Friday, July 8, 2016

Hot, Hot, Hot Outside......

Today it reached 92 degrees outside with a heat index of 107.  That's with humidity that was only 63%.  It could have been worse.  The Beast did take Baron out for his run but he waited until after 4pm.  He collected the eggs (9) and filled up their water bottle, which holds about 3 gallons of water.  It was almost empty and he had just filled it on Monday, I think it was.  But, in this heat we are having, it isn't a surprise that the girls and Freddy are drinking more water.  The cat sometimes joins them at their water trough, too.

Cee called me today and told me that Baby Brat was feeling sad and depressed so we decided we would take her out for a late lunch tomorrow and cheer her up a bit.  I'm sure she has been lonely, all alone in that apartment that Tara insisted on putting her.  Why did she want to be her guardian, get hold of the money paid and then get rid of her?  Poor Baby Brat has no way to get to her doctor's (and I doubt that Tara has even taken her although she is supposed to go in every three to four months).  She also has never seen a dentist since she has been here in Alabama and her teeth look it.  She has fillings that are on the face of her teeth that show wear and tear and need replacing.  Baby Brat is on a program that provides for dental care so what gives?

Tara does show up once a week to take Baby Brat shopping but that's all she does for control of all the money paid into Baby's account (and only SHE has the card to access it all).  Baby's needs are few since she is only able to nuke food when she gets hungry.  No one is there to make sure she eats regularly so her weight loss has become even worse than it has been.  My heart bleeds for her since she is so lost in many ways.  Due to her brain damage from all the mini-strokes she's had, she has severe short term memory loss.  That means her daily memory sucks badly but her long term (old memories stored before all the strokes) is okay.  She can recognize family members but can forget casual acquaintances easily.

Baby Brat can't remember to bathe herself and needs to be told that it's time.  She also has to be told to change into new, clean clothing because it's just not something she even thinks about.  I think Tara thought that this isolation would force Baby Brat to do more for herself but she really has no clue as to the severity of Baby's problems.  Not that Baby can help it.  She truly  is brain damaged to an extent that it's not correctable.  But Cee and I will be able to make her laugh and eat and have a drink.  Getting out of the house will be good for her, I'm sure.

About all  Baby Brat does is play games on Pogo.  Pogo is her only entertainment and it's a small price to pay each year to keep her happy and occupied.  She plays word games and a few others that are on Club Pogo (games without ads).  It costs just $40 a year.  I belong to it as well as Cee but I don't play often lately.  I've been too preoccupied with playing my Jewel Quest game.  BTW, we finally resolved the Jewel Quest 3 problem I was having with Iwin.  I have that game back as *owned* now.  *Grin*

Well, time to go shower and get ready for bed.  I haven't seen Baby Brat since we got back from vacation and it should be fun to spend some time together.  Love you all.  Stay hydrated and cool.  Be very careful out in the heat.  Spend time at a pool or lake but remember to  use a good SPF sun screen.  ***Hugs***  

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