them all my previous doctors have said it's nothing to be concerned about. After they listen to my heart they tell me, "It's not a problem." Duh!

    Try not to worry. :)

