Monday, July 4, 2016

This Is Getting So Boring.......

If it weren't for the Beast having me fold clothes for him, I would be going totally nuts.  This staying stress-free obviously doesn't figure that doing nothing can be stressful, too.

At least Cee came over for a bit today although the Beast felt he had managed to check out the lawn and all the obvious hiding spots while he was doing the lawn.  The chickens amused themselves by chasing the mower around (the ones that didn't run for the coop)  and we got five eggs from the girls today.  However, idiot that he can be at times, the Beast, who was trying to do two things at once with five eggs in his hand, got the brilliant idea that it would be better to put an egg or two in his pockets.  Oh, yes, he put one in and broke it.  Which suddenly made him wake up to the fact that it was a truly dumb idea.

I spent a lot of the day wrestling with reinstalling my game from my CD.  Yes, I did get my DVD player to work for me....for a bit, at least but at least it got the game installed.  Sort-of.  I think it might not be compatible with Windows 10 but only time will tell.  It will break my heart since I love the game.  It was originally an Iwin game but the new game manager, that you can't avoid downloading, is now IPlay and it sucks.  It still wants to show my game as one I need to purchase but I found another way to play it the way it is supposed to be played.  It's just a PITA to have to do it each time.  Oh well.  It is what it is.  I'll eventually figure out how to get around the problem.

The Beast wanted to go out with his church group on Thursday but I am supposed to have my echo cardiogram then.  I told him to go ahead and plan on it and I would ask Cee if she could help out.  Maybe I will end up having to do something else since that's kind of early for her.  I need to be there at 9am.  But I shall find out tomorrow.

Meantime, I love you all.  Be good.  Continue to be kind.  We all need that in our lives.  ***Hugs***

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