Tuesday, July 19, 2016

I Get A Surprise Today......

This afternoon I got a big surprise.  It was a  package of meats...from one of the big companies that sells those different packs that have steaks, hot dogs, pork chops, etc.  I was floored.  It was a gift from my bff, Carol.  It has rib eyes in it, which made me think of Bratfink immediately.  Those are her favorite.  Anyway, it was a totally unexpected treat for me.  She can still surprise me with her generosity.

It was a weird kind of day for me.  First of all, the nurse for the heart doctor called and asked me all the questions that you usually have to fill out when you go to a new doctor.  She said she was putting all my answers on the computer so all I need to do tomorrow is bring all my medications with me and my ID and insurance cards.  Since I hate filling out all those forms that ask if you've ever had this or that and what surgeries you've had, it was a really nice touch as far as I was concerned.  It will make my visit tomorrow afternoon that much less of a pain in the ass.

Sweetie Pie came in today and even came into my computer room and sat on my lap for her loving and belly rubs.  Then she wanted back outside and even followed me into the chicken coop when I checked for eggs.  Only 8 today but they don't lay an egg every day.  The average chicken lays just 288 eggs a year.  That means they are allowed  80 or so days a year to *rest *.

When I scattered the cracked corn for the chickens, Sweetie knew that was the signal that she had to leave so she took a quick drink at the chickens water trough and then waited for me to leave.  When the last of the hens got into the coop area, I closed and locked the door and came back into the house.  Sweetie Pie didn't want to come in so I just gave her some fresh dry food and water and came in to put the eggs into the little container I keep on the counter.  Once I have a dozen (or more) eggs, then I put them into an egg crate and refrigerate them.

After that, it was fold the Beast's underwear and mate his socks.  Not an exciting day but it seemed to whiz by quickly.  That alone was weird.  I was busy all day long doing little things like dusting, watering plants and cleaning up my bathroom.

Time to post this and say goodnight to all.  I still have to shower before I go to bed.  Love you all.  Be happy.  It's Hump Day tomorrow, if that means anything to you.  I'm retired so one day is much like the next.  Only doctor's appointments make them different....LOL.  ***Hugs***


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