Thursday, July 14, 2016

Phew! Glad That's Over.....

I woke up at 5am and took the final dose of the Prepopnik then drank the required doses of 8oz liquids.  I kept it simple and made it water.  But, let me tell you, I knew I was already cleaned out.  I was just leaking water....LOL.

The Beast dropped me off at Cee's at 7:45am and then left to meet up with his church group.  Cee was just making coffee and we both drank a nice, large cup of it with our (non-dairy) French vanilla creamer.  It was a nice touch before going for the dreaded colonoscopy.  I had no idea I suffered from what is called *white coat syndrome*.  It affects your blood pressure and the nurses assured me that it would be just fine because the anesthesia always makes your BP drop.  Mine was really weird.  182/80.  I was shocked at that but, it's true, even though they put you out before invading your privacy *down there*, I still dread it.

The doctor did find a polyp and removed it, cauterized the area and sent the polyp to the lab for testing.  He said it didn't look bad but he wasn't taking any chances.  He said he would call me with the report next week.  He also gave me a new prescription for my IBS-D....just in case what I have doesn't continue to work for me.  I thought that was really amazing of him to think of that.  

When he first came to check on me, I introduced him to Cee and she could see what I meant about his looking like a kindly grandfather.  I don't take easily to doctors but I trusted him almost immediately mostly because of the questions he asked me and the answers he gave me to MY questions.  I once worked at a medical center with a huge variety of doctors (and just as many personality types).  I was the assistant administrator and you would NOT believe how many patients ended up in MY office asking questions that the doctor should have answered.  It meant I had to interrupt the doctor to get answers for them and then explain it in language they understood.  I wished that several doctors practiced that instead of talking over their patients heads.  
So, when a doctor talks to me like I am intelligent and speaks in terminology that I can easily understand, he's a great doctor in my book.  He has a fantastic *bedside manner*, so to speak.

My appointment was for 10am but it was noon before I was taken in.  The nurses said that complications with other patients surgeries or procedures had set them behind (no pun intended).  I mentioned to the nurse as they were preparing to take me out of the recovery room area that it looked like I wasn't going to make the cardiologist appointment.  She stopped and asked the nurse at the desk to call him and tell him that and the reason why.  I was very grateful for that.  I just have to call him tomorrow to reschedule.

When Cee and I FINALLY got out of there and were at her apartment, she made us some delicious peel-and-eat shrimp that she seasoned and steamed.  I was so HUNGRY that it tasted twice as good to me (and it WAS delicious).  We finished eating shortly before the Beast came to pick me up and bring me home.

I immediately put on jammies and took a nap.  I slept for 3 hours and I was probably doing a lot of farting while asleep.  My tummy went down a LOT and the discomfort level was nil.

I still have some air that I have to dispel but at least it's not causing me a lot of discomfort any more.  It's like feeling a balloon losing it's air in slow motion.....VERY slow motion....LOL.  

Well, that's all folks!  I'm sitting here, eating a rather late dinner of a chicken pot pie, and I think I am going to have a problem getting to sleep.  I don't feel the least bit tired right now (and it's almost 9pm).  But I think playing my game will take care of that.  I already did my FB check and posted one serious post.  

The Beast's cousin, Butch, died this afternoon.  He was closer to the Beast (for most of his life!) than either of the Beast's true brothers.  The Beast broke the news to me and then said, *It's hard to believe there's a world without Butch in it now*.  I know this death hit him harder than his brother, Jim's, did.  RIP Butch.  You were much loved by your children, grandchildren, and the Beast.   ***Hugs*** I loved you, too.  

Love you all.  Be happy.  Be kind.  Be careful in this heat!  ***Hugs for all***


  1. Pass my condolences to the Beast on my behalf, would you? xoxox

  2. I did pass along your condolences to him. He said to tell you *Thank You*. He will miss Butch a LOT in the coming years.
