Friday, September 23, 2016

Great News!

The Princess got here, bright and early, to help the Beast get Baron into the car and then she accompanied him to the vet's office.  She helped get Baron out of the car then and stayed with him during the visit.  The vet took a stool sample to check for parasites, also some blood to check for heartworms, signs of infection and took his temperature.  He was running a low grade fever and the blood test showed a high white count (sign of infection).  His favoring his left hind leg was his arthritis.  But what was wrong with Baron is an unspecific infection (meaning he couldn't find the source).  

He gave Baron a shot.  Then he gave the Beast  five hypodermics filled with the same broad spectrum antibiotic to give a shot to Baron for the next five days.  He also gave him a special liquid *feeder* type hypo that he puts a pill into and some water to fill it.  He shakes it up until the pill is well dissolved (I noticed it does that easily), and he puts it into Baron's mouth until he swallows it all.  Luckily, Baron seems to like the taste of it.  A few drops fell on his paw and he licked those off quickly.  He gives that to Baron twice a day until the pills are gone.  BUT.....he told the Beast that if Baron showed no signs of improvement by 10am tomorrow, he was to bring him right back in.  I have no idea why and neither did the Beast but we shall see.

I've seen little signs of improvement but nothing major so far.  I'm hoping that by the morning, it will show much improvement when the antibiotic has had a chance to work.

I had to help the Beast get Baron out of the car when they got home but Baron actually went and pee'd plus he pooped before he came up the stairs (still having a difficult time but that's the arthritis, not the illness) and laid down.  Yes, he laid down.  No standing with his head down.

Dennis came over to the house to find out what the vet said about Baron and was relieved to find out it was an infection.  He said he would tell Diane so she would stop worrying.  The rest of our day revolved around trying to entice Baron to eat but he was sticking to drinking water.  He's sleeping soundly right now and was still laying on the rug, next to the Beast's recliner.  He never heard the Beast when he tried to call him into the bedroom.  Somehow, I think Baron didn't sleep well last night and is making it up tonight.  He will probably wake up later and move onto his bed in the Master bedroom.  It's a nice mattress and is more comfortable for his arthritic limbs.

Now that I am relieved, I hope I can get some decent sleep.  I sure didn't sleep well last night.  Love you all.  Thank you for any prayers said.  ***Hugs***

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