Friday, July 15, 2016

Cee Baking Cookies.....

Cee called me today to see how I was feeling after my colonoscopy.  I thought that was nice of her to be so concerned.  She knew I was full of air from the procedure and was uncomfortable yesterday.  Today I felt great and even cooked for the Beast.

She told me she was making cookies for the kids since she was going over to Tara's house tomorrow to see them.  Tara has two of her other kids (their dad has custody of them) for a month and that's about the only way that Cee gets to see them.  Plus Keith and his girlfriend, Faith, will be there so it's a win-win situation for her.  

Bringing cookies is kind of her *signature* thing that she does for them.  She's known as the *cookie Grandma* and I think that's cute.  I told her to give them a hug for me and to tell Keith and Faith that I would love to see them.  She said she's going to tell them to come see me if they want eggs.  I laughed and said I had plenty if so.

Cracker Barrel is advertising *Mixed Grill* campfire meals and it looks so yummy to me.  Chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, all seasoned and cooked in aluminum foil over a fire?  Wow!  If they really do that, it has to be really great tasting.  I just wonder what the seasoning is....

Oh, I called the cardiologist and rescheduled my appointment for Wednesday at 2:45pm.  I am really curious about how a heart can have a difficult time resting.  I just hope he's the kind of doctor that will really discuss it with me.  You just never know about a new doctor.  He's the only cardiologist listed in the yellow pages.  When he's the only one, he could be abrupt and not forthcoming.  We shall see.

Other than that, the only news is that I finally got the blouse that I ordered over a year ago from a company online that I found on facebook.  At first, the Beast thought it was for him and was very confused but, when I took it out of it's wrapper, he could see that it was a woman's blouse.  LOL.  It's adorable and I really had wanted it for my trip in October of last year.  I couldn't believe that I didn't get it when they notified me that it was shipped to me in September.  I made an inquiry at my post office but it never showed up there.  It's taken several complaints to their main office before I finally got it.  The company is called Dresslily so be careful if you use them.  I know others have not had this problem with them but be warned.  They may disappoint you and you will have to go through what I did to finally get your order.

I admit I feel much better today than I thought I would.  I was really uncomfortable yesterday after the procedure was over.  I must have expelled all the air that was pumped into me during the night.  I know I burped out a lot of air in the evening.  I didn't know that I would do that.

Time to close and get this posted.  One piece of advice I would like to share with you that I found on Facebook:  

Holding anger is a poison.  It eats you from the inside.  We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us.  But hatred is a curved blade.  The harm we do, we do to ourselves.  Let it go.  Live a happy life without hatred.  Forgive even if the person doesn't apologize or feel remorse.  You can choose to live with hatred eating at you or at peace because you don't let it ruin your happiness.  It's your choice.

Love you all.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

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