Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Just More Reasons To Hate Windows 10......

It turns out that my problem with reading the pics from my camera isn't with my reader.  It's with Windows itself.  It refuses to recognize the picture reader that goes with the camera so it won't recognize any pictures that weren't downloaded prior to my installing Windows 10 (albeit, not willingly) that requires that program.  I gather it's not compatible with it.  Just another thing I hate about it.  This is going to take some serious research so I can do this.  I am going to try downloading them direct from my camera and see if that makes a difference.  But who the hell knows?

I was reminded that I didn't really go into the reunion with my girlfriends and that's really kind of tough to do justice to.  We always have a great time together.  We laugh a lot, eat a few things, share some surprises and do a bit of gossiping.  The girls gave me a cute stuffed chicken, a book on chickens (the show type mostly) and generally gave me a hard time about raising chickens in my *old age*.  

The bartender that was at the bar when Cee and I got there remembered us girls (she was our server on that day last year) because of the *gal with the bitch necklace*.  Ahem.  I showed it to her and we laughed about that fact.  I've worn it for 27 years (I asked for it since I had always wanted one).  What was really cute was the girls found a tiara that says *Bitch* on top and put it on my head.  They all sprinkled this *stuff* on my head that was different colored tinsel cut into various sayings like...*Old fart*, different ages from 40-70, *Over the hill* as well as just different colors and shapes.  I was removing it from my body (including my breast area and lower) due to the sheer amount.  Marilyn, who seems to enjoy doing different things for us all every year, gave us each a box of different things like candy, nail polish, perfume samples, a note pad with hard cover that fastens, a really neat pen that I love writing with and more things than I can remember.  

Two of the other girls gave out bags of items we could select that had makeup cases, more perfume samples, hand lotions, etc.  One of the other girls gave everyone a lotto ticket with five different quick pick numbers.  She does this every year with the proviso that IF any one of us wins, we all go to Europe together.  It was fun but sure made me feel like a piker since I had nothing for the group.  I will have to think of something to do for next year.

At the end of our day (around  5pm this year since two of the girls had other appointments), Marilyn, Cee and I found a place to have dinner together since we weren't done visiting and we were hungry.  This was after the bartender (the one that remembered our group for my necklace), bought us all a shot for *the road*.  No one had much to drink (we seldom do) so we all had our shot and then left after tipping generously.  The afternoon and evening was great.   Poor Cee spent a lot of her time taking pictures on everyone's cameras...LOL.  She did it graciously and I think rather enjoyed everyone liking the pictures she took.

When Cee and I got back to our motel, we just plopped down on our bed and were pretty much ready to stay prone for the rest of the night.  

To make my girlfriend, Carol, less concerned, I am no longer dehydrated, do not have diarrhea (and haven't for a couple weeks now), haven't had an episode of light-headedness nor any episodes of falling down.  My sister, Bratfink, reminded me that she has had a heart murmur her whole life and has to tell each new doctor about it.  Their conclusions are always the same.....it's nothing to be concerned about.  I believe this will be true for me after my echo cardiogram is read.  If not, well, such is life and I will deal with whatever happens IF it happens.

The Beast made spaghetti for us today and it really tasted good to me.  I think I might have been spaghetti hungry.   I ate two big bowls of it (one for lunch, the other for dinner).  I am taking my medication as required and have to go see the gastroenterologist tomorrow afternoon.  I hope he has already heard about and checked the tests on my stool sample so I don't have to go through more damn tests that require that in order to get a prescription for my IBS-D.  I just hate going through that.

Well, I need to shower before the Beast gets home from his church meeting so I will close this for now.  I hope everyone had a great July 4th weekend and enjoyed the fireworks.  We heard them but didn't go.  Let's face it, at our age, we've seen that loads of times....LOL.  Besides, unless you are seeing them with little ones, it's just not as much fun.

Love you all.  ***Hugs***

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